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The worst is yet to come. Bye bye USA and "O Canada".

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The office is, again, unusually quiet today despite Friday. Everyone deliberately keeps silent – the good news is no news. I don’t think many American people still go to AMC on a regular basis, but for sure they all know “Silence is Golden”. I guess such an office atmosphere is now common across all companies in USA although it seems to be against American office culture. Aren’t Americans arrogant and fond of fussing? How long have people in other corners of world not seen Americans lower their heads and become humble?

Economy is in deep recession, Wall Street is hammered, and job market is plunged. The worst is yet to come – who told you that economy has hit bottom? “I rather believe that an abysmal economic downturn is right ahead of us so that I will not be misled and can be better prepared”. Buffett’s “be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful” becomes a joke in portfolio investment when current stock market has virtually turned into a financial black hole sucking all institutional and individual investors in.

I don’t blame Wall Street’s half-assed analysts. I turn to my personal financial pocket, fumbling for coins of life security – oh, my God, can’t believe it – there are still three coins there, don’t you worry – Job, UI/EI, and personal savings. But don’t get excited too early! The first line of life security, job, is actually in danger as company is burning out cash and has difficulty in securing additional funds. The second line, UI/EI – oh, shit, I hate myself – why I should have come all the way to work in this stupid state of California whose government is about to go to Chapter 11. The final line, personal savings – what a disappointment! Total amount in all bank accounts has just surpassed 5 digits.

What the fxxx! What if I lose job and am unable to get EI from US/Canadian government and eventually run out of that limited amount of savings?

I start sweating …

Hey, hold on a second! I am a Canadian citizen. Don’t you worry!

Oh, Canada, my motherland! I recall now you are my motherland because I am currently in despair. You offer such excellent benefits to your citizens, and I am proud to be a citizen of yours! and, oh, it is time now to learn how to sing “O Canada …” as I have never learned.

I find I have been whistling “O Canada …” already.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / The worst is yet to come. Bye bye USA and "O Canada".
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The office is, again, unusually quiet today despite Friday. Everyone deliberately keeps silent – the good news is no news. I don’t think many American people still go to AMC on a regular basis, but for sure they all know “Silence is Golden”. I guess such an office atmosphere is now common across all companies in USA although it seems to be against American office culture. Aren’t Americans arrogant and fond of fussing? How long have people in other corners of world not seen Americans lower their heads and become humble?

    Economy is in deep recession, Wall Street is hammered, and job market is plunged. The worst is yet to come – who told you that economy has hit bottom? “I rather believe that an abysmal economic downturn is right ahead of us so that I will not be misled and can be better prepared”. Buffett’s “be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful” becomes a joke in portfolio investment when current stock market has virtually turned into a financial black hole sucking all institutional and individual investors in.

    I don’t blame Wall Street’s half-assed analysts. I turn to my personal financial pocket, fumbling for coins of life security – oh, my God, can’t believe it – there are still three coins there, don’t you worry – Job, UI/EI, and personal savings. But don’t get excited too early! The first line of life security, job, is actually in danger as company is burning out cash and has difficulty in securing additional funds. The second line, UI/EI – oh, shit, I hate myself – why I should have come all the way to work in this stupid state of California whose government is about to go to Chapter 11. The final line, personal savings – what a disappointment! Total amount in all bank accounts has just surpassed 5 digits.

    What the fxxx! What if I lose job and am unable to get EI from US/Canadian government and eventually run out of that limited amount of savings?

    I start sweating …

    Hey, hold on a second! I am a Canadian citizen. Don’t you worry!

    Oh, Canada, my motherland! I recall now you are my motherland because I am currently in despair. You offer such excellent benefits to your citizens, and I am proud to be a citizen of yours! and, oh, it is time now to learn how to sing “O Canada …” as I have never learned.

    I find I have been whistling “O Canada …” already.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Good one.
    • 嘿嘿,现在知道了吧,还是加拿大好。我有一哥们
      • 加拿大的雪好。
    • 你这是在开玩笑还是在吓我们?能用英文写出如此文章的人都从美国打道回府加拿大了,那我们还去个屁美国啊。顺便问
      • 加州很爽.那四季灿烂的阳光晒得人有点晕,于是梦开始了.加拿大公民大把持TN在这上班.可是
    • WOW! 写这么长的英文. 难得. 佩服. 坚持就是胜利. 二零零八年, 我公司给贱卖, 太太公司破产了. 不过经过一年的提心掉胆, 总算还在做一天和尚撞一天钟. 希望美国不倒,我挣它钱,希望加拿大好,在那养老,希望中国强大,永远的祖国!
      • 多谢CUP兄的捧场.其实我很幸运,与身边认识的人相比,太太和我的工作算安全稳定. 叹世道不好,以许多中国人的聪明勤奋能干,尚为一份工作奔波或忧心.此文纯为上班无聊
    • 我也是加拿大公民,也有美国绿卡,如果失业了回到加拿大,能拿到EI吗?
      • No, you never paid the premium like rest of us, which is deducted from pay.
        • why not? 美国和加拿大之间不是有tax treaty吗?
          • 你有没有交EI你不清楚吗?
            • 你懂不懂tax treaty?
              • 笑死人,Tax treaties跟EI鸟关系也没有.什么鸟都不懂还好意思讽刺别人,懒得理你这种人
          • EI has nothing to do with tax treaty. EI is governed by state and province, not federal government.
            • the funding is from federal, but the term is defined by state
          • tax treaty是只管收钱,不管发钱的。
      • 据说是可能的,以前在哪里看到过有人拿过
    • 写得太好了,太有意思了。
      • 这哥们是有点逗,严肃中透着诙谐。汗颜,汗颜,白在北美读了那么多年书,我是整不出他那样的英文。
    • “O Canada …”
    • 再赞美一下,你真有才!!!
    • 最后赞美。你太有才了。。
      • 又看了遍自己写的.说实在话,我都糊涂了-您老这是在赞美还是讽刺?赶明儿因两头(加拿大和美国)不沾边而申请不到EI,向您要去.Anyway,现在大形势不好,大家能因此偷闲开心开心,所写的就达到目的了.
        • 真心赞美。。你哥们是这个坛子里英文文学水平最好的,语言丰富,用词准确,诙谐幽默,读起来如高山流水,清新自然。 这是一种享受。。。
          • ED兄才是真正高人. "文学(literature)" 二字点出我们小至行文大至为人应有的严谨态度. 能得到ED兄如此抬举, 我抬头望天, 感觉加州的阳光更加灿烂明媚, 虽然 "Tomorrow is JUST another day".