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Coverage of Homeowners insurance:

a. Dwelling Building: Also including 2 optional extension - Bulding fixtures and fittings; Outdoor Trees,Plants and Shrubs.
b. Detached Private Structures;
c. Personal Propoerty: Including Property on residence premises, Property away from premises and Property of students under care;
d. Additional living expense;
e. Personal (legal) liability;
f. Voluntary Medical Payments
g. Voluntary Payment for Damage to Property (of others)
h. Voluntary Compensation for Residence Employees

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 房屋保险问题请教
    请问在TORONTO买房或拥有自己住房的朋友,一套34万左右的SINGLE HOUSE 40年左右的房,住房保险大概包括哪些部分,大概要多少钱一个月。 哪些是必须保的, 保险金额应该保多少? 谢谢大家。
    • 主要两方面。1 房子完全废了重建。2 连累了邻居给人家重建。30元一个月差不多。
      • 谢谢,一般房子保多少金额呢, 给邻居保多少?
        • 对邻居是需要多少赔多少。对自己,要看重建需要多少钱,当然少于34万。保险公司会为你评估(和房子有多少角,有无deck等都有关系)。大概得20多万吧。
          • 谢谢.
    • 住房保险一般和车保险公司合在一处,这样你两处都会便宜一些。买房保险时可找你车保险的不入客,他应该有义务告诉你保什么不保什么,还又保的话目标是REPLACEMENT,即房子彻底毁坏可以在原址重建的费用,一般房保每月三十元
      • 谢谢
    • 外行充内行答两句:
      Coverage of Homeowners insurance:

      a. Dwelling Building: Also including 2 optional extension - Bulding fixtures and fittings; Outdoor Trees,Plants and Shrubs.
      b. Detached Private Structures;
      c. Personal Propoerty: Including Property on residence premises, Property away from premises and Property of students under care;
      d. Additional living expense;
      e. Personal (legal) liability;
      f. Voluntary Medical Payments
      g. Voluntary Payment for Damage to Property (of others)
      h. Voluntary Compensation for Residence Employees