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看看 Toronto Sun 读者如何评论此事

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛114 Comments

Janny Chen Report Comment
June 16th 2009, 10:32pm
Hi everyone, I'm David Chen's niece, and if you would like to support my uncle,
please go to this web site http://www.vracommittee.com and sign the petiton and
help drop the charges off my uncle. Thank you very much.

Born in retarded racist Toronto Report Comment
June 16th 2009, 2:19am
The africans are untouchable in the city of Toronto..wake up and smell the racism.
If the thief was any other race and the store owner was an "African" then medals and parades would have been the order of the day.

Ray Report Comment
June 7th 2009, 1:45pm
It's a joke !
No wonder the crime rate in Toronto goes up despite they hired more policemen. They waste the resource and taxpayers' money . Few years back, my house was broken-in, I waited 2 hours for the police to show up to take down the info, and since then I never heard anything from them. If this shopkeeper did not chase the thief, and called the police, would the police catch the thief ? The SHOPKEPPER should be awarded the citizen citation. The policeman should be demoted.

Lawson Ratcliffe Report Comment
June 5th 2009, 6:32pm

Funny Report Comment
June 4th 2009, 7:44am
pathetic... he's been stealing plants for years. He's a drug addict. Can't say his name, but I know him. ;)

to the chinatown heros Report Comment
June 2nd 2009, 11:55am
Ok here it is folks.You get caught shoplifting you get a slap on the wrist.And the biggest problem is that its not any certain race or culture doing these crimes its any of them.I use to work as a retail security and caught alot of theft iand let say doctors lawyers store owners ,regular people,and kids.For the owner of the store who has to take count of how much they have lost well it comes back to use who spend the money,we end up paying more.I am not saying the owners here where right on how they did it but they did what they could to protect the store.It could have been worst,some places in the world would cut your hand off for stealing.Hats off to the chinatown heros and I say to law makers not cop change the damn laws in these cases

Born in Cinatown justice Toronto Report Comment
May 29th 2009, 12:26pm
If the asian guy was caught shoplifting at University Heights..AKA:Jane N Finch and was bound and held for the police there would have been a celebration and citizen citations given out,awards,parades.Should have taken the at risk,victim of society youth directly to Lake Ontario.
Now the taxpayer will fund for the at riskers attorney and the asians will cough up out of their pocket,i say we get a community fundraiser and help out our fellow workers,we'd be called racists but so what?

Rose Report Comment
May 29th 2009, 2:19am
How could the store owner keep the shoplifter in a "friendly" way until the policemen arrived (2 hours later? or longer?). It was not fair for the store owner because now he was sued by the policemen for several reasons : physically attack the shoplifter, kidnap, hidden armed-the rope, oh, my god !
poor store owner, in order to get out of the retension from the police station tempararily (until the judge decides), his wife had to pay $7,500 for him and his two employees who helped to catch the shoplifter, total $7500 x 3 people = $22,500 (information provided from the Sing Tao daily news).

David Report Comment
May 28th 2009, 4:10pm
Do not screw up laws and justice, what the shop keepers did was catch the thief to protect their property and society. But the difference was that they tied up the thief with ropes not hand cuffs, in fact, they are heroes. The thief must be punished as a thief to warn all other thieves.

John_toronto Report Comment
May 28th 2009, 1:03pm
I feel very angry after reading what the policeman reacted to the situation. What's the owner supposed to after catching the shoplifter. From the video, he obviously trying to escape. Should the owner just hug him all the time until the police show up? In which case, I am sure he will be charged sexual harassment. The law is to PROTECT the honest people, not to PUNISH them. What kind of message does the police send out: just go out and steal anything you want, even they catch you, as long as you try to run, they cannot contain you, because we are here to protect you.

Leo Report Comment
May 28th 2009, 12:46pm
The only mistake these shopkeepers made was calling the police. They should have beat this guy senseless then dumped him in an alley somewhere. By charging these men police are sending the wrong message to law abiding citizens. I thought in Canada you had the right to protect your property, and as far as I'm concerned you still do. I will remember this and if a similar situation arises will not call the police but handle things my own way. I assure you any thief will think twice about screwing with me a second time. The police should have used their discretion here... but if they were able to do that they probably wouldn't have become cops in the first place. Only in TO. No wonder people stay away in droves.

Ethan Adam Report Comment
May 28th 2009, 10:46am
If I were on Chen's jury, I'd let him walk. He'll walk right home to make an honest gainful living which not everyone does or needs to in this welfare state.

Helmut Redermeier Report Comment
May 28th 2009, 9:16am
I would like to thank David Chan and the other 2 men for doing the right thing. Our laws only protect the criminals i guess it is a good thing for the law business. The canadian puplic is at the mercy of laws that punish us if we try to protect ourself or our property. The criminals get all the help and are welcome and imported from other regions in the world. Gun play every day in Toronto. Civil diobedients in Concord, during demonstrations all ok with do nothing BLAIR.

Derrick LeDrew Report Comment
May 28th 2009, 8:20am
You wonder why criminals use Canada as a safe haven.It's the country where they can do as they please and get away with it.We as law abiding citizen can't even interfer with these people breaking the law.So you can't blame them for breaking the law when they know the law is on their side if we try and stop them.They walk and we get charged for even touching them.I believe the law calls it excessive force.I totally agree with what the shopkeepers did we should be able to protect our own property.These people went through the trouble to start a business to make a living and serve the public.You then have some loser that feels he can do what he wants and get away with it because he lives in Canada.

hugh Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 10:56pm
I sympathise with the shopkeepers and there are times when the laws are foolishly blind. All this tells me is that I should never get involved in stopping an obvious crime, as it is far safer to turn and walk the other way.

There are times in history that unfair and foolish laws are broken, and this is one of them.
If the criminal were stealing my property I would chase him down and hold him if necessary and if he is about to over power me I would restrain him till the police arrived.

If this is wrong how do you execute a citizens arrest? In case, I forget the criminals have more rights.

dalan Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 2:41pm
If I dare to assume at this point, that the news story is accurate. I would like to say to the chinatown
people and to most shopkeepers. Stage a protest. Tell your MP and Police Chief. If this shop owner is convicted. What is going to take place at your shops? I can imagine the shoplifter saying " don't you dare touch me, you can go to jail", and walking out of your store.
Reelair, I hope you are not prejudice. You are right that law must be able, that is how society can survive. Without laws, people can never live together because our thoughts and patterns are different. I hope yoy can understand laws were suposely created by the people to ensure we live
safely and decently and to protect someone comitting a crime. Let us protest !

Chris "Bundy" Young Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 7:50am
Pretty sad, the shop keepers did the right thing. What they didn't realize is that they are doing business in a "hug a crook" liberal city/province. I hope they learn their lesson and next time don't bother calling the cops, just take the crook out back, throw him the beating of his life and even break a couple of limbs...

go chinaman Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 5:40am
DEREK is a freakin idiot. you think people read into laws when they're getting robbed??? it's got nothing to with immigrants you fag. it's all about defending what you worked for. the guy deserved what he got and the shopkeepers should'nt be punish for defending themselves. and i'm glad you feel like a minority in this country... cause this was never a white mans country in the first place!!!

Rufufu Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 1:29am
I haven't changed my mind about you. You're still an idiot.
And to
Your Mama:
"... some monsters we lock up indefinately - Paul Bernardo." Tell me; does the name Carla Homolka ring a bell?

Your Mama Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 1:25am
This stuff happens all the time with respect to Police and the Law. The law is not perfect. How can the suffering of the victims ever be correctly ascertained by words written in Law? The police are trained to follow rules. Rules written by man, and interpreted by robots. 'Reasonable Force' - from who's perspective? The Police's - they can kill you if they feel threatened, From the shop keeper? - he just wanted to stop the theivery, - the thief; he just wanted to escape, and had bruises as evidence as an aliby! No One has the Right to defend oneself anymore! That's the message the Law is sending to everyone. Someone grabs your wallet, you can't punch them, you have to grap them, get assaulted in the process, you can't hit back either!

Your Mama Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 1:10am
To those 'moralists' that say that no one has the right to lay a hand on another, I say this: you think you are so more morally correct? You're NOT!!! Some people deserve to have the crap kicked out of them! ....if you disagree, I'm sure a list of names of sex-offenders, serial rapists, and so-forth should change your mind. If you still disagree, maybe you don't know squat. The problem lies with the perception of law in Canada. We assume they are perfect; but they are not; no law is ever written perfect; no human is created perfectly either. Not all humans are humans. Some are monsters we lock up indefinately - Paul Bernardo. Capital punishment on those rare instances makes common sense. Thiefs should be beaten - but not out malice.

Your Mama Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 12:59am
Charter rights of thief took precedence over property rights. TLet me ask you what you'd have done, if the theif was taking property from you? - and you could stop this theivery? - these shop keepers called the police in good faith -

Any thief deserves a beating - I don't care what the Canadian Charter Says. There is a wrong and a right here. And it should be clear as day to everyone. The fact the police got it so wrong proves otherwise.

But, you know, if you struggle, like he did, you deserve a beating, 'cause you don't realise what you're doing is stupid, and wrong, and dishonourable to yourself, your family - not to mention the true victim: the shop keeper - he never did anything to you? did he? why are you so angry?

Jenn Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 12:25am
To Reelair:
um, even if the shopkeepers did drive the van to the station, they probably would've still been convicted since they have to have some way of holding down the thief so the guy doesn't run. The question is, what did they expect the shopkeepers to do once they caught the thief and while they were waiting for the police? If they didn't tie him up or forcibly hold him back the guy would've obviously ran. So I guess this is a lesson that next time they should call the police and let the thief run, in which case the cops will end up having to FIND the thief after, or not even bother looking for him at all, since it's just a PLANT *rolls eyes*. $5 plant or $1000 furniture, theft is theft.

HAHAHA Report Comment
May 27th 2009, 12:09am
I love it!!! That has to be the funniest damn story I've heard in a long time!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 在加拿大,贼是"天使"!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在加拿大,贼是"天使"!


    公道何时有 孽鼠几尽休
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    难思水榭楼台 遥想洋海翻覆
    是否还阳间 妄度平安年
    只看布衣心惊 惟存匪寇飘逸
    深恐梦断牢场 凶狂游洗殿堂
    忧愁若似煎 骄横如火练
    望茫野 闹市游
    乾坤倒 金身符
    已无念 别来闲
    满腔悲愤 盗哀鬼号
    生死永谓冤 大雪岂不淹更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 过于片面,只有一个例子,然后用大量篇幅不断重复一个意思;而且例子也没有讲清楚前因后果,包括捉贼的时候是否有伤寒对方等等。我觉得对于小偷来说,中国还是相对安全过加拿大的
      • 你朋友中有没有开店做小生意的,听他们说过难念的经吗?
        • 开小店困难我相信,可是你这篇东西说到小偷在加拿大是天使,我绝对不敢苟同。国内小偷也横行无忌,基本上公安都懒的捉,群众只好自己捉,有的捉到还当众扒光游街,你觉得那样好吗?
          • 1。这里说的是加拿大,没说国内。
          • 2。那样做有好处,叫做善恶分明。人们知道什么好什么不好,什么对什么不对。在加拿大,没有对错,只有什么在法律中有,什么在法律中没有。如果你不是法律专家,你不会有时间搞清楚所有法律。等你哪天触犯了你不知道的一条法律,就有人可以对你进行恶意法律攻击,从中渔利
            • 所以才有了律师这个产业。专业人士,在加拿大很重要。
            • 什么叫善?什么叫恶?是以你为标准吗?
              • 所以, 你到了加拿大, 也就没有善恶,是非观念了. 偷别人的东西,是恶. 所有以后发生的事, 都是由 此恶 触发, 因此, 抑制此恶, 就可使 社会上的恶 少很多, 这就是我告诉我儿子的.
                • 千万别让你的儿子去抓贼,要教他打911。
                  • 那是当然,还是谢谢你的提请,见义勇为不适合加拿大的法律体系.
                • 每个人的是非善恶标准不一样。在加拿大,自然该守加拿大的规矩。你到穆斯林国家非要喝酒吃猪肉,到加拿大还坚持打老婆孩子,我只能是佩服你的坚持。
                  • 这句话确实有智慧。我们是被民主人权的谎言骗了,还空想着想要不存在的合理和公平。其实政治只不过是另一种宗教而已 (他们叫Political correctness)。如果早点认识到这些,也就不必计较吃不吃猪肉的事了。
                    • 公平合理是我们永恒的追求,要是现在就都公平合理了,人类还有进步的动力吗?比如“三妻四妾温柔体贴”是俺们男人普遍认为公平合理的事,可女人们会认为这公平合理吗?就事论事,这“英雄”被告,我认为这挺公平合理。
                    • again who define 合理和公平? Your 合理和公平 may not be same as mine and mine may not be same as the others. And our democratic society provides a platform for us to define 合理和公平 for most people.
                • 善恶观念还是有的,没有人说偷东西是善。怎么样制止这个恶,谁来制止,制止到什么程度是由来法律来规范的。比如古代通奸的妇女要浸猪笼的,通 奸是恶,浸猪笼本意是要制恶,但是浸猪笼本身是更大的恶。
                  • 他们做的不比其他民间保安公司的保安更多.
                    • are you suggesting that we should let 民间保安公司 to do police works?
                • 感觉你一直在说小偷在加拿大就好像在天堂一样了,那为什么大家都不去做小偷呢?
                • In Canada, we have 1 legal system; whereas 善恶 in differnet culture can be different. And you better teach your son don't use his own 善恶 to judge people. And we should let the judge to judge peope at the court, not you, not me!
              • 现在看来,没什么标准,支持的人多了就是善,反对的人少了也可以是善。
                • 当然, 支持和反对的人的多少,可以由利益集团控制的媒体,进行调节
                  • are you suggesting小偷 控制利益集团 and 利益集团控制媒体 and 媒体控制支持和反对的人的多少? And now we have law that favor 小偷?
            • so who define 善恶? In Canada, we have politicans who are elected by us, to draft legislation? The politicans must act according to the public who elected them. For example if the politicans beleive public want CAS,
              then the politicans don't dare to get rid of CAS.
    • 小偷也是人,是人就有人的权利,黑人可以告受到陈英雄精神和生理的伤害,陈英雄可能会家破人亡
      • 那你去做小偷去吧。
        • may11 is right if the court concludes owner Chang was wrong, then the suspect can sue owner Chang for damage and compensation.
      • 家破人亡?说来听听
        • 法制社会,依法行事。这是加拿大的优点。每次在国内看到街上的人对小偷殴打,都感觉真是野蛮社会。
          • 你也打算来解释一下这个家破人亡?
          • “法制社会,依法行事“ 为啥有的小偷在LCBO偷一瓶酒就被抓去坐牢,有的小偷就不用抓?
            • 有不用抓的小偷吗?
              • 偷 金牛城 的小偷 不就给 放了吗, 他后来还去 金牛城 骂店主的 妈妈.
                • 没办法,偷六十元盆栽小事情,绑架大事情。垃圾工人这不还在合法罢工着嘛,这叫做敬业。
                • the suspect was only on bailout and he still nedds to face change against him on stealing.
                  • ◆▲■●你是不是又开始说谎了? ●■▲◆ Do you have any proof or evidence "the suspect was only on bailout and he still nedds to face change against him on stealing."
                    • why don't you also prove that the 小偷给放了吗?
                    • 偷竊疑犯則以1,000元保釋外出。
                      • 原来,你是轮子,是CIA/FED养着用来分化中国人的。怪不得。
                        • First, you accused CAS without any prooft; then you said I lied and now you told people that I was "是轮子,是CIA/FED养着用来分化中国人的" What can I do to protect my name?
                          • 老大你知道什么是轮子吗,就是法轮功会员
                            • actually, I don't know but I don't like maninc said "是CIA/FED养着用来分化中国人的". I am a Chinese and I would like to help our community. Thanks for teaching me what 轮子 is.
                • Now I want to know where you learn "他后来还去金牛城骂店主的妈妈. "?
                  • 根据上次邻居报警,CAS带走黑大哥的儿子,结果黑大哥把邻居的手砍了的事件,很多人都认为黑大哥是干了非常对,老油同志还认为儿子会为有这样爸爸自豪的理学,那个黑人儿子应该把陈英雄的手砍了,那个儿子太不肖了
        • 黑大哥万一告在给陈英雄非法拘留期间受到惊吓,现在不能睡觉,不能工作,索取赔偿100万,黑大哥没有工作,有免费律师可以和陈英雄慢慢玩,这个离开家破人亡不遥远吧
          • 另外加拿大法律有规定,店的工作人员不可走出柜台,动手驱走顾客,就算是女人赶男人走,那个男人都可以报警,把你告到法庭,要求赔偿
            • 有吗?我怎么觉得,店员可以将某人设为不受欢迎,限制其入内。
          • 你是说陈英雄终于因为低档不住,愤而自尽,留下孤儿寡母=家破人亡。
            • 中国人为什么对法律的理解是法律只能用在好人的身上,那个妈妈自杀了,你们千方百计要想办法和CAS有关系,要求赔偿,请问黑大哥为什么不能向陈英雄要求赔偿,黑大哥受到惊吓可能后有很多后遗症,好比不能工作了,不能睡觉,精神忧郁了,如果我是黑大哥,一定要求1000万赔偿
              • 所以rolia上从来不少是非。多得却是口口舌。
    • 在加拿大,即使是贼,也有不受伤害的权利。
    • 写这文章的人很有当年红卫兵的风范。偷窃,本来就是做生意的一种基本损耗。一般的店也就善意提醒或礼送出局,最多就报警了,哪有把小偷捆绑打伤的?我还没见过不被偷的生意。
      • 这个牛,得定住
      • 不让你抓小偷真正保护不是小偷而是你,可以避免伤害,万一打伤小偷,可能把你的全部财产都赔了
        • 为了避免对你的伤害, 你还是去坐牢吧
          • 提个醒,万一有小偷来你家,你躲在门后,小偷进来以后你用棍子把他打晕了,可能你又犯法了,所以最好的办法就是把小偷吓走
            • you are right if the suspect can prove that you hit him from the back withour any warning.
              • 那我打他之前,吼一嗓子,就没有法律责任拉吧。这法治国家,反倒是坏人的天堂拉。
                • did u learn it from 赖昌星? 坏人的天堂!
            • how can he (theft) walk into your house or apartment. No one can have access into others' property, if breaking in, of course, you can hit him or shoot him.
          • "为了避免对你的伤害" do you know anyone who is going to hurt May11? May11, do you want to call police for protection? Did someone suggest that you might get hurt?
    • 小偷烂人也是人,是人就有人权。法律这么规定,就这么执行,加拿大就是这样一个的法制国家。
      • 你觉得你 在加拿大, 你有哪几条 在中国没有的 "人权" ?
        • 不少,我个人感觉说了你也未必赞同,对你没有什么意义。而且属于时政,到时候又要劳斑竹大驾。
      • 小偷有人权, 小店主没有不被抢劫的人权.
        • 我奇怪了,如果真象你说的那么好,干嘛你不去做专偷小店的生意?做店主可以安装防盗设备,请一个强壮的保安,我觉得,一个法律健全的地方,法律是保护所有人的
        • Is 不被抢劫 人权? Very good question?
        • 小偷和店主都有人权。偷窃和绑架该得到什么惩罚法律都有规定的,小偷会得到应有的惩罚,但是他只是偷了几十块钱的东西,最多留个犯罪纪录,烂人根本不关心这个,谁也不能把他怎么样,没有办法的事。这个店主我觉得不会按绑架判刑的。
    • When did the owner arrest the suspect? It is the key question here. He arrested the suspect when the suspect returned to his shop, not at the time when something was stolen from his shop.
      The owner is allowed to arrest a thief if the thief was caught in the proccess of stealing.

      Think about it, Asians look alike, no matter you are Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Malaysian. If one day you walk alone in a mall and few people just jumpled out and accused you stole from their dollar shop (in another mall) yesterday and tried to arrest you. Do you want to give everyone the power to arrest any suspect anytime they want? Or you are with your dream girl on the way to watch a movie; and someone jumped out from nowhere and kidnapped you to their car because you look like someone who broke into their house couple weeks ago. Can those people make mistake? They are not professional trained as our police officer. Even our police officer can make mistake, how about a layman who has no training or legal knowledge? I really don't want this even happen on me.
    • 这里有个判断问题。谁来判断一个人是普通顾客还是贼?店主还是法官?如果LZ赢得立法权,立法规定,由店主来进行判断,我敢打保票,这些小店更生存不下去。基本人身安全都没有保障,谁还敢去买东西呢?
      • Not just 判断问题! And also who has the right to execute? If everyone can be a police officer to arrest suspect or a CAS worker to take away children, then it is time to leave Canada.
    • 感觉你的确很manic。。。
    • 油哥写的
      • 根据油哥的道理1。黑大哥的儿子应该去找陈英雄报仇,把他手砍了 2。黑大哥一个要求陈英雄赔偿1000万,因为黑大哥受到惊吓,精神崩溃想自杀,不能工作,不能睡觉
        • 这黑大哥要有这精神气,犯得着偷花吗?不过是个爱花之人而已,就象爱书的孔乙己。
          • 孔乙stole book?
          • 黑大哥可能现在在网上控诉因为爱花,爱生活,但是下岗了没有钱,看到那盆美丽的花,情不自禁忘记付钱,就想带回家,想不到给陈英雄抓了,现在精神崩溃想自杀
            • 如果黑大哥真的自杀了,陈英雄是不是成为杀人犯了,油大哥可能又要为黑大哥去向陈英雄讨公平,去向CBC报告了,黑大哥千万要保重,不要想不通
    • 看看 Toronto Sun 读者如何评论此事
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛114 Comments

      Janny Chen Report Comment
      June 16th 2009, 10:32pm
      Hi everyone, I'm David Chen's niece, and if you would like to support my uncle,
      please go to this web site http://www.vracommittee.com and sign the petiton and
      help drop the charges off my uncle. Thank you very much.

      Born in retarded racist Toronto Report Comment
      June 16th 2009, 2:19am
      The africans are untouchable in the city of Toronto..wake up and smell the racism.
      If the thief was any other race and the store owner was an "African" then medals and parades would have been the order of the day.

      Ray Report Comment
      June 7th 2009, 1:45pm
      It's a joke !
      No wonder the crime rate in Toronto goes up despite they hired more policemen. They waste the resource and taxpayers' money . Few years back, my house was broken-in, I waited 2 hours for the police to show up to take down the info, and since then I never heard anything from them. If this shopkeeper did not chase the thief, and called the police, would the police catch the thief ? The SHOPKEPPER should be awarded the citizen citation. The policeman should be demoted.

      Lawson Ratcliffe Report Comment
      June 5th 2009, 6:32pm

      Funny Report Comment
      June 4th 2009, 7:44am
      pathetic... he's been stealing plants for years. He's a drug addict. Can't say his name, but I know him. ;)

      to the chinatown heros Report Comment
      June 2nd 2009, 11:55am
      Ok here it is folks.You get caught shoplifting you get a slap on the wrist.And the biggest problem is that its not any certain race or culture doing these crimes its any of them.I use to work as a retail security and caught alot of theft iand let say doctors lawyers store owners ,regular people,and kids.For the owner of the store who has to take count of how much they have lost well it comes back to use who spend the money,we end up paying more.I am not saying the owners here where right on how they did it but they did what they could to protect the store.It could have been worst,some places in the world would cut your hand off for stealing.Hats off to the chinatown heros and I say to law makers not cop change the damn laws in these cases

      Born in Cinatown justice Toronto Report Comment
      May 29th 2009, 12:26pm
      If the asian guy was caught shoplifting at University Heights..AKA:Jane N Finch and was bound and held for the police there would have been a celebration and citizen citations given out,awards,parades.Should have taken the at risk,victim of society youth directly to Lake Ontario.
      Now the taxpayer will fund for the at riskers attorney and the asians will cough up out of their pocket,i say we get a community fundraiser and help out our fellow workers,we'd be called racists but so what?

      Rose Report Comment
      May 29th 2009, 2:19am
      How could the store owner keep the shoplifter in a "friendly" way until the policemen arrived (2 hours later? or longer?). It was not fair for the store owner because now he was sued by the policemen for several reasons : physically attack the shoplifter, kidnap, hidden armed-the rope, oh, my god !
      poor store owner, in order to get out of the retension from the police station tempararily (until the judge decides), his wife had to pay $7,500 for him and his two employees who helped to catch the shoplifter, total $7500 x 3 people = $22,500 (information provided from the Sing Tao daily news).

      David Report Comment
      May 28th 2009, 4:10pm
      Do not screw up laws and justice, what the shop keepers did was catch the thief to protect their property and society. But the difference was that they tied up the thief with ropes not hand cuffs, in fact, they are heroes. The thief must be punished as a thief to warn all other thieves.

      John_toronto Report Comment
      May 28th 2009, 1:03pm
      I feel very angry after reading what the policeman reacted to the situation. What's the owner supposed to after catching the shoplifter. From the video, he obviously trying to escape. Should the owner just hug him all the time until the police show up? In which case, I am sure he will be charged sexual harassment. The law is to PROTECT the honest people, not to PUNISH them. What kind of message does the police send out: just go out and steal anything you want, even they catch you, as long as you try to run, they cannot contain you, because we are here to protect you.

      Leo Report Comment
      May 28th 2009, 12:46pm
      The only mistake these shopkeepers made was calling the police. They should have beat this guy senseless then dumped him in an alley somewhere. By charging these men police are sending the wrong message to law abiding citizens. I thought in Canada you had the right to protect your property, and as far as I'm concerned you still do. I will remember this and if a similar situation arises will not call the police but handle things my own way. I assure you any thief will think twice about screwing with me a second time. The police should have used their discretion here... but if they were able to do that they probably wouldn't have become cops in the first place. Only in TO. No wonder people stay away in droves.

      Ethan Adam Report Comment
      May 28th 2009, 10:46am
      If I were on Chen's jury, I'd let him walk. He'll walk right home to make an honest gainful living which not everyone does or needs to in this welfare state.

      Helmut Redermeier Report Comment
      May 28th 2009, 9:16am
      I would like to thank David Chan and the other 2 men for doing the right thing. Our laws only protect the criminals i guess it is a good thing for the law business. The canadian puplic is at the mercy of laws that punish us if we try to protect ourself or our property. The criminals get all the help and are welcome and imported from other regions in the world. Gun play every day in Toronto. Civil diobedients in Concord, during demonstrations all ok with do nothing BLAIR.

      Derrick LeDrew Report Comment
      May 28th 2009, 8:20am
      You wonder why criminals use Canada as a safe haven.It's the country where they can do as they please and get away with it.We as law abiding citizen can't even interfer with these people breaking the law.So you can't blame them for breaking the law when they know the law is on their side if we try and stop them.They walk and we get charged for even touching them.I believe the law calls it excessive force.I totally agree with what the shopkeepers did we should be able to protect our own property.These people went through the trouble to start a business to make a living and serve the public.You then have some loser that feels he can do what he wants and get away with it because he lives in Canada.

      hugh Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 10:56pm
      I sympathise with the shopkeepers and there are times when the laws are foolishly blind. All this tells me is that I should never get involved in stopping an obvious crime, as it is far safer to turn and walk the other way.

      There are times in history that unfair and foolish laws are broken, and this is one of them.
      If the criminal were stealing my property I would chase him down and hold him if necessary and if he is about to over power me I would restrain him till the police arrived.

      If this is wrong how do you execute a citizens arrest? In case, I forget the criminals have more rights.

      dalan Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 2:41pm
      If I dare to assume at this point, that the news story is accurate. I would like to say to the chinatown
      people and to most shopkeepers. Stage a protest. Tell your MP and Police Chief. If this shop owner is convicted. What is going to take place at your shops? I can imagine the shoplifter saying " don't you dare touch me, you can go to jail", and walking out of your store.
      Reelair, I hope you are not prejudice. You are right that law must be able, that is how society can survive. Without laws, people can never live together because our thoughts and patterns are different. I hope yoy can understand laws were suposely created by the people to ensure we live
      safely and decently and to protect someone comitting a crime. Let us protest !

      Chris "Bundy" Young Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 7:50am
      Pretty sad, the shop keepers did the right thing. What they didn't realize is that they are doing business in a "hug a crook" liberal city/province. I hope they learn their lesson and next time don't bother calling the cops, just take the crook out back, throw him the beating of his life and even break a couple of limbs...

      go chinaman Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 5:40am
      DEREK is a freakin idiot. you think people read into laws when they're getting robbed??? it's got nothing to with immigrants you fag. it's all about defending what you worked for. the guy deserved what he got and the shopkeepers should'nt be punish for defending themselves. and i'm glad you feel like a minority in this country... cause this was never a white mans country in the first place!!!

      Rufufu Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 1:29am
      I haven't changed my mind about you. You're still an idiot.
      And to
      Your Mama:
      "... some monsters we lock up indefinately - Paul Bernardo." Tell me; does the name Carla Homolka ring a bell?

      Your Mama Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 1:25am
      This stuff happens all the time with respect to Police and the Law. The law is not perfect. How can the suffering of the victims ever be correctly ascertained by words written in Law? The police are trained to follow rules. Rules written by man, and interpreted by robots. 'Reasonable Force' - from who's perspective? The Police's - they can kill you if they feel threatened, From the shop keeper? - he just wanted to stop the theivery, - the thief; he just wanted to escape, and had bruises as evidence as an aliby! No One has the Right to defend oneself anymore! That's the message the Law is sending to everyone. Someone grabs your wallet, you can't punch them, you have to grap them, get assaulted in the process, you can't hit back either!

      Your Mama Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 1:10am
      To those 'moralists' that say that no one has the right to lay a hand on another, I say this: you think you are so more morally correct? You're NOT!!! Some people deserve to have the crap kicked out of them! ....if you disagree, I'm sure a list of names of sex-offenders, serial rapists, and so-forth should change your mind. If you still disagree, maybe you don't know squat. The problem lies with the perception of law in Canada. We assume they are perfect; but they are not; no law is ever written perfect; no human is created perfectly either. Not all humans are humans. Some are monsters we lock up indefinately - Paul Bernardo. Capital punishment on those rare instances makes common sense. Thiefs should be beaten - but not out malice.

      Your Mama Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 12:59am
      Charter rights of thief took precedence over property rights. TLet me ask you what you'd have done, if the theif was taking property from you? - and you could stop this theivery? - these shop keepers called the police in good faith -

      Any thief deserves a beating - I don't care what the Canadian Charter Says. There is a wrong and a right here. And it should be clear as day to everyone. The fact the police got it so wrong proves otherwise.

      But, you know, if you struggle, like he did, you deserve a beating, 'cause you don't realise what you're doing is stupid, and wrong, and dishonourable to yourself, your family - not to mention the true victim: the shop keeper - he never did anything to you? did he? why are you so angry?

      Jenn Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 12:25am
      To Reelair:
      um, even if the shopkeepers did drive the van to the station, they probably would've still been convicted since they have to have some way of holding down the thief so the guy doesn't run. The question is, what did they expect the shopkeepers to do once they caught the thief and while they were waiting for the police? If they didn't tie him up or forcibly hold him back the guy would've obviously ran. So I guess this is a lesson that next time they should call the police and let the thief run, in which case the cops will end up having to FIND the thief after, or not even bother looking for him at all, since it's just a PLANT *rolls eyes*. $5 plant or $1000 furniture, theft is theft.

      HAHAHA Report Comment
      May 27th 2009, 12:09am
      I love it!!! That has to be the funniest damn story I've heard in a long time!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 捉贼还被打:警察却说这点事也报警?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛捉贼还被打:警察却说这点事也报警?
      加国无忧 51.CA 2009年7月19日 08:48 来源:本网综合 作者:谈海 [ 加大字体 | 缩小字体 ]








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