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Top tier, 10-20%
They have the right skills, they can fit any position. They know what they are doing and align personal ambition to company's mission. They know the importance of work life balance. Employer, if smart, should do anything and everything to keep them happy. They are the stars.

Middle tier, 70-80%
they are hard working employees. They do their job, take responsibility, work in a team. They make mistakes, they learn from mistakes. Employer would give them normal incremental pay raises.

Bottom tier, 10-20%
they miss deadlines, they do not deliver, they drag everybody down, they mess up the team environment. If they cannot be let go right away, they should be contained, giving them non important tedious work.

This is how most employers evaluate their employees. In a time when employers can not do much for the top tier, what can others expect?
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 一般雇主把员工分三类,你在哪类心中有数吗?
    Top tier, 10-20%
    They have the right skills, they can fit any position. They know what they are doing and align personal ambition to company's mission. They know the importance of work life balance. Employer, if smart, should do anything and everything to keep them happy. They are the stars.

    Middle tier, 70-80%
    they are hard working employees. They do their job, take responsibility, work in a team. They make mistakes, they learn from mistakes. Employer would give them normal incremental pay raises.

    Bottom tier, 10-20%
    they miss deadlines, they do not deliver, they drag everybody down, they mess up the team environment. If they cannot be let go right away, they should be contained, giving them non important tedious work.

    This is how most employers evaluate their employees. In a time when employers can not do much for the top tier, what can others expect?
    • 我一直以为我是第一类,看了工资表和每年的bonus,才知道我在老板眼中是第二类。
    • 谢谢分享信息. 我觉得别人怎么看待你, 并不重要, 更重要的是你怎么看待自己.
      我过去的一位同事跟我说, 他刚来的时候, 并不被管理层看好. 但是, 他很努力, 不停地争取发展自我的机会, 结果是老板就不断帮助他. 后来他跳到其他公司了, 现在在事业上的发展比谁都快. 我相信一句话"自助者, 天助之". 不要被别人的评判吓倒, 这世界上没有人比你自己更了解你自己的能力的了. 如果, 觉得你在一个公司里, 可以跟着一起成长, 就努力工作;否则, 就在市场上寻找更好的机会.
      • "自助者, 天助之". 不要被别人的评判吓倒, 这世界上没有人比你自己更了解你自己的能力的了. ---有道理。
    • 这是技术能力上的分类,还有就是Team Work的分类,后者更直接的说法是管理水平的分类,或者说是政治能力。
    • 一个公司,少了谁都照样转。重要的是站队队伍。如果自己的队伍很弱,经常被欺负,还是走为上策。
      • 管理好的公司的确是"离开谁照样转".
        • 铁打的营盘流水的兵,即使兵都死光了,还有新兵入伍。
    • 这种分类是都书生之见,文件上可以有,在实际工作中就不是这么回事了。有许多复杂的人为因素可能更重要。在加拿大,任人唯亲,结党营私比比皆是。笨蛋和投机者被提拔来管你别大惊小怪。今天你也可能被当作明星,明天换个头,你就稀里糊涂地成了淘汰对象。
      • +1. In most of the workplaces -- unless your work for a small startup, "employer" is just an abstract concept -- and your supervisor typically has his/her private agenda.
        • -1。 当你放弃自己理想的时候,你就真什么都没有了。
          • If you are genuinely passionate, you wouldn't even pay attention to that kind of classification. :-)
            • i am too old to be passionate about this.. actually i never cared.. the 理想 was referring to believing the world is still a fair place to live, to work, to compete, to play.
              • In that case, "理想" seems to be a misnomer here.:-)
                • 中彩票jackpot是不是理想?
                  • 那是空想
                    • 每周基本上都有人中,怎么叫空想?
                      • 因为有人中奖的概率基本为100%, 但某个人中奖的概率基本为0%。
                  • my retirement plan
              • how old r u?
                • He's a post-70 kitten.
                  • 70后还装老卖朽?
      • can't agree more.
    • 就是三类小媳妇嘛。其实还有更多,问题是在一间公司的一类小媳妇,能保证换个公司还是一类吗? 雇主难伺候着呢。有时候你得啪啪给他两大嘴巴....故事多了。
    • 就是国内公司分的精英,骨干,一般员工,好,分等级要学中国,你是什么级,科级,处级,局级,厅级,省级,国家级,当然包括副职和助理甚至夫人,继续分,各行各业都分等级,中国现在就是这样。
      • 二奶,三奶; 上海阿五
      • 局级=厅级
        • 厅是省的,局是市的,直辖市的局级就是厅级了,但许多副省级城市正的局长只相当省的副厅!很多地级市的局长只是初级,县级市的可能更低,镇里面的局长可能连副科都轮不上!
          • 厅与局只是名称不同。体育总局、广电总局、税务总局都是正部级。级别和名称是两回事。厅局级是一个词,表示的是一个级别。地级市的局长这能算县处级。中国的级别名称是有讲究的,不可以想当然。wiki上有介绍: