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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Toshiba 8" Digital Picture Frame - $50


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 减价特讯 / Toshiba 8" Digital Picture Frame - $50
    • Thanks. Good find. Ordered one Mouse. Happy New Year!
    • Thanks! Ordered both.
      • Thanks a lot! Order one frame.
    • 还有这个
      • 下order了。谢谢。好人啊。。。
      • 下order了。谢谢。好人啊。。。
      • 我也一口气买了两个,大概几天能收到呢?
      • 谢谢!
      • It is not available now, maybe it sold out. Anyway thanks lot!
    • 想买DIGITAL FRAME回国做礼物,不知你上述的FRAME可以用220伏电源吗?请用过的朋友说说。
      • 还没收到货,不晓得是否可用220v. 但介绍说有Rechargeable battery for portable usage.
    • 好人啊!买了。谢谢!
      • 我也两个都买了。
    • Thanks. The rechargeable battery feature is the one I am looking for. I will return my current frame.
    • 好人, 谢谢好人!
    • 买了,谢谢!新年快乐。
    • Thanks, really good deals, ordered both. Just wondering, how long will the ground ship take ?
    • mark
    • 请问以上两种鼠标,哪一种比较好?因为我对这些一无所知。
      • UP
    • 定了那个79.99的加上税11.29, 谢谢了!
    • 请教使用过这种digital frame的,感觉如何?值得买吗?价格不错,想买了送父母,就是不知道是不是实用,谢谢。
      • 相框款式和颜色不合适送老人.
        • 哦,谢谢,还真没考虑那么多,就是想着实用不实用了,那就不买了,多谢:)
        • 请教一下,为什么?
          • 想都不用想,黑框咯。
        • Bestbuy 有棕色的,$69.99
    • 请问:这两种无线鼠标可以用在其他品牌的台式电脑上吗?谢谢!
    • 谢谢,都买了
      • Just checked the website, but nothing like this available, is it too late or I didn't find the right place? thanks for the further information!
    • 这个DEAL 没了啊? 变原价了?
    • 大家都收到了吗?今天收到e-mail,怎么只确认了鼠标已经shiped了呢?
      • 20分钟前收到鼠标
      • Ordered frame on Jan 1st, have not received yet. please let me know if you got it
        • same
        • 我是1月2好定的,什么也没有收到呀,也没有email。
          • Just received the email: said order cancelled.
            I replied as " deal is deal".
            • same here, so bad.
            • same
          • 为什么呀?
      • Ordered both, only got mouse today. I don't know why.
    • I Just received the picture frame and mouse.
      • i bought one and got it. it is very good. You can find this price with these functions anywhere.
        you can use it with mp3. you can also change the frame. i downloaded my pictures and put it on the table, so i can see my pictures anytime. Before,i just save all my pictures in computer and never looked again. i want to buy another one, but it was all sold out.
        • sorry. type error. i mean you can't find this price with these functions anywhere.
          • too bad
            Thank you for choosing Toshiba Canada Ltd. for all your accessory needs.

            We regret to inform you, that your order for the Toshiba digital picture frame cannot be fulfilled and as a result your order will be cancelled.

            There is no replacement model available and we will no longer be carrying this specific digital picture frame.
    • 今天上午收到鼠标啦,再回网站上一看价钱又回到79.99 了。
    • 今天早晨收到鼠标啦,不过和图片里的鼠标样子不一样,收到的这个比较丑,也不是2.4GHZ的,盒子上贴的产品编号一样的,是ACC024。事实证明,这帮人弄虚作假,以次充好。
      • 是有点不地道
      • 可以去这里投诉. http://www.settlement.org/sys/faqs_detail.asp?faq_id=4001257
      • 我收到的两个也是和定的不同的鼠标,老公说这个要好一些,就没有退。因为定的是光电鼠标,给的是laser 的
    • 我order了像框,2个不同的鼠标(为了想回答蚕豆的问题#5776822),今天收到包裹,里面没有像框,只有2个一模一样的Targus牌鼠标,还和网上的形状不同。打电话去问怎么回事,被告知像框已经卖光,说寄给我的鼠标要比网上的2种更好。
      这不是在忽悠人吗?一气之下,本想退货退钱,但又一想,万一这种公司又有可能耍你一次, 哎,算了,就留着用吧。

      好了,往好处想,毕竟$9.99一个无线可充电光鼠也是不错的选择,就当customer service的人说的是真的吧,毕竟这种生意对他们来说可能啥钱都没赚。实际使用起来这鼠标灵敏度很好,3挡DPI可以设定,手感还行,只是击键和滚轮的声音偏大。这还是要多谢搂主提供的信息。

      • 谢谢你回答我的问题,我是1月3号定的,到目前为止还没有收到任何东西。
    • That is what I received(with mice, rechargable battery, usb cable which connected PC and mice to charge the battery), better than my expectation.
      • 对, 我收到的也是这个样子的。说明书上说要下载软件来用那个4-way scrolling function,我怎么到网站上找不到呢?能指教一下吗?
        • try this driver(AMW26US Tilt Wheel Software), It should be OK
          • 谢啦!
      • 嗯,我收到的两只鼠标也是这样子的。用起来还好,网上search了一下,原价CND49.99。想想,10刀买只无线滑鼠,反正没吃亏。再次感谢楼主提供的信息。
    • 想不到加拿大这里也有像国内一些无德商家一样,还是大名鼎鼎的Toshiba , 竟然也货不对版
      • mouse-$79.99. you should be happy to receive what you received. i received the one-$79.99. it is too small. i don't like it.
        i asked my friend who works there. The one -$79.99 is the old model, that is why it is more expensive. my friend told me i should order the one-$39.99.
    • 元旦订的,前两天被告知相框没了,鼠标还没到。看着意思,期望不高了~
    • 请问,大伙儿知道,淘宝上面哪个牌子的数码相框物美物美价廉?想直接在淘宝上买了送人。
    • 请问各位:你们所定的物品都收到了吗?我是1月3号定的鼠标,到现在还没有收到。电话也打不通。不知道这家公司的信誉是否有问题?
      • 和这家店打过交道, 态度极其恶劣, 居然挂断客户投诉电话. 可以去这里投诉它. http://www.settlement.org/sys/faqs_detail.asp?faq_id=4001257.