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Windsor Ontario

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Jul 13, 2004 8:35 AM

* Report Abuse

Windsor Ontario is an affluent little community on the Great Lakes. It has 1500 children in care and CAS involvement with 1 in 8 ie. one in 4 families. It has one of the largest child social welfare agencies in North America. This Agency has built a glass monument to itself on the waterfront. It looks like the Windsor Casino.

Everyone in this community on penalty of fine or loss of license must report suspicion of child abuse. If your baby has a 2 year old melt down in public, you must be doing something wrong. Mothers are afraid to go to emergency with their children for fear of being accused. One cannot disclose anything to friends, doctor, lawyer, teacher, counselor, minister etc. They are all required to report. The TV ads tells abused women to go to Hiatus House but they do not tell them that their children will be apprehended within to weeks for witnessing spousal abuse.

Neighbors call the CAS on little Arab women who speak loudly to their children in arabic. The worker arrives and starts her checklist of questions about physical, emotional and sexual abuse. All parents are treated with suspicion; they cannot be trusted.

The school systems ask the little ones to keep a journal about their families. The teachers then use this information to call the CAS. Puppet shows describing sexual abuse make the rounds routinely at the school. These five-year-olds are not equipped to interpret this information. This results in more calls to the CAS. Children who are spanked are instructed to call 911 so that their parents can be charged.

The CAS here is busy opening files and doing investigations. It is handsomely rewarded for everyone file opened and kept open. It strikes gold when it apprehends "a special needs child." In fact, it labels every child it apprehends as "a special needs" child.

It must provide services to all these "special needs children." The Ontario government in its wisdom has canceled access to services for "children with parents.". The services that remain, lead directly to CAS. If your child requires children's mental health services, one has to terminate one's parental rights to access them. The belief is that the parent must be responsible for the mental health issue.

The government tries to deflect attention away from the environment pollution issues in this community which are probably responsible for the increased incidence of autism, mental disorders, ADHD, and learning disabilities seen in this community.

The United Nations Convention on the Child has critiqued Canada repeatedly for its selective implementation of the Convention. Canada as a signer to the Convention must fulfill its obligations completely. If it cannot fulfill all its obligations, it should withdraw its signature. It needs to provide services to all children regardless of parental status.

Canada is using the UN Convention on the Child to create a large children's social welfare system.

These children are then warehoused in smoked filled basements. They are fed canned hot dogs, spam, and canned potatoes. No one cares what they are doing in school. How do I know? It happened to my child.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 如果你的儿子在8岁以下,你是否愿意和CAS的人做邻居和交朋友?
      • 我看你们还是都去看心理医生吧,都是喜欢孩虐待小孩吧,为什么要害怕CAS ,你害 怕警察是你的邻居吗
        • 这就是CAS最最典型的特征,把所有的父母都设定是喜欢虐待小孩,和所有的父母都有精神病。只有他们是来拯救和奸视他人的孩子。
        • 就是因为虐待不虐待,你说了不算,CAS说了算。你敢保证你不被人投诉,你又能保证你不会被冤枉?
          • 上次逛骂了你,我觉得你多少有些后悔,所以我觉得已经enough了,or maybe more than enough, that's why I stopped . 所以希望你不要一直记着我骂你的话。
            • 没关系,我的ID就是拿来给人骂用的,你消火了就好
              • 我不信你能跟CAS一样做得没心没肺,人死了没有一点触动。我更宁愿相信你当初没把那位无助母亲的话当真。
                • 说老实话,我是很难过的。这辈子可能再没有这样的机会,玩笑可以变成真的诅咒~SIGH
    • 你是否愿意有人天天虎视眈眈地盯着你的孩子?
    • 万一做了邻居,我要先入为主,我要天天虎视眈眈的盯着TA的孩子们,看看TA们是怎么做榜样的。
      • 真心的佩服你的勇气,不远万里来到加拿大,就是要enjoy这样的life,再者,TA会有孩子吗?俺可是要躲的远远的,去享受平静的生活。
        • 我说的是万一,这表达的意思是被动的,是指不巧或者不幸碰上了的意思。我可没说我愿意和他们为邻。
          • 俺明白您的意思,俺就是想借您的话,问一声,这TA能有孩子吗?
      • 俺朋友的楼下就是一个TA,得有把年纪了,没孩子,也没男朋友。俺朋友还没顾得上虎视眈眈那,儿子就被“带”走了。
        • OMG,那怎么观察邻居是不是CAS 的人哪?
    • 有什么好怕的,又没有做亏心事。
      • 7,8岁的小男孩很顽皮,很难免骂两句,打屁股两下。这并不等于不爱孩子,可是CAS不这样看。
        • 可以理解为什么你这么害怕CAS了。教育小朋友,“打” 不是唯一方法。
    • 我都不知道邻居是干什么的.
    • i do not have problem with that. it might even help to be a better parent. by the way, you can attack the organization, but no sense to attack people work there.
    • CAS不管8岁以上的孩子吗?
      • 7,8岁的小男孩很顽皮,很难免骂两句,打屁股两下。这并不等于不爱孩子,可是CAS不这样看。
        • 打屁股两下也有程度的不同,拿铁棍狠狠地打两下恐怕就不是合理的教育了。还是看看最高法院怎么说吧:To spank or not to spank?
    • why not, i don't care if my neighbors are in CAS at all.
    • 看看这个thread, 再想想要不要CAS做邻居.
      • 随便贴几个:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Children's Aid Society Corruption
        Mar 14, 2004 8:38 AM

        * Report Abuse

        In Canada, there is a child care organization that is called Children's Aid Society. People unaware of the purpose of CAS beileve that there main objective as stated in their pamphelts is to protect the children and work with the families for eventual re-unification. This is entirely false. While I do admit that the organization is required to protect children against drug-abusing parents, parents who beat the children and victims of severe neglect, I strongly disagree with the scare tactics, the kidnappings by the CAS, the lies, the manipulation, the coercion and otherwise terror they abound within each city of Canada. They are more powerful than the government!!! Government officials fear them, because CAS may one day come after their children. Neighbours in dispute can rat on each other to CAS and have the children removed by CAS. CAS doesn't care, they get more money for every child they take in. In the Quinte West area of Trenton, Ontario, CAS is currently involved with 38% of the families!!! The intake doubled in the last year. This nets CAS in this area a larger budget for next year, because they were needed. You can't write about them in the news or publicize anything to do with them because they'll take you to court and sue you. It doesn't matter how good a parent you are, they will take your children and make a case against you regardless of whether you have given your children the best care in the world. I know of one case where in an access visit the mother kissed the back of the child's neck and strked his leg providing comfort for the child because he was upset he couldn't go home to his mother. They gave credit to the mother for caring for her children. Several visits later, this same occurrence became sexual molestation. The children are not allowed anything in the visit that may be miscontrued as violent, including a bubble maker that just so happened to have a trigger to make it work. It can be purchased in the Walmart toy section and is for ages 2 and up. This mother's children are 8 and 9. The censorship and the conditions the families are subjected to are no more than modern day Naziism and rival some of the best cases of the Salem Witch hunts. In most cases the children are worse off in foster care than when they were at home where there is mental and physical abuse as well as sexual in the extreme cases. Where does it end? It donesn't unless someone, somewhere stands up against them to change the laws to make a level playing field for all involved. It's fair to say that a win for everyone is the return of the children to the family and not to permanent foster care as is the current situation. This is not a win in anyone's eyes except for the budget makers. Please help make a difference by vocing your opinions and concerns. Please, we need your help in changing the lawas and someone to investigate what is really happening.

        Thank you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • ....
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Re: Children's Aid Society Corruption
        Jul 5, 2004 10:56 PM

        * Report Abuse

        The letters in this thread are all valid and accurate statements about an organization that is as corrupt as the politicians who do nothing to make positive changes.

        When I went to CAS with some legitimate concerns that my children were at risk of harm (abuse related), *I* was removed from the role of primary caregiver, removed from my home and told that my concerns made me an "emotionally abusive" parent. I was told that I was delusional and required a complete psychiatric assessment.

        It took *68* days for the CAS to take the matter to court. No offer of supervised visits in the interim (despite 5 day mandatory requirement as set out in CFSA). No answers to my lawyer's MANY written requests and phone calls for details.

        In the end, the assessment I received states that my concerns "warranted a complete investigation" and that there was no mental illness at my end. CAS response - close the file.

        I have court CAS affidavits that are so falsified they even state that I have MS (multiple sclerosis) that I am in denial of. MS can indeed cause delusions in its advanced stages. Funny thing is I don't have MS and have the MRI to back it up.

        I coach soccer, have supply taught in kindergarten classes, hold parties for up to 30 kids that are raved about for years, and live in an executive community (with a former CAS board member as a neighbour). Many people have told me that I am an exemplary parent. There is not a soul alive who would not acknowledge that I got screwed royally last year at the hands of this unaccountable group of vigilante child-haters. I say this because nobody who genuinely cares for children would ever act in such a callous manner.

        That I got screwed and had my credibility questionned is little in comparison to how their actions affected my two children, now 11 and 8.

        When there is increased frequency that an organizations that purports to be about protecting children turns on those who go to them with concerns, something must be done. The only thing I can surmise from the actions I've experienced and researched is that there are actually case workers within CAS who are in the business of protecting abusers at any cost and supplying abusers with vulnerable children.

        I am happy to share my experiences with anyone in want of support or further details. I can be reached at lisasotherlife@gmail.com

        Kudos to all of you who speak out on behalf of the children.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I am sitting here in my office with tears streaming down my face for our country. Who, in their most hellish nightmares, would ever have thought that anyone would feel the need to flee Canada for
        Jul 9, 2004 10:26 PM

        * Report Abuse

        Dear Fellow Canadians:

        I am sitting here in my office with tears streaming down my face for our country. Who, in their most hellish nightmares, would ever have thought that anyone would feel the need to flee Canada for fear of persecution - especially religious persecution? Flee Canada? Canada? This is Canada, the beacon of freedom and understanding for the entire world. People fight, steal, lie, sometimes even die as they do anything they can to come to Canada - yet 26 mothers and 74 children have left Canada - because they are afraid that the state, as represented by the Children's Aid Society and going to seize their children, take them away from their family. This is Canada? This is the country I was born in, grew up in, live in, believe in?

        I only wish I could have died before I ever heard this news. Please someone - tell me this isn't true.

        Wally Moran
        SeniorsPlus Newspaper
        Barrie, Ontario
        • this is the power of internet and expecially Web 2.0. Anyone can post any number or information and there are people would choose to believe it.
      • Windsor Ontario
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Jul 13, 2004 8:35 AM

        * Report Abuse

        Windsor Ontario is an affluent little community on the Great Lakes. It has 1500 children in care and CAS involvement with 1 in 8 ie. one in 4 families. It has one of the largest child social welfare agencies in North America. This Agency has built a glass monument to itself on the waterfront. It looks like the Windsor Casino.

        Everyone in this community on penalty of fine or loss of license must report suspicion of child abuse. If your baby has a 2 year old melt down in public, you must be doing something wrong. Mothers are afraid to go to emergency with their children for fear of being accused. One cannot disclose anything to friends, doctor, lawyer, teacher, counselor, minister etc. They are all required to report. The TV ads tells abused women to go to Hiatus House but they do not tell them that their children will be apprehended within to weeks for witnessing spousal abuse.

        Neighbors call the CAS on little Arab women who speak loudly to their children in arabic. The worker arrives and starts her checklist of questions about physical, emotional and sexual abuse. All parents are treated with suspicion; they cannot be trusted.

        The school systems ask the little ones to keep a journal about their families. The teachers then use this information to call the CAS. Puppet shows describing sexual abuse make the rounds routinely at the school. These five-year-olds are not equipped to interpret this information. This results in more calls to the CAS. Children who are spanked are instructed to call 911 so that their parents can be charged.

        The CAS here is busy opening files and doing investigations. It is handsomely rewarded for everyone file opened and kept open. It strikes gold when it apprehends "a special needs child." In fact, it labels every child it apprehends as "a special needs" child.

        It must provide services to all these "special needs children." The Ontario government in its wisdom has canceled access to services for "children with parents.". The services that remain, lead directly to CAS. If your child requires children's mental health services, one has to terminate one's parental rights to access them. The belief is that the parent must be responsible for the mental health issue.

        The government tries to deflect attention away from the environment pollution issues in this community which are probably responsible for the increased incidence of autism, mental disorders, ADHD, and learning disabilities seen in this community.

        The United Nations Convention on the Child has critiqued Canada repeatedly for its selective implementation of the Convention. Canada as a signer to the Convention must fulfill its obligations completely. If it cannot fulfill all its obligations, it should withdraw its signature. It needs to provide services to all children regardless of parental status.

        Canada is using the UN Convention on the Child to create a large children's social welfare system.

        These children are then warehoused in smoked filled basements. They are fed canned hot dogs, spam, and canned potatoes. No one cares what they are doing in school. How do I know? It happened to my child.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • "No one cares what they are doing in school. How do I know? It happened to my child." It is kind of funny to read this article, it stopped when I expected the writer to tell us a real story of how CAS mistreat the child. It just stopped.
          It gave no details. This article just gave some high level number, e.g. 1,500 children in care, 1 in 8 or one in 4 families.

          Did anyone verify these number with CAS or ask CAS to explain the number.

          "The school systems ask the little ones to keep a journal about their families", my children's school also asked them to do that. As a matter of fact, my boy's teacher just asked me where we went to bike last week; it seemed fun and she wanted to take her family to go as well. And if my boy wrote a journal how I abused him; should his teacher to inform CAS. If she didn't do it, there can be a criminal charge against her.
      • helpless
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Re: Children's Aid Society Corruption
        Jul 17, 2004 2:18 PM

        * Report Abuse

        My little girls where being abused.

        I have evidence of this which is extremely compelling. Despite this the Children's Aid would not protect the children from their abuser and I was even told to ignore their complaints of the abuse.

        When I started to present this to people as far a the premiere of Ontario and threatened to hold them civilly accountable for failing to protect, the CAS retaliated and kidnapped my children on purely false allegations.

        There are doctors supporting me, councilors supporting me, psychiatrists supporting me and people who I previously did not even know came forward to testify on my behalf.

        They all claim I was an exceptional parent who they deem to be above average and I in no way have any mental illnesses.

        Irrespective of this the CAS still accuses me of having a mental illness and I am a risk to my children.

        To this day I only see my wonderful little girls for only 2 hours a week in a little room. Today my oldest daughter could not be hugged because she has 2nd degree burns on her back. This is gross negligence. What kind of irresponsible parent could let this happen.

        Even more disturbing is the CAS feels their mother and their abuser are safe adults for my children to be parented by and I am a risk.

        PLEASE A&E we are crying out to you to expose this injustice that happens in Canada. There are countless people and their children crying for justice.

        Please help us.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • do's & don'ts:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ul 24, 2004 12:46 PM

        * Report Abuse

        Regarding CAS corruption:
        Yes, it is true! CAS have now become the Gustoppo! They invade your home, your world, your privacy! They interfere in what you are trying to accomplish with your children/family.
        Quick points of do's & don'ts:
        1. Do sign the documents (with your lawyer) that permits you into court once your child(ren) have been taken
        2. Don't sign the "medical" & "Adoption" papers they flash at you once they have apprehended your child(ren) & and don't talk to them about the/your problem! The CAS staff are NOT your friends!
        3. A quick way to get your child(ren) back may be this: (try it) Tell the CAS they are now the parent of your child(ren) and that your child has a life threatening allergy/disease (anything!) and being that they are the parent now, they must figure it out and if they don't your child(ren) will die! & they will be liable because you the parent have not signed any forms and thus have not given them any rights over your child(ren)! They can not do any medical treatment on your child if you don't sign the "Medical" papers! (I believe, but am not 100% certain). This 'might' help get them back sooner! However, no guarantee with CAS. Don't help them along with your case! Once they have your child think of it as now a "case". CAS loves everything as a "case study management". In other words, they like everything to be studied! & disected!
        4. Don't confess the truth about your case to your CAS officer,or your lawyer - they have a duty to report & if you confess you sins to the lawyer, they may have you punished. They must report abuse also! They are not your saving grace!
        5. Don't, Don't, Don't!!! sign the "Agreed Statement of Fact" as your lawyer will encourage you to sign as you agree with the facts, don't you! (This is reverse psychology here!) To agree with the facts set out in this document is to 'shoot yourself in the head' as you have just agreed with the court and therefore go ahead and give me my punishment. This punishment could mean you may never see your child(ren) again. And it could also mean that your case will now go to another court for you or any other persons, ie live in spouse, relative to be tried in that court(if named in your case!). You may find you have over inflated charges on you that shouldn't be there! But in a court of law "The true truth of the law is what is made to be the truth in a court of law!" Did you understand that?! (as I heard some law students say!) and a further quote was: A judge will never know if I'm lying (in a court of law)!!!! In other words, like the painter to canvas, what the CAS lawyer, CAS staff (witnesses), you, your lawyer (if you get an unbiased one - GOOD LUCK!!!!!!) SAY IN A COURT OF LAW in your case WILL NOW BECOME THE TRUTH & forever burned on the books in the courthouse & only you know that the system "made a mountain out of a mole hill"!!and this should have never happened to your family! DO ASK YOUR LAWYER FOR THE OTHER OPTION. The other option is to ask for "TRIAL". Don't be surprized if your lawyer withdraws. Your case may cost you any amount of money to prove your innocence! I've heard one was over $30,000, another $50,000. But what is better - to go to jail on stupid charges or have to visit your parole officer & loose your children and your past life!
        6. Do try to keep your sanity!!! Don't have a nervous breakdown!
        7. Don't use "Parent Alienation Syndrome" on the other parent if your in a marriage break-up. CAS love this and will actually give the children to the abuser!!!! Because of course your are using any tactic to obtain your child(ren), aren't you! That's what they will see it as. When you are trying to protect your child(ren) from the abuser, they don't do as your expect and help you protect these children but actually, as I said, throw them back to the abuser. & say you have the problem! You are the lier!
        Don't go to HIATUS HOUSE or any other Women's Shelters as they will call CAS as you have no home now and are on the run. Shelters are for only very short stays! and CAS sees these places as not suitable for children and these places are required to call CAS! Stay with a friend or family (PS try finding a shelter if your a man with children in tow! - impossible!)
        8. Do FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! Research & dig about facts, the laws and also know this: search the websights under: UNITED NATIONS, then go in under the "Convention" on the "Best interests of the Children". This is why CAS And Canada have changed the laws since 1990, 1995, & 1999! The Convention is what Canada is answering too on child poverty.
        9. Most people/families are profiled: low income, no jobs, divorced parents, no family support from other relatives, etc

        Keep your chin up & fight for your rights and your children. If you loose your children now, seek them out in the future!!!
        And my saga continues, I should know, I live in Windsor Ontario Canada where I have stepped into the vehemoth monster of Windsor-Essex CAS situated on lovely Detroit River in their new fancy building that requires children to be picked up daily in order to pay for this building as the donations have not come in as budgeted for!! Signed "Pit of Hell"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • MSbP
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Jul 26, 2004 1:53 AM

        * Report Abuse

        THE live video footage taken in the maternity ward by the father of the newborn child is deeply shocking. It shows his wife lying peacefully, but exhausted, on the bed after her caesarean, their baby still covered in vernix cradled in her arms. Suddenly, a policeman, in uniform, accompanied by a social worker, burst through the door. The next scene is the most heart-wrenching: the baby is gone and the mother lies slumped and defeated on the maternity ward floor.

        Child welfare campaigner Penny Mellor pushes the pause button on her remote control. She has seen the disturbing images of this mother, who subsequently came to her for help, many times. But they tear her apart each time.

        "Why did they have to take her baby in that barbaric way?" she asks, her face creased in anguish and anger. "Why did they have to take the baby away at all?" According to Penny, at least six British mothers of whom she knows personally - including Karen Haynes, whose dramatic story we featured last week - have had their newborn babies snatched from them at childbirth in this inhumane manner. A further six mothers, including Sally Clark who was wrongfully jailed for smothering her sons Harry and Christopher, have lost their liberty and been sent to prison for infanticide.

        And she knows of more than 100 mothers who, in the past six years, have had their older children taken from them by family courts and put into care.

        All of this has happened, she says scathingly, because of incorrect or insufficiently proven allegations of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP).

        Unlike Munchausen Syndrome, a rare malady where a depressed mother is said to harm herself as a perverse cry for help, in MSbP a mother is said to cause harm, not to herself, but to her children.

        Almost all of these "tragic" child removals have been sanctioned on the say-so of experts, the main one being Sir Roy Meadow, the inventor of MSbP back in 1977, and whose evidence and use of statistics was revealed after Sally Clark successfully appealed against her conviction in the High Court.

        Until the release of Sally Clark last month, Penny was a feisty voice in the wilderness coming to the aid of terrified mothers gagged by the family courts. She is currently helping 50 such mothers fight social services' departments up and down the country, which, she says are armed with nothing more than an opinion by Sir Roy and are threatening to take away their children.

        These 50 mothers do not have a history of child abuse; their children have neither physical scars nor burns or blemishes. Rather, they are ordinary mothers - middle class and working class - who keep on pestering their doctors for answers to their children's undiagnosed illness and who, one day, out of the blue, suddenly find themselves stigmatized with the poisonous allegation of MSbP.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • should be enough. List goes on ... long long thread, read it yourselves.
      • 小区想发展,想升值,就应该引进一些在CAS工作的住户~~这样,穷人都不敢进来了~~如果某房的邻居是CAS,而价钱不贵,你又没有孩子,可以考虑吃进,等CAS邻居搬家的重大利好~~
      • 还是得声明一句, 只是转贴, 不代表我的观点. CAS总体总归还是好的吧.
        • I heard a lot of negative review on CAS but so far all of them are quoted from web or friends' friends' story.
    • 建议到枫下觅巢去吼一嗓子,这个CAS可千万要避开,比高压线大马路墓地要可怕多了。
      • 完了,无房户再没有机会买房了。买了房子,就得承担CAS买你隔壁做邻居的风险~~
    • 我们家跟一个来自香港的cas员工来往过,我老婆带孩子逛mall的时候认识的,有时来我家,也给我们讲育儿的知识,饮食啊什么的,后来就我们搬走的时候,她要我们给她写封信说说她帮我们的事,交往还算愉快吧。
      • I work for CAS and I am a normal person that I eat and I shit. My neighbour all knows I work for CAS. Off work when I see any child abuse, I would pretend I didn't see anything.
        • 呵呵,Off work when I see any child abuse, I would pretend I didn't see anything,顶
        • 有意思。听起来象是上班为了钱,还是昧着良心?
          • 那个上班不是为为了钱,我也要吃饭拉屎嘛
          • 没有人是活雷锋,本来就是一份拿钱养家糊口的工作,按照规定去做事,这是最稳妥的。另外我想问问ontariocas,假如最后发现你们弄错了,你们有什么风险和损失呢?
            • Government-run Business,风险最低的生意之一。
            • CAS案子80%以上不能VERIFY,要赔不太公平--我问过CAS的这位朋友类似的问题,帮他答一下,请CAS同志补充如果需要。 (#5326824@0)
              • 有人举报cas上门,没有什么损失可以不赔偿。但是如果带走了别人孩子一带就是很长时间,这个不能不补偿吧?
                • 或者至少要有一点惩罚吧?
                  • 我的理解是hard to verify abuse是否属实(除了那些abuse特征及其明显的),所以赔偿就无从谈起。
        • 上次你说到:要经过调查确证有abuse发生才会将孩子拿走,可是在最近这个case中:孩子母亲可能对孩子有潜在危险,但是并没有发生abuse啊?能否从程序上解释一下。
            • SAFETY,可怜Victoria从绑到死,警察都没把她吸毒的母亲的话当真。WELLBEING,警察不抓下偷抓店主。 BALANCE--法官公诉人律师讨价还价餐桌上累累的是原告被告的血。 一切都是Business,这就是没船底裤的加国法律。
              • 法律再严明也得执行的人合格。加国的条条框框多了去了,看人怎么执行。唯一的亮点是:如果你觉得不爽,可以SUE。一个人糊涂不要紧,那么多层的法庭,不会个个都糊涂。APPEAL是人权,就是为防止规定被滥用。
                • 嘘,关注你正下方的帖子。
                • 新移民活得都那么辛苦,看病时间都没有,还指望有那Sue的功夫?什么社会都有弱势,关键看你出不出声。被警察打死的不少,温哥华海关那个波兰移民,不过碰巧被人录了下来,拆穿了警察的谎言而已。就这样,调查会开完了,你看看谁会负责。
                  • ^_^,那你给个理想社会给我看看~~要承认现实,我们离理想还太遥远~~加拿大已经比中国强了,这个我是承认的。
                    • 理想社会,就是和谐,让强奸变成顺奸。
                      • 如果事事如自己意的社会才是理想社会,只有自己作皇帝才行,呵呵。
                • 准备好1百万, 再去打官司.
                  • 100万。我还不如用10万去读个律师好了。
          • 所以最后孩子被送回来家。
            • 再读一遍:要经过调查确证有abuse发生才会将孩子拿走。anyway,OntarioCAS已经来亲自就程序上进行答疑了,还是听他是怎么说的。
        • 谢谢你出来. 这样直接出来沟通最好了. 从我网上所读, CAS有权力过大的问题, it answers to no one, 仅仅是内部自我调节. 如果出了冤案, 父母很难讨回公道. 打官司也是要倾家荡产. 你方便谈谈你的看法吗?
          • 好象是个冒牌的;就不是冒牌的也是不称职的
            • 我觉得ontarioCAS蛮professional的. 大部分CAS worker还是好的吧. 一般corruption更容易发生在上层.
            • 请你不要把CAS同志气泡了!
        • 你的ethics 不过关啊 LOL
    • 我昨天晚上和一个知情人士喝咖啡,要知道他说了什么吗?他没告诉我细节,不过说了一些想法。
      • 要!洗耳恭听@
        • 不是每天上网,还不清楚ROLIA操作方式, 写的慢,请见谅。
          • 慢慢写,写清楚,写详细。我帮你组织纪律。谢谢你!
      • pls, waiting....
      • Please be careful about privacy.
    • 我怎么知道我的邻居是干什么的?
      • 嘘,关注你正上方的帖子
      • 问。很不友善,是吧?
      • i don't know my neighbors career either :)
      • 正解是:请你那里的老住户来吃东西,老年妇女最理想~~估计她啥都知道~~
    • 其实,我都想去为 CAS 工作。看到有些父母对孩子的管教方式,我真想去给他们纠正一下。
      • 我也想去。有工会么?我保证进入后,坚持把这个当做饭碗而已,能不抓人绝不抓人;并且努力上爬,争取将乱抓人的一律LAY OFF。
        • 象你这种良心未泯的,估计爬也爬不高。有个儿科医生Charles Smith听说过吧,人家几年功夫爬到安省儿童首席刑事法医,靠的是一手绝活,凡是到他手里的案子,一定是铁证如山的变态杀婴案。最可怜的是,一多半无辜的监护人被迫认罪从轻发落。
          • 这个我不行,不排除我不可以走别的路线。爬有很多方式的。前提:1你想不想爬;2你对不对上司的路;3八字要理想
        • 廉政靠的是制度,而不是靠一两个清官。你现在想的挺好,把你放一大染缸里,你也不敢保证你不变色。
      • 千万别.
      • 好主意.要是能申请个政府资助机构,专门对社会机关宣传,让他们多了解中国文化和行为就好了
    • 从不马虎 我朋友说的,CAS在这案子没出乱子,提供这个家庭支援很多,比一般案子多。
      • 那就只能感概了。知道大概提供了些什么支援么?
        • 不能告诉你细节,是死者私隐,要尊重她在天堂安息,不过CAS能做的也做了。
    • 我们也谈了人生哲理和星岛报道,他叫我不要每天挂在网上,有时间多点抱抱身边人留意身边事。
      • 这句话听着怎么这么别扭,好像来这里灌水的都是~~不说了
    • 北美文化主要是COMMUNICATION,有事要找CAS的人谈,他们最怕小孩失踪,如果你带了小孩失踪,跑到好象美国去,CAS会给你麻烦的。
    • 我很期待ontarioCAS从CAS的角度来澄清或回答一下(#5331281@0) (#5331869@0) 来解除我的担心和疑惑. 或许他/她不了解, 或许认为网上不合适, 或许什么别的原因, 我没看到回复, 比较失望.
      • 个人角度来澄清,上网没问题,我也上网,中国人有句古老名言玩物丧志,如果因为上网忽视身边人便不太好了。
    • 新移民压力大,有语言,文化差异,加上贫穷.真的不是一般人可以负荷的,如果发生在我身上,我做的比这个爸爸可能要差一点。
      • +1
    • 和朋友也谈到为什么国语社群没有自己的社会服务机构,这些服务机构都是由香港人主导。他说的,白人看中国人和香港是一样的。加拿大有一百个不同民族,每个都要自己的社会服务机构,加国会破产的,非洲有五十个国家,是不是每个要有自己的社会服务机构?
      • 我说呢,国语社群有二十万人,不同的。他解释香港人也是一步一步的走过来,他们以前也没有FUNDING,不可能大陆人还没有自己的社会服务机构,便要钱,在加拿大没有这样的先例。
        • 他说大陆人可以做的是在香港人主导社会服务机构成立一个附属机构,几年后独立出来,有自己的FUNDING。