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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


活动汇报:《了解 CAS 讲座》

协调组织并主持:Cruiser and Rollor。
时间:6月28日(星期天)下午 2:00 - 4:30。
地点:1050 McNicoll Ave. Unit 1.
活动花费:场地租金 70元。
义工: Cruiser、Rollor (三小时)。


Rolia 网友 loveblue 曾在论坛求助,说她的孩子身患重病,但所有医生都不予治疗,孩子危在旦夕。在帖子中表现了严重的焦虑情绪。几个星期后,该网友自杀身亡。此事件引起 Rolia 网友的大热烈讨论。讨论焦点集中在个人精神健康和CAS 的工作两个方面。因此,在网友呼吁下,Cruiser主动请缨,邀请CAS专家举办讲座。


江女士向大家讲述了虐待儿童的种类, CAS 的性质和 CAS 在干涉虐待儿童事件时的操作程序。在提问阶段,江女士也讲到了关于 CAS 的投诉程序。有听众提出在其受到的不公平待遇,江女士认为属于具体案件,不能公开评论,建议其私下交流。


听众中有一位不懂中文。他自称是个人权活动家,并向每个与会者分发自己带来的文字材料,内容大致是申诉 CAS 如何侵犯了人权(包括他自己)。在江女士演讲和提问结束后,我给他安排了几分钟公开讲话。他做了控诉。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 活动汇报:《了解 CAS 讲座》
    协调组织并主持:Cruiser and Rollor。
    时间:6月28日(星期天)下午 2:00 - 4:30。
    地点:1050 McNicoll Ave. Unit 1.
    活动花费:场地租金 70元。
    义工: Cruiser、Rollor (三小时)。


    Rolia 网友 loveblue 曾在论坛求助,说她的孩子身患重病,但所有医生都不予治疗,孩子危在旦夕。在帖子中表现了严重的焦虑情绪。几个星期后,该网友自杀身亡。此事件引起 Rolia 网友的大热烈讨论。讨论焦点集中在个人精神健康和CAS 的工作两个方面。因此,在网友呼吁下,Cruiser主动请缨,邀请CAS专家举办讲座。


    江女士向大家讲述了虐待儿童的种类, CAS 的性质和 CAS 在干涉虐待儿童事件时的操作程序。在提问阶段,江女士也讲到了关于 CAS 的投诉程序。有听众提出在其受到的不公平待遇,江女士认为属于具体案件,不能公开评论,建议其私下交流。


    听众中有一位不懂中文。他自称是个人权活动家,并向每个与会者分发自己带来的文字材料,内容大致是申诉 CAS 如何侵犯了人权(包括他自己)。在江女士演讲和提问结束后,我给他安排了几分钟公开讲话。他做了控诉。
    • 这样不太好吧?应该拒绝那家伙的控诉。搞得CAS以为是有意这样安排的~~后果很严重
      • They certainly deserve it.
      • 我是会议主持人,我有责任根据情况修订会议流程。而且,我把话都说在明处,不会酸溜溜地冷嘲热讽。
        • 早知道你有权修订会议流程,我吆喝上几位扛牌去示威。。。。不过这样也太拆你们台了。
          • 个别人我可以通融,如果你带的人太多,又打着抗议的牌子,我就只能请你们到外面去了。那方面的经验我也有。
            • 忍不住笑了,嘿嘿
    • 老外怎么知道咱们的,有内奸吧
      • 一位本坛网友请他来的。
        • 有没有录像咱们也可以受受教育
          • 录了,但是我这段时间太忙,没空整理,估计要等到8月份
    • 伟大的歌唱家麦克同志谢幕了。他的事迹告诉我们,即使在医疗技术比加拿大先进很多的地方,依然是庸医横行。害死人命的事情时有发生。仅仅对于加拿大医疗系统多了几分疑虑和不信任,一位母亲被CAS判定危害孩子健康。指责这位母亲的网友,你们深思了吗?
      • MICHEAL当初一定如那些相信CAS的人一样相信他的医生, 到头来毁了容也跟CAS里丢了孩子丢了娘一样的结果, 只不过CAS丢失的孩子丢的娘都不是自己的----加拿大这个地方有种现象很不咋地: 所有的地方设门槛, 要么要LICENCE, 等过了这个门槛, 再监督它就难上加难,
        说是给你了权力监督, 可实际上是滚刀肉你就滚吧
      • 米高「戀童案」主角認撒謊 - who killed MJ?
    • video
    • 所有不利于CAS的报道、案件都是“个别现象”,不便讨论,我早就料到他们会这样讲.这些“个别现象”,具体到某个家庭,就是一场灾难,一场难以摆脱的恶梦.而CAS有的是时间,精力和金钱去折腾.有多少这种“个别现象”,外界很难知道.
    • 是啊,上次有录像,这次是不是没有了?嘿嘿
      • 我觉得这江姐也颓不易了点,被人忽悠来活动,结果发现接受再教育的群众少得那个可怜,不知道回去怎么交报告。
        • 总是这么酸溜溜的,有意思吗?
          • 要感谢的是CAS多年来的胡作非为,让广大中青年国移擦亮了眼睛。
            • 嘿嘿,BROTHER油油也,以前都没有见到你这么极端呢。CAS有缺点,也有优点
              • 功过三七开?这是对人,比死去的那个母亲,比如对那个不是很完美的父亲。对机构,对机器,苛责一点就是对广大人民群众最负责任的表现。
                • 嘿嘿,我觉得应该至少是对半开的,如果从CAS长期的工作来看,而不是只基于对华人社区的失误
                • I agree we should 苛责一点 CAS; however, we still have to be fair. 功过三七开? Do you have any proof? or as usal, just another BS without any proof?
            • 所谓“广大中青年国移”应该是以你为代表吧?不过,很难说你的眼睛到底是亮了,还是紧盯着某些地方不放。真正的广大中青年国移视野肯定比你的开阔。
            • 想代表别人?这需要授权的。
              • 人说"广大中青年国移"呢。咱好象属老年国移了吧?人没说要代表你
                • 哦,酱紫。那我就不多嘴了。
            • CAS多年来的胡作非为? I guess most Canadians must be blind all these years and allow CAS 多年来的胡作非为! or the other way, only very small number of people see this way?
          • 不少人说话风格一贯如此,你长期混时政,那里的更多,应该早见怪不怪了。。。
            • Rollor and cruisor99 are very few Rolians who are truly helpful to our community. I know there would be people who do not agree but I believe we owe you a big thank you card.
        • sigh, bro oil, you need to take a break. step back, deep breath, relax, rerelax, then think about it, not YELL about it, you may see things clearer.
          • 是呀,估计是最近垃圾罢工让BROTHER油油他STRESSFUL了一些,嘿嘿
          • 听说过“偏执”吗?
            • 没听说过,要不您给大家讲讲? 人又要说咱俩重操就业,演双簧寥
              • 不用演了,油油正言传身教。。。
          • CAS高层讲,致死人案的他从来没有听说。我倒是觉得,人家当爹的出来讲话,鼠妹应该step back, deep breath, relax, rerelax, then think about it, not YELL about it
            • BROTHER油油也,我好像没有听到过CAS什么高层那么说过了,嘿嘿,他们的高层有好多,不知道兄长说的这个是哪个级别的,代表不代表CAS了
            • Can you prove CAS directly caused the mother's death? Don't just BS, show the government and public any solid evidence you have (if you have any)!
            • 那个事情,我也批评鼠妹了
            • 江妹妹没听过这案子不意外,事件发生在宝鸡,你们问西安官员,他们不知道不意外, 或者事件发生在东莞,你们问深圳官员,行吗? 江妹妹过的生活比老外老外,不像我移民25年,还生活在"唐人街"。
          • “step back, deep breath, relax, rerelax, then think about it, not YELL about it”。大家都退后了,就剩下老油站在前面,突然想起了胡兰子。
            • 我看见的是死难家属一开口,这里立刻有人去堵人家的嘴。这里尸骨未寒,那里有人张罗精神病广告,怕的是过了这一阵风,吸引不来那一份眼球。传说中的人血盛宴,从来不会有人step back吧。
              • 众人皆恶,唯油油独善。
              • 唉,狂人日记现实版。
                • 你们怎涮老油都可以,反正我皮糙肉厚。人家从来不上网的死难家属借ID上来说个事,立刻被你们指摘,你们觉得过分吗,有过内疚吗
                  • who is "你们"?
                    • co-ask.
                      • 我记得松鼠这样干过,被骂跑了~其他还有一些不太著名的ID,不记得了
                  • Did I ever 指摘 her family?
                  • 老油啊,那天的追思会不是你一个人去吧?捐款也不是只有你一个人做吧?干吗非得把自己说成受害人的守护神、别人都是恶魔?你这么跳着脚地骂人,我不得不step back,省得被唾沫星子溅着。
              • Please come forward and show us your evidence, do something practical and show Canadian what CAS did wrong in this incidence! I have my eyes open to see your proof!
                • 别等拉,没有的拉~没有证据也改变不了对CAS的怀疑。即使有证据证明CAS错误,CAS也还是CAS,因为这个是个案,能改变啥?HKCHAN你倒是收集点支持CAS的案例来看看,看是哪方面多吧,黑黑。
                  • I don't have any figure, this is why I am neutral. But I don't want to see people believe myth or incomplete pictures and making fatal mistake. "但是昨天那篇CAS每年死80个孩子的贴子导致了我精神崩毁"
                    I never want to see another similar post on Rolia. Do you want another innocent people mental break down because of false information that he / she read from Rolia? I don't!

                    I don't work for CAS nor I would ever benefit from CAS.
                    • HKCHAN兄弟,我也同意你的观点,我现在已经对CAS不怎么感冒了。我觉得应该是把CAS这个机构的舆论导向,往纸老虎方面发展~就是说,不要怕它,要利用它(CAS的确还是比较呆板愚蠢的)。这样,广大同胞就不会担心,不CRAZY,也就不容易真的被抓了~~
                      • you got it right. oil has not yet but i hope he will come around eventaully
                        • Oldyou did a lot of works for the victim and I really appreciated his works. However, I can't agree with his direction, i.e. accusing CAS without any solid evidence. I would prefer to find all the missing pieces first, e.g.
                          Why CAS seized the baby?
                          Was the mother emotion unstable before or after the baby was seized?
                          Did the mother receive any mental illness treatment in England? Was the treatment completed?

                          There is a long list and I don't think we would ever have the answer without a public inquiry.

                          A poor mother is dead and her family would never recover from this disaster. And I would never, never, never want to see another similar disaster. How can we ever avoid such disaster?

                          Oldyou, I hope you can understand we are not as cool blood as you imagine. We just think and work differently. Our goal can be the same if we can put down our difference!

                          Once we gather all the missing pieces and if we find evidence that CAS did something wrong in this case, I would follow your footstep to protest, collect signatures, complain, whatever!

                          But at this point, I really see not such evidence. Of course, you don't have to agree with me.
                      • +1
                      • I hope we would have more Chinese CAS workers like ontariocas who understand our culture and our Chinese community can learn more about CAS operations from them so that we can avoid 被抓!
                        CAS is an organization with great power and with great power it comes great responsibility.
                        • 光从这里看,你们的marketing做得还真是蛮成功。下一步该组织新登陆的华人移民来个八荣八耻学习,以组织参与人血盛宴为荣,以不送孩子进CAS为耻。
                          • 油呀,要团结!其实我们大家的目标是一致的:避免同胞被CAS伤害。在这个问题上,您是主攻手,力求以攻代守,斩草除根;小弟是为更多的没您那么大威力的小民着想,惹不起,躲得起;装死也好,装傻也好,阿Q也好,先保全自己,再有所谋,不也合算?
                        • I suggest you to learn all the laws about the CAS then you will figure out how bad the CAS's actions for this mother were.
                          • If you can not understand the feelings and reactions of this mother, please go to Qinqin Baby forum to gain some knowledge and feelings. I strongly support Mr. Oldyou.
                            • You are right, I am not amother and I really don't understand the feeling of the mother who lost their children to CAS. However, I hope you also understand that there would be situations that CAS can save a child and even the mother.
                              Have you read the story that I post how a mother killed her 4 months old baby? If this even happened in Canada, what do you think CAS should do?

                              Again, I am sorry to hear your story and sincerely wish you and your kid are doing better now.
                          • I am not a lawyer and I don't think I have the ability to understand the whole family law. However, I understand the current legislation gains CAS huge power. With great power comes great responsibility.
                            This is why I support you to have more control and supervision on CAS.
              • 我支持老油!为了给死去的母亲讨个公道,不怕自己麻烦,不怕惹火上身,揭露cas的种种丑行,给广大同胞敲响警钟,还要忍受这里的冷嘲热讽。
                • 谢谢。他们倒也没怎么打击我,就是关心我的健康有点太热心,老实说比我LP都更关心。有争论是好事情,我怕的是这个母亲的血被人淡忘。
                  • I believe both rollor and crusier99 also want to make sure our community learn from this disaster. But they tried to look at the disaster from a bigger angle, i.e. despression awarness, better understanding to CAS.
                  • 啊,我们比嫂嫂都关心BROTHER油油你?这么感动人的话,我实在被感动了,嘿嘿
    • 当务之急,本肉联应该建立一个CAS对策委员会。建立经常沟通的机制,一旦又有我同胞被CAS处理,大家一拥而上,尽力帮助!我提议:
      HKCHAN联系法律支援;ONTARIOCAS作为内线接应;ROLLOR和CRUISER99负责组织签名声援;油油组织游行(暴力抗法);ANALYST1,MICKEYH, 负责收集案例支持;还有其他各著名ID自己跟贴选择职务。最重要是,任何一个同胞,因为CAS的事情进到ROLIA来,那就不是他一个人的事,是大家的事!让大家从各角度帮他解决问题,有条有理!
      • This is not a right way to do thing in Canada. We should ban CAS starting from legal system.
        • 你是暴动队的,同意!但是你们暴动还么有成功前,CAS委员会还是应该存在,帮助同胞!
        • 是啊,看看那个时候TAMIL游行者冲上高速公路那个举动,从那个时候开始,他们就失去了民心了,嘿嘿
      • CAS 沦落到被人当作敌人的地步,显然与其初衷不符。不过,我们把 CAS 当做敌人,也不知道是出于什么初衷。
        • 不是把它当敌人,但是没有办法保证这家伙不CRAZY,不是么?真有疯狗在里面,咋办?
          • 哪里没有疯狗?
            • 除了本坛,都有,都有;CAS的比较凶一点而已,^_^。
        • 不是把cas当敌人。是cas太缺乏公信度。没有公信的组织早晚要为人民所唾弃。
          • Is that only within Chinese community that CAS doesn't have 公信度? If this is the same case in general public within Canada, CAS and its boss (Minister of Children) would have much more challenge than now.
            • So CAS does not need to feel challenged if this is a concern just from the Chinese community? Nothing can be more redicules than this thought. The concerns from the Chinese community do not need approval from anyone else for CAS to listen and address.
              As to how broad the credibility issue is, Do your research you will find out. Even the postings in this forum include many reports/video clips quesitoning CAS's practice and abuses of power. Many of those are outside of the Chinese community.
              • I never said Chinese commuity could not challenge CAS. I just asked "Is that only within Chinese community that CAS doesn't have 公信度?" becuase you said "cas太缺乏公信度". I didn't know Canada public has the same concern
                so I want you to clarify on what you said.
                • Or you just pretend you don't know the public at large also have the same concern!! So much for the self-claimed neutrality.
                  • I didn't pretend. I spend a lot time doing research on CAS; specifically Ontario CAS. And I really could't find any objective unbiased survey, statisitcs or even petition that proved Canada public at large also have the same concern.
                    Do you have any information that you can share with us? The only one that I saw was the petition for Bill 93, a private bill that would put more control on CAS. There was a petition setup to collect signature since 2008 and so far there were only 315 signatures collected. If your point about Canada public is right that most of them have the same concern, then I would expect a lot of people would sign the petition. However, that wasn't the case! So where did you learn a large part of Canada public has concern on CAS. I don't see news about CAS on major newspaper everyday, every week or even every month.

                    BTW, I already signed the petition for Bill 93. Did you? If you didn't please find the link attached.
                    • Using your logic, there are no concerns among the Chinese community either as you would not find "official" surveys or statistics on that.
                      The public concerns about RCMP did not exist of course in the Robert Dziekanski case either for that matter. This logic is not only absured, it's blind.

                      Now you mentioned the petition, how on the earth can you still deny there are concerns outside of the Chinese community, not that it matters.
                      • It was you who said " the public at large also have the same concern", so 315 people out of 34 million means "large" to you. I now have better understanding when you said "large" or "many".
                      • And again, I didn't say there was no concern from Chinese community. But at the same time, you cannot prove that majority of Canadian Chinese has concern on CAS. Can you?
              • Do you mind to tell us how many CAS complains that you can count outside Chinese community?
                • Find the numbers yourself. There are too many. The postings in this forum has links to some.
                  • so you don't know exactly how many of them before you make your comment "Even the postings in this forum include many reports/video clips quesitoning CAS's practice and abuses of power" I see!
                    • You can't deny the fact that there many reports about CAS. From what we can see, most of them are negative on CAS.
                      If you can count exactly how many reports are out there about CAS show it to us how it's possible. It's pathetic to use this type of questions as argument.
                      • I would not deny there are a few reports that are negative on CAS. My question is how many is many. You may argue 1 is already too many for CAS but I wonder how many people agree with your definition of "many:".
                        As you said there were reports quoted on this forum; so if you can go back and count every single one of them. It is a way and I would say you won't find more than 100.
          • And another point is that CAS has gained more and more power from our legislation and politicians over the last 30 years. If you were a politican, would you give more power to an organization that do not have 公信度.
            I hope they don't but you never know.
      • I don't agree with oldyou a lot but I don't think he is 暴力.
      • 天呀,没有办法了,嘿嘿,忍不住笑了,可爱的肉联战友呀
      • 别当真大哥也,你自己给自己定位在哪个位置上呢?嘿嘿,抱歉了,刚才忘了问了这个重要问题
        • 要知道,按CAS的规定,你不可以帮男婴换的~~碰都不能碰~~喜喜
          • 天呀,笑死啦,嘿嘿,想到BROTHER油油的开裆裤运动
            • 那个官方说法是CHILD PORN,很严重的!
      • 运动了!运动了!这么多人都出去革命了,孩子们怎么办?咱不是信不过政府和其他人吗?还得搞个肉联daycare出来。
        • LOL,我可以当DAYCARE义工,别的不能做,换尿布我还是很有效率的,嘿嘿
      • An extract from Cruiser99's article - "不能情绪过于激动" "如果CAS决定带走孩子,不要在现场争辩". Ms 江 already gave us very good tips how to handle CAS investigation.

        • 这是对的。其实,判断你是不是会造成危害的根据,往往看你是不是能够控制自己的情绪。如果做不到,就很难说结果会怎样。同样道理,在警察面前也一样。如果警察质问你什么事情,你的情绪过于激动,很可能导致警察对你采取强制措施。所以,一定要控制情绪。
          • You are very right. Even in my office, there are people who always want to get you mad. Because once you lost your control, you lost everything; even you may be talking or doing the right things.
            And I sincerely wish everyone who wasted so much time follow this long discussion to at least learn 1 thing.

        • 有道理。很多父母说自己打骂孩子是在教育孩子,但是他们其实是在发泄自己的情绪(这情绪可能是因为孩子引起的),而非理智冷静地进行惩罚式教育。当一个人情绪激动起来,下手和骂人很容易没轻重,这种情况下很难说他是在教育孩子还是在伤害孩子

          以前中国的父母不懂得考虑孩子的心理需求和人格尊重,现在已开始慢慢在改进了。我们既然已经移民来了加拿大,就算是被法律逼的,也得加快脚步融入这个社会制度,尽快改善自己的方式-- 更何况这也是对自己的孩子好。为什么要拒绝改变一些并不好的习惯,却要求这个社会改变来迎合自己呢?
          • "更何况这也是对自己的孩子好"!!! You are right to the point! I don't want my children to follow my footstep! Whenever, I feel angry about my own children (I am just a normal man with emotion), I go back to my room and play some video game.
            I don't think I can control myself when I am angry. So I wait until I am not longer angry (at least I think I am not) and then reason with my kids.

            I used to be at middle management in a big financial institutes and I always wanted to promote some Chinese developers that worked for me. They are very smart but my recommendation always got declined and one of the reason is their low EQ.

            Western people often handle dispute / argument much better than oriental people; I don't know if it is due to our childhoon experience. We (at least my own experience) were often forced to to take order from our father; no matter we like it or not or if there was any good reason. We didn't learn reasoning or negotiation in our childhoon, not from our parents nor teachers.

            Do you want your kids to follow your footstep?
      • 西部枪民多,不知道那里的CAS去人家里"教育"父母的时候,配不配装甲车。
        • 老兄啊,民主的实质就是妥协,不是凡事都要斗个你死我活的。冷静一下吧!
        • 原来看你对CAS很激动, 不知道你对CAS有多少具体了解. 好容易CAS有了一个沟通的讲座, 你又不参加, 然后还继续在这里攻击CAS. 真没意思. ----忍不住批评你一句.
          • You can ask those who strongly accuse CAS some simple questions, e.g. how many cases that Ontario CAS handles in a year? how many offical complain CAS or Ministry of Children receive in a year?
            Let's see how many of them can answer these simple questions. But they would insist CAS was an evil organization without providing any proof. And if you asked them to provide proof, they would never give you an answer.
        • 美国的CPS有枪的,加拿大的没有
      • 嗯,不错,将革命进行到底。。。。