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你要记得CAS 不是狼外婆,他们是要帮助你们,他们是社会工作人员,不是邪教组织, 带走孩子,是想帮助那个家庭,而不是想迫害那个家庭


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / “... 今年4月,幼子因为有咳嗽和流鼻血,妻子就开始去医院急诊为孩子看病。..." 最早的报道中孩子的爸爸对记者说的。那么loveblue虐待孩子造成流鼻血的猜测也是不成立的。
    • 朋友你半夜三更不睡觉是不是也有问题了,孩子流鼻血,你会认为流血原因是肺出血 吗,你会坚持因为孩子流鼻血,生命有危险要连续看5 ,6个医院吗,如果你认为是 应该的,赶快看精神病医生吧!!!怪不得报道有1忆中国人精神有问题,郁闷怎么都跑来加拿大了
      • 担心流鼻血是肺出血,最多是当妈妈的过虑。认为流鼻血不是病,是加国庸医的自慰和他们不输的赌博。怀疑虐待孩子造成流鼻血,则需要超常的想象能力和CAS独具的奇高变态指数。该看精神病医生是你自己,你身体也许比那1忆中国同胞健康,但精神病了,尽管你跑来了 加拿大。
        • Did CAS accuse the victim 虐待孩子造成流鼻血? Can someone please provide the source of information?
        • First you accused CAS, and now you accused doctors at Canada were 庸医! 流鼻血是不是病? How do you know all the doctor didn't examinate the baby before they conclude the baby was OK? They took the X Ray for the baby!
          And the obvious question is if the baby is OK without medical treatment after all this time. If the baby had serious lung bleeding and without treatment, I don't know about you but if I had this problem without any proper treatment, I would die within days.

          So why did say they were 庸医? Please be logical! I know you want do something good for her but can you achieve anything if you keep point finger without any evidence?
        • 如果你的太太告诉你孩子流鼻血,可能是肺部出血会死亡现在医生拒绝给小孩看病, 你会干什么?正常人都会一起和妈妈赶快去医院,但是哪个爸爸却在家或者照样 去上班,就说明一个问题,他知道他太太有病
          • She also said the baby had 急性肾衰. And the father only complained CAS didn't notify him when the baby was seized; did he defend his wife did not have mental problem?
          • 我老婆每次看见孩子出鼻血都紧张得不行,经常问我是不是白雪病?感谢上帝我有一份好工作即使经济危机也可以随便迟到早退不扣工资不被雷病假用不完还能换退休金,所以每一次老婆逼我都带孩子去看医生。对于没有这么幸运的另一位父亲我的良心没有被狗吃了
            • 如果你为哪个爸爸好就结束吧
              • 挟持儿童,从来都是你们的拿手好戏。谢谢你们这一次表演了挟持成人的把戏。
                • 你必须要明白CAS 不是枪他们的小孩,而是在帮助那个家庭,听朋友说CAS 还帮助他 们安家
                  • 你梅妖说上一千年一万遍,狼外婆也不是她妈的妈
                    • May11, you are not CAS worker any more, you are 梅妖? What is 梅妖?
                      • 应该是梅夭夭。1在国语里,可以发“一”音也可以发“夭”音。知道“夭鸡”么?
                    • 你要记得CAS 不是狼外婆,他们是要帮助你们,他们是社会工作人员,不是邪教组织, 带走孩子,是想帮助那个家庭,而不是想迫害那个家庭
                      • No one want the mother to die. The doctor who report the problem to CAS, the CAS worker who seized the baby, whoever call British police, the British police officer and the British psycharist all made an independent, objective, professional decision.
                  • I don't think anyone can change oldyou's mind.
                    • 他现在已经很小声音了,因为他是一个好爸爸,保护他的家庭,他是一个好人,想帮助那个可怜父亲而以
          • He just found a job and might be in 3 - month - probation.
      • 补充一句,尽管我相信你有精神病,我并不认为你无能照看你的孩子。CAS要来抢你的孩子,我还是会替你呐喊的。
        • Why did you believe she had 精神病? Someone said she had reports from 2 psycharists that both concluded she was normal.
        • She also said ""我老公和周围的人都说我神经不正常". She know what her husband think of her!
      • 我妹妹老公朋友开始都不信
      • This is how the husband described the victim on newspaper "王先生表示,妻子本来精神已经很脆弱"
      • 你我都不是 专科 大夫,所以不要 盲目下结论。但是 有一点你应该认可吧,孩子流鼻血以及其他症状,不应该属于一切正常之列吧?
        • Both my children had the same 流鼻血 problem when they were less than 2. After examining my kids, my family doctor told me not to worry and he said it was very common for babies. I never bother him again for the same problem.
          • 感谢主没有给你家一个病儿,感谢主让你的身体也一直健康。
            • Thank you! And may God bless you and your family as well!
              You don't know how many time that I need to go to hosptial every year. But I still thank God for what I have. My weakness teaches me I should treasure what I have left. And those who help me before taught me I should help the less fortunate people in our community.

              I hope you understand I don't agree with you on your opinion on CAS does not mean I try to hurt our community.
      • 疑难病症,在中国 跑个多个医院,看过无数个专家,经过几个月甚至几年才查出来结果的,在国内也是经常会有的。中央台的那个中华医药不是经常介绍这样的病例吗。怎么在加拿大就不被人理解拉呢?!
        • Are you sure that reason CAS seized the baby was just she took her baby to see too many doctors? Not because of her emotional behaviours?
    • Where did you learn "loveblue虐待孩子造成流鼻血的猜测"? Who said that? Did CAS tell you that was the reason they seized the baby? 一周之内坚持每天都去不同医院看急诊,结果院方将事件通知保护儿童组织
      Hospital didn't say the victim 虐待孩子造成流鼻血, they just called CAS becasue she每天都去不同医院看急诊.
      • "孩子肺内出血,俯卧从鼻子里流出来. 他们说是我抓孩子鼻子导致的,撒谎不眨眼睛." bluelove wrote in chinasmile.net.
        • who are "他们"? Are "他们" CAS worker? Can you please post the link here?
            • Thanks.
        • Link please. It's beyond horrific.
        • Can you please cut & paste her whole post rather than just 1 statement. I would like to read more about her post.
        • First, this was what the victim said and second even if she said was truth, I believe she referred to hospital staff instead of CAS worker. CAS worker would do their own investigation before taking the baby.
          So you should ask what was her emotional behvaiour just before CAS worker showed up. Do you believe CAS worker considered it was emergency just because she went to see another doctor?
        • “是因为今天另一个walk in 医生已经诊断他有耳和喉咙的感染,他很快就会死于全身感染” bluelove wrote in chinasmile.net.
          • Did the baby receive any fruther medical treamtment after CAS took him in custody? Did the baby 死于全身感染? Did the walk in 医生 said the baby had 肺部出血 and 急性肾衰? Should we believe everything the victim said?
            • 你说呢?BLUELOVE的确看上去有时是幻觉的~~~或者是她没有办法把一个事情按正常逻辑表述出来~~以前她照顾大儿子的日记,写得很详细很清楚的~~
              • I am not a professional psycharist and I don't want to jump to any conclusion and everything I read from her was after the baby was seized. So it was not fair to say she was mentally ill based on what she said after her baby was taken.
                We have to find out her mental condition just before the baby was taken to decide if CAS make the right decision or not. If there was witness can come up and proved that she was very stable, like all other patients in the clinic; and CAS worker suddenly jumped in and took her baby, then we have a case to argue with CAS that they didn't do it right. But if she was "在这些医生面前的表现也是非常的情绪化" and CAS worker saw her emotional behaviour then it was hard to say the CAS worker was not right.

                They key point was her behaviour in the clinic just before the baby was taken. And I hope oldyou and other people can understand it. Everything else is secondary.