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1. 50 min should be okay, but depends on ur luck. anyway is not a big issue. 2. u will enter US logically when u check in in YYZ airport. so be sure you have time to catch the flight in toronto.

3. there is no more immigration check-in at O'Hare airport. 4. return the I-94 form (i can't remember exactly the number) to airport staff when you are onboarding leaving Chicago.5. u can bring ur laptop with you. u may need run it in front of security check. usually u only need to get the notebook out of ur bag and let the x-ray machine check it. no too much trouble. 6. O'hare airport is the biggest airport so be sure u walk fast enough to transfer between terminals (there is train to take). suggest u visit the website to get familiar with the map. Good luck and safe trip!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请教各位DX有关从美国/CHICAGO转机回国的问题。如何办理出/入关手续,50分钟是否来得及办理转机。我记得ROLIA上曾经有人办过的,好象还有海军陆战队的照片
    具体行程是10点15从多伦多起飞,11点7分到CHICAGO(航班1009);11点55再起飞(航班851),下午2点35到北京,都是当地时间(回家咯)。UNITED AIRLINE,因为是24号以前,来回票是1175。




    • 只好自己UP一下,谢谢各位。
    • 好象是-heian(㊣天使-思念ing 5/45);
      • 谢谢。我是隐隐约约记得春节前后有人在ROLIA说他从美国转机回国,还放了一些旅途中的照片。请问(㊣天使-思念ing 5/45)现在在网上吗?
    • 在多伦多机场就办理美国入境手续了。到了chicago机场你就忙着赶场吧,行李是自动中转,在多伦多办票的时候再问问确定一下。手提电脑可以随身携带
      • 真是感谢。请问50分钟够吗?听说OHARE是一个非常大的机场,要转到不同的楼层是不是?
        • 之家个机场非常大,各TERMINAL之间通地铁
      • NOT if you are in different terminal. I had to carry everything over to another terminal.
    • 转机足够了,就是在机场里面打转。没有安检,不过也别当散步。
      • 那可真够呛。我的飞机票全部都订好了,连座位都确定了。怎么办?改航班?谢谢。
        • 我看错了,都已经改过来了,呵呵
          • 非常感谢你提供信息。我会注意时间的。
    • 1. 50 min should be okay, but depends on ur luck. anyway is not a big issue. 2. u will enter US logically when u check in in YYZ airport. so be sure you have time to catch the flight in toronto.
      3. there is no more immigration check-in at O'Hare airport. 4. return the I-94 form (i can't remember exactly the number) to airport staff when you are onboarding leaving Chicago.5. u can bring ur laptop with you. u may need run it in front of security check. usually u only need to get the notebook out of ur bag and let the x-ray machine check it. no too much trouble. 6. O'hare airport is the biggest airport so be sure u walk fast enough to transfer between terminals (there is train to take). suggest u visit the website to get familiar with the map. Good luck and safe trip!
      • Thanks a lot for your info. It is so detailed and helpful.
    • United and AC use concourse B, C and E. The departure flight is in either B or C. So, don't worry about it. 50 mins is enough.
      I had experience once, that I had one hour left to connect to another flight in Concourse B. But I went to Concourse C to grab a quick lunch, since there is a food court in C. Then I came back to B and was still able to make couple of phone calls before the agent started to call pre-boarding.

      When you fly back from China, however, the plane will park in International terminal and you need to take train to either concourse B or C for your connecting flight. It might take longer.
      • 谢谢. ROLIA上热心人真多.
        • sq1是专家,俺怀疑他是不是专门在机场里面的干活。。。
          • 谢谢各位提供的信息.我们全家也要于6月底在芝加哥转机回国.我想到机场免税商店买礼品,不知是在皮尔森还是芝加哥?
            • up!
              • 在芝加哥转机, 有什么方便之处?
                • 现在美航班票价便宜.
              • 都可以,在多免税店在换票处和海关之间,别错过,打出富裕时间.在芝只见过零零散散的.美联芝加哥北京航班上也可以买.
                • Thanks a lot!
            • 还是皮儿森好,之家哥的免税店在TERMINAL-C的二楼,你得乘地铁过去
          • 既不是,也不是.