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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 我认为害死那个精神病妈妈的人就是在网上把CAS 攻击成为恐怖组织那些人,她是给 你们吓死的!!!
    • 一个悲剧造就了千万个杀人犯,rolia 直接改监狱得了
    • Cut it off please. Too much blame here. Lets focus on how to help her family and what we can do to prevent the similar tragedy from happening...
      • support!
      • +1
      • +1
      • +100
      • +1, 有钱出钱, 有力出力, 尽量少出声评论些没有用的
    • CAS is the direct killer!
      • Can you prove it in court?
    • CAS存在着而且有存在的必要性, 它为那些受家庭Abuse的儿童准备着。。。
    • 妈妈的原话: "这一个月来儿子的病越来越重,就像我和心理医生所说,孩子有我带着,没人治疗他,只有交道CAS,才会有人管,但是昨天那篇CAS每年死80个孩子的贴子导致了我精神崩毁" 不是要指责谁,而是希望大家真的冷静一下,下一次不要再帮倒忙。
      • 从妈妈这段话分析,在孩子被带走后,她其实已经跟心理医生有沟通,并且心理医生给的建议也很务实,宽慰她让她安心。还有她先生,警察,都是顺着心理医生思路在帮助她。但是她在网上得到的不负责任的说法,直接导致了她精神崩溃。
      • 少些评论,多谢关爱,悲剧就会不再发生。
      • 我一开始就认为:是那些把CAS描绘成地狱魔鬼的人和怂恿她与CAS对抗的人,对后来悲剧的发生起了重要作用。这一切当时看上去是关爱,实际上是害人!
    • 有强盗,经常到处抢劫,有一天,有些村民得知此强盗要来,就自发抵抗,强盗拿出抢,杀害一村民, 村民老婆绝望自杀..强盗说, 如果不是你们把我说得太坏, 这些村民就不会抵抗,也就不会 有人死, 你们是杀死村民和他老婆的真凶。
      • 问题在于,本来人家不是强盗,可某些人却说成是强盗,把老婆婆吓倒了。就跟八路军进城,被国民党宣传成为是共匪一样。
        医生叫CAS目的是出于治病救人,各位不是帮助bluelove意识到自己病的严重性,不是安慰她,(说些比如先看看病,等自己精神状态好些了,孩子就会送回来之类的话。) 反倒火上浇油,更加吓唬,把一个脆弱的人进一步的往崩溃的边缘推。于是有人说了,是CAS先把她推上悬崖的,我们再推一下也不算什么。当然很多人根本就没意识到自己是在把她往那边推,还认为自己在把她往回拉呢。

      • 不如这么给你说个故事:某人得了早期癌症,吓得要死,本来那种癌症,又是早期,动手术有99%的治愈率,可某些有好心的朋友不但不安慰她,反倒说,癌症呀,谁谁家的肝癌1个月就死掉了,你这个动手术一样死得快。结果那个人吓坏了,上吊死了。


        • 刚刚看到一个医生的日记,一个年轻小伙子得到了早期淋巴癌,需要化疗6个月,结果他2个月后就不去化疗了,因为他的症状好了,他一直看的老中医也说不要再去了,虽然他的医生反对,结果不到8个月,小伙子癌症复发,还有2个月的生命
          • 我们都是讨论的啥呀。那位妈妈注定要失去生命么?如果癌症,医生当告知病人,让其准备好后事;还是隐瞒病情,鼓励病人积极治疗,用特例来诱导病人求生?事实是:90%的癌症患者,还是因为癌症,死去了。我不觉得医生这两种做法,在道德上可以有不同的批判。
            • 我觉得是may11没看完我的帖子。
        • My father's story
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛17 years ago, my father had a heart attack. He didn't think it was critical and refused to go to hospital. I called 911 and forced him to hospital. The doctor in emergency said I did the right thing. If my father went to hosptial 1 hour later, he might not be able to save my father.

          After my father was discharged from hosptial, his family doctor arranged him to see a cardiologist . I took my faher to visit the cardiologist. My father didn't ask any question in the clinc and the cardiologist said he would arrange to have a surgery for him in 6 months time. I took my father home and went back to see the cardiologist again. I asked him how serious my father was and what we can do to prevent my father to have heart attack again. He told me my father was very serious, most of his blood vessel was nearly 100% blocked and he could have heart attatck anytime. I was quite upset because of what he told me and the waiting time to have an operation. But what I could do, it is Toronto. I didn't tell my father about his conditions.

          6 months later, my father went to hospital to have his operation. The cardiologist went to his room to talk to him. 15 minutes later, he came up and was quite mad about me. He complained that I should tell my father about his conditions and how serious the operation would be. I asked him how did he know I didn't tell my father. He said my father's blood pressure jumped from 130 to 190 after he explaned the conditions to my father. And I explained to the doctor that was exactly what I tried to avoid. But the cardiologist insisted that my father had the right to know about it.

          I really don't know if I am right or wrong.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 这个就是所谓文化差异,很难说谁对谁错。
            • the point I tried to make is sometime we have to be careful on what we said to a patient even what we said may be true.
          • 文化背景不同吧,没有谁对,谁错,老外去中国生活更加难适应吧,看医生,很多大医院都是2个医生一个房间,一个病人在看病,旁边有很多人围,但是生大病都是先告诉家属,家属决定要不要告诉病人
        • 你忘记了一个细节。上吊之前一位来帮忙的义工说,你必须离开你的最亲的人单独治疗,否则你会伤害到他的。现在我就把你带走。另外,癌症就是那位义工断定的。
          • 这个义公是CAS吗?如果不是,那也跟CAS没关系。而且你没看懂我的故事。义工告诉妈妈需要治疗,这是正确的建议。而不是这里的朋友说的,CAS要害死你的孩子。
            • If we could tell her that CAS is an organization that would take good care of her baby; they have the best medical resources. Try to comfort her, I don't know if the outcome would be the same.
              If I told my father the truth, how critical ill he was and how risky the operation would be. I really don't know if he could survive the 6 months waiting period. Especially it would do him no good if I told him the true.
    • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YngJ2SMAxrU