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关于"John Oakley", 有一个小插曲。

A few years ago, I was driving, and listening to his show. He was discussing issures with a panel of guests.

He mentioned:" You know, in china, if you want to get married, you have to go to the officals of your workplace, and get permission."

One of his female guest responded: "China is a sovereign country, but I am sorry, this is just wrong"."

At this point, I called in, told the operator: " I grew up in China and being part of many weddings, none of them is like what you just said. and I also never heard of things like that. Before you make a statement like this on a public radio, check your sources. "

granted, my english wasn't very good back then, and i was pretty angry, he he.

|I continued to listen to the show, I heard John Oakley said:"We are just using this as an example", some lame excuse like that.....
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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 我发现了一个学英语的诀窍。唉,以前也听说过,没实行,后悔。现在觉醒,信心百倍。。。。
    我喜欢 Radio Am 640 的 "John Oakley show", 网站上有audio clips。一天只听一两段,反来复去听。
    • you have to repeat yourself to learn the expression or the volcaburary
      • 这个好帖要顶啊,不顶不行啊。其实道理真的很简单,也不用长篇大段讲得很复杂。两个字,"反复"。一天只听一两段都嫌多,一周甚至俩周只听一俩段,反过来复过去的听,耳朵听出茧子,听腻了,直到成为下意识的东西了,直到大脑不加思考脱口而出了。。。
        • 就是这么回事儿。。。
    • 班主加精啊。。。。。。
      he he
      • 主动出来索精。。。。
        • he he,这么多年英语学习, 请过家教,听过Jerry 的公开课,谈过当地男友。。。终于找到窍门了!!!能不激动吗? he he.....
          • 呱~~~呱~~~谈过当地男友
          • 这个方法也听别人说过,就是没实践,找什么材料实践一下呢?哪位推荐推荐,看来确实是个好方法。
          • Which country is next ?
          • 请问,能否看到此人说话的英文原文?我想看到原文,再反复听他们的说话,这样效果可能更好。谢谢回复!
            • you can google "Jerry Dai".....
    • 呱~~~呱~~~加精!
      • 肯定有帮助, he he
        • May I have the link?
          • here you go.....
            • thanks very much, this is type of thing I've been looking for, very helpful.....
    • 加精了? 好滴,我再提供一个link, 是CFRB 1010 一个talkshow 的 clips, 非常好。。。。
      • 这个link进不去呀。谢谢分享。
        • This one is better, you're welcome......
      • It is very good .Thank you very much!
        • 材料并不那么重要。反复去练才是王道。
          • exactly,
            "反复" is the keyword.....
      • 加精了?要感谢我啊。
        • 当然。 加精滴感觉挺好滴, he he。。
    • John Oakley is Chinese hater
    • 好耶。有想法,有恒心,这就是成功的一半。。。您下一步是不是要谈"说"了?呵呵。
      • 这个方法既适用于"听", 更适用于"说"。大家集思广议, 哈, he he
    • 谢谢!口语一直是我心头的一个结呢。
      • 用"反复"这个方法,你以后就再不"纠结"啦。。。。。
        • 已经看到曙光了:)
          • happy for you !!!
    • 说的好, 自己练, 才能提高. 以前对学英语毫无兴趣, 觉得应付工作学习就行了, 反正在华人圈生活. 最近对英语有兴趣了, 也听说了几个网站, 你推荐的这个, 真好!
      • 对你有帮助,开心。。。。
    • 谢谢推荐!非常好的方法。可是有个问题,哪里能找到原文呢?如果个别单词怎么都听不懂怎么办?
      • 至少有一半的这类“生词”,可以用google找到
        比如上次老板说我什么“布龙尼”,我根据发音,用google试了Blowny,blony,bloney,然后Google就说:Showing results for baloney. 于是我知道老板在骂我胡说八道,于是这个词就记住了。
        • Great! 看来就是要做个有心人哪。
          • 多谢夸奖。没有办法。对我们这些人来说,学习英语就是一个lifetime commitment
      • 用美国之音,那里都配有一字不差的原文。WWW.VOANEWS.COM
        • 能否给我一个有原文和听的链接?谢谢回复!
          • 太多了呀。
          • 在标题中找那种带有喇叭标记和电视标记的,有的文章没有音频和视频。如果想听慢的,点击SPECIAL ENGLISH
            • 你真是好人,太感谢你了!
    • 是啊 如果有show的script边听边参考就好多了。就像看电视,下面有subtitle,学习的效果就很好。个人体会,个人法宝。
      • 我有一个录音笔($70多, "the source" 买的), 把一个clip 从 网上录下来, 你就走路,开车,买菜,刷牙,洗碗,做饭,he he,带着耳机反复听。。。
        • stupid
          • Stupid is as stupid does.
          • get a life!
            • LOL, sounds like you have one, sucker
              • at least I know to appreciate, not to be bitter....
                • so you think you were better than me? Are you kidding me
                  • suppose your english is better, but i don't see you making an effort to help us, who speak poor english, :(
                  • correction, so you think you "are" better than me,
                    ha ha
                    • You are really overreacting, poor little thing
                      • do not worry, "stupid', "sucker", old man...
                        • Haha, Did you name your ID "Little Shit Found", to be totally honest with you, I am a little worried now.
                          • That's too much. Do you eat with that mouth?
                            • 林子大了,他有点可怜。。。
                              • Thank you
                                for entertaining me. haha
                            • I did not. Did you?
                              • ha ha,
                                what the hell?
              • cannot get a girlfriend is not the fault of the world, just a thought.....
                • You must be out of your mind
      • That's right. Sometimes even after listening 10 times, I still can't understand.
      • 我一直推荐看带字幕的电影。找个喜欢的电影,生活片最好。一些老电影DVD很便宜,图书馆借也可以。看个人喜好,可以一部片子反复看,也可以看不同的。很多时候听不懂不完全是词的问题,而是不熟悉表达方式。看多了,熟悉了,就不知不觉提高了。
    • 听不懂词的还是听不懂啊!我常听CBC Radio 99.1频道。
      • 我也常听。cbc.ca/thecurrent 也有 clips 可以听。
        • I like CBC "As it happens", there are clips on their website too...
          • bullshit
          • 你的这个帖子就像以前有个家伙,突然说,我英语突破了,我听懂radio了,我看懂TV了!我还是建议你到youtube上看看别人怎么用英语debate的!
            • 可能是我没交代。"听懂radio,看懂TV" 对我早不是个问题啦。 我就是想"说"得好,没有最好,只有更好。
              我现在突然发现这个"诀窍", 是我最近又有进一步提高的动力, 所以。。。



              btw, John Oakley is the best radio host ever... he he. All his clips on his site were debates between two guests, forget about "you ube"...
              • I use to listen John Oakley show every day, he is nothing but a scumbag redneck of full of shit. I am really superised that he has fans in Chinese community. Either you are stupid ,native or both.
              • 如果你的目的是想“说”得更好,那么你可能没有充分利用你的录音笔
                • 用了,几年前就开始录自己和别人的对话。。。
    • 关于"John Oakley", 有一个小插曲。
      A few years ago, I was driving, and listening to his show. He was discussing issures with a panel of guests.

      He mentioned:" You know, in china, if you want to get married, you have to go to the officals of your workplace, and get permission."

      One of his female guest responded: "China is a sovereign country, but I am sorry, this is just wrong"."

      At this point, I called in, told the operator: " I grew up in China and being part of many weddings, none of them is like what you just said. and I also never heard of things like that. Before you make a statement like this on a public radio, check your sources. "

      granted, my english wasn't very good back then, and i was pretty angry, he he.

      |I continued to listen to the show, I heard John Oakley said:"We are just using this as an example", some lame excuse like that.....
      • 噢,你也参加节目了,听从你的建议我特意留意了那个家伙的发音,还真是加拿大redneck英语,不能学,要学就学标准的,能应付工作就行了。
        • John Oakly is not from "Alberta", he doesn't have a "redneck" accent. Granted, his political view is tilted a bit to the right, he is the No 1 talk show host in canada, with all the others not even on the same level.
          • Hehe, I just suggest to learn neutral english, not canadian english ,not america, not british english, not australian english, John Oakley he is too canadian, we can't speak same fast as him.
            • 思路不清。。。。
      • 你共享的学习方法还是不错的。但是John说中国人结婚要permission并不是胡说八道。也就是近几年政策可能有所变化。至少5年前,结婚必须单位领导(农村是村委会)开介绍信才行,否则就领不到结婚证;没有结婚证就是非法同居。
        • cannot agree more
          Cannot remember when this changed but in China in early 90's (and before that), when one wants to get married, he/she needs the permission statement from his/her employer or where his / her HuKou hosting "office".
        • 我结婚的时候是2000年,那时候,生孩子还要到居委会申请指标,否则医院不接受,这是在上海
    • mark
    • 用了这个方法的同学们,最近有什么感触没?
      • 学好英文真难啊!
        • 你用这个"反复"的方法了吗?用起来,应该有滋有味的,我就觉得天天进步是最有意思的事了。。
    • 同学们,我不推荐John Oakley 的 clips 了, 因为内容有点火爆,不利身心平和。 我推荐 CBC 的 "The Current"。。
      • 妈呀,以前上班路上天天听,嗓音很美,以为是个大美女。今天才看到。。。
    • 有个问题,这个录音有文字么
    • npr.org 很好,如果你喜欢美国英语的话。