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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


超市老闆娘捉賊被打事件 警方版本, 警員釋不檢控理據無客觀證人無影帶. Totally BS! So if someone broke into my house and robbed me in broad daylight. Even I caught the rubber,

the police officer would still release the rubber if I cannot provide them 客觀證人. Just BS!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 華埠超市竊賊窮兇極惡 老闆娘捉賊被打腫警員口頭警告放女賊
    • 为什么韩国人开的店却没有窃贼光顾呢
      • 因为韩国人团结,不说自己人坏话
        • 是。世界上最不团结的 恐怕就是 中国人拉。出啦问题,先关起门来,内部教育一通,然后总能找到自身的错误,最后结果就是自己人的过错。自己标榜这是 有文化和教养,不粗鲁野蛮。其实那叫窝囊。
          • so what do you suggest?
    • 店主说他每年偷窃案令他损失起码10万元,如果用这些钱请保安看护他就没有这些麻烦了。
      • plus a lawyer to standby!
      • 请拉保安只能是 老板娘不会再挨打拉,警察的处理方式还会有什么变化么?
        • are we still second class citizen in Canada? Sometime I wonder if I go to Walmart and take something less than $30 without paying for it. What would the police do about me?
          • 呵呵,你就恐怕不会有那个 黑人大嫂 的运气拉
    • 真TM没天理,要是walmart报警,$5块的东西也要起诉。华人店就这样不了了之?
      • 是啊。我听说一个当地西人利用工作之便,占拉老板点便宜,就$50, 结果就被老板告到法庭拉。
      • I believe if every suspect who stole things from China town all ended up at court and then jail; there would not be so many stealing at China town. "我們太忙﹐太多案件了" is because the police did not handle it properly!
        if everyone know you can go to Walmart / Loblaw / Costco and steals stuffs that worth less than $30 and police is not going to do anything; there would be a long line up to go into these shops.
        • 道理是这样的。另一个角度讲,如果每次在外面受到伤害的同胞,都不能得到其他华人的同情理解和支持,那么其他种族的人也就不再在乎如此庞大的华人团体的如此微弱的力量拉,所谓的种族歧视案子就会越来越多的继续在我们的生活中上演。
          • When I was still a kid, my Chinese history teacher told us that if one-to-one, Chinese can win Japanese in anything. But if there are 3 Chinese vs. 3 Japanese. Japanese would always win!
            He said all Japanese needs to do is just stand aside and wait for the 3 Chinese to kill themselves. The story might not 100% reflect every Chinese but it is quite true after all these time I spent on Rolia.

            I can't remember who said, someone may able to find it out but I recalled someone said "Destruction is always from inernal, exteranl can only provide the catalyst or trigger".
    • 以前我一个同事的老公是做西人商场保安的,他们抓到小偷就押到办公室然后叫警察来,警察都来的很快,都很严肃处理, 很多都要上法庭。他曾经在Bridlewood Mall 做,他说抓的大部分都是中国人。
      • 中国人互相妒嫉,排斥,嘲笑,老外都知道
        • 可能我说得不清楚,这个同事和她老公都是西人
      • 法律规定应该谁起诉,警察吗?我觉得这种十几,几十块钱的小偷,不可能由警察来起诉的,税钱全用在这上头也不够。walmart这样的大店对偷东西也头疼得很,他们逮着一个偷图钉的就花大钱告,杀鸡给猴看。华人店不行,利本来就薄
        • 法律是骗人的。平等是没有的。谁强大谁可以欺负人,而且可以花钱买理,买新的立法。谁弱谁永远被欺负
          • So why Chinese is the weak one and always get bully or discriminate?
    • 超市老闆娘捉賊被打事件 警方版本, 警員釋不檢控理據無客觀證人無影帶. Totally BS! So if someone broke into my house and robbed me in broad daylight. Even I caught the rubber,
      the police officer would still release the rubber if I cannot provide them 客觀證人. Just BS!
      • 如果你家有小偷光临,千万不要抓,现金多过500就 不要放在家,所有的东西的账单 都要保存,基本上小偷光顾一次,你就发一次小财,咱们不是有保险吗,基本上现 金500可以拿到,另外家里所有大电器都可以变成新的,只要你有账单保险赔偿基本 10000多。
        • another way is to take photo on everything you have. And store it on a DVD and save it somewhere else (your office). So in case there is a fire in your house and everything is burnt (including your receupts). you can still claim insurance.
        • I guess I should make a cup of coffee for the rubber as well. Milk and sugar?
        • 万一你家被偷,要报警,然后警察录口供时候近量说损失大些,现金1000,首饰20件, 电脑2台,是最基本的,另外千万不要抓小偷
        • 以后保险费会上去吗? 有几次索赔纪录以后很多保险公司不保这种客户或者提高保费。
          • 俺说的是真的被偷了,不是找朋友来偷,所以是真偷,保险公司也在骗咱们钱是吧, 所以一辈子买保险,最少希望小偷光顾一次
            • 宁愿一辈子买保险,也不希望有小偷光顾。
        • 典型的骗保,如果不幸被揭穿,你将承受很大的法律责任.
          • 不会被揭发,除非是抓到小偷
            • 这个除非岂不就是一个会的可能。
              • 得了吧,这里连个杀人犯都可能抓不了,抓小偷也更不着边际了
                • even police officer can catch the murderers, so Fxxxxxx what. They would be out of jail before the victim's family can recover from their grief. Those murderer argue they have human right and they deserve second chance! Second chance to kill again?
            • 这种事不值得做, 半夜敲门心不惊。