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There are 1.3 billion Chinese, let's say only 10% are children. We have 130 million children, how many children did you 看见儿童没有真正受到劣待? Is there any survey on children abuse in China to support your argument?

BTW what is 真正劣待? cutting their hands off?

Its report indicates that, among adult Canadians, 53 percent of women and 31 percent of men were sexually abused when they were children. Is this a good reason to have CAS in Canada to protect our children? 1 in 2 women had been sexual abused, do you have any daugther?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 一件这么简单的事情,搞得这么复杂.CAS作为一个专业机构,使用税款的机构.有存在的意义吗?一个机构的存在,应该使大多数人感到合适和有用的,可是,CAS有这个作用吗?我觉得中国政府机构都比它要人性化多了.
    • CAS需要改变.而这改变,不应该由它自己进行.
      • CAS's power is from our legislation, how do you suggest our legislator change the law?
    • 一个读了几年所谓SOCIAL WORKER,就可以剥夺别人最大的利益不受监督吗?他/她有多少社会经历啊?很多现代人,没有40岁左右,我觉得还没有真正成熟.有些,一辈子都成熟不了的.谁可以为别人做主啊?
      • 事情总是要人做的,你这种质疑可以算放之四海而皆准,想想移民官、警察、法官、律师、医生。。。。
        • 你的说法没有基本的逻辑.按照你的说法,北朝鲜政府是非常好的政府.
          • 我说你“放之四海而皆准”还错了?那你想要什么样的评价?
            • 我不需要你的评价.
              • 那就别在这种谁都能回的地方上帖。
                • 你害怕啦?
                  • 我赚大发了。谢谢!
                    • 有人在此飙车,却不让人参与,看来是楼主睡眠不足.
                      • +1
      • 这就是观念的问题。如果你仅仅把孩子看成是自己最大的利益,也就是说,孩子是完全属于自己的,那CAS把孩子带走的确是不对的,但如果你把抚养孩子看成是自己最大的责任,孩子不仅仅属于自己,也属于社会,当一个人无法胜任抚养孩子的重任时,社会就应该参与对孩子的抚养,
        • +1
        • This is the exact same reason that some parents killed their own children before they committed suicide. They believed their children were their own properties and they could do whatever they wanted for their children.
        • 当社会要强行介入一个家庭时,代价非常大。这不只是一个观念问题。它涉及到孩子的切身利益。谁也不能否认孩子与父母之间不可替代的亲情和血缘关系。谁也不能否认作为社会的基本元素,家庭的稳定与完整对孩子的重要性。
          • What if there is no 亲情 but only abuse or the parents cannot control themselve and take care the kids. Did you read the news about a Taiwan woman who killed her own 4 months old baby? Should we allow CAS to protect children in extreme condition?
            But you have a very good question about how CAS decide if a child should be taken from his family. And make sure it is not 滥用. Do you mind to find out the answer and share with us?
      • CAS worker has to seek court order to take away a kid and only in emergency and with permission with their management, then CAS worker can seize a child without a court order. But they still need to seek court order within 5 days.
        Then you can argue if the judge has the authority to make such decision and yes, they have the authority. Our legislation granted them the authority. If you don't like the current arrangement and would like to change it, then you should talk to your MPP.
    • CAS讲座说会给我们英文合同看看,我还在等着.
    • 跟工会一样遗留下来的垃圾,迟早会被铲除的,时候未到而已。
    • 社会阅历和同情心不是考读书读出来的.CAS工作人员同时做了法官和警察的工作.这是不是独裁?是不是黑暗的社会?
      • How did a CAS worker do both 法官和警察的工作? CAS workers also need court order just like police officer.
    • 又一个有病了....
      • 向你这种人身攻击的说法...
      • +1
    • 中国有儿童保护组织吗?我从未听说过。我觉得应该成立一个,儿童教育的不好或者受虐待长大了作奸犯科还是要社会来承担。
      • 中国有妇联,以教育,帮助为主要工作方式。遇到违法行为,有警察
        • 中国妇联 is like 人大政协 ... 橡皮图章
          • 在中国父母管教儿女是家事没有人管的,很多时候管教和虐待只有一线之隔,旁人觉得不妥了打电话给警察,警察也不会管,只有死了或者出了其他严重后果警察才会介入。中国如果有专门儿童保护组织,很多被父母打死的儿童本来不会死的。
    • 简单吗? 恐怕不。从政府宏观角度来看,方针是用有限的资源,作最多的事,遭最少的抱怨。现状是最可行的方法之一。当然可以试试剥夺 CAS 部分权限。this maybe work, maybe not.
      记得这里一位CAS工作人员谈到历史上CAS曾经权限受到削弱,但造成孩子受害案件增加。大家应该合力来寻找这个最佳的“权限度”在哪里。我觉得大家可以 petition 修改《孩子及家庭法〉,试试减小CAS全县,看效果如何。
      • What you suggested is definitely not 简单. We have to fully understand CAS policies and procedures before we can make any recommendation. It would be a huge task.
        • surely it is not something 简单. I just saw so many people are mad at CAS,it is possible that the law should be modified to restrain CAS a bit, presently....
      • But if someone is willing to spend the effort, it would be a great task as well.
      • 在中国,没有CAS,也没有看见多少儿童真正受到劣待.以前中国这么穷.现在富一点了,中国儿童不劣待父母就不错了.难道加拿大的人的素质比中国人还差?如果你认为很多中国父母劣待儿童而导致他们成长问题,请给出统计数据.我看例子都不多.
        • 不要再在这里大放厥词了!不足可以揭露,缺点当然可以批评,但你目前需要的是谦虚、踏实的弄清这个制度的来龙去脉,而不是在这里唱些高调,用煽情代替理智。
        • There are 1.3 billion Chinese, let's say only 10% are children. We have 130 million children, how many children did you 看见儿童没有真正受到劣待? Is there any survey on children abuse in China to support your argument?
          BTW what is 真正劣待? cutting their hands off?

          Its report indicates that, among adult Canadians, 53 percent of women and 31 percent of men were sexually abused when they were children. Is this a good reason to have CAS in Canada to protect our children? 1 in 2 women had been sexual abused, do you have any daugther?
        • 新闻里小孩被打死的每年都有几起,被打死之前从来没有人和机构来管的。我小时候有个邻居头胎一个女孩因为条件限制送到亲戚家养了大半年然后接回来,后来又生了一男一女,都是亲生的,不知道为什么他们家老打这老大,也不让她上学,一天学都没上过,真是可怜,哪里有人来管。
        • 建议你到新浪关注虐待儿童问题专栏里看看,父母打小孩不打死打残是没有人管的。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛追踪报道:北京五岁女童被虐杀真相
          http://www.sina.com.cn 2000年07月06日14:17 和讯homeway































            记者:“大家都很关注这事,你还有话要说吗?”   陈普珍沉默不语。摘自《北京青年报》更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • You bring up a good question. Are most Canadian feel CAS is adequate and useful? If Canadians do not feel this way, why do they give CAS more and more power over the last 10 years. If you studied family law, you would find
      family law had granted more power to CAS in the last 10 years? Why? They were not happy with CAS; so they decided to give CAS more power?
      • There are no perfect country in this world. Canada made mistakes in history. Is this another mistake? Law is not always the intention of most people.
        • I totally agree! I know lawyers from HK, England and Canada. They often told me how our legal system was abused and it is very expensive. But until we have a better syste, what else we can do? At least, it provides a second eye to control CAS.
      • It's not true. Actually, family law had limited CAS's power since part of CAS scandles 曝光 in the end of 2006. CASs have got fewer kids in last two and a half years.
      • That's why they did some apprehensions illegaly because they would not get kids if they did that legaly. I will share the law information with all of you when I have time.
      • The goverment is going to do more to limit their power soon.
      • They never tell people their limits but only tell people they have unlimited power to fool people. They have been benefiting by their cheating, deceiving and trapping. Immigrants did not know law well so that were fooled and hurt by them.
      • If loveblue knew law, she would ask that CAS worker to get a court order first (only takes one or two hours).
        • I believe you know a lot about CAS. Do you think it is a good idea to setup a Chinese web site to tell Chinese commmunity how to handle CAS encounter. I also believe you should have no difficulty to find volunteer.
          Or even just setup a Rolia forum and you can be the owner of it. I didn't know much about the sacndles in 2006. What was it? The only one I know was the poor girl who died in her forster family (I believed it was her grand parents as well). I was very mad and sent a lot of email out and even to my Church. But I didn't know there was any reform after the problem. Can you please share your information.
          • CASs were ordered to reform in Dec. 2006. Some new laws and regulations about child welfare were made between Jan. 2007 to March 2007. A three yrs old foster boy was killed by a teenager foster girl in a foster family.
          • Some foster children were beaten to die or ignored to die in foster family. In the summer of 2007, a 1 year old Toronto foster boy drown in the pool of his foster family and died.
          • Also in 2007, a 63 yrs old Toronto foster father was arrested and charged for raping foster child(ren).
            • that was similar to the disaster that I know. CAS may save the children from their own family where they had been abused; but CAS cannot put them into another hell. That was my objection to CAS couple years ago.
              • The girl(maybe two girls) was/were unrelated to that guy(only foster relationship). That guy had been a foster for over ten years so that police were calling if there were more victims. This matter then went silence like other matters that related CAS.
          • They put quite a few unrelated foster children in one foster family and younger ones are bollyed badly by older ones. CAS only ask fosters to offer a bed so that foster kids have to share bedroom with other unrelated ones.
          • Foster kids were taken by CAS(some of them were illegally taken) then were forced to live in such bad situations. Some teenager foster children run away but CAS called police to find them and sent them back to CAS.
            • Thank you for sharing all these info with us but those are after the children were put into a foster home. Any suggestion on what we should do if I see a CAS worket standing right outside of my door NOW!
      • That CAS worker would not get a court order because baby's dad is living home. The baby would not be sent to foster home and loveblue would not suffer so much to die.
        • I just wish loveblue learnt all your experience / knowledge before her encounter with CAS. How unfortunate?