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My feeling is your clematis is in a good shape. Some species will grow slower/smaller than others.

You should be able to find the name from the original pack.

If it's group 3, prune it hard now, this week, or before the end of March. New shoots will bring a lot of flowers.

If it's not group 3, prune it hard now, this week, or before the end of March. For the young clematis, it's better to encourage more branchs from the base and it will be more dense (more flowers) when it's grown up. The worst is to lose this year's bloom. But it's really worth of it.

Be sure the soil is alkaline. Otherwise, any fertilizer will be wasted. If it's acid, it needs to be amended with a little bit limestone.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 问77石针等各位养花的大狭,我想今年在朝西的窗子前面种爬藤玫瑰
    • 关于修剪铁线莲,我贴了一个链接。
      一般植物第一年种下,总是要时间修复的,所以俺以为存活更重要,期望不能太高。我自己前两年因为过分花痴,总是把它们移来移去,也呜呼了不少。不过,通过观察也学习到一些关于它们的习性。比如有的不能太晒,有的不能太吹风,有的很皮实,什么什么的。嘿嘿 我没有修剪过我的铁线莲,而且因为那个位置风很大,冬天对它的伤害比较严重,夏天发展的也不是最好。别人的第三年就好漂亮了,我的还是在developing的阶段呢。祝你的花花长得越来越好。
      • 谢谢::) 我以前没有养过花,去年买的这株应该是棵小苗 ,种的时候施了一点底肥,但是长势不好,到了深秋的时候才终于开了仅有的几朵小花,今年我准备给他搭个小架子。希望能长好些。看你的回帖我今年就不打算修剪,给它时间修养声息:)
        • 铁线莲,小苗第一年就开了几朵花,已经很不错了。种这种花一定要知道它的名字和group。对于group 3的,一定要在每年这个时候剪枝。我前两天刚剪过。


          • 我的应该是这一种吧
            • My feeling is your clematis is in a good shape. Some species will grow slower/smaller than others.
              You should be able to find the name from the original pack.

              If it's group 3, prune it hard now, this week, or before the end of March. New shoots will bring a lot of flowers.

              If it's not group 3, prune it hard now, this week, or before the end of March. For the young clematis, it's better to encourage more branchs from the base and it will be more dense (more flowers) when it's grown up. The worst is to lose this year's bloom. But it's really worth of it.

              Be sure the soil is alkaline. Otherwise, any fertilizer will be wasted. If it's acid, it needs to be amended with a little bit limestone.

    • 玫瑰是要长日照,强光照才能花开的好,阳光越足花越好
    • 我的房子朝西 夏天阳光不是一般的强 我想象着种爬藤玫瑰,等到枝繁叶茂花团锦簇的时候也能帮我遮阳嘻嘻!无限憧憬中,希望春天快点到来:)
    • 再问问 有没有好的品种的爬藤玫瑰推荐的?!
      • 你到这个网站去找,把你的要求和喜好输入进去,符合条件的都会出来,如果在多伦多记得zone<=5,越小越耐寒。另外,如果是Disease Resistant会比较好养。
      • 补充:Section选6. Climbing Roses
      • 如果你喜欢大红,好像BLAZE IMPROVED 比较好养,而且花开起来很多很满。我去年心动过,但因为心动得太晚了,没有买到。
        • 请教:中国的月季英文都叫Roses ,问题是凡是Roses 都是月月开花吗?那么蔷薇英 文叫什么?好像以前爬藤的都叫蔷薇,是蔷薇每年都只开一次花,(这里的不知是否 有何不同?也能像月季一样月月开花吗?)
          • 你这么专业的人还来问我啊,我啥也不知道,只知道跟风,哈哈。我家的rose有的一年开3次,有的是花开不断,分不清开多少次。
      • Sorry, no answer. I cannot tell which finger I like the best.
    • 是看了这个连接,我才蠢蠢欲动想种玫瑰,要种到这样繁茂要很多年吧,给大家上个连接
    • 谢谢上面的几位,心里有一点谱了:)
    • 我对玫瑰没有什么心得,建议你夹一棵紫藤,和喇叭花,这样春夏秋都有花看
      • 请问两种花儿的英文名字?
    • 也想知道紫藤的英文名字,还有你说的喇叭花是草本的还是木本的。看见你宝贝的照片了真可爱!
      • 喇叭花是Morning glory,草本,他的最大缺点就是只有早上开花,如果你是上班族,早上出发的时候花还没有开,回来的时候花就谢了
      • Wisteria, see link pictures. I like it too, but it can grow to be really big over years, you might want to take space into consideration. I have a small yard. I can only drill in front of the pictures. ;P