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It probably won’t. The media always tries to form the way of people’s thinking and direct them to whatever they need them to. Again, no real democracy nor real fairness and justice.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 前安省高官开车撞死骑自行车的竟然无罪? --------》
    • 如果人家开始时,你去抢人家的方向盘,出了事情也是活该。
      • 如果换成你,结果就不同了。你肯定有罪。
        • 希望有人组织游行示威!
    • 新移民吧!在弱肉强嗜的地方,竟然怀疑这点
      • 新移民光说不练的没意思。
    • 好像不是他撞别人,而是对方来拉他。既然有现场录像,争议就比较小。
      • 如果一个人在车里两手扶着方向盘,外面一个人去拉方向盘,明白人都清楚,车里的人想让让他死或不想让他死,易如反掌。 这种情况我就关引擎,出了事故,熄火停车是第一件事。但如果想撞死他,那也容易,找个树或水泥墩蹭上去。车里人一定有责任。
        • 同意,刹车和油门都在车里人的脚下,车在卷入事故后就不应该再移动了。受害人可能有过激行为,但最不该死。车里的人应该有过失杀人的嫌疑。
        • 如果我与人发生小矛盾,并且觉得对方可能对我使用暴力,那么我的本能反应会是尽快逃跑。如果他过来拉住我的方向盘,我绝不敢停车。如果没有事先研究过这件事的危险性,很可能会试图用路边的树木等把他刮下去,而不知道这会造成他死亡。
          • 这就是过失杀人,而不是无罪。
            • I think that is reasonable reaction under attack.
            • 不应是过失杀人,而是自我保护。换一种情形,有人袭击司机,司机掏枪将其击毙。算什么罪?
              • 防卫过当
                • 不那么简单吧?要看是怎么袭击的。
        • If I were the driver under this circumstances, I do not think I will have time to calculate if I want he alive or want he dead. I would only have time to calculate if I am willing to be killed by him if I dare to stop the car.
        • 你的思维方式有问题。一个人如果受侵犯了,本能(也是被法律认可)的行为是保护自己。根本无所谓是否考虑侵犯者的利益,自己的利益高于侵犯者的利益,这是公理,也是法院判这个高官的依据。你如果碰上此事停车熄火,只能说明你不珍爱自己的生命,而关爱侵犯者的生命。。。
          • 搞清楚,不是法庭判的,是检控官不告的。也就没有任何法庭程序,第一次提堂,检控官对法官说,我不告他了,这时候法官不能做任何事只能说,ok,放他走吧。这是加拿大最简单逃脱控诉的办法。
            • 我没看连接的新闻,理解错了。如果是检察官不起诉就更说明高官的行为没有刑事责任了。如果我遇到类似的情况,我也会像高官那样保护自己为第一优先,庆幸加拿大的司法体系认同我的价值观。。。
              • 我的感觉是加拿大的司法体系认同这个高官的背景和名望。如果是你的话,就不会这么幸运。
                • 这个我同意,如果你是少数民族,还不太会说英语,检察官一定揪住你不放,他也是找软柿子捏。就交通告票打折点数都看得出来,本地人(包括专家)都全减免,换成停车罚单。新移民自己去?至少给你留一点,还要涨保险的。
              • 保护自己我无可厚非。但要是你遇到这事99%从事发到现在你都不能假释,更不可能搞个charge withdraw的好事。这家伙不仅有加拿大最好的律师,相当可以的司法政治背景和人际关系。更有强大的公关公司给他做形象,没见到媒体报道基本倾向他么。
                • 你是在暗示“相当可以的司法政治背景和人际关系”在起作用吗?可能是吧。但你这样的猜测本身就已经是偏见了。
                  • 我那根本就不是暗示。你要是跟北美任何施法系统打过交道,你就不会觉得这是想象了,他是前安省检查总长,加拿大司法体系的什么有头脸的人物他哪个不认得。你大可以查一下他是个什么来头,他家和老婆是个什么来头。
                    • 原来你认定了这里面有不公正现象存在。谢谢你的直率。不过他是前安省检查总长并不自动等于这里有不公正现象存在。你有什么证据或推理来支持你的观点?
                    • please note the prosecutor is from B.C., specially arranged to avoid the 'conflict of interests' due to the fact of his background.
          • 无论如何也是个误杀。另外还有不少施法不公的细节。早已超出自我保护的范畴。检控官指不定就是他的什么同学校友,一起打过golf之类的。
            • 轻判应在情理中,但无罪实在是所不过去的。
              • 有罪或无罪。
              • 坦白从宽,抗拒从严...
            • 说的对。我们可以接着想象下去。这个高官可能还有贵族的优越感,还可能一贯歧视我们老中,对广大无产流氓者还具有根深蒂固的仇恨,并借机干掉了一个。这简直是谋杀,那里是误杀。
          • 这才是正岔! 在人身受到威胁的时候。保护自己和家人是第一位。无论对错!
    • I guess anyone under this kind of attack will try to flee. Mr Sheppard if not die in this accident, he will die at another one.
      Peck detailed six previous altercations involving Sheppard and motorists who called police after seeing Sheppard's photo, which Peck said indicated "a pattern of escalating behaviour with motorists leading to the fateful incident."

      In one case, Sheppard smashed a car mirror, and in another he reached into a BMW trying to snatch keys, Peck told the court.

      Forensic experts concluded Sheppard was trying to attack Bryant, Peck said.

      Bryant told the prosecutor in a previous interview he was desperately trying to flee in fear and panic.

      Read more:
    • 这人没有家属吗? 检控官不告, 难道家属不可以告吗?
      • 谋杀是刑事罪,是公诉,只能由检控官告。家属可以找民事法庭,控告民事责任。但民事责任只涉及赔偿,并且可能由汽车保险覆盖。
        • 撤诉蛮过分的,估计没人同情受害者?或者那些同情者都是光说不练的家伙?
          • 在CBC的回帖中,大部分网友同情受害者,但却也无可奈何
            • 加拿大掩盖腐败的技术含量更高一点。
              • 网友貌似弱势人群的意思
    • 官逼民反,这些狗官,与他们拼了!
      • 从这个案子的处理上看,加拿大所标榜的的司法和第三世界国家的所谓的腐败司法没有什么区别。
        • 说的对!加拿大是普通法国家中最烂的,你就找不到一个比加拿大更烂的普通法国家。
      • 说的对!我们是手无寸铁的流氓,但命还是一人有一条。
    • 你想人家那张脸,往庭上一占,都是同事好友。判有罪,实在下不了手呀。人是好人,遇到无赖,也不能说人家就这样被个无赖给费了。我支持判无罪!这好比用枪打死未经允许进屋的陌生人一样,何罪之有?
      • 高官有好人?
      • i am pretty sure that you dont have gun liscens, that is why you can say:这好比用枪打死未经允许进屋的陌生人一样,何罪之有. Actually, you will be charged.
        • 那这么说吧,有人拉着你不让走,你就真的不走?或者你走,结果那人摔了,就死了,你就有罪了?不可以因为是高官就豁免,大家得按法律的说法来办。我估计人家律师已经找到了具体法律和案例,检查官也是相当的识趣。
          • 最讨厌识趣的检察官了,没劲透了,简直是渎职,低能,人渣。我对BC那种工会控制的地方出来的人非常鄙视。
        • Decades-old ruling influenced decision to drop charges in Bryant case
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The withdrawal of charges against Michael Bryant stems in large part from legal principles established in a three-decade old case involving an attempted robbery in Orillia, Ont.

          Two men were fatally shot by Antonio Scopelliti, who owned a variety store and gas bar and claimed he was acting in self-defence. Mr. Scopelliti was acquitted at trial and the verdict was upheld in 1981 by the Ontario Court of Appeal. Previous acts of aggression by the two men were presented to support the self-defence claim, even though Mr. Scopelliti did not know about them when he fired his gun.

          Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/05/25/decades-old-ruling-influenced-decision-to-drop-charges-in-bryant-case/#ixzz0p0jajORy

          That case set out the rules on when a defendant can attack a victim’s character; yesterday, prosecutor Richard Peck referenced them as he outlined why he was withdrawing charges against Mr. Bryant.

          The appeal court noted evidence of other aggressive behaviour by the deceased is not normally admissible. “Otherwise the deceased’s bad character may be put forward as a mere excuse for the killing,” it said.

          But an exception can be made when the bad character evidence “reasonably assists” the jury in reaching a “just verdict,” such as when it is “so highly distinctive or unique as to carry a signature,” said the court.

          It was this application of the numerous other confrontations that Mr. Sheppard allegedly had with motorists that led the prosecution to conclude it was a “signature” that would be front and centre at any trial of Mr. Bryant.

          Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/05/25/decades-old-ruling-influenced-decision-to-drop-charges-in-bryant-case/#ixzz0p0je7NRP更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 这个坚决同意,土共就喜欢擅自闯进别人家里,得手了就猛占便宜,被扁了就哭诉博同情。这种歪风不要传到加拿大来。
    • 这个案子直接由检察官撤诉实在是太搞笑了。如果在法庭上辩一辩,最后法官或陪审团宣判无罪,大家也就服了。这位名人就直接把大家恶心了一把。
      • 确实,而且他们撤诉的summary基本就是一辩护书,被告连律师都不用请,国家负担的起诉律师就帮他们把事给办好了,还是加拿大强5倍。
      • 我的理解:由检察官直接撤诉的好处是将媒体和公众的视线直接挡住。以免长时间的法庭等候时间会耽误了这位政坛上的新星,和毁了他的前程和名声。不久的将来我们会看到这位新星将重返政坛,领导我们前进!前进!前进!
      • 有没有抗议活动?加拿大人为什么都这么麻木?要是在国内早就闹开了。
        • 仔细看一看楼主的链接里的评论就知道了,多数加拿大人同样感到很不公平。但仔细一想也平衡了:一个开跑车的前司法厅厅长和一个骑自行车的送货员发生的冲突,结果应该没有什么悬念的。
          • 这个前司法厅厅长属于什么党派?以后这个党的一概不投票。
            • 前省自由党,车祸前已辞去厅长职务,准备就任miller的多伦多开发公司总裁。被撞的单车党也不是善类,一般都是miller的支持者,极端仇视驾车者。
          • 多数加拿大人同样感到很不公平?56%v44%
            • 其实媒体在事件的发生后的报道就已经有偏向性了,他们可清楚谁惹不起,谁惹得起。
              • Exactly. 官官相护 is universal.
            • 我投了NO,但NO的票数一点都没变。真王八蛋!
              • You see, this is how the media works. They can't just go against politicians (most of them were or still are in business) which actually control everything.
              • YES hasn't change too.
                • It probably won’t. The media always tries to form the way of people’s thinking and direct them to whatever they need them to. Again, no real democracy nor real fairness and justice.
              • You need to go on the street. This is about life.
        • 你是从中国来的吗?是不是从火星来的?“在中国早闹开了", 你闹闹试试。也就变个杨佳罢了。
      • 果然是官官相护。。。支持此案重开。或者我们到民事法庭上辨清楚。请受害人和我们联系!
      • 昨天又看了一遍新闻,发现此案很有意思。这里为死者鸣不平的人们主要论点是,检察官因官官相护而撤诉,而事实是这个案子为了公正,特意从BC省请来了与被告没有利益冲突的独立检察官,是这位独立检察官撤控的。如果再仔细看案件回放,我更确信这个撤控是公正的。。。
        • Give me a break. They are related one way or the other. Nothing but cover up.
          • Give you a brick! If you can't approve it。。。
            • There are many things you don't know about in this country. It's not as perfect as you may think. In some ways it’s more corrupted than your home country.
            • (#6088394@0)
            • Not everything is provable but does exist. Cover up is typical among politicians no matter where. Most politicians re craps that suck our blood but do nothing really good to us.
              • I hate corruption and unfairness more than anyone else, but in this case, I didn't see anything wrong with case dismissing, the doubt is still a doubt until it is approved, I am positive on any unapproved issues。。。
        • That's only one side of the story and might have been digitally modified. You have to use your own brain.
          • My own brain teaches me that doubt everything is not realistic, I have to believe one source, unfortunately, between you and public media, I chose the later。。。
            • Your choice, your life. Go with the crap and good luck to you.
          • Hahahaha. I have been visited by aliens last night. They told me all government heads are aliens and this case is designed to test if a guy called Holy Moly can pick it up.
            • HA HA HA, They are bunch of craps. See how much the G8 meeting will cost us only on security related expenses- 1B! Let alone revenue loses of so many affected businesses specially in Toronto downtown core.
              • And huge loses of productivities due to traffic controls / traffic jams, late showing /no show for work ….
    • 居然撤诉啥事都没有,一条人命死了还不如一条狗!这是一个什么样的国家机器,无耻到了极点!
      • 加拿大比中国还需要刀客?
        • You bet.
    • Youtube 上有很多现场事发时的录像,并且也有很多目击者对当时情况的描述。看了这些录像后的感觉是:警察当时到现场后给这个名人的两个charge 是正确的和公正的,录了口供就放他回家也算照顾了名人的效应。后来的撤诉就是各方面角力的结果。
      • 正当防卫,有人抢我的方向盘,我也一定撞他.
        • Give it a try and see if you can get away...
          • 悟空got the best lawer.
        • This is a "hit and run accident"
          • As he said, nobody is over the law and nobody is under the law either. 加拿大的司法是公正的.
            • 通过这个案子的程序, 反映了法律面前人人平等在加拿大得到了充分的体现.高官不会逃脱法律的审判,但也不会因为是名人就无辜定罪.
              • Nothing but naive.
            • (#6088808@0)
          • according to a story i read, he didn't 'hit and run'. he stopped his car in the next intersection and called 911 and waited for police to arrive.
            • (#6089197@0)
            • no, he fight, hit and run,
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛he did not stop, but drive the car into hyatt next block, stopped car and clean him and his wife in hotel room then report the police(actually, police wait him at hotel lobby before he report, this is about 1-2 hours later of incident happened), this is abstruct justice already. And police did not let him do blow test, because who he is, but he was right from his party, bunches high profile people can be witness thant he drunk then drove. But no blow tests, no hard evidence.

              Media changed or manipulated the whole story a lot since last years report. Because he has Canada top public relationship company to handle these media problems.

              And what are the advantages of charge dropped.
              1.He only need deal with one person, crown prosecutor. They hire one from BC, but what's the diff? they has some relations either way. This gonna be easy. if goes on court, he needs deal with 12 jurys. that's not gonna be easy.

              2.Prosecutor says hard to convict, is it a good reason on court? no, this reason only can be used undertable. On the contrary, This case gonna be very easy convict. Just many high profile people will get involved, that's not a risk controller like to see. And the things will completely out of controll lately if realy goes on court.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 从这几点看,上法庭还是有必要的。至少让我们这么多的移民对加国的司法公正有信心。也算上了一堂爱国主义教育课吧?
              • thanks for sharing
    • this case is inevitably controversial. I don't have my judgement myself without carefully examining more details. however, if you address '高官', you already have the bias before your thinking.
      • 完全同意。对于那些寻求建立在偏见基础上的公正,我突然感到不寒而栗。这个事可能欠缺公正,但追求公正是不可以建立在偏见基础上的。事实上,挖掘表面证据下的真相是不可以建立在想象上的。换句话说,如果没有能力去挖掘表面证据下的真相,那就应该依赖表面证据和程序。
        • 所以为什么加拿大和美国都采用的是陪审团制度。那是因为现有的制度和人一定有不公正的地方。有罪没罪法官说了也不算。陪审团制度就能够平衡这样的不公。而这样的案子由检察官直接撤诉,并且引来这么多的争论,是否妥当?提出质疑引起关注是为了将来更好,用不着不寒而栗。
          • 公诉人的工作不是为了照顾大众情绪。如果公诉人认为公诉不会赢但仍然支持诉讼那是在泛用司法程序。另外,公诉人是没有权力也没有做出看法该人无罪。
            • 我完全同意,因为实力相差太悬殊了。
          • 我不寒而栗是因为有人并不知道公正为何物,但在大肆谈论寻求公正。这样的公正带来的很可能是义和团的骚动。
        • 检察官不撤诉也并不表示他有罪。有理走遍天下,在陪审团和法官面前说说,没什么,我相信很大的可能也是无罪。但反过来想一想,如果那个有前科的人开车把一个骑自行车的政坛新星给撞死了,他会得到同样的待遇吗?
          • 这个问题应该不是公诉人考虑范围内。
    • 我断言上天会安排雷公眷顾他,眷顾多次。。。。。此处删除英文粗口五行, 四川粗口五十行。
    • 加拿大主流媒体网站上这则新闻的评论栏全被关掉了.只要背景够硬,看来要在加拿大实现和谐也不是很难的.
      Comments have been disabled
      Editor's Note: We have closed comments on this story for legal reasons. We appreciate your understanding
      • 是什么法律上的原因?有没有懂的给解释一下?
        • 屁的法律问题,由头而已。
        • Law is made by and for those with power or rich no exceptions in Canada. There is no justification on this case what so ever.
        • 不要用中国的眼光看加拿大的司法, 这里司法是一个专业, 如同科学技术一样, 检察长当然精通如何保护自己. 这个年轻人死得可惜,但是不会有人负上责任, 这个也是西方冷漠严格制度的结果. Too bad, so sad. 中国讲,情理法, 西方是法理情.
          • MOM said, take care yourself. 如果不能照顾好自己, 在这里的境遇会比中国还不幸.
          • Superficial
      • 这让我想起了马克吐温“金喇叭“。这媒体就是“金喇叭“。--- 统治雅普雅普岛的酋长在决定一件事情之前,要求赞成的和反对的都吹响金喇叭,然后就按照吹得最响亮的那一边的意思来做决定,酋长认为这是最公平的了。
        • 这让我想起水浒传里杨志和牛二的故事.牛二碰到杨志,牛二死了,杨志被判刑充军,在社会底层人士身上,中国古代实现了司法公正.在现代民主法治的加拿大,牛二碰到了高衙内,结果是牛二白死,高衙内很弱很无辜.我们的司法体系很健全,我们的社会很和谐.我们一起批牛二,牛二是个大坏蛋.