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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛钟道昌遗孀不应该走申请难民这条路
Zhong’s widow encouraged to abide by Canadian immigration law
《大中报》专栏记者南茜(Nancy Jin)(2010-04-01 PM08:10),



Q: Four years ago when new immigrant Mr. Zhong Daochang died from a car accident, his widowed wife Min Zhang and their daughter came to Canada. Life would be very tough for a woman with a child, after her husband died. The community held several fundraising events to help her and her daughter get through such a very difficult time in their lives. As many other community members, I made some donations to show my sympathy and support for his grieving wife.


How much money in total was raised through those events? When talking about her plans for the future at the time, she did tell a reporter that she had no plans of staying in Canada and would return to China soon.

但据我所知,她改变了主意并递交了难民申请。据近期媒体报道,她的难民申请被拒,她收到移民局的递解令。目前,她决定对移民局的决定上诉, 不久又将举行集资义演晚会,帮助她集资律师费。这次集资活动又要集资多少钱?

But I am aware that she changed her mind by making a refugee claim. According to recent media reports, her refugee application was rejected and she received a deportation order. She then decided to fight her case through an appeal, and another fundraising event will be held to pay for her legal fees. Why did she choose to apply for refugee status? What are the chances that her case will be successful? How much in legal fees will it cost? How much money does the event intend to raise this time?



A: Mr. Zhong’s unexpected death entirely changed the life of his wife and her young child. Those very touching fundraising events of four years ago, where thousands of community members generously offered their help by purchasing event tickets and dropping money into donation boxes, still linger in my memory.


Organizers of the Shangdong Hometown Association devoted their time and effort to arrange for Zhang and her daughter to arrive in Canada. For example, the association arranged for a lawyer to take her car insurance claim on a pro bono basis.


The events raised a total of $70,000. According to Gregory Chang, a well-known personal injury lawyer, the spouse of a person who dies in a car accident is entitled to $25,000 in death benefits through an auto insurance claim, under the Ontario auto insurance regulations.


Through legal claims, the spouse may also be entitled to some compensation for pain and suffering. According to Zhang, her legal claim is still ongoing and is being handled by her lawyer.


It is absolutely Zhang’s choice whether she returns to China with the daughter or stays in Canada, as long as she can satisfy the legal requirements for remaining in Canada. But as she came to Canada to handle the death affairs of her husband, she might have satisfied a visa officer in China that, after the death affairs were addressed, she would return to China.


If she promised the visa officer in China that her stay in Canada would be temporary, she should have returned to China and applied for PR status from there.


According to Zhang, family members of her late husband have requested money from her and even threatened to kill her if she refuses. But does this provide legitimate grounds for her to make a refugee claim? I was told that her refugee claim cost about $20,000 in legal fees.


Under the Canadian Refugee Protection Act, the determining factor for granting refugee status is well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. According to the Ministry of Immigration, most Chinese refugee claimants have cited fear of persecution as a result of being a member of Falun Gong.


We don’t know what the grounds for Zhang’s refugee claim are. I would not be surprised that her refugee application was rejected by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) if the grounds for her claim were “fear of being threatened by family members.”


By and large, only 4 out of ten claimants are granted refugee status. However, knowing that they lack reasonable ground for their claim, many people still try their luck every year. The reason is simple: it could delay the process so that they can prolong their stay in Canada. Once a refugee claim is filed, it normally takes a long time -- at least a year and a half -- prior to the hearing.

这些人是否在滥用难民系统?为加速难民批准程序,移民部长Jason Kenny最近提出了新建议。一旦该建议被定为法律,政府官员(移民官)们将在6个月内做出决定,而申请被拒者将在一年内遭遣返令。

Are these people abusing the refugee system? A recent proposal of the Minister of Immigration Jason Kenny is intended to fast track the refugee selection process. And if it becomes law, civil servants (mostly immigration officers) will be in charge of deciding the cases within 6 months and those with rejected claims will face deportation in a year.


However, as Zhang’s claim has already been rejected, the Minister’s proposal would not affect her.


Under the immigration system, Zhang is now left with the choice of seeking leave to appeal in federal court by arguing that the IRB decision was flawed. Now the community leaders have again extended a warm hand by retaining a well-known immigration lawyer, who graciously agreed to take over her appeal case, charging only nominal fees.


If the leave to appeal is granted, an appeal hearing will be pending. If not, she will face deportation, with the option to apply for pre-removal risk assessment by providing evidence that her life would be at stake or she would face cruel punishment if she returned to China. So she may then argue that the threat from her husband’s family would pose such a risk to her.


Certainly, there are cases where the Minister of Immigration would give special consideration. But is Zhang case more compelling than the many cases the Minister has received? Whether the Minister will grant exceptional approval for her case is anyone’s guess.

那场夺取钟先生生命的车祸可能会重新点燃你我对张敏的同情。但不管如何,生活还要继续,任何人都无法永远生活在过去的阴影之中。事实上,张敏面对现实而独立生活,作包装工养家和幼女。但同时,在其为留加所作的所有努力失败后,她也应遵守加国移民法而回国。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 钟道昌遗孀面临遣返,这是个败坏中国人名声的大骗子. 你滥用华人对你的同情心!已经为你辛辛苦苦捐了7万, 而这个坏女人竟然在这里说他老人家的坏话. 强烈反对她留下来
    • 看了新闻,真是这么回事吗?
    • 加拿大的移民难民法律,就是在这些“中国人”前仆后继的努力下,不断完善的。华人至功厥伟。
    • 这么快就花完了
    • 请看51网大家的评论,都是谴责这个不诚实女人的言行的。
    • 有什么好谴责的,每个人都有寻找生活的权利
      • 看的懂吗?大家谴责的不是她寻找生活得权利,而是为了获得权利的方式!
        • 方式有啥不对? 我要是举目无亲生活无着还带一孩子,工作也找不到,为了生存我才不管什么方式不方式,该抢银行抢银行,该撬门锁撬门锁,等命保下来后,再道貌岸然地跟大家好好讲,想咋讲咋讲,该讲方式讲方式,该讲和谐讲和谐。
          • “该抢银行抢银行,该撬门锁撬门锁,”对于这种人,我们加拿大人就应该道貌岸然地把TA轰走。留下来就是祸害。
            • 请不要动不动就代表别人, “我们加拿大人”? 你乃蛤蟆打哈欠,口气不小。你们家那口你能不能代表都是问题,动则就要代表全体加拿大人? 你中宣部退休的?改不了的职业恶习。
              • 赫赫,我们加拿大人,不包括你们加拿大人好了,何必己得跳脚?
                • 你搞分裂,搞分裂就是不爱国,不爱国就是加奸。
                  • 加拿大和中国不一样,本来就有不同声音,为什么你偏要别人和你一般见识,否则就不是加拿大人?你被集权教育洗脑洗得太白了。我重申一下:'“该抢银行抢银行,该撬门锁撬门锁,”对于这种人,我们加拿大人就应该道貌岸然地把TA轰走。留下来就是祸害。'
                    • 这就奇怪了,你一边专制地说 “我们加拿大人就是要如何如何”,一股脑儿把几千万加拿大人都给带了表, 一边又要说要有“不同声音”,好像又挺民主的。你看来的确是中宣部出来的,说话自相矛盾缺乏逻辑但是最难能可贵的是总是可以理直气壮一脸正气。
                      • 我在发表我的意见,是你把专制的帽子往别人头上扣。我的帖子并无代表二字,去51看看,和我意见相同的“我们加拿大人“不少,为什么你认为和你意见不同的就不能是“这一部分”加拿大人呢?你是不是中宣部出来的我不知道,但你肯定是
                        • 你爱发表你的臆见我一点意见都没有,但是你的意见就是“你的”,不是“我们加拿大人”的, 就像你的钱就是“你的”, 不是“我们加拿大人”的;你的老婆也。。。反正,你动则就代表这个那个的习惯已经暴露了你自己,这是中宣部公务员的特征之一,你要不承认那就更像了
          • 我100%支持你的生存大法。在死亡和违法上,我选择违法,我选择抢银行,我选择贩卖毒品,我选择去偷,我选择走私,我选择杀人。一个目的:生存。。。
          • 方法很对! 100% 支持。 但抢银行被判刑(应该枪毙),也是100%对
    • 一个女人带个孩子,在异国他乡,家里的顶梁柱没了,出于保护自己和孩子的本能,如果有什么不实之辞也是不得已,大家就不要苛难了。
      • 难怪找香港人帮忙呵呵。可怜边上那闺女了。。。
      • agree,
    • 在这里强烈希望代表"大家""加拿大人"的童鞋们,请不要代表我.我强烈支持他们争取留下来的努力,也支持移民局把他们遣返的合法决定
      • 同意, 移民局会决定他们的去留, 俺是看清楚了所谓的加拿大人的诚信了
    • 国人够狠,看那大帽子扣的,她应该留下来,有什么大不了的事,出国才知道很多国人恶心
      • 确实,在国内都喜欢戴着假面.一出来全暴露了.
    • 我想如果不是到了非站出来不可要请大家帮忙, 谁也不愿意这么做. 她已经拿过一次大家的捐款, 再来一次, 她内心也不会好受的, 我相信她是真的难.
    • 从来没有听说过。刚看了一下,没觉得她有什么不妥。怪可怜的。丈夫本来就是移民,女儿马上要上大学,移民局真应该放一马。
    • 《大中报》的评论
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛钟道昌遗孀不应该走申请难民这条路
      Zhong’s widow encouraged to abide by Canadian immigration law
      《大中报》专栏记者南茜(Nancy Jin)(2010-04-01 PM08:10),



      Q: Four years ago when new immigrant Mr. Zhong Daochang died from a car accident, his widowed wife Min Zhang and their daughter came to Canada. Life would be very tough for a woman with a child, after her husband died. The community held several fundraising events to help her and her daughter get through such a very difficult time in their lives. As many other community members, I made some donations to show my sympathy and support for his grieving wife.


      How much money in total was raised through those events? When talking about her plans for the future at the time, she did tell a reporter that she had no plans of staying in Canada and would return to China soon.

      但据我所知,她改变了主意并递交了难民申请。据近期媒体报道,她的难民申请被拒,她收到移民局的递解令。目前,她决定对移民局的决定上诉, 不久又将举行集资义演晚会,帮助她集资律师费。这次集资活动又要集资多少钱?

      But I am aware that she changed her mind by making a refugee claim. According to recent media reports, her refugee application was rejected and she received a deportation order. She then decided to fight her case through an appeal, and another fundraising event will be held to pay for her legal fees. Why did she choose to apply for refugee status? What are the chances that her case will be successful? How much in legal fees will it cost? How much money does the event intend to raise this time?



      A: Mr. Zhong’s unexpected death entirely changed the life of his wife and her young child. Those very touching fundraising events of four years ago, where thousands of community members generously offered their help by purchasing event tickets and dropping money into donation boxes, still linger in my memory.


      Organizers of the Shangdong Hometown Association devoted their time and effort to arrange for Zhang and her daughter to arrive in Canada. For example, the association arranged for a lawyer to take her car insurance claim on a pro bono basis.


      The events raised a total of $70,000. According to Gregory Chang, a well-known personal injury lawyer, the spouse of a person who dies in a car accident is entitled to $25,000 in death benefits through an auto insurance claim, under the Ontario auto insurance regulations.


      Through legal claims, the spouse may also be entitled to some compensation for pain and suffering. According to Zhang, her legal claim is still ongoing and is being handled by her lawyer.


      It is absolutely Zhang’s choice whether she returns to China with the daughter or stays in Canada, as long as she can satisfy the legal requirements for remaining in Canada. But as she came to Canada to handle the death affairs of her husband, she might have satisfied a visa officer in China that, after the death affairs were addressed, she would return to China.


      If she promised the visa officer in China that her stay in Canada would be temporary, she should have returned to China and applied for PR status from there.


      According to Zhang, family members of her late husband have requested money from her and even threatened to kill her if she refuses. But does this provide legitimate grounds for her to make a refugee claim? I was told that her refugee claim cost about $20,000 in legal fees.


      Under the Canadian Refugee Protection Act, the determining factor for granting refugee status is well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. According to the Ministry of Immigration, most Chinese refugee claimants have cited fear of persecution as a result of being a member of Falun Gong.


      We don’t know what the grounds for Zhang’s refugee claim are. I would not be surprised that her refugee application was rejected by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) if the grounds for her claim were “fear of being threatened by family members.”


      By and large, only 4 out of ten claimants are granted refugee status. However, knowing that they lack reasonable ground for their claim, many people still try their luck every year. The reason is simple: it could delay the process so that they can prolong their stay in Canada. Once a refugee claim is filed, it normally takes a long time -- at least a year and a half -- prior to the hearing.

      这些人是否在滥用难民系统?为加速难民批准程序,移民部长Jason Kenny最近提出了新建议。一旦该建议被定为法律,政府官员(移民官)们将在6个月内做出决定,而申请被拒者将在一年内遭遣返令。

      Are these people abusing the refugee system? A recent proposal of the Minister of Immigration Jason Kenny is intended to fast track the refugee selection process. And if it becomes law, civil servants (mostly immigration officers) will be in charge of deciding the cases within 6 months and those with rejected claims will face deportation in a year.


      However, as Zhang’s claim has already been rejected, the Minister’s proposal would not affect her.


      Under the immigration system, Zhang is now left with the choice of seeking leave to appeal in federal court by arguing that the IRB decision was flawed. Now the community leaders have again extended a warm hand by retaining a well-known immigration lawyer, who graciously agreed to take over her appeal case, charging only nominal fees.


      If the leave to appeal is granted, an appeal hearing will be pending. If not, she will face deportation, with the option to apply for pre-removal risk assessment by providing evidence that her life would be at stake or she would face cruel punishment if she returned to China. So she may then argue that the threat from her husband’s family would pose such a risk to her.


      Certainly, there are cases where the Minister of Immigration would give special consideration. But is Zhang case more compelling than the many cases the Minister has received? Whether the Minister will grant exceptional approval for her case is anyone’s guess.

      那场夺取钟先生生命的车祸可能会重新点燃你我对张敏的同情。但不管如何,生活还要继续,任何人都无法永远生活在过去的阴影之中。事实上,张敏面对现实而独立生活,作包装工养家和幼女。但同时,在其为留加所作的所有努力失败后,她也应遵守加国移民法而回国。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我觉得这点瞧不起她,特别她说的那些借口, 我不相信有她所说的国内丈夫家人会远距离长途骚扰, 电话换个号就10块 信箱更是免费。。 还公安公安的 我也相信她来这里之前所做的保证 诚信这东西乱用了, 所有人都会有影响, 比如最近几起奔丧被锯的,把政府都搞怕了
    • 如果你没捐钱,那她就没骗你的钱。如果你捐钱给她了,那说明你需要提高你的社会经验。
    • 男人没了,一个女人挑起个家不容易,还要拉扯上学的孩子,很多困难我们不会知道。她和孩子怎样留下来也不伤害到我们这些人,LZ应该爷们儿点,这点破事不值得男人计较是不。
      • totally agree. Many people abuse the system. 2 more chinese don't make difference. Let them do the thing for their best interest
    • 只想问问反对的人: 假如钟先生没有去世, 她们娘俩不是本可以可以成为加拿大移民吗? 现在申请留下来, 是得到她们本来就应该有的, 应该不算过份吧.
      • 是啊,同意!可能是当初交友不慎,采取了错误的方法,即申请难民。如果当初兑现承诺,回国继续申请,很可能现在已经拿到移民纸了。或者在原来申请材料中补充说明一下,说小孩在这边上学的事,也有可能能让移民官加快一点?
      • 这里的故事,知道的讲一讲?为什么钟先生没有全家一同移民,像我们大多数移民家庭一样?到了加拿大,关键是按规则做事,如果钟生前已经申请团聚,可以依此申诉,在移民法下正大光明打官司,无可厚非。弄一个匪夷所思的理由申请难民,只能是耍小聪明机关算尽。
      • 所有正常的家庭都是全家一同移民,最多是家人有先来或后来加拿大之分,而像钟太太一家很奇怪,她没说清楚,或不想说出真实情况,现在却弄出可笑的理由来申请难民,而且为了达到目的,竟对钟先生在国内年迈的父亲出言不逊,还要社区为她再次捐款付律师费,真是不孝,不诚,
        • 也许是钟先生在国内年迈的父亲的意思呢?