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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Married persons who live apart. Even if you were not divorced or legally separated at the end of 2009, you are considered un- married if all of the following apply.
• You lived apart from your spouse for the last 6 months of 2009. Temporary ab- sences for special circumstances, such as for business, medical care, school, or mili- tary service, count as time lived in the home.
• You file a separate return from your spouse.
• You paid over half the cost of keeping up your home for 2009.
• Your home was the main home of your child, stepchild, or foster child for more than half of 2009 (if half or less, see Exception to time lived with you above).
• You can claim this child as your depen- pendent 。。。。。。。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请教各位美国报税问题:2009年全年,我在美国工作,我老婆在中国工作。那我报税的时候,可以按“MARRIED FILED JOINTLY”报,对吧?前几天看到相关的贴,我也跟贴了,呵呵,没人顶。先谢谢各位指教,这里借用前面帖子相关信息的链接
    • 对。但是你必须申报你老婆在中国的收入。我想你报了就没有什么benefit了,不报属于fraud。
      • 谢谢你。呵呵,她在中国只是赚点小钱而已,对我们的总收入没多大影响,我们合着报应该省税吧。还有其他的benifit,或者要注意的吗?多谢指教
        • 你的sponser的SSN的空栏,你怎么填呢?
          • 如果那上面的链接适用的话,应该可以申请ITIN。
      • 请问申报楼主老婆在中国的收入,应该填在1040表的哪个栏目里?谢谢!
    • 我想再次和大家确认一下。按照1040instruction.夫妻在2009后6个月不住在一起,只能按单身报。好像大家都不承认这条。难道是我理解错误。还是说,必须以下条件都满足,才可以算没结婚。
      Married persons who live apart. Even if you were not divorced or legally separated at the end of 2009, you are considered un- married if all of the following apply.
      • You lived apart from your spouse for the last 6 months of 2009. Temporary ab- sences for special circumstances, such as for business, medical care, school, or mili- tary service, count as time lived in the home.
      • You file a separate return from your spouse.
      • You paid over half the cost of keeping up your home for 2009.
      • Your home was the main home of your child, stepchild, or foster child for more than half of 2009 (if half or less, see Exception to time lived with you above).
      • You can claim this child as your depen- pendent 。。。。。。。
      • 孩子作为dependent也需要SSN吧,或ITIX?
        • 按照1040说明,一定要ssn或者itin.
          • ITIN的申请今年这次来不及了吧。有位老兄说,ITIN申请表和filing tax的纸一起寄过去就可以,不知是否属实。另外,申请ITIN,夫妻joint报,对我来说没多大意义,但多个小孩dependent(在加拿大住)倒还有些意义。
            • 是的,“ITIN申请表和filing tax的纸一起寄过去就可以”,当然还要相关的文件
            • 为什么申请ITIN,夫妻joint报,对你来说没多大意义?
      • LZ的情况是可以分开当single报,也可以合起来按married filed jointly报,就看哪个合算。
        • 你的意思是,我的情况可以分开当single报?真是那样的话,可要比较一番。谢谢你
          • 请问你的比较结果是什么?
        • 通常哪个合算?
          • 通常配偶有收入single合算,配偶没收入joint合算。
            • 那,孩子算哪边的dependents?thx
            • 需要填写Form 2555吗?
            • 如果配偶的收入大于或等于Standard deduction $11,400 , 是不是报single就合算了?