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I just talked a girl who got her Master degree in social works couple weeks ago from Toronto University. I asked her if she even considered to work for CAS. What do you think her answer is?

Absolutely no! And it is nothing to do with her 良心. She told me everyone in her class know that CAS is the worst place for any social worker to work for, No one appreciates the work for CAS. If she helps a senior immigrant to apply a room in senior home, the senior would appreciate her works. If she help a abused wife to leave her husband, the woman would appreicate her works. But no one would appreciate the works from CAS. And not only like, the abuse (both physical and mental) for CAS workers is the highest amony other social works organization. Who would like the idea that their kids to be taken away?

It is not her 良心上受不了!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 有没有这种可能:那位失去亲人的同胞受到威胁?我们能看见的是网络毒口水对那个家庭的伤害,从《都市报》的第一篇报道开始就有了。我担心的是,他受到了CAS直接间接的威胁。例如,披露他的隐私,例如,重新收监孩子,或取消大孩子的一些福利?
    • 没有什么坏事CAS干不出来。
    • 想象力过于丰富了
      • 接受有限的媒体访问,却不敢直接对CAS进行问责。“略有微词”而不敢直接发问,这种犹豫的背后,难道仅仅是出于对同胞口水的恐惧?
        • 除了当事人,其他的只能算猜测,就算是猜对了(当然有这种可能),没有当事人的亲口承认,依然还是猜测。既然当事的各方都三缄其口,网络上的口水当然还得留在网络上,能做的不过是向MPP投诉,或者像失去母亲的孩子提供微薄的资金援助。
    • 机构也是有一个个个人组成,哪个员工愿意为了组织的利益而牺牲个人利益去当坏人呢?况且想取消孩子的福利,CAS还没这么大的权力
      • There were rumors that their older boy was getting sort of assistance from CAS.
      • 如果你对CAS有些实地了解,你会知道他们会这样做。CAS的报酬是靠强制别人拿到的。诬告,制造冤案,威胁是他们常用的手段。据报道有多于93%的CAS intak worker, 多于86%的CAS family service worker zuo做不了半年就离开CAS,觉得良心上受不了。
        剩下的多是唯利是图者。在案省总审计署揭露CAS丑闻后,Toronto CAS 发言人对媒体大众公开讲:“我们不得不给员工非常好的待遇,否则无法吸引人人来做这种工作”。所谓“重赏之下,必有勇夫”。CAS的员工工资非常高,待遇非常好,假期非常多。凭那些人的真实技能(有人连加减乘除都心算不了)做其它工作,连1/3现收入都拿不到。
        • 安省寄养家庭drop rate也高得惊人,我没有直接数据,但我了解到的是,很多人家在参与后短短及天就drop掉,不再为CAS工作。
        • I just talked a girl who got her Master degree in social works couple weeks ago from Toronto University. I asked her if she even considered to work for CAS. What do you think her answer is?
          Absolutely no! And it is nothing to do with her 良心. She told me everyone in her class know that CAS is the worst place for any social worker to work for, No one appreciates the work for CAS. If she helps a senior immigrant to apply a room in senior home, the senior would appreciate her works. If she help a abused wife to leave her husband, the woman would appreicate her works. But no one would appreciate the works from CAS. And not only like, the abuse (both physical and mental) for CAS workers is the highest amony other social works organization. Who would like the idea that their kids to be taken away?

          It is not her 良心上受不了!
          • CAS活脏,大家都不想去?有这样的事?我说我怎么老主流不了,我的眼里只看见了钱!SIGH~
          • 我认识一位多大社工系毕业生也告诉我她的同学们也都不愿意在CAS工作。社工中待遇最优厚的工作无人愿意做!CAS在一线工作的很少有多大的毕业生。很多人都没有社工资格。
            • 所以他们缺乏现场判断力是很有可能的,所以跟踪了36个小时依然拿不准,所以要打电话回去请示并没有在现场出现领导来决定?
          • 不要再去回他们的贴,他们都不是普通的人,可能都是有机构在背后支持,想争取我们华人反对CAS,咱们就坚决支持CAS,非常讨厌法轮工的宣传方法
            • 转时政
      • 他们在这个组织里得到了3倍高的工资,组织利益与个人利益犹如乌龟与其壳的关系
        • 比喻不当外加歧视动物,发回重写。
          • 像采油工与油井的关系?有更恰当的怕道出引人恼羞成怒
    • CAS:关我P事。家属:不关谁事。围观群众:这也没事?!挺C派:就你多事
      • LOL
      • I'm a typical 围观群众, shame on me.
      • all of us - 无所事事
        • 无所事事好过无事生非。
    • 我也大胆假设一下:有没有可能是CAS派的杀手干的?
      • 不可能,他们不是疯子,他们只是想赚钱,杀她对CAS一点好处都没有,不象杀林肯,杀肯尼迪。
    • BROTHER油油也,我突然在想,兄长你在这件事情上,会不会有些走火入魔了呢
      • Too bad too late.
        • 我担心你呢,嘿嘿
        • 听起来象是遗言~~油哥,要不要约医生?
          • LOL
      • 在这件事上的不平则鸣要比冷眼旁观或落井下石要好。
        • 适可而止最好,平衡最好,嘿嘿。
          • 停不下来啦,CBC又来电话聊了半个小时,本来平静的生活又被打乱。
            • 说了些啥?
            • 油哥加油