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Facebook /NotTooAsian征集签名,谴责Maclean/Star

Facebook /NotTooAsian征集签名,谴责Maclean/Star. 支援CCNC. 声讨种族偏见
Maclean母公司Rogers Communication曾经为Maclean‘腐败的魁北克’ 的报道,向魁北克人民道歉。我们要求Rogers再次作出正确的行动。请Rogers的客户,员工和商业伙伴一起加入我们的签名行动。谢谢!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / MacLean met with CCNC & Community Reps today, Please give us your feedbacks
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛In attendance:
    Catherine Bradbury – Editor-in-Chief, MacLean’s
    Sunil – Communications, MacLean’s
    Stephanie Findlay – Reporter, (co-author) MacLean’s

    Colleen Hua – National President, CCNC
    Ida Koh – Volunteer, CCNC
    Eric Li – Vision Youth
    Mr. Andy Mark – Interim Executive Director, CCNCTO
    Alick Siu
    Rebecca Tam – Director, CCNC TO
    Dr. Joseph Wong – Founder CCNC
    Victor Wong – Executive Director, CCNC National

    Also Steven Lam and Jason Liang – Ontario Chinese Indonesian Association joined us for a debrief.

    Maclean’s discussed how the article came about - heard students using racial proportion in universities as a factor in their choice of schools.
    They stated their support the merit system and that is what the article is about; celebrating the merit system in Canada.
    They feel heartened that the article has provoked open and deep discussions on the subject of self-selection in universities.
    They felt that perhaps different generations view ‘race issues’ differently.

    We noted that perception is everything, noted that the inflammatory title was accompanied by photo of two Chinese youths carrying a PRC flag
    The article has touched a raw nerve in Chinese community, perhaps in part due to the W5 experience
    We produced the original copy with the original title – “Too Asian”, the current web version adds a question mark: “Too Asian”?
    We highlighted the impact that the article has had on the community regardless of the intent.

    Overall the discussion was very heated. We rejected the generational argument by pointing out that many of the negative comments on the Maclean’s website are from current U of T students.

    Maclean’s offered to publish a letter from CCNC.

    I said that we would report back to the larger group first and get back to them in a couple of days.

    In our debrief, when the Maclean’s delegation left, some of us felt that Maclean’s did understand our concerns.
    Collectively, we decided to bring this to the larger group as an initial position for discussion.

    Scenario #1: continue with our public criticism, write a letter for publication in Maclean’s, use this as a case study everywhere we go
    Scenario #2: continue with our public criticism, reject Maclean’s suggestion, make an alternative proposal (please fill in the blanks)

    Please give us your feedback.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 要好好想一下
    • 感谢CCNC第一时间挺身而出, 对话MCLEAN's.请问这是第二次meeting吗? 建议没看到MCLEAN's 诚意和悔意前,.continue with our public criticism. 不知道有没有其他族裔对抗种族主义的先例可以参考? 我们提出的和解条件必须有理有据. 希望CCNC给大家一点指引, 谢谢!
    • 还是没看到MCLEANs的诚意和歉意,建议继续我们 public criticism,是不是要联系其他新闻媒体,放大我们的声音。是不是CCNC能组织大家发出一个团结的强有力的声音?
      • 强烈支持!
    • 建议CCNC组织游行抗议。
    • 这事要往大里闹,最好组织上街游行
      • 对不起,我有点不能认同你的观点。首先我不认为游行是个好方式,有点象“造反”,我向这不是我们的本意;另外我也不同意我们是在“闹大”,所以我说要有组织的,有理有据的争辩,不是“闹事”。也许我对你的话理解不周,请原谅!
        • " 这不是我们的本意", " 我们" ? 你代表谁? 上街游行是最有效的方式.看看美国加拿大,那一伙不是有事就上街游行,从 G20, vets benefit, HST, TTC, close school..... it works.
        • 您这是什么逻辑,游行就是要造反吗?你的思想怎么这么文革呀。在这里游行是正当的手段表达意见。
      • Let's do it! We have to protect our children's education rights!
        • and also protect our children's right to be a good citizen
    • 我之所以想到要有组织地做这个事情,主要是考虑到我们大家的意见要一至,针对他们文中的几个要点质疑,抓住关键点,不要呈现在他们面前一盘散沙,这样不利于我们得到满意的答复;而且要保持我们的manner,不要过激,要明确我们到底要得到什么。
      • Support
    • 专业人士协会干啥了,这末大事,也不出来表个态
    • 都meeting二次了,就要坚持到底,对付那些白人,一定不可退缩半步,不然今后白人吃定我们华人了。该游行就游行, 继续send email,copy to 其他大媒体, 爆满他们的邮箱.  
      • 非常同意,把信件同时COPY到GLOBE AND MAIL, NATIONAL POST 等报纸,孩子们不应该受到这样的待遇
        • 它们都是一丘之貉 #6359944@0
    • 作为家长, 我深切关注, Maclean不能这么不负责地放把火就走, 这篇文章的目的是险恶的, 后果是长期的严重的.
      1.首先是挑起校园种族争端, 把亚裔学生放在其他族裔的对立面, 暗示亚裔学生抢了其他其他族裔的大学机会. 我们的孩子以后在学校会不会被更多暴力歧视的可能?
      2. 诱使胁迫各个大学设立招收潜规则, 为亚裔学生设立高入学门槛,以限制人数.我们的孩子能不能得到公平的受高等教育的机会?
      3. 无视多元文化的基本宪法, 歧视并排斥亚裔家庭教育和文化背景. 我们的孩子以后怎么来认同自己的本族文化?
      • 完全同意绿腰!
      • Agree!
    • 能不能在http://www.ccnc.ca组织一个网络签名抗议活动,及时统计人数,地区分布?可行的话我们在ROLIA征求IT朋友义务帮忙. 个人想法,有了民意基础,CCNC可以更合法地代表华人社区为大家争取我们共同的利益.
      • 9494.严重同意。
      • 强烈要求Macleans郑重道歉!强烈要求文章作者被开除!
        • 在toronto star和macleans道歉之前,所有签名者拒买这两家报刊的广告商产品,还要把道歉要求寄给他们的广告商。
          • 既然他们用了头版头条,那么他们就要用头版头条来道歉
            • ding
    • I've only seen the updated online version of the article titled < 'Too Asian'? > with the question mark. I honestly don't find it discriminating or insulting to us Chinese/Asians. To the contrary, I found it be a great article and interesting read.
      If the content of the article hasn't been updated from paper to web, then I don't see any reason for "continue with our public criticism".

      See my other comments in the page link below:
      • They've updated the title and subtitle. "Worries that efforts in the U.S. to limit enrollment of Asian students in top universities may migrate to Canada" definitely is NOT their intention. Instead, they'd suggest universities do so.
        • Okay, so even the subtitle was added later on. Did they change the content of the article itself? I'll need to grab a hard-copy tomorrow.
          • 新版經過改頭換面﹐將原本的「有些人不想到『亞洲人』大學攻讀」的標題﹐轉為「擔心美國頂級大學限制亞裔學生行動會降臨加國」﹔同時前天文章內受訪中學輔導員指亞裔學生「只會爭取98高分成績﹐其他甚麼都不懂」的言論﹐整段被抽走。
            • Even it has 「只會爭取98高分成績﹐其他甚麼都不懂」的言論, we should take it as a constructive criticism rather than insults. Do you want your kids to be the one like this? I don't. I want my kids to have a balanced life in arts, athletics and academics
              at the same time.
              • 有自我批评的精神是好的. 可是文章不是给我们看的,是给白人看的, 否则无须指出由于名牌大学Too Asian, 白人小孩只好到二三流的大学读书.这是明明白白的挑拨种族关系的种族主义文章.
              • constructive criticism? this is really an insult to my intelligency now.. LOL..
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Prof. Henry Yu History Department, UBC

                Henry Yu is a professor of History at the University of British of Columbia. He was born in Vancouver and graduated from UBC, the son of immigrants from China but also the fourth generation greatgrandson of Chinese migrants who came to B.C. in the 19th century.
                See More

                Thirty years after CTV aired its infamous W5 program insinuating that Canadian universities had too many “Asians,” Macleans magazine repeats the same error of using racial stereotyping to make a nonsensical argument.

                Rather than dealing with the true issues of meritocracy, the role of universities in screening for the rewards of p...rofessional careers, and whether higher education means more than just a higher income later in life, Macleans obscures any insights it might make with racist profiling of “Asians” and “whites.”

                Do the journalists and editors of Macleans and the Toronto Star not know the history of anti-Asian agitation in Canada and the United States?

                The title “Too Asian” draws upon over a century of racist politics using the term “Asian” to flatten everyone who looks “Oriental” in the eyes of bigots into a single category which is somehow threatening to “white” Canadians. Have we not advanced enough over the last 30 years to recognize that people with black hair who do not look like their families came from Europe can still be “Canadian,” rather than the assumption that the writers make that they must be eternal foreigners and the opposite of “Canadian” and “born in Canada”?

                Judging from the first 300 comments on Macleans’ online edition, amost every single one of which was more articulate and intelligent than the journalists in dismissing the article as being pointless and inflammatory, we hope that a younger generation of Canadians who have grown up in a much more engaged and diverse society than the Macleans newsroom see a future that no longer needs to rely on racist stereotypes and fear mongering. Perhaps that is the lesson of the silly article, that our young bloggers and non-journalists from a wide spectrum of backgrounds are more insightful than the segregated newsrooms of so many of our English and French language media print media, where nary a non-white face interrupts the fantasy world within which our reporters and editors continue their dialogues only with each other.

                Each day in my classes I hear intelligent and humane dialogues between students of every colour and from everywhere around the world, something that makes UBC and other Canadian universities special places that seemingly have better sense than anyone in a position of responsibility at Macleans or the Toronto Star.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Thank you for taking the initiative to meet with McLean's. I'd like to see how scenario#1 develops. I am speaking for myself.
      • Facebook /NotTooAsian征集签名,谴责Maclean/Star
        Facebook /NotTooAsian征集签名,谴责Maclean/Star. 支援CCNC. 声讨种族偏见
        Maclean母公司Rogers Communication曾经为Maclean‘腐败的魁北克’ 的报道,向魁北克人民道歉。我们要求Rogers再次作出正确的行动。请Rogers的客户,员工和商业伙伴一起加入我们的签名行动。谢谢!

        • d
    • CCNC发起的Facebook /NotTooAsian征集签名,谴责Maclean/Star. 支援CCNC. 声讨种族偏见, 大家积极参与!
      • 强烈支持!请大家积极参与! 并转给朋友。
    • 要求Maclean's 必须在其网站取下这篇文章, 必须为发表种族主义的文章公开道歉并保证消除所造成的负面影响. Maclean's 必须对有关责任人(编辑)作出严肃处理.