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57%的少年犯与CAS有关,36%被的CAS保护的孩子进少管所。只有24%高中毕业。安省1%孩子被CAS所害 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/03/07/childrens-aid-070307.html http://www.lawsociety.bc.ca/publications_forms/bulletin/2008/08-07-04_public-forum.html




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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / What You Should Know About Child Protection Court Cases? CAS is not an organization which can do anything they want; they have to follow court order. Please read the following information about what you should do. And talk to a lawyer.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The law allows the CAS to remove children from their families and to ask a judge to make a court order to protect children. If the CAS has removed your child from your care, the CAS must take the case to court within 5 days.

    What do I do?

    Plan to attend court.

    Speak to a lawyer right away. These cases can move quickly and can be complicated. Your lawyer will help you prepare and file your own papers. Even if you agree with what the CAS is asking for, you should still speak to a lawyer. If you are not able to find a lawyer before the court date, a lawyer
    called a Duty Counsel is usually at the court house to give you basic help on that day.

    What if I can’t afford a lawyer?

    You can apply for legal aid. You will have to give Legal Aid Ontario information about your income and any property you own. If you qualify, Legal Aid Ontario will give you a certificate to pay for, or help pay for, a lawyer. Your local Legal Aid Ontario office is listed in the white pages of your phone book under Legal Aid Ontario. When you call, make sure you tell them you are calling about a child protection case. Ask what you need to bring to apply for legal aid.

    What happens on the first court date?

    The judge will read the court papers.

    You might be able to speak to the judge but usually the judge only looks at written evidence (affidavits). The judge will decide who will have temporary custody of your child until the next court date: you, the CAS or another person. The judge will also decide what
    needs to happen before the case can go any further and will set another court date. The judge might order the Office of the Children’s Lawyer to provide a lawyer for your child. (This is a government office that acts on behalf of children in family cases.) It is not likely that a final decision
    will be made on the first court date.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 但事实上CAS会用尽办法拖延上庭时间,俺朋友的儿子被带走后,俺朋友也请了律师,但CAS拖延了半年多才上庭,放回了孩子,可怜小孩子从CAS回来时,瘦的都能清晰可数每个肋骨。
      • 看到这里真是气的不行了!
      • Can you please tell us how CAS会用尽办法拖延上庭时间
      • 如果你朋友是有理的,可以把这件事拿出来说明白,应该会比loveblue的案子更适合拿来质疑CAS
        • At least we can have a first hand information rather than hearing from a friend or some logic deduction.
      • 所谓的寄养家庭, 我碰巧认识一个, 不过不是国人. 她拿钱, 把这当成生意一样经营, 我想, 可能比把房间租出去划算. 家里有2-3个小孩, 就做饭给他们吃, 看着玩玩. 你能说她有多少爱心?她还是比较善良的人一类.
        • how much she get per child?
          • It depends. For regular foster homes, $30-$35. Specialized foster homes with CYW training, $40-$60. For group homes, average is $275. I am talking about per diem, ie. per day.
      • 请详述
        • 5天CAS一定上庭,那是胡扯。CAS的拿手好戏,把所有人先安上神经病的帽子,不信,你们看看这里他们的帖子。他们要妈妈去看精神病专家,并要专家全面报告,从专家的预约,到预约检察和拿到报告,一天不耽误就要一个月。大家都知道专家门诊预约时间都很长,很难。
          • 这才是第一步,就这第一步,就要你至少一到两个月,后面还有的是办法拖延。否则小孩早就回到妈妈的怀里了。
            • 这都是CAS按“法律”办事的程序,有“法”可依的。 可是谁为给孩子与父母带来的身体与精神上的痛苦负责?这是对人权的粗暴践踏,可是披着法律的外衣!CAS不是解决问题的,而是带来问题的!这是个很清楚的问题,可有人就说是依法办事!这是多么的荒谬啊!
              • #5341624@0
      • 小孩被带走后,是教会的朋友,社区的华人朋友纷纷帮助之手,才使这个先生刚去世的单身妈妈度过了那最艰难6,7个月。而CAS根本没有来我们的社区和教会调查一下这位妈妈的人品,就是扣着孩子不放。相比下是冰火两重天,“踢寡妇的门,挖绝户的坟”这是伤天害理事。
    • 俺朋友是个七,八年没有任何经济来源的单身妈妈,为救儿子不得不拿出了仅有的存款请律师,半年后救出了儿子。如果不是周围的朋友,教会和几个华人社团的帮助支持,这个妈妈绝对被逼疯了,她的儿子就是她的生命。
      • 小孩在CAS期间,由于紧张10天不大便,每次与妈妈会见时都说肚子胀难受,妈妈要求CAS带孩子看医生,CAS根本不理睬,孩子的妈妈不得不为此事求各界帮助,最后还是妈妈在会见儿子时,在妈妈单独安抚和照料下,小孩才解决了胀肚子问题。
        • 你说的姓刘的那个妈妈?
    • 那是一个真实的场景,妈妈在CAS规定的会见时间结束和儿子不得不分手时,六岁的小儿子哭着要和妈妈回家,这个单身妈妈不敢说任何一个字,只能忍着泪,默默和儿子分手,因为她怕她的任何言语,动作,会让CAS取消她会见儿子的机会。她只能回到空荡家里大哭一场。
      • 这个故事,每一个细节都还记得。华人社区不会忘记的,小龙这辈子因为这些经历,也一定不会忘记的。
      • 看看这个文明的社会,加下法律的外衣,比野蛮时候强多少啊?
      • 这个小男孩在CAS那里没有得到爱,却深深懂得了另外两个字,他会铭记一辈子。
      • 看了真难受.狗屁组织
      • 我身边有个人孩子也被拿走啦,是小孩生病,好像说母亲照看不周,邻居告发。一次母亲和孩子见面的时候,我恰好在场,带孩子过来的那个工作人员 特严肃,绷着个脸,当时还挺纳闷呢,现在才意识到 是CAS的。 母亲难当啊。
      • 这个案子我也由朋友那里听过,一个CAS的员工私下和这个妈妈接触, 提供专业意见,我问他为什么,他说中国人嘛,可以帮便帮她一把。我知道的不是CAS不想交回小孩,他们也不想带走小孩,是警察和刑事法庭一个命令小孩不可以回家,CAS又背了个黑镬。
        • 胡扯!小孩的妈妈找了警察局几次,因为邻居CAS骗小孩去他家喝巧克力奶而被带走的,小孩妈报警他拐骗儿童,警察经调查明确说小孩是CAS带走的,他们无能为力。这是刑事案吗?刑事法庭管得着吗,编瞎话也得靠谱。
          • 你们两个说的好像是两回事。你说的是孩子被带走的时候是CAS带的,ontarioCAS说的是被带走后,有刑事法庭令。记得当时是报道了那位妈妈可能面对刑事诉讼。没有看到后续报道,不知道是不是真的有上刑事法庭。
            • ASSAULT是刑事
            • 糊涂,你不是这个妈妈的朋友,你是由网上看的,她有NO CONTACT ORDER你也不知道。
    • 57%的少年犯与CAS有关,36%被的CAS保护的孩子进少管所。只有24%高中毕业。安省1%孩子被CAS所害 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/03/07/childrens-aid-070307.html http://www.lawsociety.bc.ca/publications_forms/bulletin/2008/08-07-04_public-forum.html


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