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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


给本区市议员写了email,很快收到回信。Email 很简单。标题和正文都是 I'm the voter in your Ward, please reject the civil workers' contract and back-to-work protocols。

Thank you for taking the time to share you opinions with my regarding the recent contract offer made by the City to its striking workers.

Throughout this strike I have been unwavering on my position that any settlement must meet three criteria: it should be fair to our workers, it should reflect the current economic conditions and should be affordable to the taxpayer. It is my opinion that the latest offer, while very fair to workers does not satisfy the other criteria, therefore I will not be supporting it when it comes before Council for ratification. Instead, I believe that the union and the city should return to the negotiating table to reach a deal that better reflects the interests of Torontonians.

Yours sincerely,
Councillor Chin Lee

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 大家别空谈了,做点事。明天早上谁肯到City Hall门口举牌子要求否决复工协议的?我去。去不了的同学,至少给你的councillor写信打电话,告诉他们如果不投反对票,明年选举你就会把票投给他的对手。200万敌不过3万,这就是有组织的和一盘散沙的区别。
    • 顶你
    • +1
    • councillor靠得住的话,就不会给自己涨工资,还不肯复议。这真是场好戏,各自为自己的利益而战。
      • if the councillor receives 5,000 emails today to tell them to vote against the contract; otherwise, they would lose the vote. You would see the difference you can make!
      • 根据toronto star的调查,联系到的31位市议员:6位支持,11位反对,4位还没想好,10位拒绝置评。
        • 谢谢,看了报道,我们区的议员反对这个协议,我赞同他的主张。
          • you have a good councillor!
        • let's wait and see
    • +1
    • 典型空谈妄想症....
      • all it take is to spend 2 minutes to write an email, what can you lose? why don't you try it?
    • Please post this message on your facebook, MSN,........... And email to everyone on your contact list and ask them to forward to everyone they know. We have less than 24 hours to alert other Torontonians.
    • 电话打了,email也发了。明天我8:15出发举着牌子步行去City Hall, 9:00到那。我对council能否决这个deal也很悲观,但是如果大家都只在网上发发牢骚就算了,民主也不过就是空谈。你的民主权利不光是投票而已,平时发出你自己的声音更重要。
      • 佩服,民主社会,就应该发出自己的声音。我已经发信了,不过明天去不了,只能道义上支持你了。
      • 我住Don Valley West选区,议员是John Parker.
        • 还好,我们区的议员是保守党,或许抗议会起点作用。
    • suport, but I'm not a torontonian
    • 还是准备卖房子搬家吧。多伦多只会逐渐地沦为贫民窟。
      • 这位朋友有所不知:多伦多目前的地税是最低的 - 原因很简单,大多伦多其他小城市补贴多伦多。。。。 除非你完全搬出大多伦多。。。否则您还是在给苗大卫先生作贡献! 不要轻易相信JJ的话!
    • 接下来的HST,还不知道多少人要去抗议呢
    • 合同的细节公布了吗?
      • 不让工人知道, 工人如何投票...
      • http://www.thestar.com/article/673948. 关于Bankable sick day,细节是10年以上员工,一切照旧,每年可继续存18天直至退休,也可以买断;10年以下已经存了的可以保留或买断,但不能存更多了;以后新雇员工没有这个福利了。
        • 另一个问题时有多少工人是工作10年以上了, 10% 20% 50% 75% 90%。。。。
          • 这个我不知道,不过估计不会少,这种地方一干一辈子的大把,而且如果新员工多于老员工,这种明显不平等的规定可能在工会内通过也不容易。
          • Total liability si $250 million. Do you know how much is $250 million? And it is only current liability; it would keep growing with the current deal!! When it would reach $500 million?
    • 鱼兄要小心安全,CUPE的人,很凶恶,敢打你,却无事的~~我对这事持保留态度;我觉得我还是应该能够胜任光荣的垃圾工职位的,我对谋个这样的职位很感兴趣。我另外个感兴趣的是做CAS的抓孩专业人士。加拿大的好处,我不可以占呀?
      • 7兄,谢啦。明天我不信我会是唯一的一个去的。7兄要能打入工会内部就最好啦,下次你在垃圾站站岗,告诉兄弟我一声,俺就上那倒去,这点面子7兄总要给我吧。
        • 你记性真好,还知道大哥我的别号呀~不给工人让步是不行的,否则市政府无法运作。关键是要把工会来个一锅端,把些个重要的工作,安排给私人公司做(即使是市长的关系户,也认了;至少一换市长,就有得换公司的机会)
    • 俺刚给councillor发了邮件
    • 当堂上班的兄弟姐妹一定去露个脸壮壮声威,让他们知道华人市民不是任他们玩弄摆布的木偶。
    • 算啦,我投降了,干不过他们,太黑。
      • Don't give up! At least spend 1 minute to email to your councillor and ask him to reject the deal! If you have more time, send the same email to all everyone you know in Toronto.
    • 支持你!!!
    • 给本区市议员写了email,很快收到回信。Email 很简单。标题和正文都是 I'm the voter in your Ward, please reject the civil workers' contract and back-to-work protocols。
      Thank you for taking the time to share you opinions with my regarding the recent contract offer made by the City to its striking workers.

      Throughout this strike I have been unwavering on my position that any settlement must meet three criteria: it should be fair to our workers, it should reflect the current economic conditions and should be affordable to the taxpayer. It is my opinion that the latest offer, while very fair to workers does not satisfy the other criteria, therefore I will not be supporting it when it comes before Council for ratification. Instead, I believe that the union and the city should return to the negotiating table to reach a deal that better reflects the interests of Torontonians.

      Yours sincerely,
      Councillor Chin Lee
      • Good for us.
      • I've copied your content and send an e-mail to my councillor but forgot to tell my address.
        • resent with your address.
        • 我没有留地址.写了真实姓名和电话.
          • take you 15 seconds to resend it! Why not?
            • 我的议员(Ward 41, Chin Lee)已经回信准备投反对票了. 如果你在这个区,就不用写了.监督其最后投票行动就行了. 另外据住Ward 37 亲戚说, Michael Thompson也投No. 大家监督啊。
              • No! Don't stop email even if they said there were going to reject it tomorrow. They can change their mind anytime! We have to reinforce their determination to say "NO"!
      • 我的区议员carroll是david miller的死党,发email去抗议也没回音. 这坚定我下次继续不投她票的决心.
        • Please tell her by email!
    • 大家别忘了,email里要给出自己的住址和姓名。
    • 严重支持!虽然去不了但强烈支持!!!
    • 肉联的半住们应该出来组织一下,别老忙活着删铁子
    • 给本选区议员发了信,请他投反对票。
      • Please also email all your Toronto friends to support you as well. Many thanks.
    • 市议会明天上午9点半开始辩论,楼主准备几点到?我看看要不要一起去。
      • 9点到City Hall
    • 支持一下
    • 佩服你的勇气, 希望听到后续.
    • That is a big fat pay check in 3 years! It is VERY FAIR to those striking workers! hard to believe taxpayers in Toronto can even put up with this deal!
    • 谢谢你的提醒,我已经发给Ward 33 Don Valley East, Shelley Carroll了。
      • 请问如何可以查到councillor vote "yes" or "no".
        • A list of how councillors voted:
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛YES to contract for CUPE Local 416:

          Mayor David Miller
          Maria Augimeri (York Centre)
          Sandra Bussin (Beaches East York)
          Shelley Carroll (Don Valley East)
          Raymond Cho (Scarborough Rouge River)
          Janet Davis (Beaches East York)
          Glenn De Baeremaeker (Scarborough Centre)
          Frank Di Giorgio (York South Weston)
          Paula Fletcher (Toronto Danforth)
          Adam Giambrone (Davenport)
          Mark Grimes (Etobicoke Lakeshore)
          Suzan Hall (Etobicoke North)
          Adrian Heaps (Scarborough Southwest)
          Doug Holyday (Etobicoke Centre)
          Pam McConnell (Toronto Centre Rosedale)
          Joe Mihevc (St. Paul’s )
          Joe Pantalone (Trinity Spadina)
          Gord Perks (Parkdale High Park)
          Anthony Perruzza (York West)
          Bill Saundercook (Parkdale High Park)
          Adam Vaughan (Trinity Spadina)

          NO to contract for CUPE Local 416:

          Paul Ainslie (Scarborough East)
          Brian Ashton (Scarborough Southwest)
          Mike Del Grande (Scarborough Agincourt)
          Mike Feldman (York Centre)
          Rob Ford (Etobicoke North)
          Cliff Jenkins (Don Valley West)
          Norm Kelly (Scarborough Agincourt)
          Chin Lee (Scarborough Rouge River)
          Peter Milczyn (Etobicoke Lakeshore)
          Denzil Minnan-Wong (Don Valley East)
          Ron Moeser (Scarborough East)
          Frances Nunziata (York South Weston)
          Case Ootes (Toronto Danforth)
          John Parker (Don Valley West)
          Karen Stintz (Eglinton Lawrence)
          Michael Thompson (Scarborough Centre)
          Michael Walker (St. Paul’s)

          Abstentions for conflict of interest:
          Howard Moscoe (Eglinton Lawrence)
          David Shiner (Willowdale)

          Missing in Action:
          John Filion (Willowdale)
          Gloria Lindsay Luby (Etobicoke Centre)
          Giorgio Mammoliti (York West)
          Cesar Palacio (Davenport)
          Kyle Rae (Toronto Centre Rosedale)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net