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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As requested, today I will talk about western restaurants and some simple ideas of ordering. Eating out in different restaurants is one of the best thing about living here in Toronto, because we have so many varieties! I always love tring different kinds of restaurants and foods and I'm so glad to share some with you guys here. However, this is a very big topic, I wouldn't be albe to cover even 10% of it in one day. So I will just focus on some simple dishes in the more common Canadian restaurants, and more is to come in the future:-)

Here are a list of different types of restaurants that are popular among Canadians.
1.First you have the typical casual dining, inexpensive and very popular Canadian restaurant:
Jack Astors
Moxies (My favourite, strongly recommended)
The Keg (Slightly more expensive)

2.Then you have the very popular ethnic restaurants. They are a little bit more expensive than the Canadian ones, but more authentic too:
Italian (I love Italian foods the best, there are lots of good Italian restaurants around too. I will
devote a few sessions on Italian foods alone in the future, while in the mean time if you want
to try one of the restaurant, I think IL Fornello can be a good one to start)

3.Upscale more expensive but very popular restaurants
Bistro 990

Today, we will focus on the Canadian Restaurants and what a typical menu looks like and what are the most popular dishes are. A typical menu will be broken down into the following areas:

1. Appetizers 开胃菜
2. Main Course 主菜
Popular ones: Chicken club, hamburger, Philly Cheese Steak (有点像我们的肉夹馍)
Popular ones: Pasta alfredo, pasta in tomato sauce, pasta primavera
Popular ones: grilled chicken breast, peppercorn steak, veal parmigiana
Popular ones: Margarita, vegetarian, meat lovers etc)
Some of the more popular Deserts are: Apple pie with ice cream, cheesecake, sundaes, etc

When you are ordering your meal, here is a good way to approach it.
First, waiter comes to your table.

Waiter – “Hello, my name is Jerry and I will be your waiter for tonight. Can I take your order?”

Customer – “yes, I would like a ceasar salad for appetizer and then for my main I would like pasta primavera.”

Waiter – “very good. “

Customer – “Thank you”

Also, a very big difference from Chinese restaurants is when your ready to order a waiter should come to you, not the way we do it-wave to them to ask them to come. If you find they are taking too long then try to make eye contact with them and they will come right over. Do not wave them over with your hand because they consider that a little rude.

Bon Appetite!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 天天英文 DAY THREE!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As requested, today I will talk about western restaurants and some simple ideas of ordering. Eating out in different restaurants is one of the best thing about living here in Toronto, because we have so many varieties! I always love tring different kinds of restaurants and foods and I'm so glad to share some with you guys here. However, this is a very big topic, I wouldn't be albe to cover even 10% of it in one day. So I will just focus on some simple dishes in the more common Canadian restaurants, and more is to come in the future:-)

    Here are a list of different types of restaurants that are popular among Canadians.
    1.First you have the typical casual dining, inexpensive and very popular Canadian restaurant:
    Jack Astors
    Moxies (My favourite, strongly recommended)
    The Keg (Slightly more expensive)

    2.Then you have the very popular ethnic restaurants. They are a little bit more expensive than the Canadian ones, but more authentic too:
    Italian (I love Italian foods the best, there are lots of good Italian restaurants around too. I will
    devote a few sessions on Italian foods alone in the future, while in the mean time if you want
    to try one of the restaurant, I think IL Fornello can be a good one to start)

    3.Upscale more expensive but very popular restaurants
    Bistro 990

    Today, we will focus on the Canadian Restaurants and what a typical menu looks like and what are the most popular dishes are. A typical menu will be broken down into the following areas:

    1. Appetizers 开胃菜
    2. Main Course 主菜
    Popular ones: Chicken club, hamburger, Philly Cheese Steak (有点像我们的肉夹馍)
    Popular ones: Pasta alfredo, pasta in tomato sauce, pasta primavera
    Popular ones: grilled chicken breast, peppercorn steak, veal parmigiana
    Popular ones: Margarita, vegetarian, meat lovers etc)
    Some of the more popular Deserts are: Apple pie with ice cream, cheesecake, sundaes, etc

    When you are ordering your meal, here is a good way to approach it.
    First, waiter comes to your table.

    Waiter – “Hello, my name is Jerry and I will be your waiter for tonight. Can I take your order?”

    Customer – “yes, I would like a ceasar salad for appetizer and then for my main I would like pasta primavera.”

    Waiter – “very good. “

    Customer – “Thank you”

    Also, a very big difference from Chinese restaurants is when your ready to order a waiter should come to you, not the way we do it-wave to them to ask them to come. If you find they are taking too long then try to make eye contact with them and they will come right over. Do not wave them over with your hand because they consider that a little rude.

    Bon Appetite!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 您这英语也太小学生级别了,来点地道的,要不先回家自学一段,再上台表演?
      • 如果你觉得小学生级别,你完全可以不看,损人不利己的事情真的挺无聊的,劝你不要咱这里浪费时间了。我这小学生级别的也没空跟你口舌
        • 坚决支持你!
        • 支持一下.
      • 对这样助人为乐的好人, 还要讽刺挖苦, 有点过分了吧.
      • Do you mind share your excellent English?
    • thanks for the sharing. Expect your next one.
    • 支持lz! 虽然有些小语法错误,但是对new comers 应该会挺有帮助的,能尽快地熟悉本地文化。小小建议,lz 对语法再仔细一点就更完美了
      • 请问英语‘加油’怎么说,谢谢
        • add gas.
          • You are lovely. "You are doing good. Keep going."
          • GO. 中国队加油 = Go China! Raptors 加油 = Go Raptors! 为XX加油 = Cheer for somebody. 为 LEAFS 加油 = Cheer for Leafs.
        • keep it up
        • GO.
          • 谢谢大家回复
        • 必须要说,很多时候不不可能做逐字翻译的,因为中英文化不同。加油, 如果要在英文里找相对应的,还是要看语境。cheers for 和Go**都可以用在赛场。或者说鼓励某人的时候,那就是cheer up**。这种不能直接逐字翻译的还有好多例子,比如:师兄~
          英语文化里没这概念~我朋友问我的时候,我觉得用a senior student in my program , ( who gave me many helpful suggestions.bla,bla...)更合适点儿
        • knock'em dead
      • 不同意. 追求完美是学英语的一大敌人. 拘泥于语法, 用词, 常常是事十倍而功半, 严重者会导致彻底放弃英语.
        • 100% agree with you!
        • 部分同意。对SLL(second language learners) 来说,没有压力的语言学习环境的确是鼓励初学者继续学下去的因素之一。一开始语法不那么准确,说得不大地道都成,最起码在说。
          可是如果一直这样,很可能就有中式英语的嫌疑,那可能就一直这样下去了。language proficiency 不大好提高。语言程度主要看, fluency,accuracy & coherency呀。跟本地人对话的时候,你会发现他们是怎样讲得了。在口语里用formal language, 书面academic writing 的时候用oral language, 这个都不大合适
        • 请问你这么说,“追求完美是学英语的一大敌人”,是站在ESL老师的立场吗?或者ELA老师?也许是我理解的不对吧,不过我们上学的时候,没见到SLL 教学里面有这么一说亚
          • 站在我自己的立场上. 小时候做题, 我哥哥喜欢把题目工工整整的抄下来, 然后再工工整整地一步一步地答. 而我从来都是用草稿纸, 每一题想一想, 确信自己会做, 马上换下一道题. 在我看来, 学英语, 记语法, 背单词, 甚至背字典, 跟我哥哥一般, 事十倍而功半.
            • 恩,个人方法不同,适合自己的就是最好的! 不过上学的时候, 好像很少做题亚。wincity说的是家庭作业吧?
              • 那是高中, 数学题, 成百地做. 被高考逼的.
                • 恩,做的最多的还是数学。记得那会儿我们有些同学都不大写文科作业了,老师也拿我们没办法
      • Wow. I feel like I'm back to those old school days. "Grammer, grammer and grammer" my English teacher always said "no perfect grammer, no perfect mark!":-)
        It's been sooooo long that I haven't heard this word again, and I'd pray for it not to haunt us here, where we just want to improve our communication skills,but not to get perfect marks on exam papers. You know why? Grammer is THE evil word that kills our confidence and passion to SPEAK the language. It has been the hold back for so many of us to open our mouths to talk! So for once, let's forget perfect grammer here. Let's just focus on using proper words/phrases to get our points acrossed when talking to people.
        And for your info, most of the stuffs were written by my native friend. So I will give her shit for making those grammer mistakes:-)
        • 并不是说conversation 里有错误,是后面的explanation有点错误。当然了,我也觉得不该多管闲事,惹得热心的同学不高兴,如果影响发帖积极性,那的确是我的不对了。我在国内学4年语言,这边也是学语言教育的,有点职业病吧。 不摧残大家了,LZ继续,不挑毛病了
          • 有错指出来, 大家都能提高. 我不反对纠错, 只是反对把语法放在前面.
            • 恩,说得没错儿!:)
          • No, that's ok. I embrace criticism and and learn from it. Throwing myself out here shows I'm ready for any criticisms, because that's how I get people participate and improve together.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Same as you, I majored in languauge for my undergrad in China and I got my master of education and MBA here in Canada. However, all these doesn't mean I'm really good, or I don't make mistakes. A lot of times I make really stupid mistakes(especially when I don't have much time to get everything done perfectly), but my idea towards language learning and a lot of other things in life is to focus on the main theme, the big picture. What I'm trying to accomplish here is to sacrafice some of my time to help other people(if possible) get familiar with some phrases, words, culture topics that they can use in real life casual conversations. It's not meant to be some perfect English that you learn from an English class. I just don't want to be scrutinized on the little grammer mistakes, hope you understand. Plus, i also hope you guys understand that sometimes I get the daily stuffs done in a rush and there will be unavoidable mistakes, since you know this thing takes time everyday and i have a full-time job, family, workout schedule, friends and all other duties in life too:-). So I apologize for any mistakes i've made and i will make.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 挑毛病容易,做实事难。后来我去面壁反省了,瑕不掩瑜,lz 作的posting挺棒的。我是觉得挺不好意思的,因为想到lz 是上班时间发的,哪儿那么多时间一遍遍看那。 lz mm, 对不起亚。支持你!
              • 没关系,不打不相识嘛:-)
                • 加油! :)
    • Good good study, Day day up!
    • excellent job. what does Bon Apetite mean BTW?
      • It means everybody enjoys their meals. Direct translation is good apetite:-)
        • In china town, each patient will get a prints-out informing "do not eat or drink anything 8 or 12 hours before test, but it says "nothing to eat and nothing to drink".
      • 这句是法语.BON是"好的(阳性形容词),APETIT(胃口).就是祝你好胃口,或吃得开心的意思
    • Good job! One gentle reminder: if you are ready to order, you can close the menu, then the waiter/waitress will know :)
      • Really? I never know that. Next I can try this:)
    • I like it, thanks a lot.
    • i think it's an excellent idea to create this daily English post. it takes a great deal of courage to do so because you have to be prepared for people's challenges...
      and we all know there're a lot more Chinese people out there who can speak decent English but just not ready to initiate this daily post to help others yet...But this daily topic by Teressa somehow contructed a perfect platform for everyone to participate. We can either learn or share. Way to go Teres!
      • Thanks! You got it totally right. It does take courage and people do challenge:-) I guess you can tell from all the comments, eh?:-) But that's good, that's what I want to see, I want to see participation and discussion.
        As long as we are learning and shareing together, I'm totally up for all the challenges.