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Canon 正式承认5D Mark II 的两个问题:black dot, and vertical banding

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛具体参见


We have learned that some users of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II digital SLR camera have identified two types of image quality phenomena that appear under certain shooting conditions.

1. “Black dot” phenomenon (the right side of point light sources becomes black)
2. Vertical banding noise

We are currently investigating and analysing the causes, and examining measures to reduce or eliminate these phenomena by providing correction firmware. An announcement will be made on the Canon Web site when such measures have been determined.

Details of the phenomena and shooting conditions under which they are likely to occur are as follows.

1. “Black dot” phenomenon (the right side of point light sources becomes black)
When shooting night scenes, the right side of point light sources (such as lights from building windows) may become black. The phenomenon may become visible if the images are enlarged to 100% or above on a monitor or, if large prints of the images are made.
2. Vertical banding noise
If the recording format is set to sRAW1, vertical banding noise may become visible depending on the camera settings, subject, and background.

* Vertical banding noise is not noticeable if the recording format is set to sRAW2.
* Vertical banding noise does not occur if the recording format is set to RAW or JPEG.
* Noise can be reduced if C.Fn II-3: Highlight tone priority is set to 0: Disable.

...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / 这里有谁已经进了Canon 5D MarkII? 觉得怎样?价格如何?
    • 大多数人可能还在焦急等待中。价格不是 3,099 加币么?好像没什么变化了。已然有人发现 bug 了 ---- google: Canon EOS 5D Mark II Black Dot
      • 没错,Black dot和Vertical banding noise两个问题不容忽视。还是等几个月,到时价格质量都会稳定。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canon statement:
        To Owners of the EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR Camera

        Thank you for using Canon products.

        We have learned that some users of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II digital SLR camera have identified two types of image quality phenomena that appear under certain shooting conditions.

        “Black dot” phenomenon (the right side of point light sources becomes black)
        Vertical banding noise
        We are currently investigating and analysing the causes, and examining measures to reduce or eliminate these phenomena by providing correction firmware. An announcement will be made on www.canon-europe.com as soon as measures have been determined.

        Details of the phenomena and shooting conditions under which they are likely to occur are as follows.

        1. “Black dot” phenomenon (the right side of point light sources becomes black)
        When shooting night scenes, the right side of point light sources (such as lights from building windows) may become black. The phenomenon may become visible if the images are enlarged to 100% or above on a monitor or if extremely large prints of the images are made.

        2. Vertical banding noise
        If the recording format is set to sRAW1, vertical banding noise may become visible depending on the camera settings, subject, and background.
        ▪ Vertical banding noise is not noticeable if the recording format is set to sRAW2.
        ▪ Vertical banding noise does not occur if the recording format is set to RAW or JPEG.
        ▪ Noise can be reduced if C.Fn II-3: Highlight tone priority is set to 0: Disable.

        Canon apologizes for any inconvenience caused and thanks photographers for their patience.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 终于到手了。看网上争论 black dot 了很长时间,好像没有什么人因为这个问题 cancel order。
          • 30天之内不满意的话可以退.大家对5DII期待已久,真有问题再退不迟.黑点问题现在无一台机器幸免,佳能必须解决这个问题,否则夜景拍摄很成问题
            • 我的理解是,要真拍夜景并且追求图片质量(打印大片 16*20 以上),肯定上脚架而不会用太高 iso,而如果用 iso 100 就没有 black dot,所以应该算问题不大,对吧。
              • 相机在某ISO以上成像上出现如此致命错误,再比较高感的画质就已经失去意义.同时严重限制摄影者的拍摄范围和乐趣.在光线较弱的舞台夜景婚礼场面抓拍都要考虑高感性能,这个不是说用脚架减低ISO就可以接受,佳能必须重视此问题,其实类似问题无论出现在那个品牌都不能被忽视
                • 致命?像素点而已啦。真的光线特弱 / iso 特高就免谈画质了。下面这个 link 是 5d2 刚发布时的经典广告片之一 (图像和 hd 视频)。当时大家都觉得不错。现在发现也有 black dot -- 但真的那么严重么?况且谣言说 firmware 下周一就发布了。
                  • 真是不好意思,我们大概在谈不同的应用范围,对于如果一个婚纱摄影师在拍完婚礼照片要放大冲印时才发现有黑点问题的话,这就是致命的问题,当然普通网上浏览看看的话这都不用提了,但如果仅此又何必买全副呢?
                    • 哪儿有那么严重, 图片要放大到200%, 一个像素一个像素的才能看出来....
                      • 高ISO抓拍构图都无法过分讲究,很多需要裁剪,是实际会遇到的问题,在5DII这个价格的相机这问题是必须要解决,没有任何借口可以搪塞,有朋友要用5DII做备机,我劝他先等这个问题解决后再做决定.如果弱光不能抓拍,要全副5DII这么大CMOS干什么?xxD就可以了.
    • 今天去henrry's 去拿pro-ordered 的5D Mark2(定购价$2,7990, 被告知要按新的价格付款拿货, 要多付$300. 后来要送一个$99.99的memory card.店家不讲理了, 都说是佳能的错. 真的没理可讲, 唉.......
      • 你买了吗?新的价格?
      • 请问什么时候定的?是 online 还是 in store? thx
        • 我去Henrry's店内在十月份定的货, 订货价是$2,799. 现在价格是$3,099, 因为汇率的原因. 我不同意按新的价格付款, 所以没有拿到相机.
          • 唉,早知道就跟您一起到店里取货了 ---- 现在很多人排队等货,Amazon 上无良商家溢价 1,000 - 1,200 美金卖 5D2 body...
            • 这个相机我还是要买的, 只是要和henrry's make a deal. 这两天就会拿到手. 暂时放在店里而已.要多付$300多,心里很不爽.
      • 刚托在Canon Canada工作的朋友,他可以帮拿到CAD2828.67,这个价格如何?
        • 这个是body价,如果带EF24-105的镜头是3603.74
          • Yes, body only. I was thinking that's a fair price.
    • 要买5D II最好等等,现在用户发现很多问题,包括黑点,网格条纹等问题,还是等等看Canon如何解决吧。 另外,出了这么多问题,还有不错的Nikon D700施加竞争的压力,很快5D II价格会下滑的。二手市场上的5D II竟然有人敢叫价$3800, 可笑.
      • 这也是我在二手市场上的广告看到的!
        Brand new Canon 5D MK2 21 MP digital SLR in box with receipt from authorized dealer. $3800.

        sale-956172039@craigslist.org [?]
        Date: 2008-12-13, 7:05AM EST
      • Canon最近玩的不好,marketing除外(他的强项),50D 高ISO还不如40D, 5D II搞成2100万像素结果弄成这样,呵呵
      • 不想等也不可能啊... 谣言说现在订货拿到手可能得明年开春了... 关于降价,短期很难吧 -- 其实真正拍照的好像都不介意那几个 bugs;nikon 再便宜,因为镜头上的投入出加入尼也不太现实;全副的类似取代品毕竟不多。
        • 似乎Nikon专业级的镜头稍微比Canon的贵些,但综合考虑系统成本,未必Nikon的比Canon的贵
          个人比较看好Nikon D700, 聚焦点数比5D II 多很多,对拍运动中的对象很有用。另外,D700带内置闪灯, 有胜于无, 需要的时候还是很方便的, 而且可以作为master无线触发另外的slave闪灯, 人称 CLS (Creative Lighting System); 5D II根本就没有闪灯, 要无线闪灯,至少要另外添置两件东西, 要末580 EX II要末ST-E2 Transmitter, 另加一个闪灯作slave.

          另外, 感兴趣可以看看这个: 5D II vs Nikon D700高ISO比较,Nikon D700胜出,明显看出5D II将近2倍的像素数造成的问题,包括高噪音,banding


          据不少N用家说N家的镜头比C家的锐,但我的感觉是C家的Sensor出片分辨力比较高,所以成像结果就锐度来说两个系统基本持平。但从这个对比中可以看出Nikon D700 + Nikon 24-70 镜头比 Canon 5D II + Canon 24-70 镜头更锐利些,不知是否具有代表性.还有,Nikon 12-24这个镜头目前还没有相应的竞争对手,它的成像是很棒的.

          • 因为镜头上的投入出加入尼也不太现实 -- 我是指在镜头上已经有几千投入的人不会因为这次 nikon 比 5d2 便宜几百出加入尼...
            • 对新入DSLR的人就另外一回事了,现在全副就有三个选择,Canon, Nikon, Sony,选择任何一个都决定以后镜头上的投资,萝卜白菜就看自己的需要了
      • 关于质量的问题, 我想佳能应该不敢不给消费者一个说法, 毕竟是说数一数二的大厂家。 气愤的是凭空要多付出几百元,感觉消费者都被厂家和销售商强奸了。如果销售商能随意改变订货价的话,不知道有什么法律可以约束他们。区区¥300多又不值得请律师, 想想也只好认了吧。
        • 这个都争论到死了,只能认头了.人家以汇率变化为理由,现在加币这么弱,也算合理,否则美国人都从加拿大买了,美国的零售商没生意了.美国市场大好多,不能丢,否则Canon损失就大了.生活在加拿大很多时候就是无奈.
        • Canon市场做的好,5D2卖点多,大家关注太多。其实,5d2发现的质量问题,在Canon其他中低档机身上也发现过,这次没有改善,大家好像就给夸大了很多。但5d2毕竟是中档机,大家也别太要求完美。
    • 买了一台5Dmark2, 发现一个Dead Pixel, 答应给换一台新的. 其他方面看起来great, love it!
      • 说明一下, dead Pixel 是在感应器上, 属于质量问题。
      • 价格如何?哪里买的?
        • Herry's , $3099
    • Canon 正式承认5D Mark II 的两个问题:black dot, and vertical banding
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛具体参见


      We have learned that some users of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II digital SLR camera have identified two types of image quality phenomena that appear under certain shooting conditions.

      1. “Black dot” phenomenon (the right side of point light sources becomes black)
      2. Vertical banding noise

      We are currently investigating and analysing the causes, and examining measures to reduce or eliminate these phenomena by providing correction firmware. An announcement will be made on the Canon Web site when such measures have been determined.

      Details of the phenomena and shooting conditions under which they are likely to occur are as follows.

      1. “Black dot” phenomenon (the right side of point light sources becomes black)
      When shooting night scenes, the right side of point light sources (such as lights from building windows) may become black. The phenomenon may become visible if the images are enlarged to 100% or above on a monitor or, if large prints of the images are made.
      2. Vertical banding noise
      If the recording format is set to sRAW1, vertical banding noise may become visible depending on the camera settings, subject, and background.

      * Vertical banding noise is not noticeable if the recording format is set to sRAW2.
      * Vertical banding noise does not occur if the recording format is set to RAW or JPEG.
      * Noise can be reduced if C.Fn II-3: Highlight tone priority is set to 0: Disable.

      ...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 时间过得真快啊,上次缘续园聚会时听你侃5DMarkII已经是两年半以前的事了。
      • 是啊,时间真快,还记得你2006年夏天一起去摄影时你5D的非凡的表现效果。听永安说你还是这么勤奋拍摄,令我汗颜,这不,只能在器材上找找平衡。放假有机会找永安,非物质一起坐坐聊聊。
    • 中国人发现的5D MKII 新"毛病":. daylight black dots
      用 5d ii 照出这种照片? 用个10元相机就够了。