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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


In face of evil, we need to give more condemnation, rather than understanding. Even, Ommission is a sin.

See what bible readers say.

We have responsibility for the sins of others when we cooperate in them, when we are accessory to these sins, and this is possible in nine ways: command, counsel, consent, praise, provocation, silence, assistance, defending the evil done, and not punishing the evil done. In other words, if someone is aware of an evil committed, there are nine ways that we can end up being guilty by our participation, or omission, regarding another’s sin. “Silence” in face of evil is common, when we choose “not to rock the boat” or “not get involved.”

"The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell. Among them there will also be mitres." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / Maclean’s feedback on "Too Asian" issue, sounds reasonable, thoughtful and positive。。。
    • Excuses, still excuses. They should assume their responsibility, and apologize to all Canadians!!!
      • This is free speech country. Reports have right to speak out its thought, as long as it's non racialism related. I don't see any racialism involved at beginning, prejudice? maybe. At least Maclean learnt lessons from the incident, that's enough。。。
        • Maclean’s response (more like correction) is more valuable than a simple apology, sometimes a simple apology means nothing, I am positive for Maclean’s acknowledgement。。。
          • I can't DIS-agree more. What Maclean's is saying in this feedback are really common sense and common belief, does it reverse the damage that was caused? Without an apology, there's no sincerity in it. It really tells nothing.
            This Maclean's feedback is really something contradicting its own words in the original article, 'Too Asian?'. The only explanation I can think of is that the whole Macleans is suffering from bi-polar disorder, or schizophrenia.
        • Free-speech is OK. However the reporters and media has social responsibilities in what they are trying to convey. Saying something in private is one thing, publishing it on newspapers and magazines is totally different thing. And in my opinion,
          it IS racism. Read it again, you'll see that the authors were playing word games and mixing and matching tricks, contradictory all over. And it selectively picked the biased comments from anonymous individuals who are just immature and lack of intelligent thinking. Where are the so-called 'Asian students'? What did they say about this 'issue'? Can you find any in the article? The whole article's idea is just to mislead, to twist.

          I feel sorry you missed the point, I feel sorry for Macleans too as they've tried so hard but failed to deliver to some of the readers.
    • Maclean不错,希望以后能看到更多其他族裔对亚裔的看法,从学术的角度看,大家生活在同一国家,避免理念近亲繁殖的最好方法就是勇敢地提出看法,尺度大一点很多中国人都可以理解。希望族裔之间和平相处。
      • OK, so let's all say, the Canadian universities are 'too Asian', deal? We are talking about RACISM, not cultural difference. Who said that we don't want to live in harmony? It's the racists hate the 'Asians', not the other way.
      • In face of evil, we need to give more condemnation, rather than understanding. Even, Ommission is a sin.
        See what bible readers say.

        We have responsibility for the sins of others when we cooperate in them, when we are accessory to these sins, and this is possible in nine ways: command, counsel, consent, praise, provocation, silence, assistance, defending the evil done, and not punishing the evil done. In other words, if someone is aware of an evil committed, there are nine ways that we can end up being guilty by our participation, or omission, regarding another’s sin. “Silence” in face of evil is common, when we choose “not to rock the boat” or “not get involved.”

        "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell. Among them there will also be mitres." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
    • this is fair.... The orignal article was provocative, the intention was probably to attract eye balls for their bottom line - $$$.
    • 这真是一个好现象,越解释越心虚,看吧,早晚要道歉的,不过到时候的用词嘛还是会比较狡猾地
    • Through hard work, talent and ambition, Asian students have been highly successful in earning places in Canada’s institutions of higher learning.
      • They, like all of our high achievers, deserve respect and admiration. Every one of them is a source of pride to their fellow Canadians.
        • 这一段话, 你们看着舒服么?
          • 大家都是加拿大人, 尤其是下一代人, 都把自己当加拿大人, 谁知人家说来说去, 说软说硬, 还是称 ASIAN STUDENT 为” THEY”. 真是讽刺.
            • 看来MCLEAN杂志社是一个亚裔也没有.
              • 有又如何, 这些亚裔都认为自己是Canadian, 他们的看法应该和西人一致的
            • 你这就是捕风捉影了。
              • 这不是捕风捉影,这叫鸡啄米,以前国内邻居一家,女人最喜欢把老公讲过的话不厌其烦地拆解出来,认为不对的某个词汇喋喋不休地天天讲,现在不知道离婚没有。
                • MCLEAN可能是你老公, 可不是我老公, 我只有闲着没事才来叨他两句---其实它写了啥, 都不会影响我对它的看法, 就象它根本上也改不了TOO ASIAN的看法一样, 难道你以为这仅仅是个TYPO, 笔误不成
              • 反正俺觉得, 有些事, 不要一二三四五都摆够了, 然后再来解释, 越解释越糟糕. 不过, 反正本质上就是那么糟糕, 所以亚洲人只能争社会影响, 自己应该明白别人心里如何糟糕, 所以这种说法也OK了
          • 有句俗话:Sh*t in the heart, so sh*t everywhere。如果你以偏执的眼光去看问题,越看越是sh*t everywhere。。。
    • You know what ? I really don't see Maclean's sincerity by showing any remorse. It's just trying to say that its 'NO-APOLOGY' attitude is justifiable. Just don't buy it. Racism is racism! Easily forgiven, easily forgotten. Take that.
    • 看了原文,我实在无法认同这篇辩解.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"We find the trend toward race-based admission policies in some American schools deplorable, as do many of our readers. Our article notes that Canadian universities select students regardless of race or creed. That, in our view, is the best and only acceptable approach: merit should be the sole criteria for entrance to higher education in Canada, and universities should always give preference to our best and brightest regardless of cultural background. This position was stated clearly in the article: “Canadian institutions operate as pure meritocracies when it comes to admissions, and admirably so,” reporters Findlay and Köhler wrote."


      "The dilemma is this: Canadian institutions operate as pure meritocracies when it comes to admissions, and admirably so. Privately, however, many in the education community worry that universities risk becoming too skewed one way, changing campus life—a debate that’s been more or less out in the open in the U.S. for years but remains muted here. And that puts Canadian universities in a quandary. If they openly address the issue of race they expose themselves to criticisms that they are profiling and committing an injustice. If they don’t, Canada’s universities, far from the cultural mosaics they’re supposed to be—oases of dialogue, mutual understanding and diversity—risk becoming places of many solitudes, deserts of non-communication. It’s a tough question to have to think about."

      原文整篇的基调就是好大学里亚洲学生太多,排挤了其他族裔的学生.尽管作者列举了很多自以为是的理由,并且从学校官方得到回应是FALSE SETEOTYPE.但作者仍然不罢休.

      QUOTE:'These positions arguably represent a missed opportunity. Universities have the potential of establishing real cultural change. It makes sense that the head of the Canadian university with perhaps the highest number of Asian students is the most candid and the most concerned. Indeed, Stephen Toope has, since his arrival in 2006 as UBC president, made the issue central to his agenda—including outreach and newspaper op-ed pieces touting the importance of making the university campus a meeting place not only of diversity but also of dialogue."

      说实在的,整篇文章让我感觉到的就是一个白人种族主义者对亚洲人的优秀表现出绝望和酸溜溜的复杂心情.我不需要Maclean的道歉.对这些无脑儿我愿意表现出我的怜悯.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 希望 有那么一天,加拿大不仅仅只是大学里才Too Asian,未来的地球都Too Asian。
        • Well, today it's the universities that are 'too Asian', tomorrow it'd would be the country of Canada is 'too Asian' ... just hang on, folks, we are almost there!
          • "Dirty people can not see dirt around him." Is this proper english slang?
            • I'd say a blind man can not see darkness.
              • Haha. Thank you. I asked a white guy , he told me to say like this : sh*tty people can not see sh*t around him. Cool. Making me laugh.
        • I do not mind.
        • 这是你的希望.我本人是希望大家能客观地看待不同种族的优缺点.以平和,平等,和谐共存的态度来面对我们这个多民族的社会.
          • Can't you see oldyou is being sarcastic? hehe, of course what you've said is right, unfortunately, those racists at Macleans and alike don't see it this way, and that's where all these troubles started.
    • 属于面子下不来, 不认错的认错