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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我参与了长三角涉外服务一体化障碍调研课题。长三角经济一体化源自1982年中央政府驱动的“以上海为中心建立长三角经济圈”,经过20多年的发展变化,长三角地区已成为中国发展最快的经济增长极、世界级制造业基地以及制度和机制创新的活力区,也已成为国际公认的第六大城市群。调研目的是为促进长三角区域内资源、要素、人才、产品自由流动以及工业、金融、贸易、投资等开放型经济各方面协同发展,区域内相关省市经济职能部门通过协调、缔结合约或协定等方式,实施共同政策与措施,推动长三角区域经济对外开放协同发展。通过调研可以看出,长三角行政区域和部门条块分割是涉外服务一体化进程中的主要障碍。区域内各地根据行政区域发展实际,对国家统一的产业发展政策和区域扶持政策在理解和执行时产生差异,政府条块分割的管理模式影响长三角整体规划、产业布局、资本流动和物流发展。为破除障碍,报告建议:一是构建政府协商决策机制。建立由商务部、海关总署、国家质检总局、国家税务总局、中国人民银行外汇管理局等国家部门和沪苏浙组成的长三角涉外服务决策委员会,共同制定确立长三角区域涉外经济发展规划,制定涉外服务合作框架等。二是建立区域协调执行机制。建立由两省一市政府分管领导及涉外经济服务部门组成的长三角涉外服务执行委员会,下设秘书处,负责两省一市涉外服务管理工作研究,落实涉外经济发展规划,就长三角地区涉外服务突出问题组织磋商,提出解决方案,综合协调涉外服务各方利益关系。三是建立区域绩效评价机制。建立由两省一市政府综合部门、涉外服务部门、专家学者、企业及中介机构组成的咨询委员会,统一两省一市涉外服务部门政绩评价标准,定期开展区域涉外服务效能监督评价,向决策委员会和执行委员会提出优化意见和建议,促进政府职能转变。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 一个朋友认为我在加拿大住了几年英语一定很地道,把一篇硕士论文的片断让我翻成英文,简直急了我一头汗,不知有没有哪位大侠可以伸下援手,感激不尽。机构名称可以不用翻译,他会自己找。哎。。。先谢谢了。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我参与了长三角涉外服务一体化障碍调研课题。长三角经济一体化源自1982年中央政府驱动的“以上海为中心建立长三角经济圈”,经过20多年的发展变化,长三角地区已成为中国发展最快的经济增长极、世界级制造业基地以及制度和机制创新的活力区,也已成为国际公认的第六大城市群。调研目的是为促进长三角区域内资源、要素、人才、产品自由流动以及工业、金融、贸易、投资等开放型经济各方面协同发展,区域内相关省市经济职能部门通过协调、缔结合约或协定等方式,实施共同政策与措施,推动长三角区域经济对外开放协同发展。通过调研可以看出,长三角行政区域和部门条块分割是涉外服务一体化进程中的主要障碍。区域内各地根据行政区域发展实际,对国家统一的产业发展政策和区域扶持政策在理解和执行时产生差异,政府条块分割的管理模式影响长三角整体规划、产业布局、资本流动和物流发展。为破除障碍,报告建议:一是构建政府协商决策机制。建立由商务部、海关总署、国家质检总局、国家税务总局、中国人民银行外汇管理局等国家部门和沪苏浙组成的长三角涉外服务决策委员会,共同制定确立长三角区域涉外经济发展规划,制定涉外服务合作框架等。二是建立区域协调执行机制。建立由两省一市政府分管领导及涉外经济服务部门组成的长三角涉外服务执行委员会,下设秘书处,负责两省一市涉外服务管理工作研究,落实涉外经济发展规划,就长三角地区涉外服务突出问题组织磋商,提出解决方案,综合协调涉外服务各方利益关系。三是建立区域绩效评价机制。建立由两省一市政府综合部门、涉外服务部门、专家学者、企业及中介机构组成的咨询委员会,统一两省一市涉外服务部门政绩评价标准,定期开展区域涉外服务效能监督评价,向决策委员会和执行委员会提出优化意见和建议,促进政府职能转变。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 呵呵,看来是要花些时间。不过您这“长三角”是什么东东?
      • the delta of Yangtse river
        • yupe, I said "the Delta of Changjia River", 为避免重复,我想简称DCR好些,否则那个短语要重复若干次。头大。你不是要帮本公子一把。
    • 翻这些东西最头疼了, 以前我姐总是把同事啦, 朋友的简历拿来给我翻, 不是医生的就是学什么地下水利的, 矿山的, 翻得我头都大
      • 是啊,他们以为住在国外英语一定不得了,翻译东西就像指什么说什么那么厉害,唉,看来你深有同感。要不帮一把?
    • 没办法,自己动手了。这是我翻的第一部分,哪位愿意指正一下。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This year I participated in the project of research on the barriers of the integration of foreign services in the Delta of the Changjiang River (DCR). The economic integration of in the Delta of the Changjiang River results from the establishment of the economic circle of DCR with Shanghai as its hub which was initiated by the central government in 1982. Having developped and changed over the past two decades, DCR already becomes the areas with the fastest economic development in China, the world-class manufacturing industry base and the most active area in formulating new regulations and system. Also, it’s internatinally recognized as the sixth biggest city group. The project of research and study aims at promoting unrestrained interflow of goods and materials, human resource and cordinated development of the open economy in the field of industry, finance, commerce and investment. The involved economic departments at municipal and provincial levels implement common policies and practices by coordinating and signing contracts to give impetus to the harmonious development of economy and opening to the outside of DCR. The research shows the major barrier in the process of integration of foreign services in DCR is the seperation of administration and organization.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 后边呢? 第一句我翻成I have participated in a research project on analysis of barriers to provide full range of services for international corporations in the Delta Area of Changjiang River. . 不过, 听起来象做鸡. 唉.....
        • 做鸡??? LOL, how come? anyhow, this is my complete version for that part. I sat up till 1:30am to do this shit. If you're interested, please make your suggestions, I will appreciate.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This year I participated in the project of research on the barriers of the integration of international services in the Delta of the Changjiang River (DCR). The economic integration of in the Delta of the Changjiang River results from the establishment of the economic circle of DCR with Shanghai as its hub which was initiated by the central government in 1982. Having developped and changed over the past two decades, DCR already becomes the areas with the fastest economic development in China, the world-class manufacturing industry base and the most active area in formulating new regulations and system. Also, it’s internatinally recognized as the sixth biggest city group. The project of research and study aims at promoting unrestrained interflow of goods and materials, human resource and coordinated development of the open-type economy in the field of industry, finance, commerce and investment. The involved economic departments at municipal and provincial levels implement common policies and practices by coordinating and signing contracts to give impetus to the harmonious development of economy and opening to the outside of DCR. The research shows the major barrier in the process of integration of international services in DCR is the lack of cohesion of administrative areas and organizational layout. Due to different situations of development in each administrative area, there is difference in the interpretation and application of the industrial development policies standardized by the country and the regional promotion policies. The lack of cohesion in the government management constrains the integrated planning of DCR, the industrial layout, the circulation of capital and the development of physical distribution. To eliminate the barriers, the report suggests:
          First, to establish government policy coordinating system, to set up the decision-making committee of DCR which consists of 商务部、海关总署、国家质检总局、国家税务总局、中国人民银行外汇管理局等国家部门和沪苏浙, which jointly formulate international economic development plans in DCR and the network of international service cooperation.
          Second, to establish the regional implementation coordinating system, to set up the executive committee of international services chaired by specifically-designated chiefs and the international service departments of the two provinces and one city in DCR, whose secretariat is responsible for the research of international service management, the implementation of the development plans of international services, the organization of consultation regarding the hot issues of international services in DCR and their solutions, the balance of interest of all involved parties in international services.
          Third, to establish the performance and efficiency evaluation system, to set up the consulting committee chaired by the government departments involved in international services, specialists and researchers, enterprises and agencies, who standardize the criteria of performance evaluation, periodically carry out supervision and evolution of the efficiency of international services, make suggestions on optimization to the decision-making committee and the executive committee, promote the innovation of government function.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Here is another part. I wish people may kindly give me some help. Thx.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛随着中国加入WTO,公务员的素质、政府的管理水平和办事效率都成为影响中国参与世界竞争的重要因素。而在全球经济一体化的趋势下,政府必须按照国际惯例办事,这就要求政府转换职能,提高效率,更好地迎接挑战。作为一名公务员,必须适应这种转变,才能更好的履行职责。我坚信,通过MPA学习能帮助我全方位提升公共行政领导能力。首先,它能帮助我树立如何服务的理念,政府如何适应社会需要,如何提供优质的服务,这也与目前我国政府从管理型向服务型转变的目标相一致。其次,它能帮助我使用各种理论工具和方法有效解决问题。通过学习MPA先进的分析方法及多样化的案例课程,我相信在面对各种真实场景时会更加从容不迫。第三,它能帮助我更好应对多元环境中的复杂挑战。随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,国与国之间交流、摩擦甚至冲突会越加频繁,而通过与其他国家学生交流学习,能帮助我从多个不同角度思考,从而做出更加合理的决策,提升多元环境下的领导能力。我希望通过学习,能够成为政府公共管理领域的专业化人才。

      China’s entry to WTO lays more importance of government officials’ qualification and administrative efficiency on it’s competition with the world while the global economic integration obliges the government to act in accordance to international standards, to innovate it’s function, increase it’s efficiency in order to confront challenge in a better position. An official must be prepared for the innovation to better fulfill his/her responsibilities. I believe, the program of MPA will help me improving my competence in public administration in all regards. First, it will help me to learn how to serve, how the government meets the needs from the society, how to provide quality service. It is also consistent with the goal of the government to change from administration-oriented to service-oriented. Second, it will help me to put theories and methodologies into the practice of solving problems more efficiently. The advanced analysis methods and the diversified case study will give me more confidence to deal with various actual situations. Third, it will enable me to better deal with complicated challenges in a multidimensional environment. The momentum of global economic integration increases not only communication and exchanges but also conflicts. By exchanging experience from students from other countries and learning from each other, I will be able to perceive things from different ways, make more reasonable decisions, and improve my leadership skills. I wish I would become an expert of public administration in the government.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 好奇问句, 你朋友要学的这个是英语授课的吗?
        • 呵呵,你说对了
          • 那你做好准备, 小心以后他要你帮写作业, 代考试.
    • 建议用Google的Language translate先翻译一下,然后再慢慢改。
      • 以前试过,译出来像堆乱麻,完全是对着字译的,不管用。