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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


I didn't know I was google fan. Now I agree I am. But I'm always openminded.

To answer your questions,

1. Ads banner 是google要求必须加吗? 是自己可以选加什么的吧?
Ads banner are from google too. I added them by myself. For the Ads contents, some are managed by google, some are mine. I'm new to it and not sure how long I will keep it. We can have further conversation about this if you are really interested in it.

2. 网页(html pages)是在local生成,然后上传到google, 是吗?
Yes, with freemarker. If you are programmer, it's very easy and convenient to use.

3.图片还是存在Picasa吧? 只是link到网页中。
Yes, all plant pictures are in Picasa. Only a few Website related pictures are stored in google app engine, along with htmls.

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  • 工作学习 / 科技领域杂谈 / 石针养花的个人网站建设小结(二)

    时间 :2009年11月中旬到2010年1月底。



    • 可以完全控制的网站
    • 允许用程序处理重复的工作,并且在网站的结构需要变化时,可以快速完成转换
    • 要集中精力在数据和文字内容上



    一次偶然的机会发现了Google App Engine - GAE (Java 版),还有Google Web Toolkit(GWT)。经过简单的构思,准备按照下面的方案开发网站,

    • Google App Engine - 作为WebServer(Static pages & Servlet) & Datastore (JDO/JPA)
    • Google Doc & Spreadsheet - 存放花草信息和文章
    • GWT & GData API - 使用Java开发网页的工具
    • Picasa - 存放照片

    想象得挺不错,动态数据,动态网页。不幸的是,经过日日夜夜的调试,最终发现并确认,Google App Engine 从技术上大幅度地限制了网站的灵活性。

    • 在Server端不允许使用timer, multithread, File IO, etc.
    • 超过30秒的任何进程都会被强制杀掉
    • JDO不支持like查询
    • *如果超过30秒没有Server请求,Server将被停掉。也就是说,下一次Servlet请求,Server要重启,至少需要10秒钟。Google也承认这个缺陷,在努力改进中。
    • *由于网页都是由GWT/Ajax做的,Google等搜索引擎无法做索引。怎能让我的网站就这么消失?!




    • 尽可能多的使用静态网页,在大幅度提高了网页访问速度的同时,也终于可以被搜索引擎找到。目前只有查询和留言使用了server端的程序和JDO
    • 使用MS Excel文件作为数据库存储花草信息,使用FreeMarker的模板产生静态页面。
    • 使用jQuery点缀页面。也粗略的比较过其他类似的工具,jQuery支持的人最多,有很多爱好者开发的plugins,比如幻灯功能




    • 今年网站制作的最重要总结是:简简单单才是真!
    • Picasa
      • 适合图片分享,可以附加一两句话的简单说明,和别人的简单留言。可以给图片加tags和地图。使用过类似的其他网站有flickr, tinypic, 网易(也可以批量上传照片)等
    • Blogger
      • 适合文字多,并且更新频繁。可以附加图片,或者引用放在Picasa的图片。使用过类似的其他网站有文学城, 51等
    • Google Sites
      • 适合于纯静态网站。除了文字、图片,还有其他功能,使用Google的gadgets。并且支持多个人开发、维护网站。最大的限制是目前不支持编程。
    • Google App Engine (GAE)
      • 适合动态网站,支持一定程度的编程,Java,Python & Javascript。提供简单的数据库(Datastore with JDO)。可以和其他Google services集成。支持团队开发。

    最近,又大概看了一下其他网站的相关服务,比如Microsoft, Yahoo, Wordpress, 网易,百度等。由于农忙季节临近,深入研究还是留到下一个季节再说吧。



    • 绝对精华!有没有访问统计的模块?
      • I'm using google analytics. Any other goodies?
        • you are really a google fan ah. WebTrends and google analytics are the most popular two I guess. Also, a few questions about your web
          1. Ads banner 是google要求必须加吗? 是自己可以选加什么的吧?
          2. 网页(html pages)是在local生成,然后上传到google, 是吗?
          3.图片还是存在Picasa吧? 只是link到网页中。
          • I didn't know I was google fan. Now I agree I am. But I'm always openminded.
            To answer your questions,

            1. Ads banner 是google要求必须加吗? 是自己可以选加什么的吧?
            Ads banner are from google too. I added them by myself. For the Ads contents, some are managed by google, some are mine. I'm new to it and not sure how long I will keep it. We can have further conversation about this if you are really interested in it.

            2. 网页(html pages)是在local生成,然后上传到google, 是吗?
            Yes, with freemarker. If you are programmer, it's very easy and convenient to use.

            3.图片还是存在Picasa吧? 只是link到网页中。
            Yes, all plant pictures are in Picasa. Only a few Website related pictures are stored in google app engine, along with htmls.

            • thanks, really helpful. I was thinking about to build my own sites for quite some time. your site is a very good reference.
              of course, to build a site is the easiest part once you know what to do. The hard part is letting people to come and visit (and make money). So there are a lot of PR and SEO, SEM work.
    • Hi, there, I am happy to see your new progress, although I am not really understand what you are talking about in the article :) anyway, thanks and keep us posted about all your good woork!
      • 如果时间允许,争取每半个月或者一个月写篇小作文。谢谢鼓励!
    • 不错
      • Thanks! Looking forward more posts from you.
    • 你好!石针!! 你都不知到我有多开心看到你的这篇文章!谢谢你! 看了你的网站真是太棒了!! 不怕你笑话, 此时此刻你又多了一个粉丝!
      • I'm very glad you like it. Keep working hard.
    • hi, rocky,
      do you still have your 石针养花的个人网站建设小结(1) ? pls send a copy to my PM if you do have ! sorry , i don't know how to write/reply to you in my PM to you, so , have to post in here:) and thanks
      • 欢迎到我的网站,用Google Search查(右上角)
    • 很喜欢你的网站,看着这些照片真是赏心悦目!能不能把你的这些花,按多种方法分类,比方自播的self-sowing,吸引蝴蝶的,干花能保持颜色和形状的,因为我想按这些方法来选购花草,如果你有快捷连接,会更方便寻找。
      • That's what exactly my next plan. However the release will be next year. I feel so sorry. But we are all busy on the plan for this year's gardening, aren't we?! Thank you very much for your suggestion for confirming my plan was correct.
    • very nice job done!