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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛多伦多市政工人的罢工已经进入第13天,市长苗大伟昨日表示,劳资谈判已取得一些进展,但工会不认账,称谈判毫无进展,双方的分歧仍然很大,有英文媒体形容说,还差几英里。市府和工会的角力不仅表现在谈判桌上,也在为各自的经济开支暗中较劲:最近有不少罢工工人抱怨没有多少(参加罢工)津贴,不仅子女上学、付房屋按揭显得吃力,甚至日常生活也深受影响,但另外有部分工人则仍然斗志昂扬,坚持要把工潮进行到底。而在市府一方,因罢工而节省不少开支,有市议员估计,市府因罢工而节省的工资每周可达2800万,如今罢工已接近两周时间,市府可能已省下5000万元的工资。有消息说,市府正考虑仿效温莎市的做法,向本市纳税人退税款;市长苗大伟表示,可以考虑这个想法,但如何计算与操作则有待认真研究。

此外,市府昨日宣布,关闭York Mills Arena临时收集站,因其已经装满垃圾,而Christie Pits的收集站估计会在明日关闭;同时增设2个临时收集站,分别设于Centennial Arena社区中心(Markham Rd/ Ellesmere Rd)以及Wilket Creek/Sunnybrook公园(Leslie St/Eglinton Ave East)。为了控制污染与疾病传播,市府从昨天开始请专业灭虫公司向垃圾堆喷洒杀虫剂,但受到工会纠察人员的阻拦。多伦多公共卫生局为此发出呼吁,希望公众合作,不要干扰灭虫人员的工作。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 市府因罢工每周节省开支2800万,可能效仿windsor退税
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛多伦多市政工人的罢工已经进入第13天,市长苗大伟昨日表示,劳资谈判已取得一些进展,但工会不认账,称谈判毫无进展,双方的分歧仍然很大,有英文媒体形容说,还差几英里。市府和工会的角力不仅表现在谈判桌上,也在为各自的经济开支暗中较劲:最近有不少罢工工人抱怨没有多少(参加罢工)津贴,不仅子女上学、付房屋按揭显得吃力,甚至日常生活也深受影响,但另外有部分工人则仍然斗志昂扬,坚持要把工潮进行到底。而在市府一方,因罢工而节省不少开支,有市议员估计,市府因罢工而节省的工资每周可达2800万,如今罢工已接近两周时间,市府可能已省下5000万元的工资。有消息说,市府正考虑仿效温莎市的做法,向本市纳税人退税款;市长苗大伟表示,可以考虑这个想法,但如何计算与操作则有待认真研究。

    此外,市府昨日宣布,关闭York Mills Arena临时收集站,因其已经装满垃圾,而Christie Pits的收集站估计会在明日关闭;同时增设2个临时收集站,分别设于Centennial Arena社区中心(Markham Rd/ Ellesmere Rd)以及Wilket Creek/Sunnybrook公园(Leslie St/Eglinton Ave East)。为了控制污染与疾病传播,市府从昨天开始请专业灭虫公司向垃圾堆喷洒杀虫剂,但受到工会纠察人员的阻拦。多伦多公共卫生局为此发出呼吁,希望公众合作,不要干扰灭虫人员的工作。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 是个好消息,希望苗市长这回真能做到。
    • 误传, 温莎不退税. 不过, 现在市政府有巨额盈余, 也许能影响未来的税. 三四个月了, 都习惯了, 继续罢吧.
      • 很好...在过几个月就可以让他们永久罢工了...
      • 那垃圾放什么地方去?草地也没有人维护。
        • 刚开始的时候公立的垃圾站关了, 全靠私立, 有收费, 他们也上门收垃圾, 每袋两块钱, 虽然不方便市民也认了, 后来省里让关闭私立垃圾站, 开了公立站, 免费自己丢. 还不算太不方便, 只是工会的人有时候会在垃圾站外面让你等5分钟. 市政府还有些非工会的人, 能维持一定服务.
          • 罢工这么多天, 除了倒垃圾不方便, 其他受影响的还真不大. 其实自己倒垃圾也挺好, 如果能投票的吧, 我一定投票不用这些人了.
    • 支持罢工,希望他们能坚持140天,1400天就更好了. 现在喜欢自己倒垃圾了, 以前真是太懒了!
    • 喷洒杀虫剂不应仅限于垃圾堆,顺便把那些工会的带上不行吗?
      • 这么恶毒,小心生出孩子没屁眼
    • 嗯,挺好的,饿死那帮工会的最好,就算不退钱,至少不用加其他的税了,建议工会每年罢工一个月,不过瘾俩个月也成~
      • 对,建议没事就罢罢工过过瘾,最好学学Etobicoke干脆outsource算了,叫他们去Private Company打工,也叫专业对口。
      • 这帮王八蛋还等着复工后加班把损失捞回来(干一小时活儿拿1.5至2小时的工资), NND真不要脸, 让他们罢个一年半载的, 看他们如何捞回来...
        • As 水上飞 suggested, we must use our vote very carefully next time when we have an election.
      • 幸灾乐祸,对你有什么好处???小心你明天丢了工作!!!老板炒你没商量(我也来幸灾乐祸一下)
    • 退税这种事,属于政治作秀。需要花费大量人工、财力来处理。一块钱退到你手上只剩下两毛。还不如来年减税来得实在。
      • 或者拿去还债也行。多伦多市政府在Miller的领导下,早就负债累累了。每年的地税中有不小的一块是去付利息的。
        • 94。从退不退税这事就能看出来咱们的市长是什么样的货色了。
    • 每周六早上起来开车去倒垃圾,顺便去nofrills买西瓜。早上的西瓜又大又新鲜,真是顶呱呱。支持他们罢工到冬天。
      • 支持他们罢工到明年,等着看他们卖房卖车。
        • 你明天就卖房卖车
          • 你能买得起吗?
    • most of you must not work in Unionized company
      without unions, many of us would be working in Dickensian condition, no benefit, no paid sick days.
      • 与时俱进啊,工会会员,不要总幻想着还生活在地埂斯时代。
        • plus, without Union, always scare to be fired by the boss
          this stress can not be valued by money, specially for new immigrant treated by discrimination
          • so why the unions worker have all these extra benefits (including job security) than our tax payers? WHY? I am not willing to pay anything extra! And I already asked my councillor to suggest outsource most of city works.
            • Union members are tax payer too
              • I have absolutely no problem if union workers want to pay for their own salary and benefits. I have absolutely no problem. But if they try to get money from OTHER tax payers; most of us would say NO! NO! NO!
      • Do you know some of the group benefits that union members have, are 4 - 6 times better than those big financial institutes in Canada. And their pension benefit is so good that it is hard to compare.
        How many of us has 18 days sick leave? And you can accumulate them for cash before retirement.

        Forgot to mention, those are our tax payers money!
        • no more high pay jobs which means bring us back to old days
          the pay rate we get now is because there are somebody get more than us
          • Why everyone has to have the same pay? If you want to get their pay, apply for their job.
          • The key question is if we as tax payers are still willing to pay for your high pay and great benefit jobs when a lot of us alreayd lost our jobs or salary cut or benfits eliminated. Why are union workers so special in our community?
        • the benefit they got now took Union more than 20 years to fight with city
          how could you expect them to give up so easily ?
          • Simply, outsource the whole city's operation!
      • Without union, then no benefit, no paid sick days - no good for worker; With Union, then overpaid any single-thing: benefit and salary, even sick days - no fair for other taxpayer(over 90%).
        • CIBC, TD, BMO, SLF, MFC, they all have benefits, sick leave and they don't have union workers.
    • Why can't we outsource the works, e.g. garbage collection, library, community center and our garden?
    • politics, too
      the tax payer's money wasted by the city management are more than Union worker wanted.
      Nobody mention if the mayor and his department managers will cut their own benefit and pay rate.
      I believe if Mayor decide to cut management pay rate by 20%, Union would like to do the same to comprise with the bad economy.
      • And most tax payers would vote "YES" to cut 20% of both managers and union workers' salary and benefits. Why don't you suggest this to your union rep? Your union would have support from 90%+ tax payers from Toronto. Please go ahead!
        • then, next time vote the Mayor who support your idea. that's the system works here
          • Thanks you for your suggestion! Good idea!
    • after strike over 100 days, residents in Windsor only get $50 rebate if they are lucky
      The average property tax in Windsor is about $300 per month (one of the highest rate in Canada, but the house price is cheap though), and they paid around $1000 during strike without getting any city service.
      Mayor said most of money they saved during the strike was paid to the management overtime pay.
      Now you know who is winner and who is the loser.