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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛============== version 6 ================
Mr. Toastmaster, Fellow members and welcome guest,

(do not read this sentence) I knew I had imagination but it was lost

Like all kids, when I was young, I had a lot of imagination. To fly, to go to outer space, to visit the stars. With imagination, I felt happy.

I could not remember when I did not imagine any more, but one day when I looked back, I found that the space craft existed already. What else should I imagine? My real life became an eat-work-sleep repetition every single day. Imagination was not part of my life anymore, and instead, boringness, pressure, and work were together with me. And I was not alone, not in the minority.

Suddenly I found others still had imagination and it was so beautiful

That was when my kids were watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry. When Tom chases Jerry and runs into the wall, you see a hole in the shape of Tom. That is an imagination about the power of the hit.

When Tom is smashed by a door, you see him become a tapestry hanging on the wall. A couple of minutes later he crumples down to the ground and becomes alive again. That is an imagination about the strength of the action and the reaction.

I feel happy again when thinking about such imagination, and my happy imagination came back again.

Xxxxxxxxxxx I plotted, carried out, then presented to bring my imagination into reality

With my imagination, I presented a song called Fairytale this way,

The first half of the lyrics describes the reality that the singer, a guy, loves a girl deeply and always tries everything to make her happy, but the girl always feels sad and doubts the consequences are good. The singer and a girl dancer evolve a lot of subtle emotions like happy, hurt, and pain when the guy tries to convince her and to comfort her.

From the middle of the song, the guy cries out, with his dreams, he describes the bright future and the consequence of them.

A prop piano, a symbol of romance, is put on stage. The piano opens into two halves and coming out is a male dancer wearing a pair of wings and stuns the audience into silence. The dancer and the girl dance the future. The agile, quick and beautiful movements, jump, and lift tell the audience in modern ballet vocabulary about love, support, trust and promise. The audience see that the male dancer opens his arms turning to wings to guard the girl, see their happiness and joyfulness, and see the blissful consequence at the end just like the princes and the princesses in the fairytales.

It is a touching moment when we present the singer’s imagination, his dream on the stage by our imagination -- prop piano that can open, the angel wearing wings, modern ballet, Sad then happy, reality then future, appear in turns on the stage in the same song.

Another song tells about a girl she thinks she finally grows up. She is excited that she finally is free like flying.

We imagine how the audience feel if the girl suddenly flies above the stage from the middle of the song when she sings

See me fly, I ‘am proud to fly up high

And she spins in the sky when she sings

Believe me I can fly, I am singing in the sky.

As an audience, how would you feel? Wow! Fantastic! I’m moved! It’s a miracle! How can the girl fly?

How? It is creative and full of imagination. Behind a prop mountain is a lever, big one. When the girl steps on one end, she is raised up. With a big fan and dry ice, the audience sees her fly above the mountain and it is very breathtaking.

Plot, carry out and present imagination with imagination, that makes me really moved and I am really eager to see how you present yours.

Mr. Toastmaster. 更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 【英文演讲】Imagination。急切期盼大家的帮助,详细内容见内。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛改到第5版已经掏空了,却发现只顾着写故事了,还没有达到要求。这篇演讲的要求
    1。用准确的词来描述。---- 这个急请大家在某处加上几个比较漂亮的词(比方心情的描述,操作的描述,感觉的描述),让我的描述更准确。
    2。要求用到修辞手法,比方排比,比方比喻,比方拟人,比方押韵(头韵尾韵都行) ---- 这个我也想不出来。你能帮我想什么都行,贴在我演讲的某处,体现一下就行。


    ============== version 5 ================
    Mr. (Madam) Toastmaster, Fellow members and welcome guest,

    I knew I had imagination but it was lost (-- no read)

    Like all kids, when I was young, I had a lot of imagination. To fly, to go to outer space, to visit the stars, those were all my imaginings. With imagination, I felt happy and happy.

    I could not remember when I did not imagine any more, but one day when I looked back, I found that the space craft existed already. My imaginings came to reality and I found I had no more imagination. What else should I imagine? My real life became an eat-work-sleep repetition every single day. Imagination is not part of my life anymore, and instead, boringness, pressure, and work were together with me. And I was not alone, not in the minority.

    Suddenly I found others still had imagination and it was so beautiful (read)

    That was when my kids were watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry. When Tom chases Jerry and runs into the wall, you see a hole in the shape of Tom. That is an imagination about the power of the hit.

    When Tom is smashed by a door, you see him become a tapestry hanging on the wall. A couple of minutes later he crumples down to the ground and becomes alive again. That is an imagination about the strength of the action and the reaction.

    I feel happy again when thinking about such imagination, and my imagination came back again because we need imagination to move ourselves and others.

    I plotted, carried out, then presented to bring my imagination into reality

    With my imagination, I presented a song called Fairytale this way,

    The first half of the lyrics describes the reality that the singer, a guy, loves a girl deeply and always tries everything to make her happy, but the girl always feels sad and doubts the consequences are good. There are a lot of subtle emotions like happy, hurt, and pain when the guy tries to convince her and to comfort her. The guy sings

    You tell me that you do not believe the fairytale any more, and that I am not your prince. You might not understand since you told me you love me, my sky, the stars become glows. BUT, my heart is broken when I see you sad. Tell me why you are so miserable, I care about you.

    From the middle of the song, the guy cries out, with his imagination he describes the bright future and the consequence of them,

    I wish to be the angel that you love, with open arms turning to wings to guard you. You need to believe that we will have our happiness and joyfulness at the end just like the princes and the princesses in the fairytales.

    Sad then happy, reality then future, appear in turns in the same song. It must be a touching moment if we present the guy’s imaginings on the stage by imagination.

    A prop piano, a symbol or romance, is put on stage. For the first half, the singer and the girl present the blue reality, they are together but the girl tries to escape now and then. Then the piano opens into two halves and coming out is a male dancer wearing a pair of wings and stuns the audience into silence. The dancer and the girl dance the future. The singer, says, this is the future I promise you.

    Another song tells about a girl she thinks she finally grows up. She is excited that she finally can fly, freely.

    We imagine how the audience feel if the girl flies from the middle of the song when she sings

    See me fly, I ‘am proud to fly up high

    And she spins in the sky when she sings

    Believe me I can fly, I am singing in the sky.

    It’s fantastic. We can make use of a prop mountain and put a lever behind it. When the girl steps on the lever, she is raised up. With a big fan and dry ice, the audience sees her fly above the mountain and it is very breathtaking.

    Plot, carry out and present an imagining with imagination, that makes me really moved.

    Mr. (Madam) Toastmaster. 更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 小手托脸,什么也没穿
      • 形容冷。记得还有单腿跪地这一个动作,当然即便这样也不忘打心眼儿里给大家拜年。
    • didnt you just quit rolia? you back even quicker than bro cow.
      • 演讲是正经事儿,是例外。
        • YES ,INDEED,欢迎兄长继续在论坛,嘿嘿
    • 抄来的, 可以给你应急
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛排比: Everyone can be, do or have whatever they want by imagination, no matter who they are, no matter where they come from, no matter what they do.

      比喻: Be your own genie and grant yourself unlimited wishes.

      Did you ever see a llama, wearing pink pyjamas?
      Did you ever see a goose, kissing a moose?
      Did you ever see a whale with a polka-dot tail?
      Did you ever see a bear, without any hair?
      Did you ever see cat, wearing a hat?
      Did you ever see a hare, brushing her hair?
      Did you ever see a turtle, wearing a girdle?
      Did you ever see a Quail, missing his tail?
      Did you ever see a Fox, carrying a box?
      Did you ever see a Mouse, sweeping out her house?
      Did you ever see a Snake, barbequing a steak?
      Did you ever see a dog, taking a jog?
      Did you ever see a bird, speaking a word?
      Did you ever see a bug, drinking from a mug?
      Did you ever see a cow with a green eyebrow?
      Did you ever see a bee with a sunburned knee?
      Did you ever see a moose with a loose front tooth?
      Did you ever see a bear, in his underwear?
      Did you ever see a whale with a polka dot tail?
      Did you ever see a fly wearing a tie?
      Did you ever see a bear combing it's hair?
      Did you ever see a flower taking a shower?
      Did you ever see a teacher kissing a creature?
      Did you ever see a goat sailing a boat?
      Did you ever see a snake baking a cake?
      Did you ever see a hog walking a dog?
      Did you ever see a dog dancing with a frog?
      Did you ever see a bat kissing a cat?
      Did you ever see a moose shaking it loose?
      Did you ever see a toad running in the road?
      Did you ever see a dog dancing with polliwogs?
      Did you ever see a horse riding in a Porsche?
      Did you ever see a witch digging a ditch?
      Did you ever see a room clean by noon?
      Did you ever see Earth shaking with mirth?
      Did you ever see a plant eating an ant?
      Did you ever see a man recycling a can?
      Did you ever see a sprout come up with a shout?
      Did you ever see an oak wearing a cloak?
      Did you ever see a bike carrying Mike?
      Did you ever see a goose drinking apple juice?
      Did you ever see rats wearing silk hats?
      Did you ever see beans as big as submarines?
      Did you ever have a time when you couldn't make a rhyme?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢,至少第一个排比我可以用。其它的我得斟酌一下,看放哪儿比较合适。请大家多给些啊。
    • 笑死啦,嘿嘿,不过兄长他说今天退出,现在是下午,还没有到明天了,所以,他也不算食言了
      • (#5006441@0)
    • PM你的想法也行。
    • 顶啊
    • 【我对着天空说,帮我!】【我对着大海说,帮帮我!!!】
    • 又要忙考试,又要忙演讲。第六版,定稿了,明天开始背了。好困啊!Rolia啊,快形成演讲的气候吧,我们需要互相帮助。我的在此,请指点。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛============== version 6 ================
      Mr. Toastmaster, Fellow members and welcome guest,

      (do not read this sentence) I knew I had imagination but it was lost

      Like all kids, when I was young, I had a lot of imagination. To fly, to go to outer space, to visit the stars. With imagination, I felt happy.

      I could not remember when I did not imagine any more, but one day when I looked back, I found that the space craft existed already. What else should I imagine? My real life became an eat-work-sleep repetition every single day. Imagination was not part of my life anymore, and instead, boringness, pressure, and work were together with me. And I was not alone, not in the minority.

      Suddenly I found others still had imagination and it was so beautiful

      That was when my kids were watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry. When Tom chases Jerry and runs into the wall, you see a hole in the shape of Tom. That is an imagination about the power of the hit.

      When Tom is smashed by a door, you see him become a tapestry hanging on the wall. A couple of minutes later he crumples down to the ground and becomes alive again. That is an imagination about the strength of the action and the reaction.

      I feel happy again when thinking about such imagination, and my happy imagination came back again.

      Xxxxxxxxxxx I plotted, carried out, then presented to bring my imagination into reality

      With my imagination, I presented a song called Fairytale this way,

      The first half of the lyrics describes the reality that the singer, a guy, loves a girl deeply and always tries everything to make her happy, but the girl always feels sad and doubts the consequences are good. The singer and a girl dancer evolve a lot of subtle emotions like happy, hurt, and pain when the guy tries to convince her and to comfort her.

      From the middle of the song, the guy cries out, with his dreams, he describes the bright future and the consequence of them.

      A prop piano, a symbol of romance, is put on stage. The piano opens into two halves and coming out is a male dancer wearing a pair of wings and stuns the audience into silence. The dancer and the girl dance the future. The agile, quick and beautiful movements, jump, and lift tell the audience in modern ballet vocabulary about love, support, trust and promise. The audience see that the male dancer opens his arms turning to wings to guard the girl, see their happiness and joyfulness, and see the blissful consequence at the end just like the princes and the princesses in the fairytales.

      It is a touching moment when we present the singer’s imagination, his dream on the stage by our imagination -- prop piano that can open, the angel wearing wings, modern ballet, Sad then happy, reality then future, appear in turns on the stage in the same song.

      Another song tells about a girl she thinks she finally grows up. She is excited that she finally is free like flying.

      We imagine how the audience feel if the girl suddenly flies above the stage from the middle of the song when she sings

      See me fly, I ‘am proud to fly up high

      And she spins in the sky when she sings

      Believe me I can fly, I am singing in the sky.

      As an audience, how would you feel? Wow! Fantastic! I’m moved! It’s a miracle! How can the girl fly?

      How? It is creative and full of imagination. Behind a prop mountain is a lever, big one. When the girl steps on one end, she is raised up. With a big fan and dry ice, the audience sees her fly above the mountain and it is very breathtaking.

      Plot, carry out and present imagination with imagination, that makes me really moved and I am really eager to see how you present yours.

      Mr. Toastmaster. 更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 今天有空, 根据你的改写了一下, PM你了参考. 别当真. 肯定是一堆错误. 你的例子可能有点不好懂.
        • 千恩万谢啊。你的比我的顺多了,基本都采用了。请你吃饭了,哈。
    • 到昨天仍然背不下来,所以今天早上改成第9版,没办法照顾语言了,只能迁就自己讲话的习惯,做了很大的删改。没办法,下个礼拜的PMP考试都可能fail了,实在没精力在这个上边。但是,今天我竟然顺利地讲了下来。给自己鼓掌!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛当然,质量不很高。OK啦,我还在学习嘛。有进步就好。贴这儿,一是感激帮我修改的几位网友,二是希望形成一个气候,咱们共同进步。

      ============== version 9 ================
      Mr. Toastmaster, Fellow members and welcome guest,


      Like everyone else, when I was a kid, I had a lot of imagination, to fly like a bird, to go to outer space and to visit a distance star.

      I couldn’t remember when I could not imagine any more, but one day when I looked back, I found that the space craft had already existed, that left me much less room for imagination. And my mind was also filling up with boringness, anxiousness and working pressure.

      But suddenly I found that others still had imagination and it was so beautiful.

      That was when my kids were watching Tom and Jerry, the cartoon. You know, when Tom chases Jerry and crashes into the wall, he creates a hole in the shape of himself. That is a good imagination about the power of the hit.

      When Tom is smashed by a closing door, he becomes a tapestry hanging on the wall. A couple of minutes later he crumples down to the ground and becomes alive again. That is an imagination about the strength of the action and the reaction.

      I felt overjoyed with the cartoons. The wonderful feeling brought by imagination came back to me again.

      With my imagination, I presented a song called Fairytale on the stage this way,

      First, the singer and his girl friend evolve a lot of subtle emotions like happy, sad, and pain. That is because the singer loves the girl deeply and always tries everything to make her happy, but the girl, though loves him as well, always feels sad and doubts that their consequence are good.

      Then from the middle of the song, the guy cries out, with his dreams he tries to show her a bright future and the good consequences of them.

      To create such an atmosphere, a prop piano, a symbol of romance, opens into two halves and coming out is a male dancer wearing a pair of wings and stuns the audience into silence. The dancer, representing the singer in his dreamful future, dances the future with the girl. The agile, quick and beautiful movements like jump, lift show the audience in modern ballet vocabulary about love, support, trust and promise. The audience see that the dancer opens his arms turning to wings to guard her, the audience see their happiness and joyfulness, and the audience see the blissful consequence at the end just like a prince and a princess in a fairytale.

      It was a touching moment when the singer’s imagination, his dream was presented on the stage by our imagination.

      Can you as an audience imagine how you would feel if you see them fly away above the stage at the end of the song? Wow! Fantastic! I’m moved! It’s a miracle! How can they fly?

      How? It is creative and full of imagination. Behind a prop mountain is a lever, a big one. When they walk to and step on one end, they are raised up. With dry ice and a big fan blowing, the audience see them fly above the mountain and it is very breathtaking.
      Plot, carry out and present imagination with imagination, that makes me really moved and I am really eager to see how you present yours.

      Mr. Toastmaster.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net