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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


I just send the following email to Kelvin.

Dear Kevin,

I read your yesterday article about CAS and like to let you know a recent CAS incident at early June. A Chinese mother took her 20 months old baby to various clininc and hospitals. She complained her baby might habve bleeding inside his lung. I don't know the details but one doctor called CAS. CAS worker came and decided CAS should take away the baby. The baby was later returned to his father on condition that the mother cannot stay with the children alone. A month later, the mother killed herslef.

There was a huge discussion among Chinese community at http://www.rolia.net/f/list.php?b=50&c=5100; you can find further details at this web site. Unfortunately, most discussion were written in Chinese.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 6月12号National Post' 有关CAS' 滥用权力的文章 http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=1690967
    Accordingly, legislators grant workers astounding licence: a social work graduate, fresh from college, can enter a home without warrant; apprehend children without due process; and commandeer police officers to enforce his or her efforts.
    • I am in agreement with the writer.
      "They violate all kinds of privacy and rights"
      • Then you should email to klibin@nationalpost.com about the problem the poor mother encountered.
        • unchecked power has a higher possibility of abuse.
        • I just send the following email to Kelvin.
          Dear Kevin,

          I read your yesterday article about CAS and like to let you know a recent CAS incident at early June. A Chinese mother took her 20 months old baby to various clininc and hospitals. She complained her baby might habve bleeding inside his lung. I don't know the details but one doctor called CAS. CAS worker came and decided CAS should take away the baby. The baby was later returned to his father on condition that the mother cannot stay with the children alone. A month later, the mother killed herslef.

          There was a huge discussion among Chinese community at http://www.rolia.net/f/list.php?b=50&c=5100; you can find further details at this web site. Unfortunately, most discussion were written in Chinese.
    • police worker and fireman can go into our house without warrant if they consider there is an emergency. They are well trained to handle emergency,
      • 是的,如果说CAS带走小孩滥用权力,警察还要厉害,给交通告票,每次我都去法庭,每次都赢,CAS最后决定拿走孩子也应该是法庭决定的吧
        • Read it again' a social work graduate, fresh from college, can enter a home without warrant; apprehend children without due process; and commandeer police officers to enforce his or her efforts. ' 警察不能随便进你的家门的,也不能随便接触你的小孩的。
          • Police officer has to get a warrant if they want to go into your house; however, if it is emergency police officer can break into your house withour a warrant but he has to defense for it in court. And this is the same process for CAS.
            Most cases, CAS worker has to get a warrant but if he believes that there is an emergency, he can do it without a warrant. He has to defense himself in court and face the subsequent.

            A police officer does not have to have a degree.
      • 我们要拿WARRANT的,如果CAS相信(PROBABLE GROUNDS)小孩有即时危险,可以不用WARRANT,不过要和法官解释,CAS不可能化半天拿WARRANT,回去是小孩死了, 失踪了。如果法院不同意,会即时放回小孩,CAS付堂费。
        • 是不是就好像警察给你交通告票一样的性质,警察给告票的时候每个人都会火冒三丈,都会认为警察是错误的,他们是为了钱,很少有人会感谢警察教了你的生命吧,我相信CAS带走小孩,就是给父母一个警告,至少我现在开车很小心,因为有过告票
        • 在这个案子里,CAS最早“摊牌”的PROBABLE GROUNDS,除了妈妈带孩子多看了几位医生,还有别的吗?
          • 肯定有很多隐私,国人,黑人,印巴人都比较情绪化,任何事情发生都会表现非常情绪高涨,但是制法人员非常难判断你有没有问题,其实加拿大政府机构太容易对付了
            • 当你遇到麻烦1。不能情绪化,非常平静的解释 2。加拿大制度是保护弱者,有问题就扮演白痴,越白痴,越可以得到原谅3。给自己的行为一个合理的解释,或者合理的故事。在加拿大比起中国政府机构简直就是幼儿园了,和加拿大政府搞上了,说明你可能精神有问题
          • 我和妈妈通电话的时候,妈妈曾提到她带孩子在医院的时候,医院的两个护士同时指出她physically hurt孩子。她说她不可能 hurt 孩子。真的hurt了?还是护士诬告?这个事现在已不好对质,但除了多次看医生以外,应该是有别的。还有妈妈情绪失控什么的。
            • Did CAS say that they didn't try to 不通知爸爸?
              • 这个就不知道了。如果妈妈肯提供爸爸的联系方式,通知应该不难吧。
                • how come the mother didn't call her husband herself?
                  • I don't know either...
                    • since there are a lot of things that we don't know, we should not jump to conclusion and point our gun to CAS
                  • 妈妈精神有问题,可能有正常人的思维吗,另外就是老公不是说刚刚找到工作吗,再次证明老公对于生病太太的冷漠,CAS工作人员不可能犯那么低级的错误,肯定有足够的理由找不到老公吧,如果我太太精神有问题,我的电话24小时都能够找到
                    • I actually got an extra pager on top of my cellular phone during the last 2 months when my wife expected our baby; iust in case my cellular phone is in area that did not have signal. However, no everyone have extra $$$.
                      The data center that I used to work have very poor cellular phone signal.
                • but what if the mother refused to tell CAS?
              • 流程上CAS一定要找LESSER INTRUSIVE COURSE OF ACTION,包括父亲,亲戚等。CAS不找他们只有一个理由,父亲不能保护小孩,上法院CAS要解释为什么父亲不能保护小孩。
                • 一个正常的父亲怎么保护不了自己小孩呢?想不明白
                  • 是关键,要问CAS,举个例子,有个父亲和12岁女儿做爱,妈妈告诉她不要告爸爸, 否则他们没饭吃,你说呢,这个妈妈可以保护女儿吗?
                  • 每次我发令带走小孩,都会问有爸爸,妈妈,奶奶吗?如果有,我们要考虑他们的。
                    • 我公司有个老外就是CAS 给他的孙子,因为他的儿子和媳妇都吸毒,后来媳妇禁毒后要求CAS拿回孙子,但是爷爷不答应,后来CAS帮助妈妈打官司要从爷爷那里拿回孙子的抚养权,打官司打了2年了,爷爷想尽办法要证明媳妇不是好妈妈,CAS一直再帮助那个妈妈
                  • 这个很简单,国男害怕老婆的太多了,这个老婆本来就有病,不听老婆话会被打死,还有可能就是老公在上班不能接电话,这么简单的程序CAS怎么会搞错,他们应该有足够的理由吧,好象老公说晚上CAS就找到他了。
                    • "这个老婆本来就有病,不听老婆话会被打死" ???? you 得了妄想精神病
                      • 有一个精神病的老婆,一个自闭症的大儿子加一个小婴儿,自己还要找工作,如果是我不是逃跑就是放弃了,我认为他选择了放弃,放任精神病的老婆,他还有什么路可以走
                  • like in a divor4, kids go with mom, then 一个正常的父亲保护不了自己小孩了
                    • or CAS just couldn't contact the father or the mother didn't give CAS the father's contact info. There are so many ifs. Why didn't the mother call the father right away?
    • 看来不是所有加拿大人都弱智
    • 不错,应该限制 CAS 的权力。