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"the crucible of personal suffering over the 11 years, 2 months and 11 days " ... "$380,000"

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“My concerns outlined herein are not just the vain musings of a disgruntled citizen, but rather they come fresh from the crucible of personal suffering over the 11 years, 2 months and 11 days it took me to become the first Canadian in legal history to successfully sue a Children’s Aid Society. In July of 1996 the Ontario Court of Appeal unequivocally found the Durham Children’s Aid Society and its social workers guilty of the grossest negligence, gross incompetence and malicious prosecution.

Judge *** described the behavior of the social worker Ms. *** in particular and the agency in general as “utterly reprehensible”...The whole immoral and sordid action by the C. A. S. cost me in excess of $380,000 and my final pathetic award for damages was a pitiful $70,000 and the indignity of personal bankruptcy. Today, I stagger under the financial burden of owing in excess of $300,000!

...the social workers along with many others responsible for similar injustices continue to
work with impunity. (for cas) The cost to the taxpayers for my case alone was between one and two million ...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 为什么社会事件发生的时候,我们的同胞自我检讨的多,企图说服别人的多,挑战社会制度的少?
    制度未必都是对的,即便是对的,还有人文的社会因素在其作用。我不是鼓励违法,但是为什么印度人可以为了自己即将被遣返的同胞封锁了机场的道路,最终迫使移民局改变了裁决。难道这不是违法?为什么TTC的司机可以为了自身的权益,绑架toronto的民众同政府要求利益?因为这是一个利益的社会,是一个政治较量的社会。制度可以重新制定,法律可以国会重读。而事情一临到我们国人头上,就会有各种检讨的声音,仿佛我们的利益是可以随意侵害。Grace hospital有人归咎于产妇的年龄太大了。偷渡的被遣返,没有什么可同情的,那是绝对应该的。有个母亲跳楼了,CAS是没错的。我不知道CAS在这件事上有没有错。但是合理的质疑完全是必要的,争取弱者的权益也没有什么错。制度性的东西不是那么容易挑战的。但是出了悲剧,先别管责任,责问一下,CAS回应一下,联系一下地区议员,挑战一下社会制度,没什么不好的。
    • 同意社会制度有问题时国人一定要大胆挑战,甚至bring down the government!如果CAS的职责是"儿童协助及父母精神问题救助"组织,我会指责他们:没有在送还孩子一个多月后与英国的加国的精神科医生,以及接太太出院回来的丈夫持续合作,观察王太太的病情发展以预防悲剧发生
      • CAS只是专门的儿童保护救助组织,从来没有被赋予成人精神问题救助的职责。CAS在医院报告后介入,在亲自调查(跟踪面谈)后判断王太有精神问题不能尽母责,为避免可能的儿童被伤害(谁能保证一定不会?),在法庭授权下及时出手隔离母子......
        • 法庭是否在报告中,知道孩子还有正常的爹呢??
        • 照你的逻辑应该把失业人员家的孩子也带走,把身患重病人的孩子也带走,把新移民家的孩子也带走,因为“为避免可能的儿童被伤害(谁能保证一定不会?)”
          • CAS workers have to make their judgement but the final judgement is made by the court. If you don't argee with their judgement, you can appeal in highher court.
            • 人无完人。各种机构也如此。难道CAS连内部‘自检’都不需要吗?最后的'judgemnet is made by court'.这是在推脱自己的责任。没有你们的误报,COURT怎么才能做出这个决定。
              COURT的人在没到现场的情况下,是如何做的决定?!直接把你们口口声声爱护的民众的意见,挡掩过去‘you can appeal in higher court',还有人情味在里面吗?你们除了教条地尊章办事+你们自己所谓的‘正确’判断,还有什么?请你换个角度想想,如果今天发生的这事是在你身上,或在你的家人身上,你还会教条地死抱着你心中的大树不放吗?人性化的管理,人性化的规章制度,我们都是人。
              • How do you know the judgement is not 人情味? The judge is a people, the CAS worker is a people, and the parents can also defend themselves in the court.
                COURT的人在没到现场的情况下,是如何做的决定?! This is how Canadian courts work. Judge make most decisions inside the court, not just child abuse. Judge has to listen from lawyers and prosecutor who are also people.
                • 你说得对,他们都是人。但不是所有的人都是有人情味的。把孩子强行带走的这种方式就是你们的有’人情味‘。具体事件应该具体分析,不能只教条行事。这个事件中的妈妈,她不是个与你一样的人。


                  • Sorry that I didn't see your message earlier. Before I answer your question, I want to emphasize one more time that I did not say CAS is right or not. I just don't want us to jump to conclusion.
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You may not like my answer because they are not answer that you expect?

                    1. 可不可以让爸爸现场安抚一下妈妈 - Did the mother refuse to give the father's contact information to CAS? Did CAS try to contact the father but was not able to reach him for whatever reason?

                    2.精神有病的人,不能受刺激 - CAS worker has to make his (or her) judgement on if the mother mental condition is more important or the baby safety. You may argue that CAS worker obviously made a wrong decision. But since none of us were there, we do not know the mother's mental condition and we should not jump to conclusion to point finger to CAS worker.

                    3.你们当时在现场的WORKER,当时又是如何做判断并汇报的 - I don't work for CAS, and I have no idea how they make the judegement. And this is what I intend to find out.

                    4. 这个就是所谓的法庭授权吗?Apparently, CAS has authority to take the children away first and then apply the court warrant after if they think it is emergency.

                    My question is how we (or more important, the family) can find the truth and how CAS or other organization can avoid similar disaster in the future.

                    It is never my intent to cover for CAS. I have no vested interest on CAS and they would never pay me what I did here.

                    I just want Rolians to discuss this incident in a more objective, constructive and civilized ways. And we may help the family to find the truth and our community to avoid another disaster.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 你跟他争论什么?你还看不出来吗?这活活一个脑残。我还判断他有问题呢,谁在CAS,把他给抓起来!
            • idiot.
          • 不知道你的逻辑在哪儿??
        • 在这件事上,法庭是如何授权的:是书面授权?面对面口头授权?还是只是一个电话,在法庭没有亲自调查下授权的?
      • 其后几天通过一直协助王家的社工了解到父亲正常,能照顾小孩,于是在父亲签保证书后很快将孩子送还,至此CAS职责已尽。一个多月后王太从英国的精神医院出院回家,在孩子早已回家,连王先生都认为妻子"看上去没什么异样"的情况下发生了悲剧,怪罪到CAS头上,太情绪化了。
        • 定住。~~通过社工了解到孩子还有一个"正常的“爹~~,够了吧~怎么调查得这么不仔细?
          • The CAS workers and social workers belong to various organizations. And CAS workers often have to act quick to save the children. We don't know the behavior of victim in hospital so we cannot conclude if CAS judgement is right or not.
      • 如果能找到以上CAS的程序有社会制度问题,请告诉我,我一定加入搞定他们!
        • 把儿童和家庭对立起来,甚至为了保护儿童而直接间接地毁灭其家庭,就是一个严重的社会问题,不利于建设加拿大国情的和谐社会。
          • 你的思维只有一个方向啊? 多少人都说了,母亲精神有问题,有可能会伤害孩子。带走不是第二天就送回来了吗 ?
    • 质疑声音一点都不少,只是比你希望的少。产妇意外死亡,不代表不能提醒高龄有多危险。任何事件都会有多种看法出现,谁的看法也没占多数只能说明此事不构成"民愤极大",不说明中国人不团结。
    • 我看第一个你就不敢挑战, 一直在那里发出的只是”帮帮这个破碎的家庭吧”这种老太太声音
      • 一个人就冲上去挑战,那是堂吉柯特。我们的华人社区中具备挑战的平台吗?如果事情发生在在坐的任何一个人头上,结果都是一样的。螳臂当车,那是愚蠢,人家连机会都不会给你。
        • 呵呵, 看来我蠢了, 有什么所谓吗?
        • 如果我们是个阿拉伯语的论坛,恐怕兄弟言论~~容易出很多人肉炸弹出来~~
          • 错了吧, 没 钱光有言论什么弹也造不出来的
    • 完全2码事情。人家不做一件事,你说人家是“想做但不敢做”。你的说法有鼓励预设立场的嫌疑。我认为它错了,才反对它,而不是因为要反对它而反对它。
    • 你做了吗?
      • 我没有做,我能做的只是给国会议员写信,表诉我对事件的看法。正在考虑给这个家庭做出一些财务上的帮助。但是我不会去指责一个破碎的家庭什么做对了,什么做错了。有意义吗?
        • 还以为你会出资或者出头帮那个爸爸打官司呢。
          • 没有这个能力,我说的也不是这件事。我说过这件事我不知道CAS有没有错。我说的是一些平常的现实。
            • 我认为它错了,才反对它,而不是因为要反对它而反对它。 -win(秋天的菠菜);
              • 我没有要求反对它,我只是说质疑一下它是既合理又合法的。
    • 要挑战现存制度,需要做很多程序和案例分析,至少得证明制度的存在坏处超过了好处。或者要证明程序有很大缺陷,而修正并不需要花很多钱。看这里骂CAS的,连运作的程序都不了解,详细案例一起都没有,更无任何统计数据,只凭网上的道听途说和自己的假定猜想,想挑战?
      • 最省钱,又可以得到最终数据的,就是SUE它。一个人,加个律师,就够了。
        • 要打得赢官司才有律师肯帮你,否则只好按小时收费了,500大洋一个钟,没几个人玩得起。也可能一分钟内就被法官给扔出法庭了,我的法律教授刚入行时就干过这傻事,众目睽睽之下,恨不得找个洞钻进去。
          • 这位兄弟,请问,你们律师界,对于个人(无钱)想告衙门的案子,一般是什么态度?
          • $500/hr, got thrown out in 1min, costing 500/60=$8.3, quick affordable.:-)
    • 都是在打嘴仗, 另一种消遣而已。
      • 就你明白, 太明白了会很痛苦的……..
    • 这件事上,作老爸的,完全可以雇个律师告CAS,如果他认为CAS出格越权做法不妥的话。旁人在这大打口水战,有用吗?
      • 你以为 网络是干啥使的? 有用的吗? 一千个贴子里能有一个有用就谢天谢地了, 剩下的都是为了增加”信息”流量而已
      • 太天真了。CAS早把法庭这条路给你留好了。除非你有像Dziekanski调查案里的录像那样的证据,你不过十把自己送到绞肉机里走一趟。
      • 你知道要SUE CAS需要多少金钱实力和精力吗? 说得容易...
      • "the crucible of personal suffering over the 11 years, 2 months and 11 days " ... "$380,000"
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛“My concerns outlined herein are not just the vain musings of a disgruntled citizen, but rather they come fresh from the crucible of personal suffering over the 11 years, 2 months and 11 days it took me to become the first Canadian in legal history to successfully sue a Children’s Aid Society. In July of 1996 the Ontario Court of Appeal unequivocally found the Durham Children’s Aid Society and its social workers guilty of the grossest negligence, gross incompetence and malicious prosecution.

        Judge *** described the behavior of the social worker Ms. *** in particular and the agency in general as “utterly reprehensible”...The whole immoral and sordid action by the C. A. S. cost me in excess of $380,000 and my final pathetic award for damages was a pitiful $70,000 and the indignity of personal bankruptcy. Today, I stagger under the financial burden of owing in excess of $300,000!

        ...the social workers along with many others responsible for similar injustices continue to
        work with impunity. (for cas) The cost to the taxpayers for my case alone was between one and two million ...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • CAS is an organization with billion dollar annual budget. If you are an ordinary middle-class citizen, don't even think about suing CAS. They can sue you, the best you can do is to defend yourself. Not the other way around.
          • 那你认为应该如何处理呢?
            • Condemn the wrongdoings of CAS.
              • if everyone in Rolia who strongly believe CAS has wrong doing and already complain to our Minister of Children, I believe the CAS president would already have a serious headache.
                • good idea! 能方便给个链接或联络方式不?谢谢。
                  • I post the link on Rolai couple time, please search for it.
            • instead of praising they did everything right.
              • I won't say they did everything right. At least I was very angry couple years ago how they let a poor child died in their custody. But for this recent case, I can't agree with most of you that CAS was wrong.
                That was the first time I complained about CAS and Catholic Church.
    • I email to my MPP, Minister of Children and Minister of Health. And I encourge everyone to do so.
      • 你得到任何回音了吗?
        • standard reply.... Thank you very much. bababa! This is why I encourage all of us to email them.
          But we have to have valid points. I didn't complain about this particular case but I told them there is a very strong negative view on CAS within Chinese community and asked them to commuincate with our community to make sure we understand CAS's mandate and its operation.
    • 中国人嘛,多少辈子都这么被教化过来了。现在不是有口头禅么“命苦别怪政府,点背别怨社会”以前的经验都是反抗没有好结果,不记得8×8啦?前几天还有人抱怨不该起来的,一直跪着的话还有好分配呢。
      • We are in Canada now. It is better.
    • 没想到楼主也有这么愤的时候。。。

      • +1
      • 海市 is my buddy
      • 没那么愤。也不是针对这一事件,只是杞人忧天而已。不要等真的事到临头,却发现一切理所当然的东西未必如意料中的管用。连一个基本的平台都不具备,上网来求助,却引来砖声一片,这才明白了现实和理想的差别。
      • +1... "华人对心理疾病的基本了解的匮乏" very true. I didn't know what depression is until I spent a lot of time googling it. before, I think it's just bad mood.
      • "至今我不知道她周围的人究竟帮了她什么" ... my same question.
      • 网上很多人对CAS极端反感和仇视,可能还有深层次的文化上的原因 。国人传统将子女视作私有财产,让外人干涉或者家丑外扬,都是极为不爽的。
        • 然也。
      • Can't agree more.
    • 11,你觉得该挑战的时候俺们就该往前冲?俺们脖子上顶的不是脑袋?拜托,让俺们小百姓自己拿主意吧。
    • 很简单的一个道理,就是作为个体来说,每个中国人都很聪明。可以想象,作为个体要去挑战现有的制度,是多么困难的事情。结果是否成功先不说了,就算成功了,付出的代价很有可能是几年,十几年,甚至几十年的官司,也许是你的家庭,事业,金钱和一生。
      就算你都付出了,还未必就能成功。大家都是忙着自己的小家,试问谁又有这么伟大?如果躲在后面,说不定什么都不要出,还能坐享其成。Why not?敢于挑战制度的人,一定是勇敢,有决心,的伟人,但是,如果她的老公都不愿意出头的话,有中国人会挺身而出么?不言而喻了。
      • 所以需要一个平台
      • “就是作为个体来说,每个中国人都很聪明”----------这个评价是谁给的?? 都是中国人自己如是说而已,不要也夜郎自大啦,也不看看满世界的发明创造科学理论都和1/6地球人口的中国人没一分钱关系。醒醒,天亮啦。
        • I can not angree with you any more.
    • 法庭上都赢不了,在这里的口水仗纯粹是浪费精力。这件事要么能在法庭上赢,要么影响国会修改法律,其他都是扯蛋。我不了解这事,但从众人的骂骂咧咧中我没看出CAS做错什么。CAS不管孩子是失职,管了老妈是越权,西方的分权制衡原则,每个人都在职权范围内行事。
      • .
      • 然也!!!
      • 象HKCHAN建议的,大家都投靠STAR,和MPP,把事情搞成个热点才行。否则,我赞同你的意见,别折腾了
    • 以前华社的事情,我一直冷眼旁观,但是这一次不一样了。我知道个人的力量有限,但我会让身边的每一个人,知道这个没人性的机构,究竟犯下了什么罪行。
      • 华社的事情?这个事件体现了华人受到的不公正社会待遇?
      • I am a Chinese but I don't think CAS did anything criminal in this particular cases.
      • 从你这个回复就能看出,你是个走极端的人,你的其他关于这事的帖子也不用看了。
    • 挑战制度?那是要命的勾当,想想20年前。
      • 那是打算革命的人才需要担心的问题。挑战制度,意味着华人在加拿大的政治经济生活中有和人数相匹配的话语权。
    • “我不知道CAS在这件事上有没有错。但是合理的质疑完全是必要的,”------看看那些人的言论吧,他们不是简单的质疑,而是毫无根据的直接下结论说CAS是杀人的机构, 偶觉得这些“嫉恶如仇”的人mantally ill。
      • 无论CAS在这件事上有没有错,合理的质疑完全是必要的。认同一种错误,无非就是赌下一个受害人不是自己。
    • 这事要发生在中国,早就义愤填膺地怒骂起来啦。发生在加拿大,就研究起产后抑郁症啦。要知道,就是健康的人,带孩子去看病,病没看出来,把孩子还丢啦,换拉谁都会抑郁的,何况她本身就已经很脆弱拉。问题的关键是她是否真的打过孩子。
      • 事实求是地说, 老中的孩子没挨过打的少之又少,尤其是单亲家庭中的孩子,况且老中还有那麽多的家暴。
    • 国人呢也就是喜欢自扫门前雪,好一点的呢也就是像楼主那样在电脑前耍耍嘴皮子~~
    • Anyone read this news? If someone can do what Sylvie Menard did and make Toronto Star or National Post to report on this incident, there is a bigger chance that we can find the truth. So please act, write an email to them.
    • We are all on the same side! Some of us (including myself) tried to defend for CAS does not mean that we are working for CAS or try to cover the wrong doing of CAS. It is not just black and white.
      I am your enemy if I don't agree with you. My intention is very simple:

      1. find the truth - why the mother kill herself. It may be everyone is responsible, CAS, the doctor, her husband and even some Rolians

      2. avoid the same disaster in the future - once we find out where the problem is, we have to make sure our government would do something adequate

      3. hope you don't believe everything you read from web - not all 91 death children in 2007 are in the custody of CAS. Only 4 (thanks for Steven and May) and CAS was not responsible for the 4 cases.

      And 1 very minor point. Please don't be personal and insult other Rolians and discuss it in a constructive and civliized way.