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Section 494. (Criminal Code)[6]


Any one may arrest without warrant/s

(a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or

(b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes

(i) has committed a criminal offence, and

(ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person


Any one who is

(a) the owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or

(b) a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property

may arrest without warrant a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property. (3) DELIVERY TO PEACE OFFICER

Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.

-Section 494, sub. 1, (a) is the "General Power of Arrest" for non-peace officers.

- Section 494, sub. 1, (b) is known as the "Assist Power of Arrest" and includes assisting another citizen who witnessed a "Criminal Offence" and, therefore, "... is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person ...". This section of the Criminal Code of Canada IS that authorization.

- Section 494, sub. 2, is the "Owner/Agent" power of arrest. It applies to both security and all other staff (or friends/neighbours if it is a dwelling) of any given property (The reason companies tell their staff they can't make such an arrest is because if the person making the arrest is hurt/killed by the criminal, the company becomes liable for the injury or death. Further, most people are neither equipped or trained to make proper arrests which greatly increases the likelihood of injury or death to the citizen).

- in Section 494, sub. 2, (b) "...a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property." includes criminal offences that are not on that property at all. If someone steals from a store, the security personnel who pursue the thief can (but rarely ever do) leave the property to continue the pursuit. When the pursuit is broken off the thief is no longer considered to be "freshly pursued" and therefore others are no longer permitted to assist in the apprehension of the criminal (it, then, becomes a matter for the Police to handle). Note that 494(1)(a) allows for arrest related only to indictable offences, while 494(2) allows for arrest for any offence against the laws of Canada,[7] most notably small value theft.

- All citizens are permitted to use "... as much force as is reasonably necessary ..." as stated in section 27 of the Criminal Code of Canada.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 伸张正义,支持唐人街店主请愿活动,请投一票。
    • 680news
    • cbc
    • 别盲目支持,权力有可能被乱用,执法还是要警察比较靠谱
      • 这里的警察执法还是相对公正的,但如果警察无法保护你时该怎么办?正如新闻所说,从这个案子应该review现在criminal code是否合理。
        • 但是应该设想一下,如果法律允许个人执法,那么就会有人去利用法律做一些过格的事情。由于大家都不是专业培训和有纪律约束的人,这样的结果会增加社会混乱程度和司法裁判难易度,执行性比较差。
          • 前提是警察要有效率的公平执法
          • 这里很多人也利用法律去做可耻的事情
        • 事情是这样的:这个人在店里偷过一次东西,这次来了可能想偷但是还没有偷的实际行动,店主认出他来了,他就跑,店主和两个员工开车追他最后抓到了绑起来了,路人看到了以为是绑架,报了警。最后店主和两个员工被控绑架,小偷被控偷窃。
          • 如果这次没偷,追出去抓人肯定是不对的
            • 有录相证明此人之前在店里偷过东西
      • 执法当然靠警察,但市民有责任和权利帮助警察。此案中,陈某只是抓住罪犯,目的是为了把他移交给警察。

        Section 494. (Criminal Code)[6]


        Any one may arrest without warrant/s

        (a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or

        (b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes

        (i) has committed a criminal offence, and

        (ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person


        Any one who is

        (a) the owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or

        (b) a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property

        may arrest without warrant a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property. (3) DELIVERY TO PEACE OFFICER

        Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.

        -Section 494, sub. 1, (a) is the "General Power of Arrest" for non-peace officers.

        - Section 494, sub. 1, (b) is known as the "Assist Power of Arrest" and includes assisting another citizen who witnessed a "Criminal Offence" and, therefore, "... is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person ...". This section of the Criminal Code of Canada IS that authorization.

        - Section 494, sub. 2, is the "Owner/Agent" power of arrest. It applies to both security and all other staff (or friends/neighbours if it is a dwelling) of any given property (The reason companies tell their staff they can't make such an arrest is because if the person making the arrest is hurt/killed by the criminal, the company becomes liable for the injury or death. Further, most people are neither equipped or trained to make proper arrests which greatly increases the likelihood of injury or death to the citizen).

        - in Section 494, sub. 2, (b) "...a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property." includes criminal offences that are not on that property at all. If someone steals from a store, the security personnel who pursue the thief can (but rarely ever do) leave the property to continue the pursuit. When the pursuit is broken off the thief is no longer considered to be "freshly pursued" and therefore others are no longer permitted to assist in the apprehension of the criminal (it, then, becomes a matter for the Police to handle). Note that 494(1)(a) allows for arrest related only to indictable offences, while 494(2) allows for arrest for any offence against the laws of Canada,[7] most notably small value theft.

        - All citizens are permitted to use "... as much force as is reasonably necessary ..." as stated in section 27 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

        • Thanks for the information!
        • "a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence" - that was the problem. When Mr. Chan tried to arrest the suspect, he was not commiting an idictable offence.
          The suspect might commited a crime before but at that very moment, the suspect did nothing criminal yet and the owner has no right to arrest the suspect himself.
          • 说是这么说,到底是作案之后多长时间店主才可以采取行动,5秒,5分钟,5天?没有规定,律师会争辩的。我觉得最后会轻判,店主固然违法,但是本意不是要绑架。
            • Agree! I couldn't find the news. But I remember a few years ago, a thief who broke into a house with a warning sign "Dog is inside"
              He got bited by the dogs and eventually sued the owner for damage.
          • 这就是为什么要求修改刑法。当你非常确定一个人违反了刑法后,作为公民,有责任帮助警察将他归案。记得几年前某人在澳洲杀人后跑到美国后,被几个美国老人抓住移交警方。几位老人受到表彰。
            • On the other hand, if you are an innocent people (yes, I know you definitely are) but someone mistake you as a criminal and use necessary force to arrest you.
              What would be your reaction?

              BTW, I feel sorry about the owner but I just want to let you know the one of the reasons behind the law.
      • This is called Citizens Arrest.
        • 是可以,但是一个人没有受过训练的话,不是自己受伤,就是过度暴力,所以最好时记住特征和尽多的资料,让警察去抓,这是避免对社会造成更大伤害的好选择。
          • 警察没有法庭的指令,也不能随便抓人的,那么小偷好好在大街上,他们也是动不了的
            • 如果是被通缉的可以抓,所谓民不举官不究。一个人走在大街上,你怎么知道是小偷呢
              • 你觉得这个城市会通缉小偷吗?!
                • 如果你偷了东西,你的名字住址车牌等资料也被警方掌握,警方的电脑系统里就会有记录,这就是一种加拿大方式的通缉。等到一天碰巧被截停,这不就抓住了?所以说这里警察截停车辆是一种很有效的执法手段,也能发现很多线索。
                  • 死了,不开车的人,多地去了
    • 感觉这个警察做的很过分.已签名支持!
    • 店主的两点问题:1。抓人的时候小偷当时并没有在作案。2。抓住后捆绑小偷。
      • 第一点很滑稽。抢劫犯把抢来的钱装进口袋,然后宣布:抢劫完毕,你们要再打我就是犯法。
        • 嫌疑人做案中或做案完成,受害人只能收集证据,或做证人。抓扑只是警察的权力。注意,小偷拿了你的钱后,哪钱实际上已不属于你,而是法庭的犯罪证据了。你不可以自己拿回的。
        • 法律就是这样的,没有偷东西的行为,就不算是小偷
          • 但店主有小偷偷东西时的录像,证据确凿。。。
    • UP
    • 同情,但不能支持。
    • 这种伸张正义方式不需要投票。要有功夫。
    • 我填写了。希望对店主和雇员的指控无条件撤销。否则我要上街游行了。
      • 我希望店主最后能免责。但是不希望有这么一条法律,店主可以随便抓捕捆绑自己店里的偷窃嫌疑人,否则我以后不敢去任何人的店里买东西了。
        • they have the right to arrest you if they see you just stole from their shop.
          but this case, they didn't arrest the suspect when he stole the flower the first time. They only arrested him when the suspect came back. And at that point, the suspect didn't steal anything yet. If they wait until the suspect stole again, then their arrest is legal.
      • Signed already!
    • 可是店主确实违法了,就算不是绑架,非法禁锢他人是有的。就算我们不熟悉这里的法律,只要想想电影里,商场的保安发现小偷,都是很有礼貌的把人请到办公室,请嫌疑人亲自把口袋里的东西拿出来,如果不配合,他们会叫警察。因为如果保安来拿的话,那就是非法搜查。
      • 我推断保安没有"很有礼貌的把人请到办公室"的权力。
      • 那小偷不去办公室,转身出门,保安怎么办?真天真呀!Eaton Centre的保安是准备了手铐的
        • 我不是专家,可能确实天真。不过配了手拷就一定要用么?很多警察还配了枪呢?一辈子没开过的占大多数吧. 可能我的例子让大家误解,我想说的是,shoplifting是犯罪,但是是非常小的。针对什么样的犯罪行为,做出什么样的反应,这是正当防卫,超过了,就是防卫过当。
    • 非常支持!不好意思没看懂该怎么投票?
      • 1,click the Page Link 2, click the Sign Petition 3,fill in the forms, 4, then click the box at the bottom-- Sign Now
        • 谢谢
    • 前些时那个被控仇恨罪的韩国青年不也被撤诉了吗
    • 已签名支持。只是不知道华人是否能同心办成这件事或任何事。不要让那些西人黑人或其他亚洲人继续小瞧欺负支那人了!
      • 能解释一下什么叫支那人吗?
    • 加拿大法律认为罪犯的权利比受害者权利更重要,因此店主违法
      • 呸, 让这些强盗的后裔制定的不合理的保护罪犯的法律开始见鬼去吧。
    • 支持,签名了。尽管不知到细节,这种事想都想的出来,小偷小摸太可恨,还给他们那么多的权利,呸,这种法律真是理解不了。
    • 坚决支持,很多小偷觉得中国人最好欺负,韩国人他们就不敢了。有了国人敢反抗的例子,以后中国人受欺负的就少了。当然最好是有个律师出面替他打官司,能无罪释放就更好了。 指望这里的警察根本没用,打911等他们到了估计店里早被搬空了,是该有中国人厉害一些。
      • 坚决支持!
    • 希望华人能同心协力,达到50,000的目标!店主自然做得有不妥当的地方,但同是华人,在需要帮助的时候,请大家站出来,因为是自己的兄弟。Signing the form is the least we could do.
      • 对的,在这种时候不是说华人做法有不适当的的时候。坚决支持店主。否则,今后别人会更猖狂欺负华人。
    • 如果这个都可以,将来店主们怀疑其他无辜客人偷窃,再把人家绑起来?店主们可以做这种裁定吗?
      • 加拿大很多店都明文写着保留查看客户包的权利. 当主人要查, 你转身就跑, 作为正常逻辑的人, 你会认为对方没有偷东西吗? 何况此事有录象为证
    • 有人把你的钱包抢去了,你应该去抓他吗?根据事件已完成的说法,只有警察才能管这事!他都不需要跑。你去抓他,他回头告你骚擾,侵犯公民权。这个比抢钱包罪还重!你说这是什么事?
    • ^
    • 已毫不犹豫的签名,佩服想出手就出手的同胞。