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Terminate rental lease and got $3000 fine. Ask for suggestion.

We just lived in USA for 2 months. I got an offer in Canada and we will go back Canada. We have 6 months lease with landlord and we only lived for 2 months. After discussed with landlord they asked for $3000 USD for termination fee(This is almost 4 months rental). I knew it will impact our credit in USA if we don't pay. But it is really a huge amount of money for us. If we don't pay is there any risk for us in Canada? Will it impact my credit record in Canada? Will it affect my job or hunting for job in future? We won't come back USA for work any more but we will come back for vacation or shopping. I knew it is not good for nor paying this. I need suggestion, pay or not? thanks

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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / Terminate rental lease and got $3000 fine. Ask for suggestion.
    We just lived in USA for 2 months. I got an offer in Canada and we will go back Canada. We have 6 months lease with landlord and we only lived for 2 months. After discussed with landlord they asked for $3000 USD for termination fee(This is almost 4 months rental). I knew it will impact our credit in USA if we don't pay. But it is really a huge amount of money for us. If we don't pay is there any risk for us in Canada? Will it impact my credit record in Canada? Will it affect my job or hunting for job in future? We won't come back USA for work any more but we will come back for vacation or shopping. I knew it is not good for nor paying this. I need suggestion, pay or not? thanks
    • 看你告诉房东多少信息了。还有lease agreement如何写的。一般来说,你不给,他就把这个卖给讨债公司,看讨债公司,他们的破坏力可大可小。
      • 讨债公司破坏力都有哪些?
    • Double-check your lease.
      If you need pay, DO pay it, buddy. It is the credit for your life, not only for your US credit point. Of course, it depends on your life style, and nobody can control you. If you are really 心若止水, DO pay it. It is not only $3k, it is your life style. Your thought is very dangerous to you. It will be a long-term lose. Please change it.
      • I do want to pay but it is too much for me. I think $1000-$1500 is acceptable for me.
    • 跟房东好好商讨一下,一般可以cover 租房广告费, 清洁费和经纪费就差不多了。
      • It is a big company. They don't want to talk. I knew someone had similar experience and the landlord did send to a debt company and impacted his credit, but not for job hunting. If it is only impact USA credit record I won't care very much.
        • 大公司也没关系,也可能negotiate,你只是没有找对人。找他们上层manager,或者公司律师,下边小喽喽做不了主。3000,不要担心,讨债公司一般不会追到加拿大,除非他们认为你油水很大。所以不要透露任何信息给你的房东。
    • 还有一个选择就是你帮房东找一个房客来顶替
      • This is not an option. I checked with them.
    • 如果你没有SSN,屁事都不用管,最多押金不要了。如果你有SSN最多可能影响你美国的credit(实际上很少有人报),对加拿大没影响。如果你怕前怕后的,还是谈个好的deal再说。
      • I have SSN and I believe I provided to them. I won't come back to live and work.
    • 只要不再去美国工作就没事。我有个同事欠了医院30万美金。把工作辞了跑回加拿大就了了。
      • I hope they won't chase me into CANADA. Are you working on PowerPC?
        • 10 years ago. Congratulation! Canada is your home.
          • Wow, 10yrs ago. Congratulations!
    • Buddy, I understand your situation. But I have to say again, double-check your lease, and see how much you need pay.
      If the lease says you need pay $3k, DO pay it because you have signed it. The life sometimes looks complex, but actually it is really simple; -- do your responsibility. $3k may be too much, but you have to take it. Responsibility, it is your life credit. BTW, never say " I won't come back to live and work."; -- because we do not know our future. Again, my advice is "pay it if the lease says you need pay". Of course, it depends on you. Be a MAN, buddy.
      • Quite frankly I don't have that much now. I have to pay moving expense back to the company which is $10,000. That is realy money I totally paid from my pocket for true moving expense. I bankrupt for this time job change.
        • 把实情告诉他们, 看能不能暂缓或分期付款
    • 不给和无赖有啥区别?negotiate a deal with them. The landlord can request you to pay all the rents for terminating the lease. It's normally a contract term.
      • It is hard to negotiate with them. They don't want bargaining but the exact amount of money.
        • Does it state on your rental contract? If not then NO WAY. 1 month rental is common but never 4months.
          • 美国绝大多数lease contract都是说如果中途退出,必须付清所有剩下的钱。美国绝大多数州对房客的保护比Ontario差远了。但是美国对欠债的保护比加拿大好,你欠钱,讨债公司除了电话骚扰,基本没有办法。很多州还规定,一天只能打一个骚扰电话。
            • Then one has to have done enough homework before signing such a contract.
              • It's a standard rental contract wording... It's a common practice...Even in Canada, such wording is also in place. Unless you find a tenant to take over your lease and the tenant is acceptable to the landlord,
                the original tenant is responsible for the entire term of the lease.
              • 大公司都是标准合同,这些都是标准条款。除非是私人出租,条款可以商量。所以建议南下的同胞最好只租私人的房子。
          • For fixed-term lease, they of course can ask for that. For month-to-month lease, 1 to 2 month penalty is common.
        • 和他们头谈谈,随便给点钱你觉得合适的,他们爱收不收。讨债公司来了就告它。
          • If I pay them 1($750) month for termination(i plan to do so) but they still can go to debt company for the rest. How can I prevent them from doing so?
            • Very simple, you can't. The company doesn't want negotiate with you. Then nothing you can do. You can choose pay them or let them go to the debt company.
              • If you would like to pay a new tenant one or two month rent, you may find somebody to take over your lease. I did this before.
                • That is not accepted by the rental company. They don't allow sublease, they just want my money.
                  • Just walk away. 以无赖制无赖.
                  • This is not reasonable. What I am saying is assign lease, not sublet lease. First, you should find the law in your state what you can do as a tenant if you want to terminate your lease. I mean how the law rules assign or sublet lease.
                    If the law said you have right to assign your lease, what the company can do is if you they accept the assignee who takes over your lease.
                    For sublet lease, at least in QC, Canada, what you have to do is just inform the rent company and don't need them approve you because you are still responsible for the lease but somebody else leaves there.
                    The key is getting the law information in your state. The law should be equal for both parties and reasonable. Don't be fooled by the company. You have your rights, not only the company.
                    Hope this help.
                    • I would rather pay them money than find a lawyer. Too much time and still a lot of money.
    • 不打算回美国工作了还这么前怕狼后怕虎的。付一个月房租然后走人,不要留下任何加拿大的信息,就完事了。
    • 请你告诉我们:你在美国干什么去了?工作?度假?为什么又要回到加拿大?你不把这些事实告诉大家,你不是在骗取大家们的同情心吗?请告诉事实。
      • 俺已经说了,来美国工作,刚工作两个月,加拿大来了offer,
        现在已经决定回加拿大,因为我太想这份工作,不是因为钱,加拿大的工作薪水反而少,只是因为工作本身。现在已经确定要付给公司出的搬家费约一万,又加上这个租房的事,真的有点扛不住了,我现在 焦头烂额的骗你们同情心有什么用?我现在有管不了道德做人(be a man)的大道理,就想问对我在加拿大的信用和工作有没有影响。



        我自己搬过来的东西又要全部扔掉,这儿卖也卖不出去, 再花那么多钱搬回去不划算,只有回去再买,当初要公司给我几千块钱我就不搬东西了,公司不同意硬要把我绑定一年。

        • 你要早说你已经在美国工作两个月了,我就什么都不说了。我认为,你既然在加拿大找到了心仪的工作,你就应该付出一些代价,金钱,心里,精神以及物质。



        • 既然在美国有工, 钱又比加拿大多, 为什么要付这么大的代价回来呢?
          • I hope this new job in Canada is a life time job. I am tired of looking for a job and moving.
            • 这个世界上没有一个可以工作一生的工作。任何一个公司,任何一个国家,任何一个政府,都可以随时破产和灭亡。
              • 你说的对!我没有办法,人活着总是有个梦想,可梦想多数时候都是虚无缥缈的!
    • 现在就是考验你是不是真的"心若止水",这点小波浪能把你怎么样?不过您这动静是大了点,搬来搬去免费吗?
      • I hope I can be "心若止水" but I still didn't reach that stage.
    • 欠债就不能找工作吗? 哪里规定的? 那有些美国人不是一辈子失业?
      • 不是说很多工作要查credit吗?
        • GE查过我的, 但好像是查有无犯罪之类的。 跟欠债是两回事,其它公司都没查过。 帮你省笔钱,搬家费和房租都不要付。回加拿大上班去吧。 辛辛苦苦挣的钱,不要随便给别人。
          • 我也是这么想,可是他们都比我狠,威胁我!不给好像套不出他们的魔掌呀!
            • 怎么威胁你? 说来听听?
          • 我觉得,你处理问题的方式过于简单了。做人一定要给自己留条后路,自己把后路堵死了,将来都没有了回头的余地。还是谨慎从事为妙。
            • 不用担心,这里的查不到加拿大去,就象你在加拿大有很好的credit,这里的也照样不认一样!不过说回来,你真不要多一条后路?万一你还得跑到美国来呢? You would never know!
    • 哥们,兄弟用中文回一帖。这是最后一帖,相信你已有答案了。答案就在你心中,你可能只是需要一些支持和佐证。
      1) 查州内相关法律,通过合法渠道解决。查查当地黄页,找一家调解公司帮忙(或bbb.org),应该可以减免一些。切勿“跑路”。
      2) 一定保持做人的道德底线,切勿轻易突破。
      3) 做人切勿“见小利而忘义”,而人生其实是“天下之至拙胜天下之至巧”。
      4) 你有工作,兄弟不相信3k能让你破产。最差可以分期付款。其实关键是“你觉得3k太多了,而且对方的气焰太嚣张了,咽不下这口气。”但如果这3k是受法律保护的,我们也签字了,我们就应该负责的。道理就象“在中国吃饭不付小费,在这要付”。
      • Got it. Thanks man!
    • CREDIT的问题出现过好多次了。 除了买房买车要查, 其它还有什么地方需要查?
      • 不是说需要做security clearance的公司都要查credit吗?