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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 没有什么好争论的。CAS有其存在的合理性,那是对付当地垃圾用的。我们只要讨论本案例是不是粗暴执法,是不是渎职,而后是不是要去示威,等等。就是对具体事件的。
    • 就跟工会一样,已经成为社会的毒瘤了。
      • 我认为死者只是有一点精神紧张,绝对不是精神病。说其精神病是为了逃避责任。
        • 想象一只豺狼,游荡了几个星期,没有寻找到一头猎物,终于,在它的视野里出现了这么一位神情憔悴,略显得有些焦躁的母亲。
    • 当地垃圾不足以供养他们的时候,不同文化背景移民来的弱势人群,自然成为它们瞄准的方向。
      • 这个,老油,要讲证据哟~~
      • 1 needle see blood...... -win(秋天的菠菜);
      • I hope you can prove it; otherwise, no one in ONtario government would care about your complaint.
    • 为什么死者在幼儿回到家中后还自杀,因为她认为自己在CAS眼里,已经是孩子在家(即便是后妈)的障碍了。这是一种献身精神,不是精神病。
      • 像耶稣一样?
        • 至少像耶稣的妈妈
      • 无论何种“冠冕堂皇”理由, “自杀”都不是可以鼓励赞美的
        • 狼牙山还是董存瑞?
          • 余毒太深。。。我说的是西方观点。。。
            • 我不逼你,你还不明说这个文化差距有多大~~
          • 董存瑞 - 不是自杀。。。
            • suiside bomber
              • cheap missle
        • 但也不能让死者含冤九泉
          • 你别再吓她老公了。
      • 报道里说:她对自己带孩子去看病表示无限的懊悔……。因为看医生,招来了豺狼,不知道有多少人明白这位母亲死前内心的痛。
        • 我们移民为最大限度地保护自己,就要对那些医生、社工、邻居等等敬而远之
          • 对。要坚持有病不看医生,有事不找社工,搬到深山老林独居,有孩子坚决不让上学,老师我们也得防着是不是?
            • 到北极去?
            • +1
          • you raise a good point. actually for long time there has been a sub-culture called something like "anti-civilizationism", but I do not see they post a lot on cyber forums. they are not even supposed to use computers.
        • I understand but she is mentally ill. What she did, could her baby in danger, e.g. looking for prescibtion drug from the web for her baby.
          • 这个CAS抢人的时候都知道?厉害,厉害。看来ROLIA上真的有CAS雇的五毛。各位求医问药的小心了。
            • CAS worker decided to seize the baby based on the observation of the mother's behaviour and the information that the doctor provided. I didn't say CAS worker know about the drug issue at that time.
              I just want the drug issue to reinforce my point that she might not be in a shape to take care the baby by herself.
            • And one more thime, I don't work for CAS nor know anyone wrok for CAS. My whole argument is to urge Rolians not to jump to conclusion and scare away someone who may be able to get support from CAS.
              I believe the practical works that I did to help is not less than most Rolians involved in this discussion.

              I email the story to Toronto Star and National Post and I asked my MPP and Minister of Children to lauch an investigation. I also constantly ask Rolians to write to their MPP and Minister of Children as well.

              And if you still think I am the spy of CAS, then continue to do so.

              I did my best to help! Except that I don't agree with most of you.
              • I email the story to Toronto Star and National Post and I asked my MPP and Minister of Children to launch an investigation. I also constantly ask Rolians to write to their MPP and Minister of Children as well. 为你所做的,再次表示感谢。
                • It is a simple task. I did it in 5 minutes, and all of you can do it. Even if you have to write in Chinese, they would find one to translate. Just write! I may not agree wit most of you but let a public investigation to decide.
              • You need to realize that our provincial government, for years, has contintued to block ontario' ombudsman from oversighting CAS agencies
                I think one of the reasons is that the fact CAS is being funded by the government and holding CAS accountable for any wrongdoing will only make mcguinty and his gang look bad. Hence the public continues seeing the government defending CAS in light of the mentioned 90 children deaths incident. Last year an MPP from hamilton area brought forth a new bill which would give the ombudsman of ontario jurisdiction to investigate CAS but apparently dalton mcguinty rejected that bill as well. The end result is CAS' conduct still remains unmonitored and it is still an above-law untouchable entity. If mcguinty was president jiang, he would be saying "too simple, too naive" upon reading complaint emails but at least you have tried. For that, you deserve a pad on the back.
                • And this is why all of you should write to your MPP. I meant ALL!!!
                  • well i just wrote the mpp from hamilton has had her bill rejected...
                    • thanks on behalf of the family.
          • LP提醒了我一下,她找药是在孩子被抢走之后的事情。所以你们cook报告的时候,最好更加专业一些。
            • "孩子被抢走之后" ---- 既然没有孩子还为何找过期的药???? 看来你真是结婚了, 咳.....难道婚姻可以让人聚变....
              • 孩子后来回来了 所以才找药。
        • “因为看医生,招来了豺狼,”------我觉得这一点这个版上好象少有人能理解到, 真不知人们的脑袋都怎么了, 是极力维护这个自己移民来的国家的种种XX吗? 这个妈妈一定很懊悔, 太相信这里的医生, 医院, 还有各种各样的组织….早知如些不如相信自己的朋友,
          • 哪怕回到中国找自己的亲朋帮忙…. 相信的结果是以悲剧收场以后, 还有人在为CAS唱赞歌: 什么CAS人全部尽职并且专业, 整个事件他们做了哪件事是有帮助的?
            • I just suggested we should wait until someone can do a full investigation and don't jump to conclusion. Can I ask a simple question, did Ontario have more less children die when CAS was empowered to save abuse children?
              • 我们不是当事人,CAS不能公开所有的内容,死者的丈夫又好像吞吞吐吐,写信要求机构审查的理由倒底是什么呢,唯一可以质疑就是孩子有爸爸,为什么当时不马上通知爸爸,但是那么简单的程序,CAS工作人员又不可能犯那么低级的错误吧,所以为死者家属打抱不平是吃饱了撑的。
                • if there is a public investigation, the judge would have the power to interview all the parties, from CAS workers to police officer or nurse and doctor and try to rebuild a more comprehensive picture.
                  The poor father may be working in a area where there is no cellular phone signal. I used to work at a company where their data center had no singal at all.
          • Her death may be due to the fact that the mother believe there were 91 children died under the custody of CAS. And I am still waiting to see the proof of this piece of information.
            • The 90 deaths in 2007 include children and youths in foster care, whose families had open files with a children's aid society or had died within a year of their files being closed.
              • "Ninety children known to Ontario's child welfare system died in 2007" - my question is if those 91 children we in the custody of CAS.
                CAS can have their file whenever there was a complain or report of child abuse. And it is my understanding (please point out if I am wrong), not every CAS case, court would end up grant CAS custody of the children. So out of all 91 poor children, how many of them were in the custody of CAS?
                • i just said The 90 deaths in 2007 include children and youths in foster care. Since foster care looks after the children on behalf of CAS, is it not fair to hold CAS accountable for those deaths?
                  • so how many are included? 1? 2? 3? 89? 90? 91? That was my question! But some people misunderstood all 91 children were in the custody. That was no the case!
                    • 攻击CAS很多都是被CAS调查过家长,采集CAS材料的组织不过是想取代CAS,如果CAS真的是好像描写成绑架儿童的组织,政府早就取缔了,你们收集资料,多此一举,很多组织在监督,想取缔他们
                      • 你可能得了妄想精神病
    • 示威? HA!
    • 对CAS很精彩的评价: For most of us, they(CAS) are generally unseen, save for occasional mentions in news reports, when they rescue children from misery. Or, as sometimes happens, deliver it.
      • 我认为CAS 和警察是相同的执法机构,CAS比警察更加难,因为CAS是保护儿童,法律是处罚虐待自己小孩的家长,警察执法,人人支持,因为犯人会对于自己造成威胁,虐待儿童的家长是不会威胁其他的安全,所以会得到社会的同情
        • "CAS 是执法机构"??? i heard CAS was a private organization, or i got it wrong?
          • CAS 是执法机构, 执行儿童家庭服务法. It is a transfer payment agency.