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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


The logic here for CAS to get child is some doctor's 'professional' opinion. Why we assume anybody innocent before trail in court but prejudge people has mental illness and can't take care their own children?

To judge an adult has any mental problem and can't take care of the children there should be more formal evaluation process from psychiatrist instead of normal doctor's opinion, not mention some social worker's.

We all know the notorious doctor who put so many innocent parent in jail for children death. These poor parents spent their best years in prison after lost their children. After all doctor are just normal people who make mistakes too. CAS should be held in short lease on any power to get children from parents.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / The logic here for CAS to get child is some doctor's 'professional' opinion. Why we assume anybody innocent before trail in court but prejudge people has mental illness and can't take care their own children?
    To judge an adult has any mental problem and can't take care of the children there should be more formal evaluation process from psychiatrist instead of normal doctor's opinion, not mention some social worker's.

    We all know the notorious doctor who put so many innocent parent in jail for children death. These poor parents spent their best years in prison after lost their children. After all doctor are just normal people who make mistakes too. CAS should be held in short lease on any power to get children from parents.
    • How about police officer? They can arrest a suspect who is still assumed to be innocent until trail in court. CAS worker is given the right to take custody of a child if he (or she) thinks the situation is emergency.
      And just like the police officer who have to put charge against the suspect and arrange a court trail within certain schedule; the CAS worker must get a warrant from court within 5 days after they take away the child.
    • Mental illness is just a convenient hat that CAS is so good at throwing out whenever they feel useful, and they don't need to worry about being accountable.
      When police accuses someone of certain crime the accused can at least get a government-assigned lawyer and defend before a judge. The burden of proof is on the police, not the otherwise. When CAS grabs your child, you are guilty until proven innocent, and you are on your own if you want to defend yourself. In this respect, those criminals, many of them committed crime against children, are luckier than the helpless parents. We hear time and time again the corruption cases within the police even with all the check and balances in place, can you imagine how it is with the CAS if it allows the public to query its conduct?
      • No everyone can get legal aid.
        You may be able to get Legal Aid to pay for a lawyer if:

        You have little or no money left over after you pay for basic necessities like food and housing; and,
        Your legal problem is one that is covered by Legal Aid.
        • Your comments are really tasteless.
          • it is not my comment, I just copy and paste from Legal Aid web site. And if your child is taken away by CAS, you can get Legal Aid as well if you qualify.
            • 绝对不能找CAS,或警察推荐的律师,除非你想听天由命。好律师不见得是最贵的律师。Legal Aid 几个月就会用完,CAS有纳税人的钱永远花不完。
              We know CS and the provincially funded Legal Aid system is willing to lie and stymie the parents and children to prevent them from this right. We know no judge who had followed through on their responsibility to be sure the child knows their right. The family lawyer system in Nova Scotia is so corrupt, the lawyers do not defend the parents as they should - They actually direct the parents to the slaughter - So if the lawyers do not defend the parents as they should, why would they defend the children? - After many years of advocacy work there is NOT one NS family lawyer we would recommend for families - These lawyers take direction from CS NOT the parents.
              • Canada must be a very corrupted country. First someone accused CAS is a corrupted organization and now it is the lawyer, the Legal Aid system and even judge. What else is not corrupted in Canada?
                • "Judges, those most esteemed Child Protectors, rarely rule in parents' favour. Many serve on adoption boards - it's therefore in their best interest to have children taken from their parents. (Vidio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvBYZGxtNb8)
                  • if the parents cannot protect their children; if CAS cannot protect our children and if judges fail to uphold justice, then what should we do?
                    • 平时多关心周围发生的事,多和别人交流,认清你周围的种种可能的陷阱, 多上网查询对策及别人的成功经验和失败教训, 遇事冷静,不急,不躁,少说,不说话,多想,多看,多分析。
                      • Do you have any statistics how many children were helped by CAS in 1 year? And out of all the children, how many complains did CAS receive every year?
                        CAS is not prefect; just like any organization. We cannot black label an organization if it failed 1% or even 5%; it save 95% or 99%. You are very good at finding information and I greatly appreciate your efforts; do you mind to do this research for me?

                        On the other extreme; if a doctor failed 95% of his operation but he was able to quote 1 or 2 or even 3 references on his web site; would you dare to ask him to do operation for you?

                        If I spend sometime to google, do you think I can find news and complains about police corruption as well? And then what? Get rid of police force?

                        Same applied to medical doctors; you can find a lot of medical situations that doctor failed to take care the patient. You just showed me one yourself on J. And then what? Get rid of doctor?

                        How about our legal system? Let's get rid of it and let's uphold justice ourselves. We don't need police to catch criminal, we can do it ourselves. We don't need judge, we can be the judge!

                        That would be chaos!
                        • 57%的少年犯与CAS有关,36%被的CAS保护的孩子进少管所。只有24%高中毕业。安省1%孩子被CAS所害 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/03/07/childrens-aid-070307.html http://www.lawsociety.bc.ca/publications_forms/bulletin/2008/08-07-04_public-forum.html


                          • How many 少年与CAS有关 are in CAS custoday? Most children still live with their family who have a report opened with CAS. And if they live with their family; should CAS be responsible with their education?
                            And even some are in custody of CAS. Do you think someone who had been sexually abused by their own father for 10+ years can easily become a normal children?
                        • IF they think you are weak and can not hurt them..they will eat you...if you bite - they have second thoughts.
      • The Ministry of the Attorney General has created a brochure called, What You Should Know About Child Protection Court Cases.
        • 你算说对了,腐败就是从这个立法机关开始的。(详见视频http://vimeo.com/1889117)
          • so what we should do if our whole legal system is so screwed up?
            • 把这些视频和事实尽量散发,揭露CAS的吃人本质,最好多些游行集会,让社会上多数人知道CAS是还孩子的利益机构。多年以后,后来人就会少受些欺凌。http://rally4accountability.webs.com/apps/photos/album.jsp?albumID=2092941
    • CAS 仗势欺人,当然会有许多人被他们逼疯。然后他们,精神病院,药厂,和他们是利益共同体。
      • (视频) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISFPJL66p4c
      • Even if the mother gave her child medicines herself as some here accused, could it be any worse than what happened in those foster places? They are murdurers in the name of child protection. They use psychiatric drugs on toddlers!!!
        • They use psychiatric drugs on toddlers, can you please share your source of information. And we are talking about Ontario CAS.
          • OK. here is a story happened in Ontario http://www.cbc.ca/national/news/normal/
            • CAS did very badly in this particular case. I am not defending for CAS that they failed to protect the child. However, the child took psychiatric drugs before CAS stepped in.
              CAS failed to report the boy's sever side effect to the psycharist and protected him from sex abuse. And they should be responsible for it. And our government should investigate if CAS has similar problem in other foster homes. Proper procedure must be in place to avoid the same problem in future.

              But it was a psycharist who prescribed the drug to the boy, not CAS. The grandparents filed the complaint about psycharist.

              I have a friend whose daugther has AD&D. She also give up the drug for her children and used accupuncture to control her behaviour.
              • CAS从纳税人拿到的钱与他们害的孩子数量有关,这才是本质原因。“民主”国家的人依赖监督,三权分立,没有道德,但是Attorney General在妇女儿童问题上集立法,行政,司法于一身。由于没有有效制衡机制,必然出问题。
                • CAS从纳税人拿到的钱与他们害的孩子数量有关 - I believe police force budget is also related to crime rate; hospital is related to # of petients and school is related to # of students.
                  So do you think police would promote crime and hospital would promote sick?
                • Attorney General在妇女儿童问题上集立法,行政,司法于一身 : CAS is only an operation unit which is empowered by Child and Family Services Act (CFSA). CFSA is constantly reviewed by Ontario Provincial Parliment
                  And everytime a child is taken away from his legal guardian, CAS must obtain a court order from a judge.

                  So we have CAS (行政) , judge (司法)and Ontario Legislation (立法) to over see the whole program, pluse media and internet! Is that not the 三权分立?
                  • 他们都是一伙的,重新仔细看一遍这段录像,你就明白了。
                    • You gave me this one before. But the finding is only based on 1 single criminal lawyer's experience. You can say I am biased but I would question his finding as well.
      • Goodmom just shared her own experience with CAS. A first encounter with CAS!
    • IF they think you are weak and can not hurt them..they will eat you...if you bite - they have second thoughts.