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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Filing Status-------- The rules for filing status are different for resident aliens and nonresident aliens. Resident Aliens -----Resident aliens can use the same filing statuses available to U.S. citizens. See your form instructions or Publication 501 for more information on filing status. Joint return-----Generally, you can file a joint return only if both you and your spouse were resident aliens for the entire tax year, or if you make one of the choices discussed in chapter 1 to treat your spouse as a resident alien for the entire tax year.Nonresident Aliens: If you are a nonresident alien filing Form 1040NR, you may be able to use one of the filing statuses discussed below. If you are fil- ing Form 1040NR–EZ, you can only claim “Single nonresident alien” or “Married non- resident alien” as your filing status. Joint return.------- Generally, you cannot file a joint return if either spouse was a nonresident alien at any time during the tax year. However, nonresident aliens married to U.S. citizens or residents can choose to be treated as U.S. residents and file joint returns. LINK Page 20,Page 5更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 先生TN 在美工作,已是第三年, 报税一直是按single,我是加国PR,听说家属若申请 ITIN#就可以省税,IRS上找到一个agent能帮助申请ITIN,但要有我俩美国的tax return, 可我在美没报过税,agent说我先生按single报税是criminal, 真的吗?象我没有tax return 怎样办ITIN?谢谢
    • 注明: 我先生没有申请non -resident,我知道省下的税还要交给加拿大政府,但是至少我们可以通过买RRSP 退回来,所以很想在美国的税方面有更多的tax credit. 谢谢
    • UP! UP! UP!
      • 不用找人花钱办理,填税表时同时填一张W-7,表上会有说明需要什么证明材料.
        • 谢谢, 你是说我报美国税的时候吗?我先生在美国工作的这3年里,我从来没有报过美国税, H2Block 的人说我没有ITIN和SSN,不能给我报税,现在我想知道报税和ITIN好像是互为因果的关系,没有ITIN不能报税,没有报税return不能申请ITIN,真是不知道怎么办?快点帮帮忙吧。谢谢哦
          • 首先你先生在报美国税时填写夫妻联合报税,填上你的名字,但是ITIN号栏目空着..
            • 太感谢了, 还想问一句, 申请ITIN, 填好W-7后,还要个人信息的support document,要求最好是护照,还有notarized or certified copy, 那我的护照复印件的公证在加拿大的公证机关公证行吗?还是非要到美国认可的机构公证?谢谢
              • 我给孩子申请时是在美国.请银行帮我在护照复印件上盖个钢印,IRS就认可了.银行不收钱,但我给了些小费,在美国图书馆也有这种服务.我认为你可以用你现有的公证COPY,如果他们不认可会再向你要的,钱不会少退,只是时间会久一点.
                • 你是否在这个银行有帐户? 象我没有账户的人, 给他们出示护照原件, 银行能否帮这个忙? 如果可以的话,我可以过美国一趟办这件事.谢谢
                • 如果我今年拿到ITIN#, 前两年的tax credit 能否请IRS review 然后退给我们前两年的tax credit? 美国也象加拿大似的有个几年的期限,在期限内双方都能review 以前的报税的东西吗?谢谢
                  • 不退前两年的tax credit, because你老公select按single报
                    • 好像不对。P519 says that you can file Amendment within 3 years from the date you file your original US return. Read the "Amended return" section
                      Refer to the "Amended return" paragraph in "NonResident spouse treated as a Resident" section:
              • 加拿大的公证机关公证 行!!!
    • 这是连接。所有你需要的信息都在里面。你老公不会看这些???
      • 哎,别说这些了,他什么也不看,只是工作,一切事情不管,快累死我了.
      • 不知道在美国工作的朋友你们每年怎么报税? 都是自己报吗?我先生每年都在H2 Block 报税,$300/年,今年是第三年,遇到了一个便宜的,$220, 真是,也不学报税,就把材料扔给人家,掏钱了事。嫩否介绍介绍美国报税的软件,让我们也学着自己报。谢谢
        • 我有一个朋友第一年是在 H&R Block 报,第二年就自己报,使用TurboTax软件。我自己今年打算也使用这个软件报。这个软件使用起来比较简单。我理解,有很多的人就是太懒,但是自己报的确很累。但是一年也就一次,多报几次熟悉也就好了。。
        • IRS网站上有一些报税网站的链接,好多Adjusted Gross Income 低于多少的是免费的。很多州政府的网站也有免费的报州税的软件。我们去年买的Turbo Tax,挺好用的。今年还准备用。只买联邦税的,去年好像是二十块钱。
          • 你是说保州税的用那个免费的软件, 报联邦税的用这个$20的软件,是吗? 还是想我们加拿大的quicktax似的,一个软件能把联邦和省的税都报了?谢谢。
            • turbotax有联邦和州税都报的版本,贵一些就是了。我们所在的州政府有免费的网上报税软件,我们就只买报联邦税的版本。
              • 谢谢.
          • 请问你们报税是按file married jointly,还是 file married seperately?IRS的人告诉我这两种方法的tax deduction 是不同的,前者要汇报world wide income, 后者不用,但是后者的tax deduction 少。我也没了主意,应当是按哪个报啊?真够复杂的
            • 大部分情况是,两个人合着报核实,但是每个家庭不完全相同,没有一个统一的答案。需要自己做一些试验,进行验证,找到自己的保税方法。
    • 听着好像你住在加拿大你老公住在美国,如果是这样,你老公在美国报税应该按single报。。。
      • 是的,你是说我们这种情况只能按single报吗?那声么情况我才能有ITIN?是不是我一定要使TD?
        • 如果是夫妻,即使不住一起也可以有ITIN,我的ITIN是在领事馆申请的,但是孩子因为不是加国或墨西哥公民,所以是到了美国后才可以申请ITIN.300刀报税也太贵了,我找CPA也就100.用TURBOTAZ(免费版)走一遍,什么都清楚了.
          • 我也不是加国公民, 那是否我也要去美国后再申请?另外"去美国后"是什么意思?是不是说我要长期住在美国?我有B1/B2,经常去美国小住, 可不可以通过邮寄我的申请到IRS美国办公室呢?
            • 我是说孩子(不是加国或墨西哥公民)如不住在一起就不能申请ITIN,夫妻即使不住在一起(不管是什么公民)都可以申请联合报税.(我拿中国护照至今,八年前就申请了ITIN).
              你先让老公在报税时填写夫妻联合报税,ITIN号空着,但是填写W-7,其实这个就代替了ITIN.你可以按照你的理解寄去证明材料,IRS在审核了你的材料后,会给你一个ITIN.如果他们认为材料不够或不合格,他们会写信告诉你要补充什么证明文件.如果你们实在不愿上网看IRS的政策,就花钱找一个CPA报税,然后请他回答你们所有的问题.但至少你要自己做做功课,想清楚该问什么.找CPA在NJ的价格大概是100左右,但我绝对不相信H&R BLOCK,他们不能处理特殊CASE.
              • 谢谢, 我会建议我先生找CPA 今年,昨天打电话已经取消了H&RBlock, 今天去把材料取回来。太感谢你的帮忙。我先生在CT,不知道这个州的CPA 收费怎么样。
              • 今天给IRS打了电话, 象我这种情况有2个报税方法: filed as married jointly 和 filed as married separately. 各有优缺点。
                Filed as married jointly: 缺点是要汇报全球收入,对我不利,因为我有加拿大的工作收入。优点是standard deduction is $10900.00
                还要填Form5121 foreign income, 夫妻都要sign a statement (jointly tax return)

                Filed as married jointly: 优点是不用报我的加拿大的收入,只报我先生在美国的收入。Tax exemption is $3500/人,standard deduction is $5450.

                • UP! UP! UP!
                • I have same situation like you and I was doing "Married File seperately" during the past several years. It's much simpler and I don't know if I can really save more money if I choose "Married file Jointly" since my wife is working in Canada.
                  I'll do some research this year to see if it's worth switching to "Married File Jointly" for this year.
                  • 我也认为我的情况应该按照married seperately 报税。今天的客服也是这样说,如果按照married jointly, 我没有多少税可退,因为我有加拿大的收入。
                  • If you filed as "Married File seperately", does you wife need to file US tax return or only Canadian Tax return? Also if you need to fill in Form 8840? Thanks.
                    • 1. No, the spouse in Canada doesn't need to file US tax return. 2. I never heard of this form 8840 so I believe I don't need to file it.
                      • 你是否已经申请加拿大的NON-RESIDENT?如没有,报加国税的时候,是否美国退的税要全部交回或部分加拿大呢?因为若是全部交回就没有什么意义了.另外
                        如果按seperately报的话,还要填其他的特殊的form 吗?象jointly要填Form 2151, 夫妻还要一起SIGN 一个Statement声明一下。谢谢帮忙
                        • For Canadian tax, you could buy RRSP to avoid paying the money you saved in US tax return back to Canada. There's no other special form you need to file, just file your own 1040 normally.
                          • 如果我们用seperately的形式报税的话,我也要填1040吗?是不是只是我先生报1040就行了?另外,你知道在加拿大那里可以公正护照复印件?
                            1. Issueing agent or official custodian of original reocrd, 我理解就是中国驻多伦多领事馆。
                            2. US notary public, 我现在在加拿大,过美国去公证有些远。
                            3. foreign notary as outlined by the Hague Convention. 目前我还没有找到公证机关属于这个“海牙公约”的。
                            • 1. Correct. if file seperately, you don't have to file US tax return. 2. I don't know the answer since she never filed tax in US before.
                              • 奥,你是说filed as married seperately, 你太太不需要申请ITIN,也就不需要公正护照的复印件了,对吗?急急急
                                • That's what I meant.
                                  • thanks
              • MyLG works in US the whole year in 2008, my daugher and me live in Canada (Canadian Citizen). Can any one help in my situation ....
                1. Can LG file as married seperately and claim my daugher as a dependent by applying ITIN? 2. I have canadian incom, do I need to file US tax return if my LG files as married seperately? 3. What's the difference if my LG claim me as dependent? (I need to apply ITIN and file US return)
        • 是的。问题不在有没有ITIN,问题在于你不住在美国。即使你有ITIN,由于你不住在美国,你也不能用ITIN来申请夫妻合报,这是税法规定的。
          • 同意这个.
          • 哪里有这一条规定?我怎么不知道?多谢多谢
    • 你现在不是申请ITIN#的问题,因为你LG现在是TN在美国,你需要在美居住超过183天才附合夫妻合报的条件,
      如果你LG已经有GC,那又是另一种解释,因为美国稅法中第 6013 条規定配偶中只要有一方是绿卡或公民,尽管另一方是外籍居民,在稅法上仍可视作美国居民对待,在报稅上享有省稅优惠.所以现阶段,如果你想以夫妻合报,就要先住在美国,ITIN#申请不是个问题,填张W7和税表一起交上去就搞定了.
      • 真的吗?那我刚刚打电话给IRS,我还强调我一直住在加拿大,我是否qualify 申请ITIN, 接电话的女士很耐心的告诉我可以,还告诉我2种方法报税以及他们的区别。OOPP朋友,能否给各连接说明你的183天的事情。万分感谢。
        • .......
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Filing Status-------- The rules for filing status are different for resident aliens and nonresident aliens. Resident Aliens -----Resident aliens can use the same filing statuses available to U.S. citizens. See your form instructions or Publication 501 for more information on filing status. Joint return-----Generally, you can file a joint return only if both you and your spouse were resident aliens for the entire tax year, or if you make one of the choices discussed in chapter 1 to treat your spouse as a resident alien for the entire tax year.Nonresident Aliens: If you are a nonresident alien filing Form 1040NR, you may be able to use one of the filing statuses discussed below. If you are fil- ing Form 1040NR–EZ, you can only claim “Single nonresident alien” or “Married non- resident alien” as your filing status. Joint return.------- Generally, you cannot file a joint return if either spouse was a nonresident alien at any time during the tax year. However, nonresident aliens married to U.S. citizens or residents can choose to be treated as U.S. residents and file joint returns. LINK Page 20,Page 5更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • IRS网上有关于什么样的人可以申请ITIN, 我觉得我属于第3或第4类, 我的理解对吗?着急ing
        1.Non-resident alien filing a U.S. tax return and not eligible for a SSN
        2.U.S. resident alien (based on days present in the United States) filing a U.S. tax return and not eligible for a SSN
        3.Dependent or spouse of a U.S. citizen/resident alien
        4.Dependent or spouse of a non-resident alien visa holder
      • 好像不对:Please refer to the "Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident" Section in Pub 519. You can treate the non-resident spouse as Resident and file tax jointly.
        • 你本人是按照resident or non-resident 报的税?
          • 我先生报税使用Form 1040, 我是不是应该按照Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Reside?今天的IRS的客服用时这样说的。对吗?
            • It's your choice, you can choose either way.
            • 对,如果你认为对你有利的话。
          • 我已经被resident, non resident, non resident spouse treated as a resident 搞糊涂了。那位朋友给说说他们之间有什么区别,对于报税有何影响?按说我先生和我都应该是美国的non resident, 因为我们都是加拿大的resident.这样理解对吗?
            • Read LINK Page 5 please.
          • I field as resident.
      • 你从哪里找到这样的规定?我怎么没有印象?
      • 我今天给IRS的客服打电话,问了这个183天的问题,他们说没有这个说法. 是2个客服都这样说.电话215-516-2000
        • 怎么还没完没了地在讲这个话题?
          当年我LG一个人在美国,H&R BLOCK/州的税务衙门/公司的秘书都跟他说他只能报SINGLE.他直接去问IRS,得到可以报Married filling jointly, 这是因为"Nonresident alien or dual-status alien. A joint return generally cannot be filed if either spouse is a nonresident alien at any time during the tax year. However, if one spouse was a nonresident alien or dual-status alien who was married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien at the end of the year, the spouses can choose to file a joint return. If you do file a joint return, you and your spouse are both treated as U.S. residents for the entire tax year. See chapter 1 of Publication 519. 见LINK.我当时不在美国,ITIN是在领事馆申请的.之后多年,我都没有去美国,但我LG每年都是用married filling jointly报税,我们也得到过这方面的退税.所以我认为联合报税肯定合法,但是是否划算要因人而宜.因为:1.联合报税时,一方如果没有SSN#,是不能得到政府一次性的退税.(比如去年一个家庭好像可以退1200刀,我们就没有拿到);2.另一方的国外收入理论上也要上报.
          • 那我可不可以用filled as married seperately 报税呢?另外可不可以我们今年按照filled as married seperately, 明年按照filled as married jointly ?就是说这个报税类型可不可以变呢?还是一旦选择了,就不能变?
            • 这是你的自由。你可以选任何一种报税方式;联合或单独。
            • 完全可以变,每年都可以不一样。比如,去年选了联合报税,今年可以选独立报税。
            • Once you choose "non resident spouse treated as a resident" and file tax jointly you have to suspend the choice if you want to file it seperately in the future. Once you suspend it at that time, you no longer be able to choose it again after that.
              This is the part I'm not 100% sure if I understand correctly and it's why I was doing filing seperately in the past several years.
          • 麻烦问这里提到的resident是税务上resident 吧.跟有没有Greencard两回事?
            • 是税务上的resident, 跟Greencard没关系.
              • 怎样定义税务上的resident 和non resident? 看了以下网上的说明,英文也太绕了,能否请用中文说一下?感谢!
          • 你说的句句在理,没法驳倒你。多谢多谢。
    • 有一点似乎都没提.对一人在美国,一人在加工作的人,可以file jointly, then claim foreign income exclusion. In this way, the one works in usa can claim family deduction while the income earned in canada is exclusive from the usa tax. Use form 2555