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i forgot who. here is the script :

Do you still think you can be promoted?

In Chinese, there is a saying

With a new king come new followers

So, I guess we will have to start
all over again

What happened to you?

If I told you...

...that the evidence couldn't stand

would you like to start over?

I'm sorry. I broke the law

What do you think of the police force's
morale after ?

Chinese people are sentimental

I hope the law will continue to back me up

But, I strongly believe in myself, sir!

I'm grateful to all of you

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 还是National Post有水平, 句句击中"Too Asian?"的要害.
    • 很给力呀,直接call Maclean的文章是"a disgracefully xenophobic article"。 Xenophobia is an irrational, deep-rooted fear of or antipathy towards foreigners。
    • hehe。那些白垃圾在comments里暴跳如雷。
      • 今天我们孩子的平等受教育权, 明天将会是我们在加拿大的平等公民权。
    • This is indeed a well written rebuttal. And it also proves that not all whites are discriminating Asians. I'm kind of surprised that it came from National Post 'cause like Maclean's it's a right wing media.
    • 惭愧啊,英文不行啊,看看穆斯林朋友的反击,尤其读一读留言板,就知道触了谁的神经了。多谢推荐。
    • 周末的《环球邮报》也有一篇很深刻的文章,从另一个角度(政党执政理念)分析了这个Too Asian事件,我就不转了,因为尽管深刻,但有些我不喜欢的东西。。。
    • Thanks for referring this article. I am glad to see another side of media.
    • Jews as a group, Lowell believed, didn’t assimilate easily into the Anglo-Saxon majority, they tended to cluster together, they’re too pushy and ambitious, they didn’t participate in sports and other extracurricular activities,
      • 哈, 那时候就有这话啊, 看来咱还是不太了解这历史, 看人家, 一抓就抓到要害, 这不跟现在那个TOO ASIAN文章说亚洲人一模一样么.
        • 不过, 现在确实JEW掌握了美国的经济命脉
          • 真心地希望“too Asia”的预测者又言中了。
            • 时间长短的问题, 世界最终就是黑黄两色-----实际上最终将是土黄色, 肥沃的土地那个色, 回归自然.-白色, 只是欧洲大陆最早的一种底色, 涂个多少年以后, 就没了
        • 是啊,所以关键时候还是要专业人士/机构出面,向他们发出俺们的心声
    • 佩服这文章的作者.右翼也有明白人
      • 这话说的,明白人本来大部分都在右翼。个人须努力向上和求人不如求己,本来就是右翼最重要的信仰基础。
        • 一直以为自己生下来就受党洗脑,一定是左派的。才明白原来我完全是右派。难怪一见共党味十足的东东就冒火。难怪这坛里反共的黑白分明更象共党,右派反倒温和得象挺共了。
      • d
    • 这才是真的斗争。可惜不出自我华人集体。愤怒是我们的强项,说理是我们的弱项。这个不改,华人不易光大。
      • 我怎么觉得菠氏英文是你的强项呢?
        • 菠氏英文 too asian, mainstream 不认得
      • "可惜"? 我觉得这是好事,第三者的声音更有公信力。
    • 这篇文章其实也回应了Rolia 上一些"Too Canadian", "Too Democratic"人士, 谢谢转载
      • LOL,那帮家伙现在都哑巴啦,大概也击中他们的要害,半天了连个泡都没冒一个,大概对这篇选择性失明了,呵呵。
        • 整天叫嚣说所以本地人主流都歧视他的好像也不吭声了,心想半路怎么杀出个程咬金?
          • 两个极端都不吭声了,好事!这下大家可以集中对付Macleans. 支持CCNC!
    • 呵,“ a disgracefully xenophobic article ”,比我认为的要严重得多
    • 一个非亚裔都能看出 Maclean's 文章-Too Asian 的险恶用心,Rolia上这么多中国人居然说自己没被歧视,这英文都怎么学的...........
      • 等人家赤裸裸地说GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY 时,他们才能听出来。等到这句话肆意泛滥时,就晚啦
        • 估计他们的孩子也上不了名校,父母的IQ积累的不够,父母的EQ可以和阿Q有一拼。
    • 这个不错。华人的反击文章,很多都只会谩骂,不会说理。英语不行啊
      • 这和中学语文中议论文写作的教育的误区有关。
      • 不光是英语不行,根本在思维。<无间道>里说,华人是很sentimental 的民族(如果我记的对),确实。
        • 刘德华还是梁朝伟说的?他们还会英文,太厉害了!
          • i forgot who. here is the script :
            Do you still think you can be promoted?

            In Chinese, there is a saying

            With a new king come new followers

            So, I guess we will have to start
            all over again

            What happened to you?

            If I told you...

            ...that the evidence couldn't stand

            would you like to start over?

            I'm sorry. I broke the law

            What do you think of the police force's
            morale after ?

            Chinese people are sentimental

            I hope the law will continue to back me up

            But, I strongly believe in myself, sir!

            I'm grateful to all of you
    • 确实给力
    • 当时看到网上有些人的叫好贴,觉得真是不可思议:看问题至少看大方面,却在小的地方找大方向:有没有逻辑?!
    • Good article! especially this one come from a conservative/rifht wing newspaper, Shame on Toronto Star!