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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!




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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 这是个很惨的悲剧,因素很多,但CAS有点背黑锅。看看她的帖,CAS带走孩子的时候,她是放心的,甚至觉得孩子这下可以得到治疗了。她认为她带着孩子去医院,医院都骗她,不给孩子治病,而孩子爸爸和周围朋友也认为她神经不正常,不带孩子去看病。


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    • 准确一点解释一下这个黑锅,是安省的CAS在2007年的一年时间里手上死亡90多孩子。其中很多是婴儿,死因不明。
      • Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services:2008 Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee released
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛TORONTO, June 4 /CNW/ - Dr. Bert Lauwers, Associate Deputy Chief Coroner
        and Chair, today announced the release of the combined 2008 Report of the
        Paediatric Death Review Committee and the Deaths Under Five Committee.
        Working under the leadership of the Office of the Chief Coroner for
        Ontario, the purpose of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and the Deaths
        Under Five Committee is to assist the Office of the Chief Coroner in the
        investigation and review of deaths of children and to make recommendations to
        help prevent deaths in similar circumstances. Committee members include
        coroners, medical and child welfare experts, police, Crown attorneys and
        The 2008 report contains data from deaths reviewed in 2007. In 2007, the
        Paediatric Death Review Committee examined the circumstances surrounding the
        deaths of 91 children between the ages of 0 and 18 years. The Deaths Under
        Five Committee reviewed 117 deaths. The purpose of the reviews is to
        objectively analyze the circumstances leading up to, and surrounding the
        deaths and to develop recommendations aimed at preventing deaths in similar
        circumstances. The review does not assign blame or responsibility. Most of the
        recommendations suggested by the committees through the reviews are focused on
        promoting best practices within the child welfare and medical systems, and
        educating the public on child safety measures.
        The results noted in the 2008 report are consistent with those of
        previous years, which have shown that the most vulnerable ages for paediatric
        deaths are for infants under 12 months and children aged 12 to 18 years. The
        involvement of a Children's Aid Society did not appear to be a factor in the
        majority of child deaths. In cases where there was involvement by a Children's
        Aid Society, most deaths could not have been foreseen or prevented by the
        Upon review of the cases presented to the Paediatric Death Review
        Committee and Deaths Under Five Committee, common themes for the prevention of
        similar deaths emerged. The following themes identified in the 2008 report are
        consistent with the findings of previous years and should be of particular
        interest to parents, caregivers, child welfare agencies, health-care
        professionals and government ministries:

        1. Unsafe sleeping environments - Infants should sleep alone and on a
        surface specifically designed for infant sleep. The Paediatric Death
        Review Committee stresses the importance of not bed-sharing,
        particularly with infants under the age of 12 months. Examples of
        unsafe sleeping environments include: adult beds, couches, armchairs
        and infant swings. The sleeping environment should not contain bumper
        pads, toys, pillows or covers designed for adults.

        2. Sleeping positions - Infants should be placed on their backs on a firm
        mattress in a crib when put down to sleep.

        3. Bathtub safety - In an ongoing effort to prevent bathtub drownings, it
        is recommended that infants and toddlers have constant and
        uninterrupted supervision while bathing. While the use of bathtub
        seats and rings may provide parents and caregivers with a greater
        sense of security, these devices do not replace the need for constant
        supervision. Children should never be left unattended in a bathtub for
        any period of time.

        4. Adolescent suicide - There is a continuing and concerning trend of
        adolescent suicide in the province. Recommendations have been made
        towards providing additional research, support, funding and services
        to address the recurring issues facing young people who lack the hope
        and resources necessary to meet their social and mental health needs.

        "We believe the recommendations suggested through the case reviews and
        noted within the 2008 report are extremely important towards improving safety
        and reducing the number of preventable deaths of children within our
        province," said Dr. Lauwers.
        The 2008 Report of the Paediatric Death Review Committee and the Deaths
        Under Five Committee is being released today at a conference hosted by the
        Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies and Children's Mental Health
        Ontario. The report is available online at: www.oacas.org and www.ontca.ca.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 91个孩子是安省五家CAS机构里死的人数。还真不知道全省有多少家CAS。
          • “The involvement of a Children's Aid Society did not appear to be a factor in the majority of child deaths. In cases where there was involvement by a Children's Aid Society, most deaths could not have been foreseen or prevented by the agency.”
          • How do you know the 91 deaths were inside CAS's hand?
      • 例子, 早产婴儿出生后死了,因母亲吸毒, 医院CALL CAS,又是CAS死亡个案。
        • A lot of cases that CAS picked up are already very high risk; so even CAS has a lot of resources and did their best, they may still not able to help the children 100%.
          When would you see a parents come up and tell the public, I am a drug addict and abuse my children for the last 10 years. And thanks to CAS, my kids can now graduate from high school.

          Media has a tendency to report the problems rahter than successful story.

          Of course, just like organization, CAS has room to improve. But until we know the details. we should not blame CAS.
          • 既然能找到的都是负面新闻,又凭什么要求大家不BLAME呢?难道大家抱怨了CAS的好的做法??
            • we should look at the whole picture. if cas helps 99 children and fails 1; should we blame them? I am not saying cas is perfect and does not need supervision and improvement. do we have solid evidence that cas has done a poor job to save
              • 那么多负面新闻, 不就是SOLID的例子么?对于CAS这样的机构,即使1%是错的,也得BLAME。万分之一我可以接受。
                • 2007年的副面新闻之后的可能2种结果1)照常2)有改进. 所以好象还不能一味的说它肯定是错;而且要个案分析,别人的案子全错了,也不等于这个对了;反之亦然
                • and how do we know it is not 万分之一. My argument is we should not blame CAS until we have the full picture about CAS and more specifically about this particular case. We should not jump to conclusion.
                  There are cases that CAS failed and this is not the first time I complained to our government about CAS. CAS failed to protect a kid in the last instance when I complained. But this time, CAS did protect the baby. What happened during that 1 month and expecially the last 24 hours? No body know! Is it fair to blame anyone or any organization when you do not understand the full picture? Anyone can confirm that there was NO medical support provided to the mother when the baby was took away by CAS? Anyone can confirm that CAS did not attempt to contact the father ASAP?
                  • " we should not blame CAS until we have the full picture about CAS and more specifically about this particular case. "----错。公众及纳税人在任何时候都有质疑这类社会服务机构及政府部门作为的权利。
        • 网上喜欢扮演专家人很多,你这个吃饭又拉屎的人是真的CAS 人员还是山寨的
        • 你是真的CAS 还是山寨的除了吃饭,拉屎,还有其他的爱好吗,抱走儿童有没有给人 家打过,敢不敢白天出来,有没有牺牲大CAS 人员,感觉CAS工作很危险,你有没有武器保护自己
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    • 我找来找去没找到她说“CAS带走孩子,孩子终于可以看病了”的贴子。你能贴上来吗?
      • 我想你说的是这个:她原帖说“就像我和心理医生所说,孩子有我带着,没人治疗他,只有交道CAS,才会有人管”。
      • 妈妈的原话是:“这一个月来儿子的病越来越重,就像我和心理医生所说,孩子有我带着,没人治疗他,只有交道CAS,才会有人管,但是昨天那篇CAS每年死80个孩子的贴子导致了我精神崩毁”
    • 那些盲目妖魔化CAS的人为什么不回回这个贴子?到底是把loveblue给吓疯的?
      • 一个本来就担惊受怕的妈妈,别人不安慰,反而添油加醋的吓唬她,最后反到怪CAS?
    • "孩子有我带着,没人治疗他,只有交道CAS,才会有人管"? 孩子有病妈妈带没人治,CAS带就能治。在加拿大,这样的情况是如何发生的?令人费解。
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