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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 看了CAS的江女士的介绍,她也承认CAS权力很大,但是是有监管的。大伙就别争了:是人干的事,那就一定会有出错的可能。但是我们不能为了一个芝麻,扔掉一个西瓜吧(HKCHAN的观点,我也赞赏)。既然错误是不可避免的,再多的监管也是没辙,我倒想知道几点:

    • Ding. We want to get answers for above questions.
    • Please give CAS a call. You don't need others to do this homework for you.
      • 我肯定接电话的人对此不感兴趣,也不会给我答案。相反,如果我举报一个CASE,他们会很重视。GOOD JOB, CAS!
        • National Post: "I have built up a shocking dossier of abuse by social workers, who were fully aided and abetted by their superiors at every level. Nobody seems to care about it. Politicians are scared to touch them."
          • "Politicians are scared to touch them" Did Kevin mention a name? or any support to this statement? If our Minister of Children received 5,000 email about the poor mother's story this week, I wonder what she would do.
            • Ontario Ombudsman, André Marin
              • André Marin is scared to touch them? No way!!
                • She's too upset or crazy, according to her reflection to the issue? How do you think?
                  • think what?
                    • André Marin should response like this or not?
    • 都是小儿科问题,你们烦不烦,问来问去都是白痴问题,加拿大不是中国,什么都有 法庭,法官决定,你不应该挑战CAS ,应该挑战加拿大法律,你的问题是“如果法 官,法庭,法律都错了,怎么办?”
      • 1. 有 2.劳工法律处理包括TERMINATION 3. 对家长有, 群众嘛,加拿大没有中国式公审 4. 问题太广泛,发回再问 5. 今年拨款依照二年前数据, 数据上下浮动10%拨款不变,如果零个案,应该是零拨款,零人员 6. 有的有,有的没有工会组织
        • 找点实例嘛。有条文,给点具体文件看看嘛(网上没有,扫描都成图片发上来嘛)。你现在回答等于没有回答,第6点我倒更感兴趣了:这意味着CAS是各自独立的?由法律规定建立,但是各地政府自行组织?经费来自地税还是国税?
          • School board 是各自独立,hospital也是各自独立,是个英国COUNTY传统。CAS由法律(CFSA)规定建立,由省税支持。
            • 这样讲,CAS是每个省不一样,有的有工会有的无?ONTARIOCAS,可否拿到关于CAS成立以来,每年CASE数量和拨款数量的数据,以及扣除退休后总体雇员人数的变化?
        • 第5条您回答得比较到位,谢谢!但是还是要具体文件支持,不要想当然0%CASE就撤销~
    • "为了一个芝麻,扔掉一个西瓜吧" I would never know such good Chinese, but this is about my point. I am more interested in point 5. Chicken first or egg first. More children abuse -> more CAS workers or
      more CAS worker -> discovered more children abuse cases. I started to learn logic from sku.
      • 这个就算是搞清楚了,也不是本质问题,school board也按人头发经费,多一个学生就多一份拨款。但由此不能推断说,school board就要跑到街上随便抓孩子。
        • 这位兄弟,SCHOOL BOARD是否有权力到街上抓孩子?如果他们有,你怎么看?
          • 1,没权利。2,如果他们有,也就是说法律赋予他们权利,强制街上每个适龄儿童都去他们那里受教育,那我不知道该怎么办,个人是要送孩子去公立学校的,但我反对没有选择的被强制。我只是指受教育这项。
        • I am not negative to CAS but my point is since CAS has more resources, then they can identify more child abuse cases and then they can ask for more resources and then another cycle again.
          • 不成立。他们RESORCE多了并不保证他们可以确定更多的CASE。标准和程序决定了,这个CASE能不能成为一个CASE。拨款和CASE数量挂钩的诟病,就是,很简单:警察开告票的数量和拨给警察的款有关~~我一直很怀疑搞这样规定的人是不是有毛病,这事不会出在加拿大吧??
      • 先有了ABUSE,才有了CAS,这个可以算事实。至于你的问题,ONTARIOCAS已经回答了,CAS的拨款是按CAS数量来定。至于工资要加,人员过多,那是他们自己的问题。有一点:我只所以问工会问题,就是:有了工会,人员只涨不减,拨款不增加,大家怎么吃饭?
        • 请多包含,也许CAS的工会是不一样的。没有经费,工会成员象国内一样,内部评议,排名靠后的下岗---那一个著名的“上一个厕所”的笑话~
        • Hkchan,没听过为了一个芝麻掉了一个西瓜? 听过打是亲骂是爱吗?
          • Did you come from HK as well? Where did you learn all these Chinese? I heard none of them.
            • 我生在香港,长在香港,不过我是中国人
              • but how do you learn all these Chinese? I didn't learn it.
              • 你不是加拿大国籍,就可以进CAS,真不简单~~改变了我对CAS的印象哟~~赞!
                • 搞错了,我相信你的“中国人”是指种族和文化上的,不是国籍~~
        • ONTARIO PROTECTION STANDARDS强制CAS什么时候开案子,什么时候撤销案子,我们可以不同意,MINISTRY会AUDIT,不合标准, 做了也是白做,没钱的。
        • HKCHAN,如果生物由简到繁,是个定律,应该是有蛋后有鸡!问题是谁是蛋谁是鸡!
          • that was my question as well.
        • 不太明白:”有了工会,人员只涨不减“??? 难道工会人员从不退休的吗? 我记得新人进有些工会不容易,得等别人的退休后的位子。
    • 即然错误不可避免,有了错误反省改正一下难道没有必要?没有要扔掉那个西瓜,只是要西瓜对一条人命那末点芝麻事有个交待,这不过份吧?
      • Did the victim file an official inquiry and CAS ignored their inquiry? If someone can prove this is the case, I would personally go to Minister of Childrend office on Monday!
        • Wow, we should leave it all to you. Have you heard of that now infamous "no comments" response?
          • no comments is to the reporter and the public, which is understandable due to privacy issue. The key point is: did loveblue's husband, or someone that represents loveblue, file any official inquiry, or request to launch an investigation?
            • That's absured. The CAS IS accountable to the public.
              • yes in general, but not in any individual case which may disclose client's private information without the client's consent
                • From the way you call the victim a client I guess you work for CAS. It really surprises me that you can not distinguish between reporting CAS's stance on a publicly known event involving CAS, and the personal information of the family involved.
                  • 怎么我说client就是cas的员工?我只是觉得对CAS来说,他们算是client吧。我有意避开victim这种明显有判定意义的词。如果有正式的公开调查,当然他们不能简单地说no comments。问题目前没有,这才是重点。其丈夫,或者任何人代表该女子能够上诉的话,当然好
                    你当然可以要求public inquiry,没人阻止你。但是inquiry没开始前,CAS也有权利保持沉默。
                    • That's your understanding of accountability!! Let's wait for the media to ask that same question. You can advise CAS to remain "no comments".
                      • It is not just CAS, reporters go to ask police, hospital, border control for any individual case. They would have the same answer. A reporter does not represent public nor the family. Who gives them right?
                        • Well, like it or not query from the media is part of public accountability. Given CAS's history this is likely the only useful means of getting to the bottom of this matter. Let's see how much longer the CAS can keep saying "no comments".
                    • It is not only their 权利 to 保持沉默 but it is their responsibility. They have to protect their clients (children) privacy.
                      If any reporter can go to CAS and is allowed to access the children information using the excuse "public has a right to know", then there would be no confidentiality. It would be a disaster!! CAS would have no credit to their children.

                      Hi, John, You father is a drug addict and your mother is a hxxxxx. Do you want that to happen?

                      In Canada, even you and your wife have the same family doctor, your family cannot disclose your medical information to your wife.
                      • you either do not understand the accountability to the public or have a very confused mind. The question is about CAS's conduct. This happens in all places where public accountability is required.
                        If you were a reporter you certainly would ask that kind of question to John. But don't expect everyone else are as twisted as you are.
                    • This is why I always asked for an public inquiry from the very beginning. We would not able to get those information otherwise.
                • And call for a public inquiry must have an individual's consent is a pure fabrication.
              • when media becomes the representative of public? Even among media, there are left wing, right wing, many different mix?
                If you were the victim's husband, do you like the idea that all your wife's privacy is on tomorrow newspapaer front page without your consent? I won't.
              • what / who is representative of public in Canada?
        • From the report, the victim received responses. But the results are not what they expected~~~and they found they had no choice or any org could help if they were put in those things~~Hey, man, do you think all those noise is just a FAKE thing????
          • You have to tell us the details. I really don't understand what you tried to say. I want to help but within the scope of our social / legal system allows.
          • or you can PM me if you trust me! I am not a spy for anyone or any organization. I do it for my spirit.
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