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I send the follow to all Brampton MPPs. Hope it helps. Every MPP should be informed this case.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Mr. MPPs:

As a Chinese immigrant and residence lives here in Brampton, I am very much disappointed to learned that the trial against Mr. Chen, will continue, even though two major charges has been dropped.

Don’t know how to emphasis my concern. Even sadder as I know I may ends up with the similar destiny as Mr. Chen has. I can only praise his action for not taking the deal to avoid jail time, as reported. He is not only fighting for himself, but for all law binding immigrants that come here, work hard to change their lives. If his case fails, I don’t know what kind of message would be sent to all new comers to this great country. After facing the culture, language, regulation, etc. all kind of barriers in front of us to achieve our potential, anyone would think the law enforcement is on our side. This case would completely shake this up.

Law put in place to protect people. Prosecuting people is only the side effect, never the purpose of the law. Technically, though still debatable, Mr. Chen may violate the criminal code, his action should be completely legal because he is protecting his right in a REASONABLE matter. Everyone can see this common sense. You can easily draw this conclusion by simply visit a few online forum or call a few talk show host. How come our tax-money-paid law enforcement ignored this!

Please, use your influence, in this case, let the justice prevail. The police failed us once by wrongfully charge Mr. Chen. Please don’t let the justice system fail us again.

Thanks!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 控方堅持告陳旺綁架 小偷反獲減刑「鼓勵」作證人 建議被告認禁錮藏武器守行為年半遭拒絕
    • 容許輕判竊賊指證受害人 陳旺及支持者轟法制荒謬
    • 5店東不平鳴發信挺陳旺 咸稱捉賊反而被控不公
    • I sincerrely invite Rolia community to help Mr. Chan; write to your MPP and support Mr. Chan.
      • No, I do not lean on Mr. Chan. No matter what excuses does he have, he must follow the law. As he did not catch a shoplifter on the scene, he did not have right to kidnap and retain any one.
        • Personally, I agreed he broke the law but the charges against him was too serious.
        • He did not kidnap anyone. that's why the kidnapping charge has been dropped.
      • 好主意。我就去这么干。
    • support. this is what happened when the justice system lost common sense and the capability of basic reasoning.
      • 支持者指陳旺也是受害人 求司法廳長發檢控指引 - it is time that our government to hear our voice. PLEASE SPEAK UP AND TELL YOUR MPP WHAT IS IN YOUR MIND!
    • Kidnapping charge dropped against shopkeeper
      • Mr. chan's behaviour should not be encouraged. He still gets other charges, although the more serious charges have been dropped.
        • 他的行为可以称作 “Citizen Arrest", 在某些极端情况下,可以有效的制止犯罪分子,尽管不提倡。
          • It is only legal if 只能於例如高買案發生時﹐店主才能自行動手逮捕﹐同時要在店內進行逮捕.
        • 惩罚陈旺就是鼓励小偷啊。
          • Apparently, this is the direction. I don't agree with what Mr. Chan did but at the same time, I was very upset how our government handled this case.
            • 这不是政府的事,而是执法和司法机构(警察和法院)的事。此案判决可能会影响到法律条文,那个时候,才会涉及到立法机构(议会)。
              • My understanding is that Police department is under Toronto City and Crown Attorney is under Ontario Government.
                • 好像你是对的,The Attorney General is an elected Member of Provincial Parliament who is chosen by the premier. 我需要学习。
                  • The head of every federal and provincial departments are always politicans. So you are right that Attornery Gerneral is a politican who needs our vote. So if his office receives a lot of email to complain about this particular case.
                    He has the authority to stop this legal proceeding.
                    • 我知道法官(或陪审团)判案时不应该受舆论左右。至于公诉人(Crown Attorney)是否可以受舆论左右,我需要学习。
        • In Canada, we should always call 911 unless someone's life is in dangerous.
          • 说反了吧。
          • 大哥说话真是不怕闪着舌头。本案疑犯大卫陈,及唐人街各位苦主,不是没有靠酒药药,无奈警察总是大半天后,断着Tims的香咖啡出现,这才不惜冒着生命危险,动手捉贼。
            • Oldyou, I agree that police didn't do their job in China. However, this is what a Law Professor said "諸多限制下賦權捉賊 教授指平民動輒犯法"
        • 就是,我原来就说绑架罪名不会成立,但是偷了40来钱的东西你把人抓住绑起来,没有什么惩罚,这先例开了不得了啊。也不是只有黑人才偷东西的,我老婆的一个在华人超市收银的朋友说她知道好多人偷东西被抓的,穿得还都挺好。到时候华人偷了几十块前的东西被绑起来,怎么办?
          • 绑人不是目的,而是手段(防止反抗和逃跑)。此案的关键在于陈生的目的不是为了私自惩处窃贼,而是为了抓捕后移交给警察。(仅仅四五分钟而已)
            • 手段也好目的也好,我不喜欢“店主可以绑小偷”成为法律。

              • This is why law only allows us to arrest if 只能於例如高買案發生時﹐店主才能自行動手逮捕﹐同時要在店內進行逮捕
    • 我支持这个老板。小偷在中国逮住以后通常应该先打一顿,然后送到派出所再打一顿,后面的程序就跟加拿大都差不多了,小罪,关两天放出来。
      • Mr. Chan should have opened a store in China where he could do whatever he liked.
    • 案子的关键在于他们在抓的过程中有路人先报警说绑架,然后警察就按绑架处理,后来发现错了也死鸭子嘴硬到底,哪条法律没有电莫能两可的漏洞?警察和普通劳动者纳税人的斗争当中必然是不惜给真罪犯减刑来证明警察是正确的。最后到头来花的纳税人的钱来保护罪犯惩罚纳税人。
    • 警察对陈老板的指控,到底是伸张了什么样的正义?保护了谁的利益?惩治了什么样的罪犯?花了谁的钱?改善了治安?提高了纳税人对警察的信任?显示了警察的权威还是法律的尊严?什么是法律的本,什么是末?
      • I send the follow to all Brampton MPPs. Hope it helps. Every MPP should be informed this case.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Mr. MPPs:

        As a Chinese immigrant and residence lives here in Brampton, I am very much disappointed to learned that the trial against Mr. Chen, will continue, even though two major charges has been dropped.

        Don’t know how to emphasis my concern. Even sadder as I know I may ends up with the similar destiny as Mr. Chen has. I can only praise his action for not taking the deal to avoid jail time, as reported. He is not only fighting for himself, but for all law binding immigrants that come here, work hard to change their lives. If his case fails, I don’t know what kind of message would be sent to all new comers to this great country. After facing the culture, language, regulation, etc. all kind of barriers in front of us to achieve our potential, anyone would think the law enforcement is on our side. This case would completely shake this up.

        Law put in place to protect people. Prosecuting people is only the side effect, never the purpose of the law. Technically, though still debatable, Mr. Chen may violate the criminal code, his action should be completely legal because he is protecting his right in a REASONABLE matter. Everyone can see this common sense. You can easily draw this conclusion by simply visit a few online forum or call a few talk show host. How come our tax-money-paid law enforcement ignored this!

        Please, use your influence, in this case, let the justice prevail. The police failed us once by wrongfully charge Mr. Chen. Please don’t let the justice system fail us again.

        Thanks!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Got replies from two MPPs from Brampton, asking my identity. Answered and wait to see.
          • Well Done!!! If half of Rolians can do it, we would have a much stronger Chinese community tomorrow. Believe me! If we are persistent and work together, we can make a difference. You can change it!
    • 神经病警察, 有贼不去捉, 专在这种事情上浪费纳税人金钱.
    • 為何警方針對陳旺﹐但寬鬆對待發假誓的小偷 - 案發時被警員盤問時曾發假誓﹐提供假證供指他並無偷竊﹐但警方漠視他發假誓,並沒有應辯方要求提出檢控。
    • 林彼得指該名小偷犯案累累﹐自1976年便開始有案底。他於9月6日出獄後不久﹐即重施故伎﹐再前到中區華埠1間花店偷走1盆賣29元的盆栽。
    • 上面的评论没到点子上。 警察之所以DROP掉重的, 是因为那重罪必须使用陪审团, 平民的法律意识比官大人差远了, 弄不好会搞砸, 这下只需要法官判就行了。 警察是打定主意要给那些不懂规矩的人一个教训, 同时吃两个案子
      教训就是: 千万不要听政府的话。 本来这个案子两个人外面和解, 小偷说没打, 店主说没偷, 是两人的最大利益。 现在被政府捉牢, 用一个对付另一个, 统统都进监狱。