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看一下现场对话记录,芮记说的不是 On behave blah,他原话 “But I think I get to represent the entire Asia. ”,联系上下文,“由于没有韩国记者问问题,那么“让我来代表全亚洲。。。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛THE PRESIDENT:
I feel obliged to take maybe one question from the Korean press -- since you guys have been such excellent hosts. Anybody? This gentleman right here -- he’s got his hand up. He’s the only one who took me up on it. Go ahead. And I'll probably need a translation, though, if you're asking the question in Korean. In fact, I definitely will need a translation. (Laughter.)

RUI: Unfortunately, I hate to disappoint you, President Obama, I'm actually Chinese. (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: Well, it’s wonderful to see you.

Q But I think I get to represent the entire Asia.

THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely.

Q We're one family here in this part of the world.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, your English is better than my Mandarin also. (Laughter.) But -- now, in fairness, though, I did say that I was going to let the Korean press ask a question. So I think that you held up your hand anyway.

Q How about will my Korean friends allow me to ask a question on your behalf? Yes or no?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, it depends on whether there’s a Korean reporter who would rather have the question. No, no takers?

Q (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT: This is getting more complicated than I expected. (Laughter.)

Q Take quick, one question from an Asian, President Obama.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, the -- as I said, I was going to -- go ahead and ask your question, but I want to make sure that the Korean press gets a question as well.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 我看了一下Mclean网站,99%的的留言都是批评这篇文章的。直接指出这是种族主义的一般反倒是非亚洲人。有一个留言很搞笑:
    Dear Mr. Editor, I've got a few more interesting topics for you to make it a series: "Too Black (in prisons)", "Too White (in board of directors)", any more?
    • 好像rolia中力挺这篇文章的比麦克林网站上多很多。我真不理解。
      • 没什么不好理解的,有些人就是高级一点,不想跟咱们低级的一个调调。这样能“融入主流”
        • 这种践踏同胞的“融入主流”,其实不过是热脸贴上别人的冷屁股。
          • 是不是林冲说的?我把你为奴才作奴才的奴才。好象拿来说这种人挺合适。人家文章里暗藏的恶意他看不出来,或装看不出来。自觉自愿,24/7拿出一副忠仆的样子,训斥本该是奴才,却没有奴才的自觉同类。
      • 很好理解。
    • 还有一点搞笑的是,有些白人学生对这篇文章的描写很不满意:谁说我们就知道喝酒,party,不知道学习?
      • 没有搞笑啊,本来每个人读文章时都会有自己释意。白人学生当然会说文章在偏低白人学生的学习能力,你以为学校中只有Asian读书好啊?
    • 由于可悲的历史原因,中国人的文化和社会长期陷于深度的分裂。那个对东西方文化有着同样深刻理解的记者芮成钢,替腼腆的亚洲人接过总统的话筒,闹成沸沸扬扬的“代表门”事件,其实也是这种分裂的事例。
      • 每个人都有与生俱来的话语权,而这个话语全是不可以随便“被代表“的,哪怕别人选择了沉默,芮记者可以堂而皇之地代表佯视,但他不应该斗胆地代表别人。我们国人易走极端,要么安于“被代表“,要么很无耻地代表他人,他们不懂有时沉默也是另一种话语权。。。
        • 我也没明白明明是请韩国记者提问,他站起来干什么?下次轮到中国人发言的时候,如果一个韩国人站起来说他能代表亚洲。。。
          • 向凹八毛总统发问的话语权,因为是临时起意。总统环顾四周无人接茬。芮同学的韩国同事,显然 too Asian
            • LOL
      • 佩服芮的勇气,不过我也不愿随便就“被代表”了
        • 我觉得代表二字被拥共反共2分子污名化了。中英文代表有很多意义,3个代表如议员代表选区选民,是act as delegate;我长着小眼睛小鼻子树皮色的皮肤,我的脸就挺“代表”中国人的,意思是as an example of,我理解芮记的意思是后者,所以老奥回答"Absolutely,你地扁脸肥西服
          • 代表亚洲人地,绝对地没错地“ 芮记是个称职的记者,奥巴挂一漏万,少见地嘴上有点瓣蒜,也无大碍。这件事最丢人的,是韩国记者,属于给脸不要那种,丢人啊。
            • 芮记还是底气不足,回国看见网民沸腾,连忙在自己的围脖上解释,越添越乱。应该向以大师学习,“沉默也是一种话语权”,等到十天半月,尘埃落定,再发一贴《奥巴马,我错了》
              • 是,芮博里面自己澄清,他想说得是“我来自亚洲”,也许芮记英语不到家,来自说成了代表?咱正面理解,人家本意不是三个代表那种代表。。。
          • 芮记者的代表是属于On behave of Asia,这种On behave of形式的代表,事先是要经过被代表者同意,才可以这样说的。。。
            • 说着说着,以大师开始代表芮记。人家说的分明是represent,楞给你代表成on behave of
              • 他的本质是在on behave of xxxx,不是represent xxxx ,我没有看这个新闻,如果他当时用的是represent这个词,他是误用了,窃以为。。。
                • 无所谓的事,争个啥?人家08动不动就代表全人类也没见有人有意见,大概大伙都习惯了,忽然冒出个敢代表亚洲的老中,哇,天塌下来了,脸都给他丢光啦, LOL。。
            • 看一下现场对话记录,芮记说的不是 On behave blah,他原话 “But I think I get to represent the entire Asia. ”,联系上下文,“由于没有韩国记者问问题,那么“让我来代表全亚洲。。。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛THE PRESIDENT:
              I feel obliged to take maybe one question from the Korean press -- since you guys have been such excellent hosts. Anybody? This gentleman right here -- he’s got his hand up. He’s the only one who took me up on it. Go ahead. And I'll probably need a translation, though, if you're asking the question in Korean. In fact, I definitely will need a translation. (Laughter.)

              RUI: Unfortunately, I hate to disappoint you, President Obama, I'm actually Chinese. (Laughter.)

              THE PRESIDENT: Well, it’s wonderful to see you.

              Q But I think I get to represent the entire Asia.

              THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely.

              Q We're one family here in this part of the world.

              THE PRESIDENT: Well, your English is better than my Mandarin also. (Laughter.) But -- now, in fairness, though, I did say that I was going to let the Korean press ask a question. So I think that you held up your hand anyway.

              Q How about will my Korean friends allow me to ask a question on your behalf? Yes or no?

              THE PRESIDENT: Well, it depends on whether there’s a Korean reporter who would rather have the question. No, no takers?

              Q (Inaudible.)

              THE PRESIDENT: This is getting more complicated than I expected. (Laughter.)

              Q Take quick, one question from an Asian, President Obama.

              THE PRESIDENT: Well, the -- as I said, I was going to -- go ahead and ask your question, but I want to make sure that the Korean press gets a question as well.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 把这话这么当真?人就不是为了抢个提问的机会吗,谁把这当真谁才是脑子有毛病,芮记不错,不too Asian,有股子美国人aggressive的劲头。
              • 唯其深入狼穴,才识得些些狼习。那几年的耶鲁,小伙子没有白念。
    • thats a good one. we should use this more to show its ironic
      • 马上又是节日,菜主席给老师送多少礼?年复一年这个问题总是一遍又一遍,那些读过天地君亲师古书的中国同胞,哪里会知道,洋人送给老师的礼物,只有给家里狗狗的一个零头?
        • 菜主席那里Asian是香饽饽,那嘎达Too Redneck。。。
    • That's a good one! You can also say "Too Aboriginal (in prison)" because "Although aboriginal persons make up 3.6% of Canada's population, they account for more than 20% of Canada's prison population."