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I am not a lawyer but he said their relationship was just "consisted of text messages and conversations in public places only". NO SEX! Do you think 张本力 is in a "position of trust or authority"?

Section 151 of the Criminal Code of Canada makes it a crime to touch, for a sexual purpose, any person under the age of 16 years. Section 153 then goes on to prohibit the sexual touching of a person under 18 by a person in three circumstances: if he or she is in a "position of trust or authority" towards the youth, if the youth is in a "relationship of dependency" with him or her or if the relationship is "exploitative". The term "position of trust or authority" is not defined in the Code but the courts have ruled that parents, teachers and medical professionals hold a position of trust or authority towards youth they care for or teach. For determining whether or not a relationship is "exploitative" s. 153 (1.2) of the Code provides that a judge can consider how old the youth is, the difference in ages between the partners, how the relationship evolved and the degree of control or influence that the older partner has over the youth.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / TTC的主席,17区的市议员,新近宣布要竞选市长的张本力,终于露出了原形。长期以来,该有志青年与一位Teenager保持不正当的男女关系,始乱并终弃,终于昨日被人踢爆。17区的选民们,还有TTC的员工们,有这样的烂人代表着你们,不觉着堵的慌嘛。
    • Good Job oldyou !!!
    • "She said Giambrone called her Saturday morning and kept telling her he was sorry. He also insisted he and Lucas had always been just friends, she said. " I like this statement, "just friend"
      • 严重怀疑张本力同志是否长期在肉联情潭潜水,跟会计、大忽悠等人学的坏。
        • he hehe hehehe
        • hahahaha!
    • 俩老婆都挺漂亮,这小子艳福不浅呀
      • 俩老婆? Sex mates BA?
    • 年轻有为,老油不得嫉妒
    • 20歲女大學生爆不倫關係.贊邦尼認嚴重誤斷
    • 这下乐子大了。 该女生还是个gay. 整个事件媒体称之为“ So juicy !!
      • Your never know. He maybe a
        • 这个,大概就是老油同志所说的主流了。
      • 张本力同志够强大,居然生生把加拿大皇军CFB Trenton的司令长官Russell Williams的风头,给压了下去。
        • That is supposed to be the biggest news this week.
        • 一个是国际新闻,一个是当地新闻。可惜都不是什么好事。
    • LOL, sex in office, 这是隐私,张本力在支持UNION保护隐私的时候其实是在给自己作铺垫
    • did he tell the truth - "他周一晚上發給《多倫多星報》的聲明表示:「與盧嘉絲的關係只概含短訊和公共場合談話。我送她回家,見過她的母親。」" No sex invloved?
      • In recent interviews with the Star, Lucas said she's been involved with Giambrone since late 2008 and, on several occasions, had sex late at night on a couch in his City Hall office.
        • "In a statement Monday night to the Star, Giambrone said the relationship with Lucas "consisted of text messages and conversations in public places only. I met her mother, having dropped her off at home.""
          • he is just a jerk....
        • She was under age then, only 17yrs.
          • 19 back then, 20 now.
    • TTC主席兼市议员和他的小三儿MM have sex on city hall office couch!!!Ho Ho Ho!!!
      • 哈哈哈,CITY HALL 的沙发还有这个用处? 不过那是人家的办公室(正像TTC公车一样)是隐私, 神圣不可群犯的吖。。。
        • 另外TTC可不可以雇个律师团起诉之个女人报漏他人隐私吖?以维护加拿大特色的处事原则
          • 我说32岁的小屁孩为啥爬得那么快, 原来是“said Mayor "David Miller is like a god to Adam."”, 原来市长是他的后台。。。
        • 明天开始,苗大尾以下,所有议员的办公室里,无人再敢留沙发。。。。
    • 这也算TTC 的福利
      • LOL
        • 您是羡慕了,还是嫉妒
          • lol. 不知说什么好,昨天这位主席还被TTC人当榜样宣传,今天却暴出这事。
    • 真无聊!有窥阴痞呀?
      • where ,where?
      • It is on every Toronto newspaper!
      • 对了,在政府办公室做爱也是他的‘隐私’,你应该建议你们老大告所有的报纸侵犯隐私。
    • 嫉妒,赤裸裸
      • 正常的男人那有不嫉妒的
    • 左派一般都很虚伪,越是唱高调,抢着占领道德制高点的人,一般私下里越猥亵。
    • 提到这个名字,老油不觉得掉价么?他,能上么?他,上了,咱不能走么?
    • hkchan,你比较熟悉这里的法律,TTC主席那位小三是不是未满成年?这样的话,主席有没有触犯了法律?
      • I am not a lawyer but he said their relationship was just "consisted of text messages and conversations in public places only". NO SEX! Do you think 张本力 is in a "position of trust or authority"?
        Section 151 of the Criminal Code of Canada makes it a crime to touch, for a sexual purpose, any person under the age of 16 years. Section 153 then goes on to prohibit the sexual touching of a person under 18 by a person in three circumstances: if he or she is in a "position of trust or authority" towards the youth, if the youth is in a "relationship of dependency" with him or her or if the relationship is "exploitative". The term "position of trust or authority" is not defined in the Code but the courts have ruled that parents, teachers and medical professionals hold a position of trust or authority towards youth they care for or teach. For determining whether or not a relationship is "exploitative" s. 153 (1.2) of the Code provides that a judge can consider how old the youth is, the difference in ages between the partners, how the relationship evolved and the degree of control or influence that the older partner has over the youth.
    • 我嫉妒,彻头彻尾地嫉妒!哇塞,公款泡妞。我怒问苍天:为什么不是我?
    • 我嫉妒
    • 君子好色,也要取之有道。这位局长大人靠撒谎说没有女朋友泡上这个小妞,够缺德的。还有局长大人编造女友短信,栽赃女友威胁他:“我希望你当上市长,这样我就可以当TTC主席了”。是不是我理解错了,张局长以为他是谁,金正日?