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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Families are fighting back ...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 小女孩身上画一个纳粹标记,两个孩子被CFS带走,CFS希望让两个孩子永远失去父母,小女孩妈妈说,"I think my daughter was either force-fed to say these things ... or she was coaxed, maybe into saying them, if she did in fact say them,"
    • CAS叫警察抓小孩,12岁小孩抵抗,警察用胡椒喷雾器对付小孩,以便把他抓住予以“保护”
      • Now you want to complain about police force?
      • 看到了一个绝望母亲的垂死挣扎,幸运的是她活了下来,不幸的是我们看到另一个母亲绝望而死。
      • The RNC called a negotiator in to resolve the situation. 想起了有一种职业,叫谈判专家。可惜我们的案子里,连孩子的父亲都没有等来。
    • "We have a very hard stance against drug use. It's not a white thing to do." HA. "Not a white thing to do". How much can you believe what else the woman said?
      • CAS赶走父母,强制对孩子进行化疗
        • 父母不愿接受CAS强制的疗法,被关进监狱,孩子被抢走
          • http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/499297
            • And what do you suggest our government or CAS should do in this case.
          • 小孩明显有病. 母亲因宗教而拒绝医院给小孩正常治疗. 警察隔离了母亲和小孩. CAS 看护小孩.
    • Families are fighting back ...
      • How to Fight CAS (2 Links inside)


      • It is Canada and our citiziens is allowed to fight against our government. The key thing is if majortiy of our citizens like or dislike our government or CAS.
        • 就你们几个 ontarioCAS, hkchan, may11, ... 可能你们三个就是一个人
          • I don't know any of them. If you visited other forum in Rolia, you would find I am an IT guy working in financial industry. My only encouter with CAS was a complain to them couple years ago.
            • And if you careful read all my posting, you would find that there were time I don't agree with May 11. But you may think it is just trick that I tried to hide my secret identity. LOL!
          • 网上的事什么都有可能,可能ONTARIOCAS,HKCHAN,和MAY是同一个人。我说我是CAS的人,你们便信吗?
    • The father has filed an affidavit showing he plans to argue he has a constitutional right to raise his children according to his beliefs. What are the father's beliefts?
      • He probably believes that drug use is not a white thing to do, it's only a black thing, or purple thing, or orange thing.
        • I personally prefer purple.
    • 57%的少年犯与CAS有关,36%被的CAS保护的孩子进少管所。只有24%高中毕业。安省1%孩子被CAS所害 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/03/07/childrens-aid-070307.html http://www.lawsociety.bc.ca/publications_forms/bulletin/2008/08-07-04_public-forum.html



      Page link:
      • This doesn't seem to have anything to do with CAS. Rather it's about putting young offenders in group homes. You seem to be on a mission.
        • Some readers may think this is CAS's responsibilitty. Number won't lie but can be misleading! How many children (or %) are actually in the custody of CAS?
            • 是啊,如果那个被警察喷胡椒粉抓去保护的孩子在12-18岁中自杀,CAS是没有一点责任的。就象这位死去的母亲,因为她的自杀在一个多月后,所以有人说是口水,而不是CAS杀了她。
            • 所以CAS就尽量将他们的猎物,或者是摇钱树打成有精神问题。省政府不应仅公布CAS一年死90个小孩的事实,应将有多少小孩在他们手里被强行喂药的数字也公布,特别是有多少原本完全健康的小孩被他们拿走后(许多是非法拿走)被强行喂药的数字。