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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


完全赞同future所言。Offer Letter/Employment Letter/TN Petition Letter (Petition 无非是法律用语)本来就是same shit,只要体现有Temporary (12个月36个月...)字样和符合TN的头衔及与头衔相应的职责应该就行了。但相信所言不适用于所有人的case,比如本人真正的

头衔与职责(打在offer letter上的)不说与TN List风牛马不相及,想挂靠都有困难。于是才另搞了一TN Petition Letter。当然去签TN时,正儿八经的offer letter反而是死活不敢带上的。

我在Peace Bridge签TN时,还有一滑稽事。VO问我“What is xxxxx model?”我楞是没反应过来(做梦也想不到签TN时还有DUMMY VO问专业问题的),反问“Sorry. What's your question again?”接着VO冲我吼一声“Tell...me...what...is xxxxx...model...about?”我这才意识到,WTF,今天遇到大头鬼了。最后被盘问了近半个小时后,这VO同旁边的另一个VO滴咕啥东东去,只听到旁边的VO说了句“I think this is fine." 我赶紧跟着说“Thank you Sir。”这该死的VO才盯了我一眼再吼一声“Fifty six bucks"。TNND,人在屋檐下!

我都怀疑,是否有人倒霉到在VO查完所有资料齐全后,突然问“Where is the petition letter please?"

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请问签TN需不需要特殊的offer,或者其他文件。本人是材料的博士,去美国一个小公司做研究。公司给了一个offer. 仅是三页纸,老板签了个字, 现在拿到加拿大护照,再加上学位证是不是就可以了。想先用TN把工作先干起来,十月份再转H1B。 请有经验的指点一下,先谢了。
    • Mexican and Canadian NAFTA Professional Worker
    • 请问你签了TNVISA了吗?我老公也得到了一个美国的OFFER,但是似乎他的专业并不特别符合TN LIST上的那些人才,所以挺害怕的
      • I will fly to Chicago to try TN visa on site. What I learnt from this website is to ask the manager to put a little more details of job duties. The duty require some expectise. I am quite new to this question. My information is just for discussion.
        • 别忘了Employment Letter
          • Is the Empolyment letter the same as the offer letter? Thanks!
            • No.
        • No way. You should get TN at Toronto airport or border.
      • 拿到offer不容易。你老公这种情况,为避免万一在边境被签证人员screw,建议取得公司融通,严格按照NAFTA文件的Schedule II自己动手写TN Petition Letter,着重于职位头衔与职责描述的用词用语。
        • TN petition letter 要工司签名吧? Title, e.g. Systems Analyst 一定要更NAFTA 规定的一摸一样吗?
          • I think so. Here is a reply from lawyer. I strongly advise against using the standard offer letter (from company to you) for the TN. It is best, to use a TN supporting letter (from company to U.S. Customs & Border Protection).
            • 兄弟,我只是好心,不是我对TN懂得特别多。你一提到律师(公司的移民律师也好自己找的律师也好),我觉得你已陷入误区。你想想看,律师有可能比我们自己对职务头衔,职责范围及公司情况了解更多吗?我相信大部分律师写出的信是标准格式千篇一律。律师只在乎是否有打字

              DIY的效力同律师开出的信是一模一样的。自己可以针对公司给你的 job offer,自己再slightly modify成Petition Letter,无非是抬头给美国海关,变通下职务头衔及职责范围(要是原有的模棱两可)。要是公司同意你自己写,你又替公司省钱了,又给了自己flexibility,何乐而不为?

              • Thanks a lot for your kindness. But the company decided to use the lawyer. I have Emailed them to say I can write the letter. But the manager asked the lawyer to do that since they have done the H1b petition for me already.
                The company has a good relationship with them. I have the H1b approved already but it only can be used on Oct 1st with my Chinese passport. Thanks again.
                • 哪里,哪里,兄弟您太客气了。ROLIA本来就是为同为华人的我们提供一个友善互助的平台。小公司通常更愿意为员工着想,您有博士学位,以后若有兴趣申请美国绿卡,走EB-1更是水到渠成。说实在话,到了美国后碰到绿卡事,我才悔悟到“学位用时方恨低”。
                  • 非常正确!
                    • 什么叫EB-1?烦请指点一下。我知道o1是很快能拿到绿卡的,我一个同学仅花了半年,真是神速。
              • Just for information. The charge is $900. My manager want try at first but give up later.
                • your company is so cheap. my company pay $1200 for TN and lots of more for H1B for each (for all foreign employees) to lawyer
                  • ha ha ha ha ... 兄弟你的嘴巴也太快了些。我上班的公司更cheaper,公司刚形成一口头规定,从今起所有的移民事项(TN,H1,乃至绿卡)一律DIY。有疑惑者,向某某人咨询,自行付咨询费;有因此而被某某人误导者,公司概不负责。
                  • 他们有长期关系。多了可以打折扣把。
          • Sorry. I may misunderstand. I am not sure. Maybe the letter from company to US Customs & Border Protection is petition letter on behalf of you or can be used as a supporting letter for you.
          • 我们一起过遍TN VISA DUMMY 101:To have a more favorable chance of having your passport stamped TN Status at a US border, you are strongly encouraged to prepare TN Petition Letter yourself and email it in WORD format to your employer for signature.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛To speed this process, you should request your employer to send the signed letter back to you by courier service by clearly indicating so in the email. Bear in mind though, your first choice is to have your future supervisor (whoever has extended a job offer to you) sign on the letter in order to bypass a possibility of being screwed by company HR before being screwed by a US visa officer; alternatively, you can ask your future supervior to have company HR sign on the letter, only if the first choice is not possible as it may be against company policy for some companies.

            With regard to a job title associated to your future job duties, as far as I know, even some guys with perfect match of NAFTA job title and job duty requirements were denied TN status without any reasons. You know what you should do ...

            Theoretically TN status application should be very straight; however, there are always much dummier US visa officers than us at border screwing TN status applicants by asking dummy questions. Nobody wants the bitter taste of being denied TN status by those DUMMY visa officers after all those challenges of job search and inverviews. So you will have to do your own due diligence in order to smooth out your own specific case.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 老公今天收到美国雇主的一封EMPLOYMENT LETTER,没有其他DOCUMENT,他想向 他们要一封TN PETITION LETTER,对方没有给任何答复,这个LETTER我们自己写行吗?
          • 自己写,让雇主签字。雇主不知道信的要求,请律师还要花钱。
          • 只要你的雇主信的内容满足要求就可以了,不必要求另外的什么 TN Letter。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Employment Letter

            The employer in the U.S. must provide to the applicant a Letter of Employment in the United States. The letter must indicate that the position in question in the U.S. requires the employment of a person in a professional capacity, consistent with the NAFTA Chapter 16, Annex 1603, Appendix 1603.d.1.

            The applicant must present evidence of professional employment to satisfy the Consular Officer of your plans to be employed in prearranged business activities for a U.S. employer(s) or entity(ies) at a professional level. Part-time employment is permitted. Self-employment is not permitted. An employment letter or contract providing a detailed description of the business activities may be provided from the U.S. or foreign employer, and should state the following:

            * Activity in which the applicant shall be engaged;
            * Purpose of entry;
            * Anticipated length of stay;
            * Educational qualifications or appropriate credentials demonstrating professional status;
            * Evidence of compliance with DHS regulations, and/or state laws; and
            * Arrangements for pay.
            * Although not required, proof of licensure to practice a given profession in the United States may be offered along with a job offer letter, or other documentation in support of a TN visa application.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 最基本的要求就是。第一,工资水平。第二,雇用时间,一年,两年或三年。第三,工作职务和内容。其他的都是锦上添花, 画蛇添足,无足轻重。你好好地研究一下你的老板给你的 Offer Letter 是不是包括这些。是的话,没有问题了
          • 完全赞同future所言。Offer Letter/Employment Letter/TN Petition Letter (Petition 无非是法律用语)本来就是same shit,只要体现有Temporary (12个月36个月...)字样和符合TN的头衔及与头衔相应的职责应该就行了。但相信所言不适用于所有人的case,比如本人真正的
            头衔与职责(打在offer letter上的)不说与TN List风牛马不相及,想挂靠都有困难。于是才另搞了一TN Petition Letter。当然去签TN时,正儿八经的offer letter反而是死活不敢带上的。

            我在Peace Bridge签TN时,还有一滑稽事。VO问我“What is xxxxx model?”我楞是没反应过来(做梦也想不到签TN时还有DUMMY VO问专业问题的),反问“Sorry. What's your question again?”接着VO冲我吼一声“Tell...me...what...is xxxxx...model...about?”我这才意识到,WTF,今天遇到大头鬼了。最后被盘问了近半个小时后,这VO同旁边的另一个VO滴咕啥东东去,只听到旁边的VO说了句“I think this is fine." 我赶紧跟着说“Thank you Sir。”这该死的VO才盯了我一眼再吼一声“Fifty six bucks"。TNND,人在屋檐下!

            我都怀疑,是否有人倒霉到在VO查完所有资料齐全后,突然问“Where is the petition letter please?"
            • VO问我“What is xxxxx model?" 还有专业技术问题. 你怎么答的?
              • 兄弟,这里不是隔壁的“悠悠”啊,该严肃时还是严肃一些。人在屋檐下,眼睛盯着VO手中的地瓜章,你说咋回答?下回你去border时,若有相类似的问题,你可以试下这一答案:
                "Oh, buddy, I believe I have started liking you already. You are asking the right person. A fashion model? A fashion model is basically a chick who knows where to place a fancy piece of cloth on the fancy parts of her body in a professional manner." (没有黄的意思,只是中性的)

                • 我是问严肃问题啊, 你咋不回答我?
                  • 哦,早说你是严肃的吧。这ROLIA可真把我搞糊涂了。兄弟,那天我是这样回答的:
                    "A simulation model is a mathematical model that calculates the impact of uncertain inputs and decisions we make on outcomes that we care about, such as profit and loss, investment returns, environmental consequences, and the like. Such a model can be created by writing code in a programming language, statements in a simulation modeling language, or formulas in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. " (Google: www.solver.com/simulation/simulation-model.htm).

                    当然我回答时,把VBA及 C++全都杂柔进去,虽然我对C++狗屁也不通。
