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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 多市某市长候选人说,大多地区虽然各国新移民为社会发展做出了很大贡献,但现在多市也由此带来很多问题。在解决好这些问题之前,欢迎移民之门应该暂时关闭。其发言虽然很是右派,但难道没有一点道理吗?
    • 问题当然有, 不过人家不乐意被提到. 比如, 来一个大学程度英语还行的技术移民, 接着搬一个高中程度英语糊弄的妻子, 再办四位英语一点不通的移民老人, 生两个小孩, 能够听爷爷奶奶的三家乡方言, 英语要上daycare之后才慢慢学.
      • Ford : “We can’t even take care of our own 2.5 million. We should take care of the people we have now before bringing in more.”
        I do not like him. But I agree with some of his ideas:

        1. abolish the Land Transfer Tax;
        2. eliminate the Licence Registration Fee;
        3. reduce city council by half;
        4. and put police in all Toronto high schools.
        5. abolish the Fair Wage Policy, which requires the city to pay contract workers comparable rates to permanent employees.
        • 那天选举?就选他了。都是政客,至少这个说心里话。
          • 嘣! (i.e. I agree.)
        • What ever he says I will not vote for him. A true racist that hates Chinese.
          • Have to agree with you here. I smell a racist a mile away.
        • What's wrong with #5?
          Are you suggesting the full time city employees are over paid but there's nothing we can do about it -- and hence we should turn around and bully contract workers instead?
          • They won't be able to change #5, it's the law
            • a law ? or a policy. either case, it can be changed if there is a will.
          • option 1. the hiring process is open, fair, and accessible to all tax payers, union or non-union.. option 2.. follow a bidding process and out source the services
        • 说的都容易,一块pie就那么大,这块切大了,那块就小了。这个税收减少了,必定要增加别的税。上台后是否能够履行诺言才是关键。
    • Rob Ford?也许他不适合做政客因为他讲了心里话,终究会被其他候选人挤出去。但是,他希望多伦多变成一个refugee-free zone,说出了大家的心声。我会考虑投他的票,总比David Miller之流的TTC或者工会背景的人上台好。
    • 有道理。他说话时的‘背景是被问温哥华的一船人咋办,政治对手添油加醋,挑动移民群众武斗,险恶。我决定投福特一票。
    • The bottom line -- Rob Ford speaks his mind, and is likely to walk the talk -- so at least you know who you vote (or don't vote) for. :-)
      In my view, he's a bit like Mike Harris -- not the best person, but a good leader you need when things are falling apart.