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* 汽油税每升从4分减到2分,总耗资7.3亿
* 多项进口设备免关税,总耗资3.45亿
* 战略航天和防卫激励金增2亿,汽车革新基金2亿,总耗资 4年4亿
* 林业支援,每年2千万
* 每月100托儿金随通胀调整,总耗资 每年5千万
* 对单亲和单收入家庭,每月100托儿金免税,总耗资 每年5千万
* 自雇可以买产假EI,一次性耗资1.47亿,随后从EI基金里出
* 老人 Age Amount Tax Credit 提高1000元,相当每位老人减税150刀,总耗资 4亿
* 第一次买房 5000免税额度,每年耗资 2.4亿
* 改善小生意税制,提高高税率门县,即收入增加不用交高税,增加终生capital gain exemption 总耗资2.2亿
* 加强环境执法,每年耗资2千2百万
--- 总共 4年 86亿7千万 cost。4年累计财政盈余预计80亿。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 哪位能把各党的纲领在这里贴一下,让我们这些新同学们了解一下?//不管如何,我之支持搞经济的,强烈反对搞福利。
    • 纲领理念和实际不是一回事。一边说是搞福利花钱。另一边说是不乱化钱,可开支涨幅一点也不小,钱都跑那去了?你反对那一边?
      • 那你们怎么选?总有东西让我读一读么?
      • 如果你各个政党纲领都不信任,或者主观只相信一个政党的平台,那怎么讨论问题。就跟我老婆一样,一个党给牛肉,说是为民着想,另一个党给政策牛肉,说是花钱买票,木办法了。这是手边报纸关于保守党昨天宣布的牛肉:
        * 汽油税每升从4分减到2分,总耗资7.3亿
        * 多项进口设备免关税,总耗资3.45亿
        * 战略航天和防卫激励金增2亿,汽车革新基金2亿,总耗资 4年4亿
        * 林业支援,每年2千万
        * 每月100托儿金随通胀调整,总耗资 每年5千万
        * 对单亲和单收入家庭,每月100托儿金免税,总耗资 每年5千万
        * 自雇可以买产假EI,一次性耗资1.47亿,随后从EI基金里出
        * 老人 Age Amount Tax Credit 提高1000元,相当每位老人减税150刀,总耗资 4亿
        * 第一次买房 5000免税额度,每年耗资 2.4亿
        * 改善小生意税制,提高高税率门县,即收入增加不用交高税,增加终生capital gain exemption 总耗资2.2亿
        * 加强环境执法,每年耗资2千2百万
        --- 总共 4年 86亿7千万 cost。4年累计财政盈余预计80亿。

        • 对!.... 不过,最重要的是,国家从哪里挣钱?!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛* 汽油税每升从4分减到2分,总耗资7.3亿


          * 多项进口设备免关税,总耗资3.45亿


          * 战略航天和防卫激励金增2亿,汽车革新基金2亿,总耗资 4年4亿


          * 林业支援,每年2千万


          * 每月100托儿金随通胀调整,总耗资 每年5千万


          * 对单亲和单收入家庭,每月100托儿金免税,总耗资 每年5千万


          * 自雇可以买产假EI,一次性耗资1.47亿,随后从EI基金里出


          * 老人 Age Amount Tax Credit 提高1000元,相当每位老人减税150刀,总耗资 4亿


          * 第一次买房 5000免税额度,每年耗资 2.4亿


          * 改善小生意税制,提高高税率门县,即收入增加不用交高税,增加终生capital gain exemption 总耗资2.2亿


          * 加强环境执法,每年耗资2千2百万


          --- 总共 4年 86亿7千万 cost。4年累计财政盈余预计80亿。

          不过,最重要的是,国家从哪里挣钱?!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 有好心斑竹或斑竹内掌柜帮我改下吗?第一个字就翻译错了,是“柴”油税不是汽油税。说明一下,保守党的政纲是花钱最少的,8.67B。查一下自由党NDP的政纲,都是几十个Billions,应该问问Dion 和Layton,国家从哪里挣钱
          • 收碳税, 主要来自西部的石油省, 占40%, 亚省的油沙商付这40%的大头, 这就是哈巴要提前大选的根本原因。 专家估计, 全受碳税, 联邦政府可得50-100 BILLION, 但 DION 的计划是不收零售石油的碳税的, 所以这个数要减去一部分, 但也足够这些开支了。
        • 哎,这块牛肉不好吃。

          • 哎,你这个就不对了,我们现在是讨论国家大事,以大局为重。眼光放远点,国家发达了,个人自然就受惠了么。
            • 完了。现在加拿大负债累累。要等国家发达,那还得过几个猴年马月啊。
      • 你说的对,还有人一边说是搞福利花钱,钱是收上去了,就不知道用哪了,扔水里还挺个响了,就看见公务人员猛涨工资,还罢工玩
    • 嘿嘿,你有时间GOOGLE一下吧,一大把资料。看你的说法,我觉得就保守党符合你的要求,保守党减税,减福利,向美国那边学习,努力私有化
      • 好好,保守党是个好孩子。在如今这个世界要生存就要打拼,别鼓励那些傻不拉几好吃懒做的。//怎么Google?你是这里的常驻版主啊?
        • 笑死啦,不是斑竹,但是比斑竹还斑竹,不要吓倒你了,嘿嘿。
          • 只是问问,怕什么,当年全Rolia的所有版主不分昼夜四处追杀我的时候也没有怕过 。。。
            • 嘿嘿,天呀,遇到老前辈了,握手握手
              • 好,好,以后天塌下来。。。
          • 那就是斑竹老婆内掌柜?OMG!
            • You got it! LOL.
            • 嘿嘿,我先自己下跑了
        • 笑死啦。傻不拉几好吃懒做们这几年也没少拿。不妨再心痛一下不知道超了多少Billion的战争预算。 当年马尔罗尼留下的300Billion的债务还背着哪。
    • 偶有一个各大党的竞选承诺
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CONSERVATIVES

      - 保守党的选举承诺就是 YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!

      - 在电视辩论上哈帕被问到对即将到来的经济不明朗有什么对策时, 他回答说 “你PANIC”, 他的对策就是 DO NOTHING!

      - 保守党政府的联邦财政部长Jim Flaherty 说, 他相信“无形的手” -- 自由经济, DO NOTHING!


      – A Guaranteed Livable Income supplement for the poor. No cost provided.

      – A new carbon tax of $50 per tonne and new taxes on toxic chemicals.

      – Forgive 50 per cent of student loans for successful graduates. No cost provided.

      – More money and research grants for post-secondary institutions that focus on renewable energy and conservation. No cost provided.

      – Shift consumption taxes to environmentally harmful products and services and away from income and products, activities that do no harm. No cost provided.

      – Cut corporate tax by $50 for each tonne of carbon-emission reductions. No cost provided.

      – Increase GST to six per cent to finance infrastructure improvements, with expanded exemptions on food, children's clothing and books. No cost provided.


      – "Green Shift" carbon tax on fossil fuels, offset by income and business tax cuts. Income tax cuts of up to 10 per cent. Cut the small business tax rate to 10 per cent from 11 per cent. Lower the corporate tax rate to 14 per cent by 2013. Overall, $90 million in lost revenue for the treasury over four years.

      – $70 billion over 10 years for municipal infrastructure.

      – $1.2 billion over four years to help farmers adjust to green technologies.

      – Restore the $3-billion contingency fund abandoned by the Conservatives.

      – Create $1-billion Advanced Manufacturing Prosperity Fund to help manufacturers retain and create jobs.

      – Add $350 to existing $1,200-a-year child-care allowance. Create a new supplement for the poorest families with children, worth $1,225 a year per family.

      – National daycare program with 165,000 spaces. $1.25 billion a year, fully implemented.

      – End military mission in Afghanistan in 2011.

      – Restore the Court Challenges Program and double budget to $6 million a year.

      – $50 million to upgrade Canada's food safety system.

      – $10,000 per household in refundable tax benefits for energy-saving home retrofits. $600 million.

      – More robust energy efficiency standards for building codes and home appliances.

      – $250 million over four years to curb the spread of the mountain pine beetle.

      – $250 million to modernize and "green" fishing vessels and protect fish stocks in Canadian and international waters.

      – $100 million to improve Canada's small-craft harbours.

      – $420 million over four years to help increase the number of doctors, nurses and medical technicians across Canada.

      – $900 million over four years to create a new plan for catastrophic drug coverage.

      – $500 million more a year for university-based research and a $100-million research fund for scientists, researchers and grad students.

      – A poverty plan to reduce the number of people living below the poverty line by at least 30 per cent and the number of children by at least 50 per cent.

      – Reverse the immigration measures brought in by the Conservatives and spend $800 million to help new Canadians and reduce the immigration backlog.

      – Bring back the Kelowna Accord and work with aboriginal peoples, provinces and territories to improve native health, education and housing. $2 billion.

      – Increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors by $600 a year for low-income seniors.

      – 200,000 student bursaries of up to $3,500 per year over four years, and guaranteed eligibility for $5,000 student loans, regardless of parental income.

      – Simplify the tax system for post-secondary students, providing most students about $1,000 a year.

      – Restore cuts made by the Conservatives to arts and culture funding and double the budget of the Canada Council for the Arts.

      – $75 million to bolster security at ethno-cultural centres and places of worship across Canada.

      – Restore $6 million in funding for Quebec's National Optics Institute.


      – A moratorium on expansion of Alberta's tarsands and requiring oil companies to reclaim land strip mined for petroleum production. No cost provided.

      – $8.2 billion over four years to create, protect and foster growth of "green-collar" jobs and manufacturing.

      – A "cap-and-trade" system to create incentives for big business to reduce their emissions. No cost provided.

      – Slash greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. No cost provided.

      – A price-monitoring agency to investigate price spikes and consult with provinces about regulations. No cost provided.

      – Cap credit-card interest rates at five per cent over prime.

      – Outlaw automated banking machine fees, saving consumers at least $104 per year.

      – $120 million a year in additional funding for women's groups.

      – $1,000-a-year grant to all undergraduate or equivalent students who qualify for student loans.

      – $1 billion over five years to expand medical and nursing schools, increasing the number of student spaces by 50 per cent.

      – $125 million a year to forgive student loans for medical-school grads who spend 10 years as family physicians.

      – $100 million for skills training and job creation.

      – Comprehensive review of Canadian banking regulations. No cost provided.

      – Income averaging for artists and a $20,000 annual tax break on income generated by copyright and residual revenue. No cost provided.

      – Scrap Canada-U.S. softwood lumber agreement within six months of forming government.

      – A new Ministry of Consumer Protection to investigate and prosecute gas-pump gouging and collusion. No cost provided.

      – $1 billion a year on a new catastrophic drug plan.

      – Reverse corporate tax cuts brought in by Liberal and Conservative governments, a move that would raise the rate to 22.12 per cent from 19.5.

      – A new monthly cheque of up to $400 that would replace three existing child benefits, including the Conservatives' $100-a-month cheque. A family with two children and an income of $75,000 would take in an extra $2,140 a year.

      – $5 billion over five years to improve health care, housing and infrastructure for First Nations communities.

      – $1-billion national home-care program for seniors.

      – A national child-care program calling for 220,000 spaces annually in the fourth year. It would cost $1.4 billion in the first year.

      – Raise $2.5 billion a year in carbon auctions and reinvest the money in public transit and other green initiatives.

      – Re-introduce a national minimum wage and immediately set it to $10 an hour.

      – Direct one cent per litre of federal excise tax on gasoline into public transit; $400 million a year.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 虽然我坚决支持保护环境,但Green听起来就像一帮学究,根本不会搞经济。
        A Guaranteed Livable Income supplement for the poor。穷人是这个社会的累赘。

        Forgive 50 per cent of student loans for successful graduates. 搞什么搞,这不是教人白拿?!要么就每个人都补贴,要么借钱就要还。This is SHIT.

        I will never choose GREEN. 环境问题在加拿大是最不重要的。我们有的是地方随便玩。