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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


30 年在美国不够,在加拿大够了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. On average, first generation Chinese immigrants in the last 20 years are better educated and already work in professional fields. They fare better than early Jewish immigrants in the US. I live in the Chinese dominant Markham, by my estimate the rate of kids go to gifted program is 4-5 times the provincial average.
2. The Jewish faced huge obstacles too when they first tried to get into law, investment banking, etc. They had to start in niches like corporate proxy fight that the Anglo Saxons thought are not genteel enough to handle. The next generation Chinese professionals will have a leg up. First discrimation while still exist, is less pronounced. Second, China itself starts to play a big economic role globally, which creates demand of professionals familiar with its culture.
3. As for doctors, engineers, etc, well, Asians are already well represented now.
4. Demorgraphically, percentage of Chinese in Canada is much higher than Jews in US. Overt discrimination is political suicide.

And to be clear, I am not against voicing concerns to MaClean's/Star. I am against mob-emailing the same simpleton template. It just shows how we are still used to that one voice propoganda, even when we protest.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 再过三十年, 华裔会占据加拿大的精英阶层, 比美国的犹太人更成功。不过这不是靠玩命读书做到的。
    I have seen smart Chinese kids, I mean not just book smart. They got it figured out. Generally they work with the system, not fighting it. That's what the Jewish people did. What the Chinese parents need to do, is to help them navigate the system, not pushing their heads against the books, or even worse, instilling a "us against them" attitude.
    • 成不成功另议,但你提倡的态度我认为是正确的方向。
      • 可不嘛,做人的基本准则,变为成功的标志!!! 不过老中的确得学习先成功地做个人.体面的人,才有其他可言!!
    • +1 说得很好!help them navigate the system, not pushing their heads against the books, or even worse, instilling a "us against them" attitude.
    • 稍微改一丁点儿:不过这不是”光“靠玩命读书做到的。书也还得读。
    • 想到一块儿了 :)
    • 同意一个。泼妇无赖暴民的行为,对华人的事业,有百害而一利。
      • +1
    • Yes, we work with the system, and speak out and let your voice/concerns heard is the first step to work with the system.
    • "Generally they work with the system, not fighting it. " Are you kidding me? Read history book please.要看历史阶段,区域,事件. 不同的事件,不同的策略.
    • 寄希望于中国北方的第二代精英。那个曾经在上海八家人共用一个小厨房和一间卫浴,到新西兰之后梦想成真,成为首位华人内阁部长黄徐毓芳,却因为和丈夫多报销了几千块旅游公款而辞职。
      • 又来了,不要内讧,白人的政治家里,这样的事件比比皆是,像e-health 的台底交易还少吗
        • 就是,才报销几千块钱就自动辞职,很清廉了。看看多伦多市议员的表现吧。报销最少的两位议员被他们的同僚抱怨。
          • 盗钩者诛,盗国者侯。
    • 读书和"work with the system"并不冲突, 如果不读书, 华人恐怕连"work with the system"的机会都没有
      • agree.
    • 说的不错
    • 牛啊!!! 30 年??!! 就凭老中对待万物之主---金钱; 的态度. 300 年也追不上老犹.哈哈... 唉,老犹是最懂得"舍"和"得" 这个两个字.
      反正老农民走的地方越多.这JJ 就越xx不起来.真羡慕您们呐!!!
      • 30年以后,一定是印巴人的天下。每次看到邻居的印度同胞,出门的时候一个大万都装不下,忍不住就羡慕那家的男人身体强壮,种子好。
        • 其实我看印巴裔非洲裔和中东裔的小孩子很有好感的,我们华裔生育率低,等我老了的时候,还靠其他族裔给我打酱油呢
        • 玩得太久,爱弟报废! 后悔了吧? 哈哈...
      • 30 年在美国不够,在加拿大够了。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. On average, first generation Chinese immigrants in the last 20 years are better educated and already work in professional fields. They fare better than early Jewish immigrants in the US. I live in the Chinese dominant Markham, by my estimate the rate of kids go to gifted program is 4-5 times the provincial average.
        2. The Jewish faced huge obstacles too when they first tried to get into law, investment banking, etc. They had to start in niches like corporate proxy fight that the Anglo Saxons thought are not genteel enough to handle. The next generation Chinese professionals will have a leg up. First discrimation while still exist, is less pronounced. Second, China itself starts to play a big economic role globally, which creates demand of professionals familiar with its culture.
        3. As for doctors, engineers, etc, well, Asians are already well represented now.
        4. Demorgraphically, percentage of Chinese in Canada is much higher than Jews in US. Overt discrimination is political suicide.

        And to be clear, I am not against voicing concerns to MaClean's/Star. I am against mob-emailing the same simpleton template. It just shows how we are still used to that one voice propoganda, even when we protest.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 哈,不赖.就凭这1,2,3,4 因特拿熊奶耳就能实现!!!
    • 民族主义永远有市场。。。 我记的CNN某主持人在南海撞机事件后曾说如果中国有能力也一定会派侦察机到美国的, 跟你的言论很一致。。。:-)
    • 30年基本上是做梦。你要是看见too asian默不作声,那是真正的too asian了。听凭别人把你portray成书虫,除了读书什么也不会。犹太人碰到这种说法的话,声讨的声势只会更大,绝不会简单完事的。这才叫发出自己的声音,work with the system。事实上经过大家的努力,
      已经让star改了标题,删了一部分内容,这才是真正的work with the system.而不是某些人自我萎缩,生怕得罪主流社会,把争取平等当作多事。
      • 亚洲的文化,骨子里就是默不作声。所以奥巴毛总统连问三声,那些韩国的记者,最终还是让天朝那个耶鲁的学生会主席代表了去。
      • Ding.
        • ditto
          • haha. 我都抖擞激动的说不出话了,只能DING.
            • 俺是您的勤务兵,跟屁虫,您不嫌弃,抖擞激动的是俺:)))
      • 说的好,看看犹太人对于攻击自己的人哪一次不是加倍地反击回去。弱小的原因在于内心的弱小。什么三十年以后会比犹太人更成功,卑微的心理不改变,300年也没戏。
      • OK 你要work with the system, 先要学会system 的语境。
        可以指报道肤浅不全面,但不能让别人禁声;叫得响并不一定保证别人会接受;我们中有些人说要学犹太人,其实不自觉的在学红卫兵。 其实看一下Maclean's文章后的根贴,多为批评,很多写得不错, 我认为这篇文章不会有太大市场,有理有节就行了,不用到Yonge St 上挥国旗去,你说呢?
        • 是第!!! 游行都不够味.站在STAR 的楼上,不道欠,咱就跳下去.哈哈...除了爹娘疼外,有啥意思? 有些人,动不动就学犹太人.反正咱农民没搞懂要学人家哈? 对这个世界上同外族通婚率最低的神秘的东东.除了看得到的勤奋有钱外! 还知到点啥?
          • 建议关心民族大事的侠们,没事用第三只眼睛再去读一读老掉牙的"威尼思商人".看一看,老白的猪鬃是咋告诉他们后人,这老犹是如何同他们玩的?
      • 说的好!