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I like Bravo's comments

hat is the university statistics of the 72% Chinese Canadian applicants - what is the percentage of foreign students vs students born in Canada of Chinese parents? So a Chinese student born in Canada is not Canadian whereas white students born of immigrant parents are lumped into the 42% Canadian applicants? It is pure racism not to consider everyone born in Canada equally as Canadian, regardless of skin color or enthnic origins. To worry about the university being too Asian is to say that these Chinese students born in Canada are not Canadians. All Canadians have equal access to higher education if they put in the efforts. Don't blame others' success for your own failure. In the 1970s CBC did a bogus "campus for sale" program of too many Chinese students in U of T but most were born in Canada,not foreign students. If the complaint was about too many Jewish students in law and medicine, the response would have been a thunderous outcry of anti-semitism. Why is it okay for anti-sinoism?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 中国人还在变态追求所谓的"名校区",真是可悲
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛看看toronto star今天的头条新闻把.



    这些所谓的名校就是"清华"班.最后,孩子从小在单一的种群中长大,根本没有能力对付外面的多元世界. 就如star说的:

    “A lot of our young people get good enough marks to get into university, but they have low confidence and no friends to talk to and no way to express their feelings and no connection outside their community,”


    Sociology professor Eric Fong told parents at the conference the east Asian students he teaches at the University of Toronto tend to memorize the textbook but rarely speak up in class. “Yes, they get good marks, but that is all I know about them,” which makes it tough to write letters of reference. He urged parents to encourage their children to reach beyond their social circles to get to know classmates and professors.

    更不用说孩子被夺走地童年玩乐的时光. 父母强迫自己学自己不喜欢地东西带来的可能的心理疾病.
    goodstart 当前在线 添加 goodstart 的声望 反映此帖
    编辑/删除帖子更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 第一代的中国移民,很多都很猥琐,情商很低.交际能力很差.其实智商也没有想象中那么高. --- OMG, looks like you are way too smarter than the other first-generation Chinese immigrants LOL~! Give me a break, how many is 很多? And what is 猥琐?
      Seriously, at least I don't need the magazines or news papers tell me all these stuff, they are not new, it's a matter of the need of changing the mindset to survive in a new culture. New immigrants have to struggle a little bit to feel comfortable in a new country, the Chinese are no exceptions.

      The stuff you've copied didn't blame the Chinese or Asians for being '猥琐', how did you get that?! OMG.
      • 你拍的太轻了
        • LOL
    • 支持!!!强烈谴责学区狂人好春光。
    • 我看你才可悲呢..有则改之,无则加勉,有什么变态的。。难道你要看到90%白人在UT你才高兴?亚裔Pushing孩子上大学强过让孩子送Pizza挣最底工资强吧?也强过白人小孩聚堆吸毒吧?其他族裔的问题不见得比亚裔社区问题小!我为亚裔社区自豪!
    • 任何事物的存在都有它的必然性和合理性。在加拿大,作为少数族裔,你别指望在所谓的"平等"的规则下跟他们竞争。如果你的孩子好mark没了 ,大学上不了或也去放枪了,你就没有心情在这里喊了。
      • +1
      • 关键是放枪也不会, 那估计都没活路了
    • "some are starting to ask if Canadian universities are becoming “too Asian,”" ---典型的racist言论。中国人还窝里斗,唉!
      • 真是的. 这篇文章似乎在暗示亚裔得自觉降低自己的MARK,好进不了UNIVERSITY, 只去COMMUNITY COLLEGE,这样才能平息别的族群的CONCERN. 说什么呢?
      • +1. 七十年代CTV搞过一个documentary, 说中国人霸占了加拿大高校的专业领域, 这里的华人发起了反CTV抗议游行, 有几个很有领导能力的专业人士发起的(发起和组织人是我朋友的老公),后来CTV道歉了。
        • 谁不希望自己的孩子成为有用之人啊,老白也不例外啊,中国人自己说大学里中国孩子太多?!开什么玩笑,大学录取是有标准,别录取啊?!
          • 事实是加拿大高校的专业领域不收学生护照的,你必须是加拿大公民或者移民才可以进,当时的口号是我们都是加拿大人,我们都有平等的权利。 当时是CTV理亏了, 不能用种族来说事。
          • 这是要求大学改变录取标准的前奏.
            • 这个一定要警惕
              • 是啊,公开的不公平。这居然是主流媒体的文章 。利用亚裔攻击亚裔,stereotype....
            • 让我想起国内高考各地录取标准不同,要是全国一样,大学里就没有城市学生了。
              • 您别打岔. 暂时把中国人民内部矛盾放一边.
                从前高考录取是以省为单位的,跟农村,城市无关,毕业后是要强制回原籍滴. -- 咱先不讨论那些, 有正事呢, 一致对外先.
        • 平权会?
        • 颐康的老板
        • 比这个CTV事件早几年,在1974年9月,多伦多环球邮报(Globe and Mail)也曾不正确的报道说多伦多大学医学院太多国外(非加拿大)出生的中国学生,多伦多大学医学院几乎全部学生都是加拿大公民或移民(是的,很多华人, 但是他们都是公民或移民),没有持学生护照的中国学生
          这种令人震惊和误导性的报道激怒了本地很多华人专业人士,当时还没有中国大陆的学生, 主要是台湾和香港的华人,他们即刻组织起来了(多谢环球邮报,让华人团结和组织起来了), 其他华人团体和组织也同声相应
        • 平权会和其他几个华人专业协会有高火力的华人律师和法官,对这个事件他们不会等闲视之的。
    • 还是一句话,GTA情况特殊,如果不想和黑社会打交道,就只能去名校区。
      • ???
        • ??????
    • There could be some truth in this article, but we should watch out - this is a slipping slope... this type of right wing articles will do no good to us Chinese.
      • 同意,必须警惕
      • +10000. 这人是华人吗? 就因为她的儿子进了Niagara College ? Maria Yau said it’s not “natural” for any group to have so many students heading for university. “Can they really all be qualified or emotionally ready for that kind of learning?”
        • +1000
        • Update一下这位 Maria Yau 的信息, 邱綺雯女士(多倫多教育局教育研究統籌 Research Co-ordinator, TDSB), 经常见到该女士在华人报纸版面出没,没料到如此水平.
          • 同意, TDSB 的researcher这个水平, 一点都不奇怪, 你在TDSB工作过就知道了什么是'无所事事', '混吃等死'了. Maria Yau 联系方式:
            Maria Yau
            Chair, External Research Review Committee
            Toronto District School Board
            1 Civic Centre Court, Lower Level
            Etobicoke, ON M9C 2B3
            Direct questions to: Maria Yau (416) 394-4951 or maria.yau@tdsb.on.ca

            Note: It's public contact information posted on TDSB website:
      • +1. Make comments or just agree/disagree with others' comments there if you're care.
    • BS
    • 这次要看看嗅觉灵敏的华人团体对这个文章有没有反映
    • 大家看看历史: Thirty years ago one documentary awoke a silent community
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛zt

      Some Chinese-Canadians who saw Campus Giveaway never forgot their reaction

      By Tom Hawthorn,
      Globe and Mail, Sep. 23, 2009

      The television segment lasted about 11 minutes, an exposé of the takeover of Canadian classrooms by foreign students.

      A section of a university lecture hall filled with non-white faces was shown.

      The documentary, which aired on television 30 years ago this month, had unintended consequences.

      It awoke what had been, until then, a silent community.

      A history of the Chinese in Canada includes such benchmarks as building the railroad; defending against rioters in 1907; paying the head tax; enduring the Exclusion Act; bravely contributing to the war effort; gaining the franchise in 1947; and, oddly enough, protesting against a single episode of a current-events television program.

      Some who watched back then have never forgotten their initial reaction.

      Victor Wong was studying science at the University of British Columbia when Campus Giveaway aired on the popular program W5 (today known as W-Five ).

      “It touched many of us,” he said Tuesday. “The message was: Because of your skin colour, or your ethnic heritage, you don’t belong here. You’re just taking up someone’s space.”

      Sid Tan was also studying at UBC in 1979.

      “They were calling a bunch of Canadians foreigners. It was quite disgusting and quite off the mark,” he said. “I remember it as a galvanizing experience.”

      Anthony Chan, a communications professor born in Victoria, recalls the shock.

      “We’re going, ‘Huh?! They’re saying we’re foreigners. They can’t be serious.’ ”

      The report alleged that Canadian students were being prevented from studying medicine and engineering because foreign students were occupying their rightful place in university classrooms. Much of the
      segment focused on the plight of a student from Ontario who was thwarted in her aspiration to study pharmacy at the University of Toronto.

      Joseph Wong missed the episode when it originally aired on Sept. 30, 1979. He was completing a residency at a hospital when he watched Campus Giveaway on a videotape a few weeks later.

      “My reaction was so vigorous I’ll never forget it,” he said. “How could this happen in Canada? We’re living in a country without discrimination, I thought.”

      He had already booked tickets for a flight to Calgary to visit his mother-in-law. He brought with him the videotape, which he showed at a meeting on New Year’s Eve, 1979, in Calgary, and on New Year’s Day,
      1980, in Edmonton. He then flew to Vancouver for a showing four days later.

      The tape made the rounds to small audiences in Regina, Ottawa, and Montreal, as well as in smaller Ontario cities such as Waterloo and Sarnia.

      A community known for “not wanting to ruffle any feathers,” in Dr. Wong’s words, formed Ad Hoc Committees of the Council of Chinese Canadians Against W5 in 16 cities, from Victoria to Halifax.

      In late January, four simultaneous protest marches were held. About 2,000 marched on CTV’s offices. “Red, brown, black, yellow and white,” they chanted, “all Canadians must unite.”

      The protesters were told Canadian universities had only 85 foreign medical students, 66 of them from the United States.

      As well, university officials disputed W5 ’s numbers, stating the number of foreign and visa students had been multiplied by a factor of five.

      Even 30 years later, Dr. Wong is baffled by the airing of footage in which any Asian face was presumed to be non-Canadian.

      “All the yellow-coloured students they showed were [naturalized] Canadians, landed immigrants or permanent residents, or local-born Chinese Canadians,” he said.

      The committee had identified all of the unnamed students shown in the report. Not one was a foreign student.

      W5 aired an on-air apology that tiptoed around the committee’s complaints.

      It was rejected by the committee. Finally, in April, CTV issued a statement Globe columnist Dick Beddoes described as “a retraction, an apology, a confession of error, a disorderly retreat.”

      Murray Chercover, the network’s president and managing director, wrote: “Right after the program was broadcast our critics – particularly Chinese-Canadians and the universities – criticized the program as racist: they were right, although it was never our intention to produce a racist program.

      “There is no doubt that the distorted statistics combined with visual presentation, made the program appear racist in tone and effect.”

      With the apology came the offer to fill an 11-minute segment on an upcoming W5 episode.

      It aired in December. A survey of 25 job placement agencies found 17 casually agreeing to send only Caucasian employees, while only three flatly refused a request violating provincial and federal laws. The segment was titled, White and Bright .

      “It was a beautiful victory,” Dr. Wong said.

      Mr. Chan, who is now a professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology at Oshawa, traces his own family roots in Canada to the arrival of his grandfather in 1881. His mother was born
      in Vancouver, his father, like himself, in Victoria. He devoted a chapter of his book Gold Mountain (New Star, 1983) to the W5 scandal.

      In retrospect, he sees 1979 as a pivotal year for the Chinese-Canadian community. Many had been working on the resettlement of the Vietnamese boat people, most of them ethnic Chinese, at the time Campus Giveaway was aired.

      “It was time,” he said. “Things just coalesced. Thank you very much, W5 .”

      The politics have reverberated in the 30 years since, as Chinese-Canadians won election to Vancouver city council, to the mayoralty of Victoria, to the Legislature and to Parliament. Some active in the W5 protests have gone on to become filmmakers, provincial-court judges, and activists in the campaign for redress of
      the hated head tax.

      At the time of the protests, Dr. Wong, a landed immigrant, was identified in a newspaper story as someone who had “yet to become a Canadian.” He immediately filled out the requisite paperwork. He looks forward next year to celebrating 30 years as a proud citizen of what he calls “the fairest society on Earth.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 楼主和此文的作者一样变态!
      • +1
    • 评论中绝大部分都是反对这篇文章的。看看这个老爱尔兰白人的留言,你是不是感到一丝羞愧?
      I welcome these students

      As an Irish Canadian, I feel priveleged to have so many Chinese neighbours in my city, and I salute a community that strives to better itself, just like other immigrant communities did in the past. The MacLeans article strikes of an earlier time in Toronto (the 1970s) when the old medical waspocracy atacked Chinese medical students. That in turn recalled an even earlier time when Jews were excluded. Immigrant communities come and go, but narrow minded bigots are forever. Shame on them then, and shame on them now.

      Submitted by PJC at 9:39 AM Wednesday, November 10 2010
    • CBC radio 99.1 will talk about this right after 4:00 p.m. news
      • What did it say?
    • 好的MARK当然好,人家也只是说在MARK之外注重某些能力的提高。别被针刺一下就跳起来。
      • 跟我一样,刚开始没读完全篇内容.
        • 很不幸我看完了。认识一些在名大学的华裔后代学生,很不幸,为数不少的正有文章说的那些特点。
          • Well, no one is denying there are cases like that, some Chinese parents are pushing their kids too much, but to say university is "too Asian" is way over the line.
          • 最不幸的是你没明白这篇文章到底想说什么!!!
            • 这样的争论多年前美国就有过,针对华裔的(可能台湾多,大陆少),后来不是没见争论了吗,可能来美久,家长心态慢慢转变了?像国内,每个学生都向大学冲,技术、技能教育缺乏,社会缺乏中间力量,大学毕业又找不到工作,那样好??
              • 作者的本意是concerns about the cultural balance, but not the MARK
              • You don't get the point. The point is some people are concerned because "their" university are becoming "too Asian" for them. I think this is racism and we should be concerned too.
                • 为什么我们一定要把里面关于族群的字眼拿出来,那么多别的东西看不到?说实话,在多伦多生活久了,我对肤色已经淡漠了,一个尊敬自己,尊敬周围人的人就是值得我尊敬的。一个嘴里经常阿X,X巴人,黑X的人,不管什么肤色,我都可以漠视他。
                  • 你对肤色已经淡漠了, good for you, 可有些人可没有淡漠,”too Asian" is a problem, “growing Asian presence on campus is sparking concerns about the cultural balance within Canada’s ivory tower”, who is concerning? not you I am sure.
                    • +1. White people always think the country belong to them, Universities belong to them.We're the extra. That's not right. We work hard and pay tax and feed these fat, lazy people. They are still not satisfied.
                  • +1
          • 如果我的孩子强烈要求,或者他自己觉得快乐,否则我是不会建议他去 community college的。加拿大不是精英国家,冬天漫长,大部分人满足于安逸的日子,也不能说人家不对。自己想什么样自己追求好了,用得着受一篇报道影响吗?每天都有头条。
            • 国内一些朋友或亲戚问我留学加国的事情,我都是说,应该首先考虑美国 英国,实在没办法,再送加国。
    • Have to say, in order to have people respect you, you have to respect yourself. Just don't understand why would you leave the judgment in others' hands. If you can't feel confident and be proud of your own heritage, no one could help you. Take that.
      • +1
      • +1
      • +1
    • Why should we even bothered by a stupid article like this.. I think many chinese people are just too insecure and care too much about what others think of them...
      • Don't you see that we are not bothered by the article that the OP was copying? Rather at least for me I'm sick of the OP trashing Chinese, especially when the OP himself/herself is a Chinese. It's sick.
      • Because it is from the Star.
      • If you don't care your own (your kids') rights on education, who care about you. You are always on the lowest level in the society.
    • "And this growing Asian presence on campus is sparking concerns about the cultural balance within Canada’s ivory tower, according to a report in Maclean’s magazine’s latest university rankings, released Wednesday. " -- !!! !!!
      • If this is not racism, i don't know what it is.
        • +1
        • +1
        • +1
    • 怎用到“猥琐”这词了??不知道你是第N代移民,超凡脱俗了?不知你旁边的白人主流是如何看待这是。 我碰到的事实是:
      很多地道的白人也很重视学区,有些较有钱的就送小孩进私立。 他们也在强调好学区, 好mark,好习惯,还要全面发展。第一代移民重学习没有错,基础好了,等这些小孩长大,有潜力照样能在社会上混得开。就像农村长大的不也有成社会精英的。家长含辛茹苦培养小孩, 他们长大了也会明白感恩的。
      • +1. 当他们发现现有规则下我们的孩子获得高等教育的机率高时,他们急了, 就说我们的孩子只注重mark,no sicial skills。 他们真心希望咱们的孩子好吗?如果咱们的孩子去social了,丢了 hard skills, 都去搞soft skills了, 在这社会能和他们凭soft skills平等竞争吗?
        • 对。 孩子们都是根据他们规定的游戏规则进入高等院校的,如果他们觉得这样还不够,可以改进游戏规则,但是不能用移民或种族来说事。
          • +1
    • You are so stupid!
    • 主流社会占据了政治, 经济上各个制高点, 移民要是真想靠soft skills从他们手里抢过位子来, 比登天还难. 只有退而修炼hard skills. 主流社会看看不行, 又开始抛出这类论调. 以后亚裔上好大学就要受到特殊对待. 这个在美国已经是这样了, 该轮到加拿大了.
      • ++1, Right on!
        • +1, 可是就有一些250脑子坏了。
      • 我不在乎这篇文章。我相信我的孩子不会被这篇文章剥夺进好大学的机会,如果他有实力的话。所以我根本不在乎。
        • 你不在乎这篇文章,不过好像你很在乎别人是否在乎这篇文章,别人在不在乎其实更不关你的事。至于racism or not,只要影响不到你儿子,it's ok, 呵呵。
          • 你现在知道为什么LZ会说“有些人情商很低.交际能力很差.其实智商也没有想象中那么高”了吧?
          • 我只表明自己的态度,希望论坛里有各种声音,我回头看自己写的,就事论事,并没有攻击谁。喜欢纠缠的你们自己纠缠去吧。
        • 在不在乎是你个人的事,录取公不公平关系到我们每个人。
          • +1
          • 她还处于给她孩子念英语圣经,补习英语投身主流阶段呢?将来没准还要漂白肤色,替白人阶层仗义执言呢。。。不必和这种异类多费口舌。
            • 我是中国人,我也很看重孩子的成绩,很看重孩子将来上什么学校。但是!我能听不同的声音,我能反省自己,这样的追求到底对不对,是给我的孩子将来带来益处还是不快乐。这个LZ的帖子我认为某些用词是不好的,但是里面的某些观点确实是可以让我们反思的。
              • 我先生,从小市三好学生,北京重点大学毕业,但我不能说他享受这个过程。他享受晚上一个人琢磨扑克牌。如果他出生在加拿大,他可以发展他的特长和爱好,可以去扑克比赛。个人的兴趣和事业结合起来,他的人生难得不快乐更多?在中国,喜欢打牌?那不是不务正业吗?
                • 你可以支持你先生的个人爱好,让他现在开始辞掉工作,专心投入到打牌的爱好中。打牌没有年龄限制,现在fulltime投入不晚。
                  • 他的世界观已经定型了,孩子的世界观还没有定型。
                • 概率论没学好,也能打好牌吗?
                  • 那个扑克比赛的冠军是多大或滑铁卢概率学得最好的吧?
                • 个例不代表整体。同样是从小是三好学生,上重点小学,中学,大学,其他人也许很享受呢。上好大学跟发展爱好没什么冲突吧?如果能力许可,不妨多发展几项爱好,包括打牌。
                • Tim999 please give a straight answer, is this article racism or not? There are issues with certain chinese way of parenting, but it is unacceptable to say our university is "too asian".
                  People's reaction here is justified, period.
                  • 看问题不是非黑即白,小时候看电影,会执着于他到底是好人还是坏人。但是长大了,知道很多问题都有中间地带。我的态度是:
                    新闻中有些观点是有道理的。就如我在这里的学校上课, 老师说到中国的一些产品,态度很严肃说是垃圾!!我心里很不舒服,谁也不愿意被人那么说,但是,他讲的有道理啊?难道我要奋起反击说你歧视中国?追溯到歧视中国人?你歧视课堂上的我!

                    "cultural balance",站在一个国家的角度讲是有必要的,为什么?美国很多黑人大法官就是在这个影响下才进的大学,才能当法官,据说奥巴马也是受益者之一。中国一向忽视弱势群体,加拿大、美国作为一个国家能平衡照顾到不同群体的需求,这正是这些国家的魅力所在。我当时看了这条新闻,跟帖一片声讨,我也同意有些声讨是有道理的,但是为什么我们不能除了声讨多点视角呢?

                    • 原新闻就是垃圾。既然招收了学生,发现一些人社会能力差,学校的人就应该去想办法帮助他们,而不是在新闻里发牢骚,含沙射影的告诉家长不应该让小孩来大学读书。同样,如果新闻是以帮助学生们适应社会的态度写,自然不会引起这么大的反响。但写成这个样子,还有什么好说的。
                      • 我听说的,但是事实。有个人编造简历被公司录取,工作后发现并没有工作所需的能力,他理直气壮对公司说:你们招我进来的,你们就要承担这个责任。后来公司送他工作之余去学习……强人一个啊!
                        • 你是说那些学生编造了成绩才被学校录取的?如果是,那么那些学生就应该被开除,如果不是,凭借其自身真实成绩符合学校要求而被录取和靠造假被雇佣之间有什么可比性?
                    • All I'm asking is a Yes or no answer. I don't need u to educate me about world is not black or white, as I said there are chinese parents who pushes too much, just as some jewish parents.
                      But why no one dare to say the law school is too Jewish??

                      I guess there less Jew think like u and they dare to fight back.
                      • 犹太人有他们的苦难,所以我想一般的人不提这个特别的民族。上次我一个中国的朋友来,说他去了很多国家,担心现在会有当时反犹太一样反华,为什么?
                        • 你是说我们应该做缩头乌龟,甘于落后,像以前那样被人追着打着才不讨人厌?变得强大有什么错?在世界各地做生意有什么错?白人不也一样到处做生意吗?跟族裔有什么关系?实在看不出现在中国人的什么素质讨人厌,除了让有些人有了危机感。
                          • 你的回答是你的引申,因为敏感所以想得太多。我没有研究过几十年前犹太人做什么生意,怎么做的。但是我知道在很多国家,我们的同胞做生意做的是养家糊口的小生意。我尊重他们的劳动。但不能否认有以次充好,以假当真的行为,就如现在的中国。怎么造成的,是教育造成的啊!
                            • 我不否认有些人以假乱真,以次充好。但正像你说的,这么做的很多人是做小生意的。像华为等企业他们现在也在全世界做生意,但他们凭的是自己的竞争力,那是真本事。只是那些小生意是不会让世界刮目相看的。你能说IPAD质量差?那也是中国生产的。
                          • 曾经有一次孩子问我,为什么什么东西上都有MADE IN CHINA,我还没来得及回答,他说,我知道了,是因为中国人很聪明。我说是的,我愿意让孩子为中国人高兴一番。如果MADE IN CHINA是质量的保证,是品质的保证,我会真的高兴。
            • 你是不是要挖出我的祖坟才好?我发每一个帖子都是看内容,很少注意谁发的。我们针对人不对事的旧习要改改了。
    • D多数移民父母双方都是高学历,希望孩子青出于蓝而胜于蓝,很正常。
    • 典型的种族歧视。去看看几个犹太人打体力工?
      • 同意
      • +1
    • I like Bravo's comments
      hat is the university statistics of the 72% Chinese Canadian applicants - what is the percentage of foreign students vs students born in Canada of Chinese parents? So a Chinese student born in Canada is not Canadian whereas white students born of immigrant parents are lumped into the 42% Canadian applicants? It is pure racism not to consider everyone born in Canada equally as Canadian, regardless of skin color or enthnic origins. To worry about the university being too Asian is to say that these Chinese students born in Canada are not Canadians. All Canadians have equal access to higher education if they put in the efforts. Don't blame others' success for your own failure. In the 1970s CBC did a bogus "campus for sale" program of too many Chinese students in U of T but most were born in Canada,not foreign students. If the complaint was about too many Jewish students in law and medicine, the response would have been a thunderous outcry of anti-semitism. Why is it okay for anti-sinoism?
      • All Canadians have equal access to higher education if they put in the efforts. Don't blame others' success for your own failure.
        • +1
    • MacLean is Fox North. Do not use any its parent company -- Roger's service.
    • 别人爱怎么写怎么写,难道鼓励孩子不读书,刻意住在非好校区,就对孩子有利了?鼓励孩子学习成绩差,从而被老师记住?不明白为什么总拿mark说事,全面发展和好mark完全不冲突。一代移民很多都是在国内经过层层删选出来的,孩子成绩好很正常。
    • 楼住不是低能, 就是变态!
    • 醒醒吧!The Star把原来的标题都换了,总会有人站出来的:Chinese Canadian Council slams The Star and Maclean’s for story about east Asians on campus
      • 原来的标题:asian-students-being-forced-into-university 现在是:Asian students suffering for success
        • Very well done, Chinese folks!
          今天我特地注册了一个STAR帐户,对所有发贴AGREE/DISAGREE过一遍. 有位老兄被Disagree了6次,架不住又出来多几句废话, 立马又给吃一个Disagree.
          • 干的好!兔子!
          • 兔子!干的好!
          • 向你学习,正在干。
      • 干的好!喝彩!
    • 楼主,你爹大麻用光了,还不给他买去
    • 顶着个新ID,弄个文不对题的标题,还加上自以为是的评论。整个就是哗众取宠。
    • 你X是什么人?
    • 希望大家不要指责楼主了,更不要人身攻击。 大家一起文明讨论。
      • 同意,多少年了,文革“斗”的习气还改不了。一有反对的意见就变成人身攻击。
        • 搂主可不是提反对意见啊,什么“猥琐、变态“都用上了,不攻击这种人攻击谁呢?
      • 简直没有是非了。明明是楼主先对广大华人进行人身攻击了。
        • 你说的是,大家也看到了,以后大家都不要人身攻击就好了。
          • 不主动攻击别人人身,这是教养;被别人人身攻击,还不还击,就是懦弱。
            • 谈不上攻击,对于那些“对肤色已经淡漠了”的,对那些被人贩子卖了还帮人数钱的,应该让他们清醒清醒。
              • 使用诸如“变态”“猥亵”这样的词汇,还不算人身攻击?
                • 谈不上反攻,对于那些“对肤色已经淡漠了”的,对那些被人贩子卖了还帮人数钱的,应该让他们清醒清醒。
              • 我看了这个帖子,注意力放在了新闻本身,并没有过多关注LZ转帖用词。因为这个不值得我去关注。
              • 不是你的言论或某人的言论能让人清醒的,我很清醒,因为我是从事实看问题,从后果去分析问题,从影响去总结问题。这是我看待报道的态度。
            • 暂时把中国人民内部矛盾放一边, 以后回来搞土改、三反五反、四清运动、文化大革命、改革开放。。。。 :-) LOL..
              • 好,“安内必先攘外”!
    • Macleans 把原文删除了, 原文后面的读者讨论很精彩的, 现在找不到了
      • 还在呢:http://www2.macleans.ca/2010/11/10/too-asian/
        • 谢谢你, 我原先保留的连接不工作了, 幸亏你提供这个连接。
    • 回想自己的童年, 上小学一年级实在是被 force 进去的, 否则每天玩耍好快乐...,现在想想, 幸亏当时被 force 进去了。原文作者自己就是北美教育的牺牲品-偏见无知-头脑弱弱的那种