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I don't want to jump to conculsion but what if and it is just a big assumption that the mother was very, very, very upset in the hospital and over reacted.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛And the doctors in the hosital have reasonable doubt that the baby would be in dangerous if the baby continued to stay with his mother. If you were the doctor, would you call CAS? And if you were CAS staff, when a doctor called you and told you that a patient may have mental health problem and her baby may be in danger, what would be your first reaction? After all, the mandate of CAS is to protect children.

I was not in the hospital to observe the whole process and I don't think any of us were. So is it fair to comment or even critize the hospital and CAS at this point.

Why didn't CAS contact the father right away? Did the mother tell CAS her husband's phone number? How good the mother's English? She might not be able to communicate effectively with CAS at that point. I would not be rational myself if someone took away my babh; expecially, the mother may not know what CAS is.

It is a disaster, but put yourself as the doctor or CAS, what would you do?

Everything I said was assumption so you may be right and hospital or CAS may make a mistake and it would be a good idea if we can pass our voice to our governments and ask for an investigation. I email them and hope you would also call for an investigation.

But at this point, it may be too early tp jump to an conclusion.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 为什么CAS在带走孩子之前不联系孩子的爸爸?孩子有正常的爸爸。
    • 不要纠缠在CAS正常的事务上乐(这是加拿大,人家秉公执法), 你如果想帮助死者家属就出钱出力. 1, 你认为在那种情况下女方(精神恍惚激动)会告诉CAS她丈夫的电话? 2, 2岁以内的小儿会?
      • 我就是质疑他们是怎么样正常处理事务的。为什么不让CAS听到不同的声音,为什么我要认定CAS的每个环节一定就完善,我愿意讨论这个,纠缠的不仅是已经发生,更是今后需要避免的。至于你说的1和2,起码要基于一个前提:
        • If you questioned the routine if it was executed, you should contact with CAS directly. Not ask us the concern which we don't know what exactly happened at the point. It seems that you only cause a dispute instead of helping.
          • 我当然会问。在这之前了解别人的看法,看到别人的观点后也许有些问题不问了,有些新的问题要问,或者会改变问的方式。
        • Our mother language is not English and we may not be able to communicate effectively when we are heavily stressed.
          Assuming the mother has mental health issues, thinking her baby was critical ill, frustrated no one was willing to help her baby and she might not know about CAS. Suddenly someone from CAS showed up and took her baby! Do you think she would behave in a way that reinforce CAS belief she was too dangerous to take care her baby.

          I have no relationshop or connection with CAS and I am not defending CAS. But I think there was a valid reason to form an organization like CAS to protect children. I have some doubt that CAS can do better and this is why I email to my councillor / MPP to ask for investigation.

          But at this point, I am neutral for this particular incident.
        • 如果CAS怀疑她精神不正常,不问她要信息也挺好理解的。 他们的首要职责是保证孩子当时的安全,然后才是按他们的渠道找孩子的父亲。
    • I don't want to jump to conculsion but what if and it is just a big assumption that the mother was very, very, very upset in the hospital and over reacted.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛And the doctors in the hosital have reasonable doubt that the baby would be in dangerous if the baby continued to stay with his mother. If you were the doctor, would you call CAS? And if you were CAS staff, when a doctor called you and told you that a patient may have mental health problem and her baby may be in danger, what would be your first reaction? After all, the mandate of CAS is to protect children.

      I was not in the hospital to observe the whole process and I don't think any of us were. So is it fair to comment or even critize the hospital and CAS at this point.

      Why didn't CAS contact the father right away? Did the mother tell CAS her husband's phone number? How good the mother's English? She might not be able to communicate effectively with CAS at that point. I would not be rational myself if someone took away my babh; expecially, the mother may not know what CAS is.

      It is a disaster, but put yourself as the doctor or CAS, what would you do?

      Everything I said was assumption so you may be right and hospital or CAS may make a mistake and it would be a good idea if we can pass our voice to our governments and ask for an investigation. I email them and hope you would also call for an investigation.

      But at this point, it may be too early tp jump to an conclusion.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Could you please PM me the email address of the representative? I am asking too, not making any conclusion.
        • it depends where you live - you can find the councillor or MPP who represent your district from the following links. Canada is a democratic country and if we all complain, then they would listen.
          If it is just me, my email would go their trash folder right away.

          I don't know if CAS is doing the right, I don't want to jump to conclusion but at least I think it is worth an investigation.

    • 看清楚了,我进入了我老婆的ID在发帖,我是死者的丈夫,孩子的父亲,这是我质疑CAS工作方式的最关键一点。另外他们如果认定母亲有精神问题,他们想没想到过带走孩子对母亲的精神刺激起了质的作用。从CAS的名称看,他们关心孩子远大于关心母亲,而问题的实质在于母亲。
      • 你为什么不陪着她?
      • CAS带走孩子以前难道没有和你联系过吗?你有帮助你的太太吗?我们好象没有看到你起了POSITIVE的作用呢
      • 你不应该用你去世的太太的名义在这里发言,这样对她是不尊重的。你应该独立自己注册一个笔名发言
        • 别瞎讲究了。他毕竟站出来了,以前还纳闷,这丈夫干啥呢
          • 有的事情要讲究的,因为他这样会混淆视听,也不知道他是不是就是那个先生呢
            • 这ID恰恰是证明他是那个先生最简单的办法.
              • GOD KNOWS,嘿嘿,我提出自己的建议了,不再说这个
            • 请你闭嘴!
        • 无聊。他LP把ID给他就是让他用的。人家夫妻的事,你瞎操什么心。
          • 嘿嘿,懒得和你说,连最起码的对死者的尊重都不懂。他用去世太太的笔名想做什么?哗众取宠?混淆视听?
            • 懒得和我说, 就不要回我的贴。你连最起码的对别人家庭的尊重都不懂。
            • 请你闭嘴!
            • 请你闭嘴!
        • 你最好闭嘴,不希望再看到你在这里发帖,我也不再用我老婆的ID发帖,我陪我老婆去过几次医院,但不可能每次都去,我白天还要上班,我所质疑的是CAS带走孩子当时没通知我,我是晚上得到的通知。
          • 找个律师吧,公众的嘴太杂了。 理清头绪,看有没有可能走法律渠道。 带好两个孩子,死者才能安息。
          • 不要在意那些非常非常少数的mean的帖子。一定会有人站出来叫他们闭嘴的。你保重好自己,带好孩子,任何困难都会过去!
          • 节哀顺便. 好好保重. 2个孩子还需要你的照顾. 千万不要分开他们2个.如果要带回国.一起带回去. 对老大的病会有帮助.
        • 这回松鼠很没有道理. 用ID跟尊重不尊重有什么关系? 不要把你自己的观点强加到别人头上.
        • 请你闭嘴
      • 非常想听听你在各个阶段做了写什么? 谢谢
        • 他已经说了,要上班,不可能每次都去。他刚找到工作不久,不可能总请假吧。家里有两个孩子(一个病的一个小的)一个老婆(身心俱疲)要养活,他能在巨大的压力下辛苦找到工作,没有理由不好好珍惜吧。他对家庭尽力了,不要苛责了
      • 保重自己,带好孩子
      • My heart goes out to you and your family...take care. Let us know what you need us to do for you.
      • 保重,保重,好好继续生活,带好孩子们,这才是最重要的,我对你们的未来无尽无尽的祝福。如果可以不要再来rolia了。需要告诉关心你们的网友什么的话,通过认识你的朋友发贴就好了。
        • 支持,很多话不能公开讲,要是走法律渠道,至能通过律师来讲。但是,无论如何,这是个悲剧,本来可以避免
      • 同情你的全家,很想帮你和孩子。请告诉我们还有些什么是我们可以帮助你的。另外广大网友知道的还只是事件的片断,我不愿通过片断下任何结论,如果你可以高速我们更多的事件的经过,相信这里会有朋友愿意提供善意的帮助。
        • 找个好律师吧,其他都没有大用,现在。
        • 千万别。网上净是帮倒忙。
      • Take good care of yourself, 2 kids.
      • 网上纠缠不清, 不发贴也罢. 多保重!!
      • rolia 不是讨公道和是非的地方,不要做无谓的辩论,如果有什么需要帮忙或者支持的地方,就直接发出来,愿意的人就会伸出援助之手。
      • 为了孩子,请你做个坚强的父亲。要相信任何困难都会过去的。
      • 非常同情和痛惜. CAS在这种情况下不经父亲同意带走孩子, 可以说直接导致了悲剧, 有没有质疑之处? 看能不能咨询一下律师, 或者让tonroto star等英文媒体关注一下这个事情.
      • 首先表示一下我对你们家不幸的同情,保重。个人的一点小意见,还是自己注册一个ID发贴吧,毕竟我们看了你老婆的ID,心理还有些伤感的。
      • 深切同情你和孩子们。保重!带好孩子!
      • 深切同情与关爱你的家庭,好好保重! 希望rolia成为移民朋友的精神家园,不要变成互相攻击的场所...
    • A mandatory legal requirement CAS must notify the non-offending parent, the father in this case, unless he doesn't have custody or he fails to offer a safe and protective environment to the child.
      • 请问这个“must”是带走之前,还是带走之后?还是必须在带走之前先想法联系,联系不到再带走?我问这个问题是想弄清楚当时这个社工有没有做到Due Diligence。如果当时社工没有做到Due Diligence而酿成后果,CAS机构应该承担责任,这个社工应该被处理。
    • CAS also must explore other lesser intrusive courses of action, e.g. grandparents.
    • 远的不说吧,李伟光是真病,还送去医院了,结果自己大摇大摆地走开了,根本没人过问。为什么?没有经济效益。CAS代表讲话了,都要吃饭都要拉撒。所以,用保护孩子的名义,那是扯蛋。