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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Toronto CAS now welcome applications from people who have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in combination with practical experience in a variety of family focused, problem-solving professions

Those with Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees in areas such as:
Applied psychology
Pastoral counseling
Community medicine
Community nursing
Child and youth work
Child studies

Combined with relevant work experience such as:

Case management
Child development
Child and family assessment
Crisis intervention

People with unrelated degrees are welcome to apply if they have sufficient relevant experience.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 怎么都没有人汇报CAS 讲座搞得怎么样,难道都给CAS 大妈忽悠了
    • 老油同志有没有去啊,如果去就汇报汇报吧
    • 去的人不多,大家都害怕吧。实际上根本没有留了电话就盯上你的说法,这个也是民不举官不究。不过大家关心的问题都提了,CAS也准备把诸如家长保证协议之类的文件拿出来让大家事先有个了解。总在网上吵,不如去面对面商量来的直接。
      • 有没有录影,不敢去的人可以看看
      • 害怕 HA3! 你看老油同志没有去是害怕了吗
        • 你到底去没有去?
          • 垃圾工人罢工,老油周末去了垃圾场,拍了几张社会片纪实片,虽然很臭,闻着比CAS还强
            • 看来,垃圾重要过儿童的幸福未来?开玩笑了,嘿嘿
              • 垃圾虽臭,不及CAS
                • 不可比。垃圾固臭,臭的是大人,CAS犯错,害的是孩子。
                  • but CAS can also save children. the question is how many it saved vs hurt. I don't know myself! for those who always accuse CAS, do you know? using the Hamilton child who has cancer as example, does CAS save him or hurt him?
                    My answer is favor to CAS for this particular case. If my children have a fever, I always give them medicine and put a water towel on their head to avoid heat damage their brain. If they said they didn't like the medicine or the water towel; should I listen to them?
      • "家长保证协议"算是我的提议和强烈要求....天地良心的.希望广大ROLIAN成为我的免死金牌.
        • 你和ONTARIOCAS搞好关系,就OK了。她是高层,放你孩子不过一个电话~
      • 家长保证协议是WORKER针对具体案例写的,不同案例具体条例,条例数目与内容都大不相同。复杂案例非常苛刻。如被认为有精神问题条例也很难承受。为了换回孩子,再难承受的协议家长也要咬着牙签。她拿出来的很可能与他们给家长的大相径庭。
        • If child(ren) was/were abused, there is no signning agreement - then - returning kid(s) deal.
        • 孩子吊在别人手上,疼在父母身上,不签哪行啊。
    • #5380203@0
      • 去开会的,应该由CAS发个免死金牌,这样我估计要高价买门票了。
        • Certainly.
      • CAS工作人员培训20小时可上岗.-------i knew this for sure.....how professional they are
        • I know some CAS workers have neither BSW nor MSW, they are not social workers at all.
          • 有CAS员工没有BSW或MSW是事实,是历史原因,他们都是25-30年前加入CAS,那时还没管制CAS必用社工。不可以叫他们走吧,在北美洲这个叫GRANDFATHERING,只可以等到他们死了或者退休了,不会即使下岗的。
            • 是呀,以前加拿大工作多得不得了,好多作社区工作的都是街坊邻居,熟悉社区,自然就作了社工工作。后来什么工作都难找了,社工要求也翘尾巴了,好一些的机构居然一定要MSW了,嘿嘿,都是僧多粥少惹的祸
              • 社区工作不等于社会工作,什么V College社会工作训是练骗华人的。UT社会工作学院入学比率是1比1200,比商学院教育学院和法律学院还要难进入。
          • 2001-2003年非常缺乏社工,TORONTO CAS试验式雇用非社工做保护工作,他们有医生(加国以外资格),护士,律师(有律师转做社工,也有社工转做律师),或读教育,这二种员工(非社工+GRANDFATHERING)加起来现在不会多过30人。
            • Toronto CAS now welcome applications from people who have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in combination with practical experience in a variety of family focused, problem-solving professions
              Those with Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees in areas such as:
              Applied psychology
              Pastoral counseling
              Community medicine
              Community nursing
              Child and youth work
              Child studies

              Combined with relevant work experience such as:

              Case management
              Child development
              Child and family assessment
              Crisis intervention

              People with unrelated degrees are welcome to apply if they have sufficient relevant experience.
              • 这几年TORONTO CAS已经没雇用非社工,别的CAS一定要有BSW/MSW。CAS有不同工种,现在做保护的一定要有SOCIAL WORK资格,非社工资格一般做非保护工种。