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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛3.2.2

Mail Items Valued at Less Than $20CDN

The CBSA does not assess duty or tax on mail items valued at $20CDN or less. However, this general rule does not apply to certain products including intoxicating beverages, cigars, cigarettes, manufactured tobacco, and publications where the supplier is required to register under the Excise Tax Act. Also, this may not be combined with other exemptions.

The CBSA does not consider items to be of low value in cases where a single transaction is split into smaller shipments to keep the value below $20CDN.


Gifts from friends and relatives, valued at $60CDN or less, are duty and tax exempt. In cases where the gift is valued at more than $60CDN, the CBSA will assess duties and taxes on the excess amount. The gift must be sent to the recipient personally and include a card or other notice indicating that it is a gift. Items that do not qualify as gifts include:

* tobacco
* intoxicating beverages
* advertising material
* items sent by a business to a consumer in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 减价特讯 / 我顶。曾几何时,我的梦想就是开这样一个网上便宜山寨货的店。现在,居然就有,还WORLDWIDE FREE SHIPMENT!
    • 以前经常买,现在买的少多了,一个是发货速度太慢,另外一个质量太差,很多东西用不了几次就坏了。
      • 我倒觉得还不错。起码便宜,而且虽然质量稍次点,但是起码能用。邮寄是慢点,没办法,免费嘛。同样的网站还挺多的,大都从香港来的。dealperfect.com, focalprice.com, etc.
        • thanks all.
        • 哦,没有跑单的嫌疑吧?或者货不对码?如果只买1美刀的东西,照样寄?看了下说明,说邮寄要21天~~不过不急也无所谓了
        • 不知道他们标价是什么货币单位?美金吗?或是港纸
    • 有谁在这里买过的,说说情况。我马上要下单了哟,急。
      • it is a great website...dont worrry about the orders, they will come (in a month or so). even it is a 5 cents order. i have ordered 10 times no problem so far.
        • OK,DEAL! 不过我分开买,一单一件,免得他们钱赚得太多,黑黑!
          • 你这个人不地道.
            • 你还真当真呀?哈哈~~其实他们的政策是FREE MAIL,你不用是你的事。如果你乱78糟很多东西一个单,卖主当然是全部装齐了(除非一个包裹超重),才会发货。这中间人多手杂,漏放了不说,你还有可能因为某一个小东西暂时木货,导致全单挨等~~
    • 受到诱惑,先订一件物品,试试看看如何,谢谢:)
      • 09年3月份曾经买了一个5“gps, $120,大概2周运到。包装比较粗糙,但是东西还不错。那时候4.3"的在bestbuy还没有低过200的
    • Free shipping is true. Ordered a laptop power cord once -- took about one month to arrive, and it doesn't work! Not damaged, but simply doesn't work properly.
      • 这个东西,要弄得不work还有点难度。
    • 这个驱蚊不知道好不好用。 不知道多伦多有没有类似的东西卖
    • 突然想到个关税的问题。我记得有个啥规定,如果入加拿大,一个包裹价值在加币20块以下的,就不麻烦了,直接放行~~~否则~~~是不是这样,请老手解释下,万分感激!如果这样我就只能拆成几包了~~
      • 算了,自己动手。查了下,是有这样的规定,也专门说象我这样做弊的,不行。问题是他咋知道我在做弊,我又不是天天收货的那种人~~何况,我的确是买完这样,想想,又买了那样呀
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛3.2.2

        Mail Items Valued at Less Than $20CDN

        The CBSA does not assess duty or tax on mail items valued at $20CDN or less. However, this general rule does not apply to certain products including intoxicating beverages, cigars, cigarettes, manufactured tobacco, and publications where the supplier is required to register under the Excise Tax Act. Also, this may not be combined with other exemptions.

        The CBSA does not consider items to be of low value in cases where a single transaction is split into smaller shipments to keep the value below $20CDN.


        Gifts from friends and relatives, valued at $60CDN or less, are duty and tax exempt. In cases where the gift is valued at more than $60CDN, the CBSA will assess duties and taxes on the excess amount. The gift must be sent to the recipient personally and include a card or other notice indicating that it is a gift. Items that do not qualify as gifts include:

        * tobacco
        * intoxicating beverages
        * advertising material
        * items sent by a business to a consumer in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不敢买任何电子产品包括电线。。只买了一个IPOD套 因为一定不会出技术问题~~
    • NND,EBAY比他还便宜。香港卖家真疯狂呀,4块钱的东西还要自己掏国际航空包裹的钱,比淘宝网还难赚嘛。我查了下香港邮政的费率,不便宜呀。难道他们都是商业客户,专门跟邮局有结算方式?愿闻其详。
    • 东西都收到了。用信封寄的大概2周-3周。买了两手机套,3个山寨电池,两个保护膜,一个车支架,一个车DC-AC200W的电源。山寨电池做得跟真的似的就是电量差点(1半左右,最要命是从4格到1格是突变d).其他的都不错。物有所值。